HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-29-2020 Special Town Board MeetingDRAFT Minutes Town of Enfield, NY Special Town Board Meeting Wednesday April 29, 2020, 6:30 pm Minutes Virtual Meeting via Zoom Meeting Portal Meeting Link: ​https://zoom.us/j/91685519382 (For computer or smartphone) Meeting ID: 916 8551 9382 Call in Number: (646) 876-9923 Present: ​ Supervisor McGee, Councilperson Bryant, Councilperson Lynch, Councilperson Redmond, Town Clerk Ellen Woods, Highway Superintendent Rollins, Deputy Town Clerk Patricia Speno Not Present: Councilperson Mehaffey Call to Order​ at 6:30 pm Privilege of the Floor​:​ Ed Hetherington, Town Clerk Ellen Woods, Art Godin, Ann Ryder, Tammy Alling , Marcus Gingerich, Edith Ryan, Cathy Rogers, Jolee Carlisle, Albert Vill Additions or changes to Agenda​:​ Councilperson Lynch proposes resolution. Correspondence: Old Business: CoVid-19 Updates: Supervisor McGee, Anne Koreman, Town Clerk Ellen Woods Highway Department Update: Highway Superintendent Buddy Rollins: Working as needed. 1- 4 employees at work on given days. All applied for partial U/I benefits, one granted and 4 pending 72 hours. Budget Concerns*: Final Budget Report issued to all town officials, and available at Town Hall per request. Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement-Comprehensive Plan: To be referenced at Regular May 2020 Town Board Meeting for acceptance or declination. 1 DRAFT Minutes Bookkeeper Updates: Bookkeeper position posted on the town website 4/27/2020 Payroll Service Consideration​: Payroll for 18 employees annually, (6) biweekly, (8) monthly, (4 or 5) quarterly; Payroll Services (ADP, Paychex) offerings are competitive and comparable at less than $2000/year over the first 2 years. Discussion: Councilpersons Redmond, Supervisor McGee, Councilperson Lynch, Councilperson Bryant, Highway Superintendent Rollins Proposal to Resolution: *Councilperson Lynch proposes ​resolution​ regarding Hayts Road detour and Town of Enfield’s required alternatives to existing determined detour to Hayts Road Town of Enfield, NY due to construction on Lower NYS 79 W (Hector St.), City of Ithaca, NY, Tompkins County. 2​nd​ Councilperson Redmond Discussion: Councilperson Lynch, Town Clerk Ellen Woods, Supervisor McGee, Highway Superintendent Rollins Supervisor McGee ​moves to amend resolution 2​nd​ ​Councilperson Bryant Town Clerk Ellen Woods ​calls the vote: Town Clerk Ellen Woods: Councilperson Byrant Councilperson Byrant: ​Aye Town Clerk Ellen Woods: Councilperson Lynch Councilperson Lynch: ​Aye Town Clerk Ellen Woods: Councilperson Redmond Councilperson Redmond: ​Aye Town Clerk Ellen Woods: Supervisor McGee Supervisor McGee: ​Aye 4 votes ​All Aye motion carries, amendment A________ carries 2 DRAFT Minutes *Councilperson Lynch​ moved to Resolution 2​nd​ ​Councilperson Redmond Town Clerk Ellen Woods ​calls the vote: Town Clerk Ellen Woods: Councilperson Byrant Councilperson Byrant: ​Aye Town Clerk Ellen Woods: Councilperson Lynch Councilperson Lynch: ​Aye Town Clerk Ellen Woods: Councilperson Redmond Councilperson Redmond: ​Aye Town Clerk Ellen Woods: Supervisor McGee Supervisor McGee: ​Aye 4 votes ​All Aye Motion carries,​ ​Resolution #2020-45 carries New Business: Appointed/Elected/Term Extension Proposals​: Discussion at next meeting per Supervisor McGee recommendation. “7 proposals that have been offered, 3 of them are for term extension actions. And 4 proposals for the highway superintendent and the town clerk positions to explore whether they would be appointed or elected.” Proposals are available on the website and posted in the Town Hall window. A public hearing is recommended and a projected date is not yet available. Next Meeting Dates:​ May 6, 2020 per Zoom Portal at 6 pm Announcements: Adjournment: Supervisor McGee ​moves to Adjourn 2​nd​ ​Councilperson Bryant Town of Enfield, NY Special Town Board Meeting Wednesday April 29, 2020, 6:30 pm – 8:18 pm 3