HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-26-20 Special Town Board Meeting Town of Enfield Special Town Board Meeting Enfield Community Building Wednesday, February 26, 2020 6:30 pm Present: Town Supervisor Supervisor McGee, Town Councilperson Virginia Bryant, Town Councilperson Robert Lynch, Town Councilperson Councilperson Stephanie Redmond, Town Councilperson Mimi Mehaffey Deputy Town Clerk Cindy Greco. Call to Order​: Supervisor McGee called the meeting to order at 6:30 pm. Additions and Removals from the Agenda​: Councilperson Mehaffey would like to add a request for Superintendent Rollins regarding downed trees, if we could put that early on in the agenda so that Superintendent Rollins does not have to stay through the whole meeting. Supervisor McGee asks if Councilperson Mehaffey wants to put that before the Solar RFP Councilperson Mehaffey agrees. Supervisor McGee calls for Privilege of the Floor. Instructions on back of agenda. ​Privilege of the Floor​: Joseph Giordano​. States that he lives in Enfield. Speaker applauds the Board and thanks them for the Special Hearing. Notes how the whole thing started – random comment ‘under God,’ which brings up the issue of church and state separation. States that it is not true that the Establishment clause prohibits the word God from being said in a public setting. Interesting how members of the public have reacted to it. Speaker complimented Board on job they are doing in the Town. States that the Board represents the whole town, not one particular group. Implores that if the Board reinstates the Pledge of Allegiance that ‘under God’ be left in. States that someone who doesn’t want to say it, doesn’t have to. 2 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting February 26, 2020 Notes Lincoln and MLK relied on their faith. He will respect the rights of those who fight the word ‘God’ uncomfortable. He asks that others respect the simple statement of ‘Under God’. Sheila Robideau Her husband and she are here to support Councilperson Lynch’s Resolution in support of adding the Pledge of Allegiance back in. Appreciates the Board rethinking and hopes they will. Donnie Gunny Would like to the Board put back in Pledge of Allegiance in the meetings. Believes that taking out the Pledge of Allegiance out of the meeting was a premeditated thought by Councilperson Redmond, as it was not mentioned during her campaign for the Board. Ann Rider Two subjects: Concered with the Councilperson Redmond’s lack of research and knowledge on the Pledge of Allegiance subject. States that her research revealed that words can only be added or subtracted from the Pledge of Allegiance by a Congressional Order. The Board does have the latitude to decide to have the Pledge of Allegiance as part of the order of business. However, this raises her concerns about future thoughts and how things are put forth in town meetings. Second, Ann has taken a job as a Census Enumerator. She believes she and the other can get it wrapped up in three weeks. General info, households will get letters in mail 3/12-20 regarding Census. Urged to go online to provide, that broadband is an issue. Requests use of Basement of Community Building available to use for town internet for residents to respond. Census determines grant funding, highway funding. States that New York is in danger of losing a representative. Ask for Board’s support in using the Community Building. Supervisor McGee’s concerns about the wi-fi in building is that it is public wi-fi. We can request that someone comes out and they can bring census organizers for the region. Census 3 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting February 26, 2020 brings their own devices w/secure wi-fi. Her concern is that people know that public wi-fi presents online security issues. The public wi-fi is not secure. Supervisor McGee reminds the group that children under 5 are the most underreported in the 2010 census. Supervisor McGee says Michael Koplinka Loehr will be coming in March for a presentation on the 2020 Census. Anthony DeGrief Thanks Town Board for meeting and for residents voicing their opinions. An Army vet. Summarized military experience and awards. Took his oath seriously. Currently department director of the Senior Living Facility in Tompkins County. The Town Board represents our community. The Town Board represents the majority and the minority. Whether the meeting consists of five or dozens. Pledge of Allegiance has been recited for a long time. A reminder that decisions made here affect members of our community. Supports reinstatement of Pledge of Allegiance. Pat Doughterty States that she was born in Cayutaville. Served on this Board twice. She served as Deputy Clerk for almost 6 years. This is her town and her town officials. Would rather see those who object to Pledge of Allegiance not say it, rather than remove it. Humbly requests Pledge of Allegiance be reinstated. Tammy Alling Will recite what she said last time. According to rules of org, she has lost her right to be free to be herself, by doing things that are required to. Believes it is wrong to do anything other than stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. States that it should have been a discussion with people in town, not just amongst the Board. 