HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-8-2020 Regualr Town Board MeetingDRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting Wednesday July 8, 2020, 6:30 p.m. Virtual Meeting via Zoom Meeting Portal Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81491345521 Present​: Supervisor Beth McGee, Councilperson Virginia Bryant, Councilperson Robert Lynch, Councilperson Mimi Mehaffey, Councilperson Stephanie Redmond, Town Clerk Ellen Woods, Deputy Town Clerk Patricia Speno, Code Enforcement Officer/EVFCR Alan Teeter, Planning Board Chair Dan Walker, ECC Chairperson Courtney Bailey, County Legislator Dave McKenna & County Legislator Anne Koreman Call to Order​ 6:41 pm Additions and Changes to the agenda Addition to new business paving for the food pantry and community building Privilege of the Floor Ellen Woods, Courtney Bailey Ed Hetherington Discussion Town Clerk Ellen Woods shared the Declaration of Independence, Courtney Bailey expressed concern regarding the disposition of appointed office and residency concerns, Ed Hetherington shared the Pledge of Allegiance and concerns regarding the disposition of appointed office. Monthly Reports County Legislators Legislator Dave McKenna​: Cares Act TCAT & Gadabout. Ludlowville Road bridge project, TC airport report Legislator Anne Koreman​: Cares Act TCAT, $600 UI benefit expires July 26, deficit, reductions in spending, federal funding, reaching out to federal representatives. Supervisor Beth McGee​: Researching technical assist for ROOP addressed as accessibility issues, bookkeeper update, facilitating retiree insurance with local/regional/federal representation, overseeing cemetery maintenance, updated website policy, Deputy Supervisor orientation, attended Tompkins County Supervisors meetings Town Clerk Report - Town Clerk Ellen Woods​ - Presented by Deputy Town Clerk Speno - updated Williamson Law software update, upgraded website, Laserfiche, installed new DECALS DRAFT MINUTES printer, BLM signage, communicated with SYEP, DOH, SPCA, DEC for ongoing services, Deputy Town Clerk orientation, secured copier repair and service, attended Consortium in absence of a representative Highway Superintendent Buddy Rollins​: Ditching, patching, summer work. Discussion with Town Board: Student Youth Employment Program hire versus new hire through county HR relative to hiring freeze. Discussion of expense of Aiken Road, 284’s, Discussion of lunch breaks and liability. Quarterly Reports Code Enforcement Officer Alan Teeter​:​ Building permits, Solar permit, Training, Co. Hazard Mitigation, ROOP for office and Court Room. Enfield Volunteer Fire Company​ - ​EVFC Alan Teeter​: new equipment, dates, quarterly meetings Planning Board Chair Dan Walker​: subdivision review, 20 megawatt solar project (Applegate Corners), online training for Planning Board, NYStretch Code. Tompkins County Council of Govts (TCCOG) - Robert Lynch​:​ Attended meetings June 25th and 16th, reported to Town Board members, legislative terms discussed Enfield Community Council Chair Cortney Bailey​: April - June quarter. Summer camp canceled due to CoVid restrictions, spending $3900 for 6 to 8 weeks of programs to replace the summer camp program. Major exploration, Phenomenal photographers, Cardboard Boat Challenge.. and 3 others. Online discussions on Mondays 3pm to 4pm through the county. Possibly a canoe trip and a drive-in movie. 12% reduction from the county. RecPartnership refund. Pitch-in program for Enfield Generations Ongoing 200th Birthday Celebration Planning & Preparation Consent Agenda: ●Audit Claims General Fund Vouchers ​- ​Highway Fund Vouchers Supervisor McGee requests Deputy Town Clerk Speno read audit claims: The Town board authorizes the supervisor to pay General Fund vouchers #151 to #171, dated 07/08 2020 in the amount of ​$13,100.98.​ Town board authorizes the supervisor to pay Highway Fund vouchers #98 to #110, dated 07/08/2020 in the amount of ​$98,398.16. Motion to discuss consent agenda 2nd​ Councilperson Bryant DRAFT MINUTES VOTE: Councilperson Bryant: Aye, Councilperson Lynch: Aye, Councilperson Mehaffey: Aye, Councilperson Redmond: Aye, Supervisor McGee: Aye All Aye, Motion passes ​discussion​ approved Councilpersons Lynch, Redmond, Bryant and Mehaffey and Supervisor McGee discuss a highway voucher for equipment rental and materials previously considered funds for repairs amounting $40,402.77​. Superintendent Rollins is not present for the discussion. Supervisor McGee proposes Budget Amendment #2020-14 to move funds from General Repairs-Contractual DA5110.4 to 5130.4 Machinery-Contractual. Supervisor McGee proposes Consent Agenda: ●Budget Amendment # 2020-11 Move Funds for Paychex Payroll ●Budget Amendment # 2020-12 Move Funds for Cemetery Mowing ●Budget Amendment # 2020-13 Move Funds for State Retirement ●Budget Amendment # 2020-14 Move Funds from General Repairs to Machinery 2nd Councilperson Bryant Motion to adopt July 8, 2020 Consent Agenda 2nd Councilperson Lynch VOTE​:​ Councilperson Bryant: Aye, Councilperson Lynch: Aye, Councilperson Mehaffey: Aye, Councilperson Redmond: Aye, Supervisor McGee: Aye All Aye Motion passes, Consent Agenda adopted Budget Amendment #2020-14 stated “Whereas large repairs have exceed the amount budgeted, therefore be it resolved, the Enfield Town Board authorizes Supervisor Beth McGee to reduce line DA5110.4 General Repairs - Contractual by $40,000.00 and increase line 5130.4 Machinery - Contractual $40,000.00” Old Business: ●Solar Project Bid​ - Bids from Renovus and Finger Lakes Reusable Solar discussed. Both bids had incomplete RFP compliance lacking site visit or review. ●Re-opening Plan​ - Technical accessibility facilitation with Rene Carver for in-house attendance via stream and zoom attendance, CoVid screening at meetings will include q/a @ door by qualified personnel, possibly temperature check at the door, signage will be researched by Deputy Town Clerk Patricia Speno. ●Budget​ - looking at potential % decrease in funding and spending, public hearing for tax cap to be proposed in August Regular Town Board Meeting DRAFT MINUTES ●Clean Up Days​ - Reschedule - (Tabled) New Business ●Update of Town of Enfield Policy and Employee Manual​ - Per Paychex Manual Builder free of charge through August 2020. ●Website Policy​ - Updated and is recently published to be reviewed and to be proposed in August 2020. Supervisor consulting on this policy with Confidential Secretary. ●Electronic Payments Policy​ - Currently accepting checks and cash with online capacity through Williamson Law program. Will be purchasing a swiper for Credit Card applications. ●Policy Regarding Attorney Contact​ - AOT recommends a policy including appointment of a “Gatekeeper” to reserve use of Town Attorney. ●Proposed Prepaying Principal Due On Bonds​ - Savings from $649 to $737 and up to $900 + annually over time. There was some concern regarding the Salt Barn investment, discussion ensued, clarification of Salt Barn grant requirements, construction, and implementation as a priority. ●Pavement​ - in front of Food Pantry and around Community Building (oversight) Privilege of the Floor​:​ Deputy Town Clerk Patricia Speno, Judge Betty Poole, Townsperson Joanne Huddle Discussed:​ CoVid screening signage and procedures at in- person meetings & ROOP, position of Highway Superintendent and it’s current and future disposition, proposed bond payment concurrence Adjournment: 9:38 pm Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting, Wednesday July 8, 2020 6:41 p.m. - 9:38 p.m.