HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-18-2020 Special Town Board Meeting Town of Enfield Special Town Board Meeting Wednesday Nov 18, 2020, 6:30 p.m. Virtual Meeting via Zoom Meeting Portal For instructions for this meeting visit: Meeting Link: ​https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8723790506​ (For computer or smartphone)​ Meeting ID: ​872 3790 5056​ Call in Number: (646) 876- 9923 (landline or cell) Present: ​Acting Town Supervisor Stephanie Redmond, Councilperson Virginia Bryant, Councilperson Robert Lynch, Councilperson Michael Miles, Town Clerk Ellen Woods Call to Order​: 6:30 PM Privilege of the Floor​:​ Limited to 3 minutes per speaker- including Pledge of Allegiance if you so choose Ed Hetherington Consent Agenda: ​ Acting Town Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​moved to resolution the Consent Agenda. 2nd​ Councilperson Robert Lynch Audit Claims:​ The Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to pay General Fund Voucher 263 to 263 dated 11-18-2020 in the amount of $132.97, Highway Fund Voucher 177 to 177 dated 11-18-2020 in the amount of $39.60, and Fire Department Voucher 264 to 264 date 11-18-2020 in the amount of $931.00. Vote: ​Councilperson Virginia Bryant, Aye Councilperson Robert Lynch, Aye Councilperson Michael Miles, Aye ​Acting Town Supervisor Stephanie Redmond, Aye All Aye resolution ​#2020-79​ carried New Business​ ●Fire Contract: ​ Discussion:​ Interim Councilperson Michael Miles, Councilperson Robert Lynch, Councilperson Virginia Bryant, Acting Town Supervisor Stephanie Redmond, Town Clerk Ellen Woods, Councilperson Robert Lynch ​moved to schedule Public Hearing​ prior to next Regular Town Board Meeting December 9, 2020 at 6:30 PM. 2nd ​Acting town Supervisor Stephanie Redmond Vote: ​Councilperson Virginia Bryant, Aye Councilperson Robert Lynch, Aye Councilperson Michael Miles, Aye ​Acting Town Supervisor Stephanie Redmond, Aye All Aye Resolution ​#2020-80​ carried ●IT Transition Acting Town Supervisor Stephanie Redmond ​moved to resolution the formation of an IT Advisory Committee 2nd​ Councilperson Virginia Bryant Discussion:​ Interim Councilperson Michael Miles, Councilperson Virginia Bryant, Acting Town Supervisor Stephanie Redmond, Councilperson Robert Lynch Vote: ​ Councilperson Virginia Bryant, Aye Councilperson Robert Lynch, Aye Councilperson Michael Miles, Aye ​Acting Town Supervisor Stephanie Redmond, Aye All Aye resolution ​#2020-81​ carried ●Highway Budget Modification Movement of funds within the highway department per recommendation of Highway Superintendent in referenced email. The purpose being to retain 5th full time employee for the year 2021. Discussion:​ Councilperson Robert Lynch, Acting Town Supervisor Stephanie Redmond, Councilperson Virginia Bryant Resolution of Intent:​ (Councilperson Robert Lynch) January 2021 $61,500.00 be moved from D.A.5110.4 General Repairs, Road Maintenance Budget to other funding lines in Highway Funds, General Repairs, Road Maintenance Budget so as to retain a 5th full time employee subordinate to Highway Superintendent within the Enfield Highway Department… 2nd ​Acting Town Supervisor Stephanie Redmond Further intent​ is the reduction in general Repairs, Road Maintenance Account reflected in a reduction of Contractual Materials purchases in the year 2021 submitted by Highway Superintendent authorized by the Town Board for calendar year 2021. I so move.. 2nd​ Councilperson Virginia Bryant Vote: ​Councilperson Virginia Bryant, Aye Councilperson Robert Lynch, Aye Councilperson Michael Miles, Aye ​Acting Town Supervisor Stephanie Redmond, Aye All Aye resolution ​#2020-82​ carried • ​Councilperson/Supervisor​ Discussion:​ Interim Councilperson Michael Miles, Councilperson Virginia Bryant, Acting Town Supervisor Stephanie Redmond, Councilperson Robert Lynch, Town Clerk Ellen Woods ●A full complement on Town Board is imperative, legal implications and options, appointment of supervisor before 2021, Deputy Town Supervisor/Supervisor relationship (employee/employer relationship) can be problematic and inappropriate, ethical influence, job definition, wages, disparity, budget issues, vacancy for councilperson, qualifications vs. dynamics, Guy Krogh’s communication from October 5, 2020, ●Schedule discussion and potential action item for December 9 Regular Town Board Meeting​ Additions and Changes to Agenda: ●Renevous Solar $10,000.00 over projected costs. Consider option #2. Discuss with Highway Superintendent Rollins at December 9 Regular Town Board Meeting. ●Plan for Operations in the Event of a Declared Public Health Emergency Involving a Communicable Disease Discussion​:​ ​ Acting Town Supervisor Stephanie Redmond, Councilperson Robert Lynch, Councilperson Michael Miles, Councilperson Virginia Bryant New Plan in progress, in-home housing, application of appropriate ROOP procedures to format, collaborate to polish prior to resolution at December 9 Regular Town Board Meeting, deadline April 2021. Announcements​: ● Intersection at Halseyville and Iradell Road closed November 23rd and 24th for repair by County Highway Department, Swift 911 implementation ●The Town Hall alarm System is activated as of 11-18-2020. Issued codes are required to disarm the alarm. Adjournment: 7:21 PM Councilperson Robert Lynch ​moved to adjourn 2nd​ Councilperson Michael Miles