HomeMy WebLinkAbout03-11-2020 Regular Town Board Meeting Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting Enfield Community Building Wednesday, March 11, 2020 6:30 pm Present: Town Supervisor Beth McGee, Town Councilperson Virginia Bryant, Town Councilperson Robert Lynch, Town Councilperson Stephanie Redmond, Town Councilperson Mimi Mehaffey, Town Clerk Ellen Woods. Call to Order:​ Supervisor McGee called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Privilege of the Floor​- Limited to 3 minutes per speaker- including Pledge of Allegiance if you so choose (Guidance on the back of the page) Ann Rider - Leads group in This Land is Your Land Ed Heatherington - Leads the Pledge and states that he would like to have minutes from Town Board meetings for easier access. Additions and Changes to the agenda Census 2020 Presentation- Michael Koplinka-Loehr – Partnership Specialist/New York Regional Census Center Correspondence Cornell GeoThermal Project COVID-19 Letter Tompkins County Everyday Actions Stay home if sick, wash hands Representative Anne Koreman Speaks on COVID-19 . . . Communicable with symptoms only . . . Emphasizes self-care Discusses Enfield’s plan 2 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting March 11, 2020 Another meeting? Ed discusses the Senior Meeting - will be sanitized . . . Amie Hendrix working full time as Incident Commander. Ann Rider asks about - Test Kits Tompkins County Lisa Monroe - Office of the Aging - working on the plan Conference center Downtown - 4% Room Tax . . . Fund to help with the conference center if needed. Monthly Reports County Legislator- Anne Koreman/Dave McKenna Supervisor’s Report- Beth McGee March 2020 1.Held a Special Town Board meeting February 14​th​ for abstract approval. 2.Attended Association of Towns trainings at Annual Meeting February 16-19​th 3.Met with Alarmtech to do annual inspections on Alarm systems. Programmed security alarm. 4.Met with town retiree and Medicare representative to transition from Consortium to Medicare Supplement 5.Facilitated Special Meeting on February 26​th 6.Facilitated Special Meeting on March 5​th 7.Installed a new secure router for Bookkeeper/Code office with wired connections and secure wi-fi for board members during meetings 8.Met with NYMIR Rep for Risk Assessment updates 9.Continued preparing DGEIS for Comprehensive Plan 10.Began preparations for vacancy 11.Researched compensation comparisons for Supervisor/Bookkeeper/Budget Officer 12.Finalized the Sheriff Satellite license agreement 13.Coordinated Mini Split install 14.Aside from the items above, the Town Supervisor completes the following tasks throughout each month: review all bills and prepare vouchers for board review and payment, correspondence, payroll and abstract review, budget monitoring and modifications, deposits and transfers, documentation for all meetings, resolves legal issues, trainings, attendance at County level meetings, communication with employees and department heads regarding daily town operation and budget concerns, building 3 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting March 11, 2020 maintenance and upgrades, purchases, resident complaints and concerns, employment and benefits administration, all actions dictated by the Town Board for the Supervisor, all other tasks that arise daily. Supervisor McGee ‘​I cannot maintain the same high level of commitment beyond what's generally expected of a supervisor that I normally have, and there just aren't supports in place here for that. And I am not able to do all that I want to do for residents. So over the next month, I will be submitting a letter to Ellen as required by law to give her resignation date, and that will likely be April 30th.’ Highway report So May 13th through 16th, so Wednesday, 1 to 5, Thursday, 1 to 5, Friday, 1 to 5, Saturday to 12:00. So I move that we approve these dates for the Enfield Cleanup Days for 2020. Supervisor McGee moves that we approve dates for Enfield Clean Up for 2020, Councilperson Bryant Seconds. VOTE: Councilperson Bryant, Aye, Councilperson Lynch, Aye, Councilperson Mehaffey Aye, Councilperson Redmond, Aye, Supervisor McGee, Aye. Code Enforcement One Permit Standby Generator FOIL request Assessment Issued a few New Property Addresses Pork Farm on Podunk Road Building Codes coming out May 12, only available online. Town does not need to pay a fee for the first license. Alan updated the list of vacant properties. Four properties have come off of the list. Was contacted for a permit on Fish Road. Code Officer is seeking Flood Plain Training - Oriskinay. Enfield does not have any mapped flood plains but does have flood plains. 