4 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting February 26, 2020 Katherine Tunison States that she has 40 years resident. Would like to share reflections on the last meeting – tends to stay home during Board Meetings. Came to the last meeting after hearing rumors of upset among community members. States that she heard nothing from any Town Board Member that the Pledge of Allegiance was not welcome, just the opposite. Heard passionate comments that were respectful, although some were angry and sad. Human emotions are complicated. Fear underlines anger. Suggests that as a community that we not be afraid of change. Instead, celebrate that the Pledge of Allegiance is welcome in these spaces. Doesn’t matter to her if it is at the top of the agenda. Needs to add that each person has the right to feel welcome in a Community Government meeting regardless of their belief in God. Bev Rollins Shocked by the conversation last time. Her husband is a Vietnam Veteran and she is a Christian and felt like her culture was attacked that night. Doesn’t believe that would have happened with other cultures. Mostly, don’t attack her culture. She does not attack yours. Cautions the Board to be careful, everything in meetings is recorded and the community does listen. Barbara Masser Her dad was a WWII vet, in Battle of Bulge. Loved God and taught his kids to love God. If he were alive, he would be here tonight to fight for his God. Believes that anyone who cannot say Pledge of Allegiance to the flag and this country, should not be in a leadership position in this country. Herb Masser Supreme Court ruled that someone does not have to stand at the Pledge of Allegiance. He would argue against a resolution that people have to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance. We need to have the right to stand or not stand, but don’t take that right away (as w/Pledge of Allegiance). States that the Separation of Church and State is not in the Constitution and is 5 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting February 26, 2020 not anywhere in American writings except where Thomas Jefferson wrote to Monroe that there should be a wall. Suggests that the community not hold a grudge. If Board changes their decision, that’s fine. If they don’t we will remember that in the next election. Supervisor McGee comments that the job at hand is a 40-hour a week job that does not even pay a Living Wage. If she doesn’t get reelected over this issue, it is not going to break her heart. She finds it hard to believe this issue is what would drive people apart. Allen Fisher Pledge of Allegiance is a promise to uphold our great Republic. Churches are human and have faults and failures, and certainly wouldn’t want to see any church being adopted by a Government body. That has nothing to do with God. We have to have to aspire to a higher purpose. Encourage each of us to aspire to look up, rather than looking down. Wynona Fisher Also served in the reserves. Her father served in Korean War. One uncle served in World War II and another served in Vietnam.. Doesn’t believe cutting Pledge of Allegiance out of meeting will save any time. Keeping 15 seconds for Pledge of Allegiance is not asking too much. Julie Schrader States that she supports the Board’s decision to take the Pledge of Allegiance out of the Town Board meetings. Was not made to exclude but to include. States that anything that can be done to increase inclusion and participation. Carol Woods to point, uses jazz analogy. Doesn’t like jazz but she wasn’t going to ask for her dentist to turn it off. Out of consideration for whoever liked it. Cannot understand how most of this people can’t tolerate for 15 seconds something that means so much to people in this Town. To say or hear God in a public meeting, is not establishing an official church. Asks to accept Councilperson Lynch’s resolution, based on how much it means to so many in Enfield. Jude Lempke States that her position on the Pledge is pretty neutral. Asks community to remember that we are all neighbors and we treat each other with respect. Her hope that we can resolve this amicably and focus on work at hand. 6 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting February 26, 2020 Theresa Guler A lot of residents were caught off guard. Residents feel like they almost got betrayed, like they didn’t get any notice. Wishes that the Board Meetings could always be this full. Whatever Board members decide, they decide. There is a lot of work to be done in this community. Hopefully tonight, we can move past this and build the community. Nancy Sperro States that she comes to every board meeting. So much is going on in this country & this world, to divide us. We have more in common than differences and hopes everyone remembers those things. States that no one has removed the flag or banning the Pledge of Allegiance. There is always the Privilege of the Floor where citizens OR Board Members could say the Pledge of Allegiance, if they want. Linda Cromby Summary From military background. The Pledge of Allegiance and military salute that marks those who have served in our nation’s service. Our Vets deserve our respect. Courtney Bailey Wasn’t going to speak but it bears repeating. It is about respect. Board members were laughing while another one was speaking. Townspeople should also respect the Board for their hard work. The Board members do work hard. Respect is the cornerstone. You have to have self-respect and respect others. Hopes that in the future the Board gives time before voting. Pat Doughrety Has watched Supervisor McGee over the years and while she doesn’t agree with her on this issue, she has done a remarkable job with this Town. Supervisor McGee invites group to say the Pledge of Allegiance Audience says Pledge of Allegiance. 