HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-13-2020 Regular Town Board MeetingDRAFT MINUTES - 05/13/2020 Town of Enfield Regular Board Meeting Wednesday May 13, 2020, 6:30 pm Virtual Meeting via Zoom Meeting Portal Regular Meeting Call to order: ​6:33 pm Privilege of the Floor: ​Townspersons Ed Heatherington, Becky Sims, Aaron Abb, Betty Poole. Presentation​: ​USGS Aquifer Study​; Gary Wall, Paul Heisig and Benjamin Fisher County Legislator Dave McKenna: ​Hello everyone. The legislature passed several resolutions around the airport reconstruction project and the fuel farm. Basically, we pass the Seeker. We passed the resolution changing the ban bond anticipation notes to three million dollars. We passed another resolution amending bond resolution for the County. So basically for the same purpose and then an award, a bid for fuel, for relocation, Enfield. And an update from Jason... CoVid. So and so forth, all pretty much through the extent of the meeting.. So that's my report. County Legislator Anne Koreman:​ Just a couple quick things. I'm just being emailed now that Tom DiNapoli from the governor's office leased eight rolls. Tax sales revenue, which is actually March. So it's April's report. But it's for the March sales tax. So as a county, but as a whole, we were down twenty four point seven percent, which we don't have that flushed out yet for the municipalities. And really, the only two other quick things that LGBTQ plus Pride Month. And if folks are OK, I'll just drop off the pride flag. I'll figure out how to drop that off to the Clerk again. OK. And then the last thing is, I know there'll be the municipal court tomorrow that you guys will be on. And we're trying to get more information day by day about the partial reopening that starts on Friday. And a lot of people have been asking questions and seeing people out and about and thinking, oh, everything. It's really only manufacturing. Retail can do curbside and industrial. So it's really not a whole heck of a whole heck of a lot of stuff for the average person. And so we just want to remind people that probably until there's a vaccine, people are still going to need social distance, wear a mask, carry hand sanitizers and do all of those other things to keep us all safe. Everybody has been doing that. And we're going to do, I think, really good if people can continue to do that. And that's it. Supervisor McGee’s Report: ​I'm going to keep this short. I just want to mention a couple of things. I have spoken with Jason Merino and Sheriff Osborne and they are both interested in moving forward. So we do have that resolution on. I just checked in with them just to make sure that there wasn't some change in the plan. I did think that one of the reasons that they wanted to be out here was cost saving benefit. And so I'd hoped that that was still something that would be of interest. So, yes, it is there will be a couple of changes that they've asked for. Or one change that I asked for and then a change they asked for that we can talk about in a little bit. Let's see, where are we putting that? Let's put that on old business right after Aaron. Aaron's appointment. OK. And then the other is I took a chair. We had approved the living wage certification and I DRAFT MINUTES - 05/13/2020 read it more carefully and it actually says any employer that pays all employees, at least a living wage, can receive certified living wage employers status. And we do not. So I did not send that in. So if the Town would like to do something different about that in order to earn that status again, then once they do that, then we can apply for that again. So the other thing that I went. Well. There are two elected positions that don't make a living wage. The Clerk base is about. Town Clerk Ellen Woods Report: ​I'll also try to keep it quick. I did want to comment on just something that the supervisor said, which is to note that I have my deputy at 15.67 an Hour just at living wage. So. So that that is how much she is being paid. But in any case, it's been a super busy month at the Clerk's office. I wanted to touch first on something a lot of residents have been contacting me about, which is rabies. We had a rabies clinic scheduled for the 14th. That had to be postponed due to the pandemic. The county. All of the Clerks are working with the county right now. They are looking at scheduling a rabies clinic that is drive through in the middle of the summer. And hopefully that clinic will be able to accommodate all of the local volume and be located in this central area. So, as you know, the county, a lot of people think the town does these rabies clinics, but it's actually the county. They just go around to different places in the towns. So I just encourage everyone to keep an eye on the Town website. As soon as I find details about the rabies clinic. I will update it. And they will make a post that will generate an email. So in April, the Clerk's office, we did a Website makeover. So please check that out townofenfield.org. That's stage one. So any questions or comments? I'd be happy to make further updates. I worked with the Clerks of