4 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting March 11, 2020 Supervisor McGee asks for the cost, Code officer replies that meals and tuition are covered. Travel is the only expense . . . Councilperson McGee moves to approve this training for the Code Officer, Councilperson Redmond seconds. VOTE: Councilperson Bryant, Aye, Councilperson Lynch, Aye, Councilperson Mehaffey, Aye, Councilperson Redmond, Aye, Supervisor McGee, Aye. Fire Report Total Calls for February: 28 EMS: 11 Fire: 5 Service: 10 MVA: 2 March Trainings March 5, General Meeting March 12, Driver Training March 19, Station Clean-Up March 21, TIMS Training at 09:00 Saturday March 26, Grass and Brush Fire Training Other Dates of Interest March 17, Blood Drive 5 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting March 11, 2020 March 31, Next Officer’s Meeting Burn Ban is in effect, EVFC will feature Burn Ban posts on the Facebook Page. Planning Board​ -​ Dan Walker Will hold a Public Hearing Working on Subdivision Regulations, will continue this work in the next meeting. Speaks about the training value of this process for new Planning Board members. Closest thing to a Subdivision is College View. Encouraging Planning Board members to attend a local Agricultural Planning meeting March 20th. Councilperson McGee moves that Planning Board is reimbursed by the Town Board mandatory training hours at $20 for all that attend, Councilperson Byrant seconds. Councilperson Mehaffey asks about length of training VOTE: Councilperson Bryant, Aye, Councilperson Lynch, Aye, Councilperson Mehaffey, Aye, Councilperson Redmond, Aye, Supervisor McGee, Aye. On vacancy on the planning board for Alternate How would someone apply? Alternate planning board member - does not vote . . . Action item​:Find the last notice of Planning Board Vacancy and post. - Ellen Applicants may send a letter of Interest to the Town Clerk Town Clerk Report​- Ellen Woods Tax - Met the Warrant Paid $127,000 to Tompkins County. Met with Budget & Finance Met with Electronic Banking representatives at Tompkins Trust Remote Check Scanner made operational. Connected with Association of Towns and with New York State Association of Town Clerks regarding educational credentials. Deputy Clerk training/Resigned Family issues/Sick Building Describes the challenges of hiring a Deputy Clerk due to only being funded for 8 hours at a Living Wage. Discusses the challenges of the Town Hall’s environmental history. Suggests harm 6 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting March 11, 2020 reduction strategies which include replacing blinds, replacing carpet with low cost solid surface flooring and using an air purifier. Clerk implemented daily balance check. Connected with Bookkeeper - compliments bookkeeper Debby Kelly Sent out Tax Reminder Notices Asks for questions: Discusses Deputy Clerk role and Living Wage issue. Discusses salaries of local Town Clerks in Ulysses and Caroline. Committee Reports Finance Committee​- ​Beth McGee Finance Committee has not met. Enfield Community Council​- Ann Rider/Virginia Bryant Full time employee - Eric Carter. Runs a winter program for Middle School youth. Youth are participating in a Pitch Contest Newsletter submissions are due by Friday . . . Will be sent out the first week of April. Sue Thompson will speak on History in Enfield at the next meeting. Town Clerk asks if her office submits to Currents Newsletter. Supervisor McGee and Ann Rider share that this is done online only. Discussion of new camp requirements and potential impact on Enfield camp. Tompkins County Youth Bureau​ ​-​ Lisa Monroe Pitch Program 3 youth from Tompkins County submitted their names for the Governor's Youth Council Bullying Prevention Task Force Planning Community Cafes around Bullying in Schools. Presentation from Youth Services Staff on process used to evaluate SubContractors. Retreat last Saturday - Cindy Wilcox, leadership development at Human Services Coalition of Tompkins County. Working retreat, working on priorities of the Youth Bureau. 7 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting March 11, 2020 March 19 free training on Growing Up in the Age of Porn by Brofenbrenner Center for Translational Research . . . Tompkins County Recreation Partnership February 25 meeting. Karen Scott voted new Chair Partnerships Counselors hired . . . Distribute to schools Environmental Management Council​- Maureen Bolton Enfield Seniors​- Pat Baker Pat Doughety presents 162 Enfield Main Road 45-65 regular attendees Bring your Own Tableware. Lake Watershed Becky Sims reads report The January and February meetings of the IO have involved outside presenters providing information about their experiences in watershed-wide organization and management. The Cayuga Lake IO is currently reevaluating its organizational structure and has reached out to watershed advocacy groups as well as other intermunicipal groups to better understand the successes and strategies faced by other groups, in the hopes of informing a more efficient and effective organization for the Cayuga Lake watershed. In January, Lisa Cleckner from the Finger Lakes Institute (based out of Hobart William Smith Colleges in Geneva) shared a presentation about the Seneca Lake Watershed, which is similarly large in size with 40 municipalities in the watershed. Between FLI, the Seneca Lake Pure Waters Association (watershed group) and the municipalities, they have been