HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-08-2020 Regular Town Board Meeting Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting Wednesday April 7, 2020, 6:30 p.m. Virtual Meeting via Zoom Meeting Portal Meeting Link: https://zoom.us/j/863974527 (For computer or smart phone) Meeting ID: 863 974 527 Call in Number: (646) 876- 9923 (landline or cell) For instructions for this meeting visit: http://townofenfield.org/virtual-board-meetings Or click on the “Chat” button in Zoom to find links to meeting documents Regular Meeting Call to Order​ - 6:40 Privilege of the Floor- Limited to 3 minutes per speaker- including Pledge of Allegiance if you so choose (See General Guide for Procedure for information) Supervisor posts links to Agenda Documents prepared for tonight Documents in Chat Window Additions and Changes to the agenda Councilperson Mehaffey leaving early, switching Highway Discussion and Consent Agenda to before she has to leave. Correspondence AUDIT PRESENTATION- INSERO Leslie Spurgin - Discusses what an Audit is and what Auditors are looking for. Only one finding. Auditors were pleased and surprised at the lack of findings in the Audit. Page 1 & 2 - Auditor’s Opinion Adverse opinion - Not prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Are prepared in accordance with the Comptroller's direction. Government Wide Statements are prepared under full accrual accounting. Includes Assets, Long term Bonds Payable. Town’s portion of ERS (Retirement System). Liability for Retiree Health Insurance (Town would need to hire an Actuary). 2 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting April 8, 2020 Adverse opinion DOES NOT mean that things are not being done correctly at the Town. Finances are done according to Office of the State Comptroller’s requirements. Actuarial costs would be annual. Town faces a decision about whether or not to accept GAP. Auditor advises thinking about whether or not GAP is worthwhile for Enfield. A dump truck was purchased without bidding (Supervisor notes that it was from the Town of Dix). Auditor also states that it was without approval of the Board. Supervisor and Councilperson Lynch discuss logistics of purchasing at Municipal Auctions . .. Auditor discusses capital asset inventory. For this a capital asset policy is needed. Discusses thresholds for buildings, equipment, infrastructure. Values can be estimated in many ways. Action items:​ Send Auditor Highway Law 182. Still in draft form. Done. No issues completing the audit. No other issues. Councilperson Mehaffey asks how often an Audit should be done. Auditor recommends in a qualified way every few years. Also every time there are significant personnel or procedure changes. Supervisor McGee notes that the last Audit was 10 years ago. Councilperson Lynch requests further clarification from Auditor. She explains AICPA standards. Supervisor McGee also explains. Speaks to necessity of long term accurate view of financial Governmental Accounting Standards Board Councilperson Lynch requests a percentage of municipalities who are GAP compliant. Auditor replies that 90% but many municipalities our size do not even have Audits. Highway Discussion: Highway Department 3 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting April 8, 2020 Supervisor McGee did considerable research which she shared with the Board. Councilperson Mehaffey asks Superintendent Rollins how long he projects his workforce will be staying at home. Superintendent Rollins speaks to the policies of other local Highway Departments (Ulysses, Newfield, Tompkins County, Dryden). Highway Department still in need of Sanitizing equipment and Masks. Supervisor McGee has acquired 2 gallons of Sanitizer. Supervisor can also supply spray bottles and solution as well as disposable gloves. Discussion regarding allocation of supplies. Councilperson Redmond talks about masks. Supervisor McGee talks about Social Distancing concerns. Supervisors have asked Public Health Preparedness Coordinator for a set of procedures. Superintendent Rollins says his crew will be back on Monday. Action items:​ Councilperson Redmond will supply masks. Supervisor McGee will supply hand sanitizer. Councilperson Mehaffey leaves the meeting. Time Monthly Reports County Legislator​- Anne Koreman/Dave McKenna Anne Koreman County will have a presentation from