Danby, Newfield and Ithaca, as well as others, worked with Tompkins County to submit my first tax return. That was tricky. But we did it. I worked with the Food Pantry Fire Company, Ladies Auxiliary Grange and Community Council to update public information on the Web site. We increase access to local government by keeping the public information for our meetings updated and putting it on several different platforms. So Instagram, Facebook, the Web site and also the marquee. I welcomed our new deputy, Clerk, Patricia Speno. She's working out great and she had her first week this week. So we're doing onboarding and we're working with the DEC to get the hunting and fishing licenses online. Highway Supervisor Buddy Rollins:​ There are major repairs on two different trucks. I haven't contracted any work out yet. And you have me at freeze at twenty five thousand dollars. So there's not much going to happen with that little bit of money. And we are prepared safety wise and stuff to come back on Monday after the town board says come back to work. The only budgets really going to be affected is if we don't get our chips money. And that's just not paving one road. That's not a big deal. We don't get it. The other thing is the sales tax that you might get is A Fund and the board has been spending the A Fund. Zoning Officer Alan Teeter: ​April, I did this due to building permits. One was for the garage conversion and Hayts Road, which was approved by the planning board. The other permit was for the new communications tower on Fish Road. So it looks like a start date for that is probably in August. And being online October, the main carrier is going to be a Verizon and hopefully others will be some sooner, but should help a lot with cell phones. Cell service in a Town next. Most construction, you know, is still on hold. It looks like construction will be opening up on the 15th. We're still waiting for final word on that and what's going to be required. It looks like they're looking for contractors to have a plan in place to work safely, which has to be submitted. DRAFT MINUTES - 05/13/2020 We're not sure just who, but hopefully will find it out next couple days. Still been working with other code enforcement officers and health department regarding what's going on and keeping in contact with them. The 2020 building codes have come out. They were effective yesterday. We have an online version and also I have a PDF version. So they're on my computer. I'm set to go. Also, I had a couple of complaints. One was about construction going on with too many workers. That was resolved fairly quickly. And another one about property lines would show that we really don't deal with them trying to help the owners out with their the issues with a fence on the wrong property. That's been going on for a couple weeks now. Two fences. They're not getting along at all. But try and help with I can. Lastly, I've been contacted by a project that Pines Road and what, Rockwell Road. I spoke to the board about it several months ago. It looks like that's going to happen. I had the permit application in for a large greenhouse, commercial sized greenhouse and a storage building. I think their plans are to put small restaurant there, but they're starting with the greenhouse now and the building. So that should be started pretty quickly, I think. Volunteer Fire Company, Alan Teeter:​ So the calls for there were a total of 15 calls, 10 E.M.S. calls. Three service calls and two fire calls. One was mutual aide to Trumansburg. And one was mutual aid to Odessa couple of things. A board directors did meet last night. Talk about plans for how we're going to go about reopening with meetings and trainings. And we have a tentative plan for that. Looks like we will start to some extent later this month. And lastly, there will be a blood drive, on the 19th next Tuesday to the Red Cross. The blood drives the Red Cross pretty much as in charge of. They actually did one a couple of months ago when this CoVid thing has started, so they have temperature checks at the door and check everybody coming again. And then obviously, they're isolated. They give blood, but there's quite a need for blood. So we're going to go ahead and do that. We used to serve food there. Now, they're not doing that. So just people come in and leave. The county through cooperative extension have a lot of hand sanitizers and facemasks primarily available for local farmers. I volunteered to distribute those as needed to farms and Newfield Enfield and Ulysses. So if you know of any farmers who hadn't heard about that or are looking for supplies, we have a lot. I'll be handing them out tomorrow and probably we'll do something next week to try to get them out to people, especially people who have CSA and farmer's markets and things like that, where they are going to go through quite a bit of that. So we have lots. We want to be fast enough so you can use it. Planning Board Chair Dan Walker:​ We had our first video meeting last week. Approved the site planned for the two additional living units on the Hayts Road property, which had been there for a while. So it was good to