able to create a watershed 8 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting March 11, 2020 management plan and hire a watershed steward to execute the plan. He is funded through soft funds and needs to continue to obtain grant funding to keep the position. State Senator Pam Helming was able to secure $200K in the 2019 state budget to help fund this position, but is not considered a long-term funding source. The Cayuga Lake watershed does not have anyone in a similar role. While there is a clear need for such a role, it is not clear how something like that could be paid for. The IO itself is not setup to have staff. FLI is a key role in the Seneca Lake management plan, since they are a research institution based on the lake they have resources and interest in protecting water quality. Our local research institution has not taken on this role. In February, Kevin Olvany of the Canandaigua Lake Watershed Council shared a presentation on their watershed management. Canandaigua Lake has been hit hard by HABs in recent years. There are 5 drinking water systems that use Canandaigua Lake and a tremendous amount of property value for the municipalities is dependent on the lakefront. There are only 14 municipalities in their watershed, making it much easier to organize and accomplish business than the 40+ in Seneca and Cayuga. Their IO requests and receives about $130,000 from watershed municipalities each year in funding, and additionally manages about $500K in grant funds annually. Kevin shared a number of watershed management projects from recent years that have helped with flooding/flash flooding relief, recreating wetland area, and reducing runoff from farm fields. These efforts appear to be having a positive impact but much more work is needed. Agriculture is a major source of pollutants and runoff and currently any efforts to reduce this are voluntary on the part of the farmers. Their IO works closely with Finger Lakes Community College and have used some of their property for restoration projects. IO meetings have taken place in Ithaca for several years, and the meeting participation is heavily weighted to Tompkins County. In an effort to involve more municipal partners throughout the watershed, specifically Seneca County, there is a proposal to rotate meeting locations and utilize video conferencing to increase participation. There is a presentation coming up on 3/31 in Seneca Falls about the connection between HABs and Quaga mussels https://events.cornell.edu/event/harmful_algal_blooms_and_invasive_mussels​ that will likely be offered remotely due to Cornell's recent change in event policy. Councilperson Lynch - Asks question regarding Becky Sims as Deputy Supervisor Must be a vacancy - Town Board Appointment Term through December 31 . . . Special Election - November 9 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting March 11, 2020 Tompkins County Youth Board​- Lisa Monroe Tompkins County Recreation Partnership​- Mimi Mehaffey Tompkins Health Consortium- Ellen Woods Ellen not able to represent Enfield on the Tompkins County Health Consortium due to the requirements of the Town Clerk role . . . Put out a notice on the website. Councilperson Mehaffey is the alternate, not willing to be the main. Tompkins County Council of Govts​- Bob Lynch ●Transportation committee - Chair, Bob Lynch Supervisor McGee will be meeting with Mayor Rordan Hart & Emergency Services Cemetery Committee​- Bob Lynch Has not met . . . Developing a job description Beautification Committee​- Beth McGee None Food Pantry Report Finance Committee​- Beth McGee Supervisor McGee moves, Councilperson Lynch Seconds VOTE: Councilperson Bryant, Aye, Councilperson Lynch, Aye, Councilperson Mehaffey Aye, Councilperson Redmond, Aye, Supervisor McGee, Aye. *Consent Agenda: Audit Claims Approval of Minutes of January 8th Regular, January 13th Audit, and January 22 Special, February 12th Regular and February 14th and 26th 2020 Special Meetings Resolution authorizing transfer of funds for Highway Building bond payment 10 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting March 11, 2020 Resolution #2020-33 Highway Building Bond Payment WHEREAS​ the Town of Enfield borrowed funds to build a Highway Department facility and now needs to pay back the bond, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED​, the bookkeeper is authorized, prior to April 15, 2019, to wire payments of $14,671.88 for interest and $75,000.00 for principle to the Depository Trust Company, which holds the Highway Building bond. Resolution to reinstate email duties to Town Clerk Resolution #2020-34 Town E-Mail Accounts WHEREAS​, the Enfield Town Board has official e-mail accounts for all Town employees and elected officials for use in their official capacities; therefore be it RESOLVED​, these e-mail accounts will be connected to the Town’s official website domain, townofenfield.org, ​and; RESOLVED, o​wnership of and access to these communications will be with the Town of Enfield, and; RESOLVED​, all employees and elected officials