Finance Department Supervisor McGee asks where AIM funding comes from. Representative discusses emergency communication. Representative discusses testing transportation. Tompkins County ranks high in shelter in place adherence. Discussion of masks mandates vs. prohibition. Supervisor’s Report​- Beth McGee Supervisor will provide for the Minutes going Forward. Attending calls with the County, County Administrator, and Health Department. Communicating with Department of Emergency Response Worked with the Food Pantry 4 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting April 8, 2020 Meeting with Fire Company Should have some numbers soon Working with Stephanie working with public access. Town Clerk Report​- Ellen Woods ●Food Pantry - Town Clerk/VFC - Ordering process. ●Wrapping up Tax Season - Communicating closely with Tompkins County and Residents ●Listened to Audit Meeting again to improve compliance and learn. ●Public Information - Updates to Website (211 page, COVID info, Court Info), Public Information Document on Website, in Newsletter, on Public Signs. ●Minutes ●Deputy Clerk appointment ●Dog Licensing - Drive through Rabies Clinics Health Department ●FEMA Training - Isolation and Quarantine in Rural Areas ○To prevent further injury, illness, or death ○To restore or maintain calm ○To engender confidence in the operational response ●Cleaning Town Hall ●CPR Instructor! Supervisor McGee makes a motion to have Pat Baker clean the Town Hall. Councilperson Redmond seconds motion. VOTE: Councilperson Bryant, Aye, Councilperson Lynch, Aye, Councilperson Redmond, Aye, Supervisor McGee, Aye. Highway Superintendent Report-​ Buddy Rollins Superintendent Rollins would like to make a comment on the Audit. He clearly remembers coming to the Board regarding the truck. Superintendent Rollins needs permission to sell 2016 Dodge. Action item:​ Supervisor McGee plans to put resolution together to sell Dodge next Wednesday. Code Enforcement Report​-Alan Teeter Has not issued Building Permits in March. Construction on hold through March. Has been in contact with other code officers and the health department 5 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting April 8, 2020 Not a lot of information coming out on enforcement of regulations. New building codes coming out, effective on May 12, downloadable Submitted Annual Report to New York State. In Contact with Dan Walker about Site Plan Review on Hayts Road Did receive Permit Application for Cell Tower on Fish Road with Payment. Flood plan training was cancelled for April. Volunteer Fire Department​- Alan Teeter ●Total calls for March 23 ●13 EMS, 1 Service, 2 MVA, 7 Fire ●All meetings cancelled. ●Cancelled all trainings for April. ●Donations of Boot Covers from a Local Farmer. ●Safety measures for all calls. ●Updated order for the Supplies for County Planning Board Report​- Dan Walker Issued contingent Permit pending approval from Planning Board. Public Hearing tentatively set up for the 6th. Committee Reports TC Recreation Partnership​- Mimi Mehaffey Next week Cayuga Lake Watershed IO​- Becky Sims None Tompkins County Council of Govts​- Bob Lynch TCOG has not met. Will probably meeting in late April EMS Subcommittee met and will meet again soon. Cemetery Committee​- Bob Lynch Will not be able to hire anyone to mow Cemeteries right at the moment. Do we need a formal application.Will Town be paying for Gas? Are volunteers covered in case of Accidents. Minimum age discussed . . . Sue Thompson discusses Fourth of July, Memorial Day, Labor Day Other concern is whether this is permitted by the County. 6 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting April 8, 2020 *Consent Agenda: Audit Claims Supervisor McGee reads Audit Claims. Approval of Minutes (removed). Budget Amendment-CHIPS 2020-7 Authorization for Supervisor to sign Children and Family Services Contract Authorization for Supervisor to sign Rural Youth Contract 2020-40 Authorization for Supervisor to re-certify Enfield as a Living Wage Employer 2020-41 Supervisor moves that we adopt the Consent Agenda - Councilperson Mehaffey seconds VOTE: Councilperson Bryant, Aye, Councilperson Lynch, Aye, Councilperson Mehaffey, Aye, Councilperson Redmond, Aye, Supervisor McGee, Aye. Old Business​: COVID-19 Updates Budget Concerns Supervisor sent Association of Towns Recap to the Board. Minutes Action item​: Supervisor will send Town Clerk Resolutions in Word Format. Draft Generic Environmental Impact Statement​ – Comprehensive Plan Supervisor worked with Nancy Spero to develop & refine New Business​: Medical Insurance for Retirees Policy in place in the Policy Manual Stated that Town would pay for Medicare Part B. Policy #807. Modified at the request of the only Retiree. 