7 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting February 26, 2020 ​Discussion of the Pledge of Allegiance Supervisor McGee says the request at the last meeting that the individuals were asked to assess and take action. Keep it to what was requested in this conversation. Councilperson Mehaffey – Board received letter from longtime Enfield resident. Paraphrase (w/permission): With the phrase under God sends a message that some people are less welcome. Public meetings Should feel welcoming to all religions or no religions. Some claim the US is a Christian country. Founders rejected Christian references. Prohibition against the government establishing religion. Those will argue that those who do not say Pledge of Allegiance disrespects the military. At future Board Meetings, some attendees will say Pledge of Allegiance. That is their right. However, an individual right differs from an official act. Not allowed – anyone in official role leading prayer. Official non-involvement is the key to equal treatment. Coming to a Town Board meeting is an act of patriotions and Counciperson Mehaffey thanks everyone for coming. Councilperson Lynch – 1. Went through emails and comments since the last meeting. Percentages 4 people supported the resolution from January; 17 opposed it. 81% want the Pledge of Allegiance back on the agenda and we have to take that into consideration when the Board votes on the resolution he put forth tonight. No Supreme Court Case precedence on ‘under God’ whether it is Constitutional or not. 2. Refers to comment from last meeting. ‘I hope some kind of compromise can be reached. Like the Black Oak issue: Separated community and put community in negative environment. This community should be as one.’ 8 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting February 26, 2020 We need to take this in mind. We have a lot of work to do in this town. Having continued debates on Pledge of Allegiance is an impediment to get other work done. Since it is Constitutional and the community wants it, I think it is important to put the Pledge of Allegiance back on the agenda. Councilperson Bryant – Have family members who are members of the military. States that she certainly respects the Pledge and the Military. Growing up, she didn’t say ‘under God’. The words were added during the Eisenhower administration. Doesn’t mean people who believe in under God should be told not to. Believes in separation of church and state. Councilperson Redmond – Shares with the Board that this decision was definitely not premeditated . Felt uncomfortable w/it and felt that others may be uncomfortable with it. In an effort to be inclusive, I felt it was important not to have this best thing to do was to allow people within the Community to say it in the Privilege of the Floor. Inspired by community turnout. There’s a lot to get done. Hoping we can move on beyond this. Get people in Enfield involved in these things. Supervisor McGee – Speaks on the question of betrayal or premeditated: Councilperson Redmond was a new Board Member and genuinely asked that question under God being in there. Given another member’s concerns, Supervisor McGee recommended for the Pledge of Allegiance to be removed from the meeting order, not from the proceedings. Supervisor McGee has expressed concern about the Town Government leading the Pledge of Allegiance. Noted Councilperson Lynch’s concern from last meeting – ‘rash decision’ Supervisor McGee understands people’s concerns and upsets and the comments this nation means something to everyone and it may not mean the same thing to each person. The flag represents that we are free to say it and not say it as we feel free. ●Migrant children separated from parents ●Americans look away at other Americans living on sidewalks. ●Americans scoffing at caring for planet we live on. ●Young people being sent off to war. ●Veterans committing suicide and not receiving the help they need. 9 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting February 26, 2020 Has been serving in these meetings for five years and many years and months beforehand in the audience seats. As Supervisor, has worked hard at having open and meaningful dialogue for all. No better way to celebrate the Pledge than to Place in the hands of people Not at the direction of the board States that attendees can say it without interfering in the Privilege of the Floor. Supervisor McGee says she loves this Nation. Has a resolution to put forward. Tells Councilperson Lynch to read resolution first. Councilperson Lynch reads his resolution – Reinstatement of Pledge of Allegiance at Town Board Meetings (Insert Resolution): Councilperson Lynch moves that resolution upon completion of reading. Supervisor McGee seconds the resolution so we can discuss it. Supervisor McGee said we actually take an oath to do and if anyone wants to recite it, we have it. 4​th​ whereas, it states the Pledge of Allegiance was deleted from Board Meetings but that is not true. States that is not the case at all. It was deleted from the meeting order only. Supervisor McGee states that we are debating this resolution and I am questioning the language of this whereas. Councilperson Lynch offers recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance in the regular meeting Supervisor McGee – needs to reflect Takes notes. Table the resolution. 