get that cleared off the off the books. And then the other positive thing happening was Aaron, Abb unfortunately had the same name as the applicant. So we were confused, which, Aaron, we were talking about sometimes, but I've gone over his resume and the board is recommending his appointment as an alternate to the board. I think. We'll see what happens next month if we're still meeting by video or. Alan, I don't believe we have anymore. Any other actions on the board that Greenhouse wouldn't do that on site plan approval, because there'll be a commercial use there. Our agenda for training is sort of held up because some of the board members don't have good internet connections. So, we'll, as soon as we can start meeting in the building, we'll be doing some training and stuff. DRAFT MINUTES - 05/13/2020 We are looking at training some of the videos, training the internet training that was available. If we can get that approved for multiple people at the same location. Believe it, the way it's set up now, what I've seen is you have to log in and it's only good for one person for credit. But. Well, the other thing we will be taking up again is just reviewing the site plan in the subdivision regulations again. You'll let us know Beth when you've got the re-opening plans generated. I'll reach out to the planning board members and we'll work out a plan to have. Still have some activity in the safe way. Ellen, I'll give you a call sometime. Or maybe your deputy can have a conference call to talk about a book with the local laws and regulations for the planning board. It's a good way to get familiar with all the regulations. Consent Agenda: Audit Claims read by ​Town Clerk Ellen Woods​; The Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to pay General Fund Vouchers #108 to #121 dated May 13, 2020 in the amount of $8,719.46. Highway Fund Vouchers #71 to #79 dated May 13, 2020 in the amount of $17,846.29. Supervisor McGee​ moves to adopt Consent Agenda Councilperson Lynch​ seconds motion to adopt Consent Agenda Supervisor McGee​ calls for further discussion (No discussion​) Supervisor McGee​ calls for vote Town Clerk Ellen Woods​ Calls Vote: Councilperson Bryant: Aye Councilperson Lynch: Aye Councilperson Mehaffey: Aye Councilperson Redmond: Aye Supervisor McGee: Aye All Aye Motion ​carries. Supervisor McGee:​ Calls for Appointment of Planning Board Alternate candidate Aaron Abb and discussion. Councilperson Bryant:​ Seconds Councilperson Redmond, Councilperson Lynch, Councilperson Bryant, Dan Walker. DRAFT MINUTES - 05/13/2020 Supervisor McGee​ moves a resolution #2020-46 The Town Board appoints Aaron Abb as the Town Planning Board Alternate for the term ending December 31, 2021. Councilperson Bryant:​ Seconds Supervisor McGee​ calls for a vote: Town Clerk Ellen Woods​ calls the vote; Councilperson Bryant: Aye Councilperson Lynch: Aye Councilperson Mehaffey: Aye Councilperson Redmond: Aye Supervisor McGee: Aye Town Clerk Ellen Woods: All Aye Motion​ Carried, ​Resolution​ Carried Resolution #2020-46​ appointment of Aaron Abb as Town Planning Board Alternate Supervisor McGee:​ Creation of an Aquifer Protection Committee Discussion: Councilperson Redmond, Councilperson Mehaffey, Councilperson Lynch Councilperson Lynch​ moves to amendment of resolution for Formation of Town of Enfield Water Resources Advisory Committee configuration and advisories per said resolution. Second: ​Supervisor McGee Supervisor McGee:​ Calls for vote on amendments. Town Clerk Ellen Woods​ calls vote: Councilperson Bryant: Aye Councilperson Lynch: Aye Councilperson Mehaffey: Aye Councilperson Redmond: Aye Supervisor McGee: Aye All Aye Motion​ carried, ​amendment​ adopted. Supervisor McGee​: Calls for vote on Resolution #2020-47 Formation of Town of Enfield Water Resources Advisory Committee Town Clerk Ellen Woods​ calls vote: DRAFT MINUTES - 05/13/2020 Councilperson Bryant: Aye Councilperson Lynch: Aye Councilperson Mehaffey: Aye Councilperson Redmond: Aye Supervisor McGee: Aye All Aye Motion​ carried, ​Resolution #2020-47​ carried Supervisor McGee:​ So whereas the Enfield Town board resolved to license space to the Tompkins County Sheriff’s Department for a satellite office at the town hall garage at 168 Enfield Main Road Ithaca. on March 11th, 2020, to be effective April 1st, 2020, through March 31, 2021. And whereas the onset of New York pause due to the CoVid to CoVid 19 pandemic has precluded both agencies, the town of Enfield and the Tompkins County Sheriff’s Department from executing this agreement. Therefore, be it resolved. Therefore be it resolved that the Enfield Town board authorizes the supervisor to execute this license agreement with the Tompkins County Sheriff’s Department with the new effective date of June 1st 2020. Through May, 31, 2021. I’m moving that, so I need a Second to start discussion. Seconded: ​Councilperson Mehaffey Supervisor McGee:​ The Sheriff would prefer a 30 day opt-out clause as opposed to a 90 day opt-out clause. Motion to amend resolution for a 30 day opt-out clause. Do I have a second? Councilperson Lynch and Town Clerk Ellen Woods, brief discussion re: heat pump and