will set up accounts with Ellen Woods, Town Clerk, and use their account for Town business after it is set up for as long as they work for or serve the Town of Enfield. Resolution to reinstate website duties to Town Clerk Resolution #2020-35 Management of Town Website, Emails, and Hosting WHEREAS​ the Town of Enfield utilizes the town website for most communications and information presentation to the public, and; WHEREAS​ the Town of Enfield utilizes designated town email addresses for communication with the public and within the offices of the Town, and; WHEREAS​ the Town of Enfield purchases and manages a hosting service for website and email management and hosting, and; 11 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting March 11, 2020 RESOLVED​, these tasks will be managed and delegated under the office of Town Clerk. Old Business​: Clean Energy Communities Grant- RFP* Listen to the conversation . . . Send out to the list/Beth will send email Must come from Town Clerk Resolution 2020-36 Whereas the town of Benfield has received a grant from NYSERDA to install a solar array in the amount of $50,000 dollars. And whereas the town has developed an RFP to send to potential solar developers. Therefore, be it resolved: The town of Enfield accepts the RFP as prepared for March 11, 2020 twenty twenty to be sent to the list that the town procured of potential developers. And further resolved that the deadline for submission will be May a twenty twenty. Councilperson Bryant seconds VOTE: Councilperson Bryant, Aye, Councilperson Lynch, Aye, Councilperson Mehaffey Aye, Councilperson Redmond, Aye, Supervisor McGee, Aye. Salt Storage Grant Environmental Impact Statement – Comprehensive Plan NO developments Resolution #2020-37 Authorization for the Supervisor to Sign License Agreement with Tompkins County Sheriff for Satellite Office in Town Hall Garage WHEREAS, ​the Town Board has authorized use of one garage bay, the back office and adjoining bathroom for the purpose of a satellite office for the Tompkins County Sheriff, and; WHEREAS,​ Supervisor McGee has negotiated a license agreement with Sheriff Derek Osborne and County Administrator Jason Molino that is acceptable to all parties, therefore be it 12 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting March 11, 2020 RESOLVED,​ the Enfield Town Board authorizes Supervisor McGee to sign the license agreement authorizing use of the space under the terms agreed upon effective immediately. Discussion of Timeframe 1 year . . . Overpolicing . . . 2/3/5 year contract End April 1, end March 31, 2020 Supervisor McGee moves, Councilperson Bryant seconds Resolution VOTE: Councilperson Bryant, Aye, Councilperson Lynch, Aye, Councilperson Mehaffey Aye, Councilperson Redmond, Aye, Supervisor McGee, Aye. New Business​: NYMIR Risk Assessment* Alarm system LENS program for checking licenses Training in Highway Department Index of Highway Training and Refreshers Vacancies Highway Department Fire Company meeting Resolution 2020-38 to amend Policy #807 Medical Insurance for Retirees* WHEREAS​, the practice of the Town has been to provide the Excellus BC/BC Medicare Blue PPO plan for current retirees over aged 65, and; WHEREAS​, this plan provides quality coverage at significant savings to the Town of Enfield, and; Complimentary Dental 29.00 month Facts document insert 48G we spent . . . Medicare Part B 138.00 348/year/retiree 1044.00 13 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting March 11, 2020 Resolution insert . . . #37 Amend Policy 807 Virginia second Mimi has a concern regarding relationship to Tompkins County Town Board hereby amends . . . Supervisor McGee moves we Amend resolution Councilperson Lynch seconds VOTE: Councilperson Bryant, Aye, Councilperson Lynch, Aye, Councilperson Mehaffey Aye, Councilperson Redmond, Aye, Supervisor McGee, Aye. Deputy Vacancy Consortium Director Planning Board Alternate Supervisor Position Apply for Appointment - Potentially Able to help with Transition Positive Plan is to vacate completely April 30th. Loved working with the Board. 40 meetings 10 day period . . . Town Clerk Hours - Resolution 2020- 39 Whereas the town clerk has requested that office hours be changed to. OK. Monday, 3 to 6 p.m., Tuesday, 3 to 7 p.m. Wednesday. Private meeting preparation Thursday closed Friday, 9:30 to 1:30, Saturday, 12:30 to 4:30 and Sunday closed. So Wednesday would be closed also. Supervisor McGee moves, Councilperson Mehaffey seconds VOTE: Councilperson Bryant, Aye, Councilperson Lynch, Aye, Councilperson Mehaffey Aye, Councilperson Redmond, Aye, Supervisor McGee, Aye. Hours . . . 14 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting March 11, 2020 One weekend, one morning, one evening. Privilege of the Floor​ (Limited to 3 minutes for each speaker) Thank you - Councilperson Mehaffey had no idea how hard Supervisor McGee worked Councilperson Bryant thanks Supervisor McGee Announcements Nancy Spero - Square Dance scheduled to benefit the Grange on April 10. Adjournment 9:45 pm *Potential Action Items