7 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting April 8, 2020 Two retirees on the Consortium Plan . . . Supervisor sent a letter to the Consortium Plan members. This is a very expensive plan. Judge Poole suggests that any changes going forward should only apply to new hires. Board agrees to discuss at a future meeting. Board sets meetings for ALL Wednesdays in April 6:30 15, 22, 29 Deputy Appointments Town Clerk is planning on a Deputy Appointment next week. Supervisor is also planning a change. Privilege of the Floor​ (Limited to 3 minutes for each speaker) Councilperson Lynch: Reminder for everyone on the Board to submit Census form. Supervisor McGee states we need the Census now more than ever. Action item:​ Do the Census before the next meeting Julie Schroeder: Making masks at Bartels. Highway Department needs masks. Contact Sue Scherer to get on the list,. Nancy Spero: discussing mask needs, mask victories. Food pantry outfitting. Supervisor McGee unmutes all. Supervisor McGee makes motion to Adjourn. Councilperson Redmond seconds. Announcements​- Adjournment *Potential Action Items Consent Agenda: 8 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting April 8, 2020 Resolution #2020-40 Authorize Supervisor McGee to Sign Tompkins County Youth Services Contract WHEREAS​, the Town of Enfield qualifies for funding from the NYS Office for Children and Family Services Youth Development Program; and WHEREAS,​ the Town of Enfield agrees to exchange these funds for an equivalent number of County tax dollars, thereby easing the application, budgeting, contractual, and payment obligations, and; and WHEREAS,​ youth programming is funded by the Town of Enfield through the Enfield Community Council; and WHERAS,​ the Enfield Community Council will prepare and submit, on time, 2020 year-end program reports and any necessary expenditure reports to reflect actual spending to the Town Supervisor and required Tompkins County offices; therefore be it RESOLVED​, the Enfield Town Board authorizes Supervisor McGee to sign the 2020 contract with Tompkins County Youth Services. Resolution # 2020-41 Recertifying as A Living Wage Employer WHEREAS,​ one of our most cherished values is dignity in work, and WHEREAS,​ the growth in income inequality in recent years has created serious divisions within our society and community; and 9 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting April 8, 2020 WHEREAS,​ our communities have a proud tradition of advocating for worker rights and promoting economic justice; and WHEREAS,​ New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo has called for an increase in the State's minimum wage to $15/hour by 2021; and WHEREAS,​ the Tompkins County Workers' Center, which certifies local living-wage employers, lists currently more than 100 Living Wage entities across Tompkins County, a list that includes 5 municipalities, encompasses more than 90 employers with work forces of less than 50 employees, and represents over 3,000 workers making, at least, a living wage; and WHEREAS, ​the Town of Enfield became a living wage employer in January, 2016; now therefore be it RESOLVED,​ that the Town of Enfield recertify as a Living Wage Employer, accepting the Tompkins County Living Wage of $15.37/hour as our minimum wage with no health insurance benefit, and $13.70 per hour for employees with 100% employer contribution to health insurance, starting January 1, 2020 and agreeing to the certification rules of the Tompkins County Workers' Center. Consent Agenda continued… Budget Amendment #2020 _____ Reduce Unearned CHIPS funds WHEREAS​, CHIPS funds may not be reflected in the budget until received, therefore be it 10 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting April 8, 2020 RESOLVED​, the Town Board authorizes Supervisor McGee to correct the budget by reducing line DA5112.2 Improvements-CHIPS by $104,190,64 and reduce line DA3501 Estimated Highway Revenues CHIPS- by $104,190.64.