county request for 30 day opt-out. Second: ​Councilperson Redmond Supervisor McGee​: Requests to call the vote. Town Clerk Ellen Woods:​ Voting on the amendment for a 30 day opt-out for the Tompkins County Sheriff’s agreement. ​Resolution #2020-49 Councilperson Bryant: Aye Councilperson Mehaffey: Aye Councilperson Lynch: Aye Councilperson Redmond: Aye Supervisor McGee: Aye All Aye​, Motion​ carried. Amendment ​carried. Supervisor McGee:​ Is there any further discussion on the resolution? DRAFT MINUTES - 05/13/2020 (No discussion) Town Clerk Ellen Woods:​ We will vote on the resolution ​#2020-49 Councilperson Bryant: Aye Councilperson Lynch: Aye Councilperson Mehaffey: Aye Councilperson Redmond: Aye Supervisor McGee: Aye All Aye​. Resolution​ ​#2020-49​ carried. Supervisor McGee:​ Next on the agenda. Cemetery Maintenance. The deadline for the bid is May 22, 2020. Call for a special meeting May 23, 2020 at 9:30am, all in agreement. The meeting included the appointment of a town bookkeeper. Next the draft generic environmental impact statement for the Comprehensive Plan. The draft will be posted on the website, this will generate a 30 day comment period. Then it can be submitted to the county planning department. Are there any comments or changes? Motion to accept Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement for Comprehensive Plan. Town Clerk Ellen Woods: Councilperson Bryant: Aye Councilperson Lynch: Aye Councilperson Mehaffey: Aye Councilperson Redmond: Aye Supervisor McGee: Aye All Aye. Motion​ carried. Supervisor McGee: ​Next CoVid updates. We have been working on Reopening Policy for the board to review. It will be sent out to the board for review and comments. We will have a document for the June meeting. Town Clerk Ellen Woods:​ I have townspeople contacting me for appointments. The sooner we open safely the better. Do we have a timeline? Will the state permit a limited office opening at phase one? Brief discussion of dog licenses and Williamson fees… Supervisor McGee:​ Moves that the dog license online option set up and annual fees be taken from the Town Clerk Contractual Line. Second:​ Councilperson Bryant Supervisor McGee: ​Any further discussion? Ellen will you implement that? DRAFT MINUTES - 05/13/2020 Town Clerk Ellen Woods: ​Yes.​ ​And I’ll​ ​call a vote on the motion. Councilperson Bryant: Aye Councilperson Lynch: Aye Councilperson Mehaffey: Aye Councilperson Redmond: Aye Supervisor McGee: Aye All Aye. Motion​ carried. Supervisor McGee:​ I will put my thoughts on it together and present it to the board directly. We can review a proposal in June. Discussion​ re: ROOP Councilperson Redmond suggests a plexiglass shield for the Town Hall office. Supervisor McGee will talk to Norm about it. Signage, limits on # of persons in the office, plexiglass barrier, social distancing, barrier to the inner office, visitors by appointment only, video service, masks and hand washing are recommended. Governors mandates? Supervisor McGee: ​Move on to medical insurance for retirees. Is there anything else on CoVid? Betty Poole? Betty Poole: ​I’m here. Betty discusses the changes in medical insurance for retirees. The retirees medical insurance is not adequate. Discussion reviewed the options’, ins and outs of medical insurance but was not satisfactory when considering the sacrifice and dedication of the individuals affected by the changes in insurance policies. In question were a $5000 payout standard and a $1500 copay for a hospitalization. Typical of an oversight by individuals as well as facilities. Councilperson Mehaffey explained her experience with a major medical plan and Councilperson Lynch did as well. A discrimination issue was raised regarding the individuals age and vulnerability, being retired with limited resources. It is suggested the town is not taking proper care of their retirees. Lengthy discussion regarding painstaking research by the supervisor in recent years regarding the medical insurance question and discussion regarding the individuals in regard led to some restitution for the individuals. A resubmission of the bills and proof of payment to Medicare from the hospital should result in reimbursement or actual payment for the service rendered. Rather than the individual paying the hospital. The hospital can submit the bill to Medicare for direct payment or reimbursement was suggested. DRAFT MINUTES - 05/13/2020 Supervisor McGee:​ Movement for reimbursement. Councilperson Lynch:​ No second. Councilperson Mehaffey​: No second. Supervisor McGee: ​Anyone for privilege of the floor? Townsperson Betty​ appealed for monthly payment to the retirees. Townsperson Nancy Spero​ commented on the presentation and formation of the Enfield Water Resource Advisory Committee and the Aquifer Study, mentioning NYS agencies that offer free advice and assistance. Town Clerk Ellen Woods​ mentioned the possibility of facilitating medical insurance navigation services or workshops from the Town Hall. Councilperson Lynch​ apologizes for uninformed address to Becky Sims resignation. Supervisor McGee​ calls for adjournment. Councilperson Lynch​ seconds it. Adjournment​ 10 pm