10 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting February 26, 2020 0Read Supervisor McGee’s. ? of the 2​nd​ to last resolve. Part of this, says that none of us can compel other people to say it. But in the one above it, in order to demonstrate proper respect ​***** Get the rest off of the tape recorder. Councilperson Lynch says 2​nd​ to last clause – supports we cannot compel someone to participate. Wants to support 3​rd​ from bottom to amend so that we don’t have to request all BMembers Councilperson Redmond. How would you word Supervisor McGee I would remove it. Councilperson Bryant designating board member to lead pledge. Says that it is an unnecessary clause. Councilperson Lynch is willing to strike the second resolve is that will make it more palatable to some. Supervisor McGee – government is dictating that govt members stand and recite it. Councilperson Mehaffey moves we table it and hear Supervisor McGee’s resolution. Councilperson Redmond seconded the motion. Supervisor McGee - Any more discussion VOTE: Councilperson Bryant, Aye, Councilperson Lynch, Nay, Councilperson Mehaffey, Aye, Councilperson Redmond, Aye, Supervisor McGee, Aye Supervisor McGee reads her resolution. (insert) Councilperson Mehaffey seconds the resolution. Councilperson Redmond feels like it gives a lot of town members freedom to participate in the Pledge of Allegiance or not, without feeling coercion. Supervisor McGee – For her, it is not about the God issue; it is about the government telling people they have to do it or leading it. Happy to entertain changes to the language. 11 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting February 26, 2020 Councilperson Mehaffey – feels like it means a whole lot more as an individual act, rather than an official act. Supervisor McGee – concern when she presented people the option to include in Privilege of the Floor. Her resolution states it would not infringe upon that time. Question from member – will it be on agenda for a member to lead or not at all Supervisor McGee – on back in instructions, it will say that people can say it if they like, but will not be compelled to do so. Supervisor McGee – 3,500 members of Enfield. 3,000 adults. 500 children. Community Member – Too small of number makes too many big decisions. Board is here to do the job. Have to be careful about what we do, especially when people hear about it after the fact. Supervisor McGee – reminder that everyone is welcome to come to the meetings here every month. People who are represented by the people on the Board all have a voice and are welcome to come here. Community Member – what good does it do to have an opinion in a group like this when the Board can state their own opinion and feel Supervisor McGee explains we have not tabled both resolutions. We can reopen the first resolution. Board can vote on the first or second resolution. Councilperson Lynch – doesn’t feel that Supervisor McGee’s resolution isn’t strong enough for him. Refers to Courtney Bailey’s statement on respect. Our respect for our Constitutions and laws. Cherishes that we live in democracy. We have the right to make change and that flag symbolizes our right to make change. Believes our pledge officially on the agenda is important, as opposed to someone in the citizenry leading. Supervisor McGee – we need approval to continue conversation. 12 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting February 26, 2020 Member allowed comment. Feels that everyone feels as strongly as Councilperson Lynch does about our country, flag and democracy. Want to be careful about having to mandate saying the Pledge of Allegiance. Herb Masser – challenged Supervisor McGee’s statements and comments on her thoughts on the country. Councilperson Redmond – asked Herb Masser if there was anything he disagreed with in this country right now. Privilege of the Floor again: Theresa Guler - All the residents wanted an answer tonight but she is confused that if some people want it at the beginning of the agenda. If there’s 25 people in the room, and all want to say it, are we saying it 25 different times. Supervisor McGee: It allows for any other meeting to a person can lead the Pledge of Allegiance at the beginning of their Privilege of the Floor, they can. If a Board member wants to say it, they can. Councilperson Mehaffey – the difference for her is an individual act vs. official act. Compares it to having to pray in school. Theresa Guler: Trying to be neutral. Other issues in Enfield that need to be focused on. Councilperson Mehaffey Feels fine about people doing it. Coming from their heart as opposed to being officially on agenda. Represents both the majority and the minority. Has been researching these last two weeks. What does it mean to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Feels if she is leading it, it is coercing. Theresa Guler: Feels like if this doesn’t get resolved, the community is not going to be supportive and volunteering. Everyone has strong feelings. Supervisor McGee – her resolution. Why doesn’t she answer those questions? Theresa Guler: Trying to explain that she was confused by whole thing. 13 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting February 26, 2020 Courtney Bailey: We all want it back on agenda. Understands the Board doesn’t want to feel like they are coercing. Why not put it on agenda ‘as you choose’? Would fulfill both sides of the equation. Councilperson Redmond: Seems like there are enough people who are interested in saying it, that it is going to be said. People want it on the agenda. ‘A place for it.’ Jude Lempke​: The agenda includes the Privilege of the Floor Privilege of the Floor including the Pledge of Allegiance if you choose, would that restore it to the agenda? Supervisor McGee moves that we change the regular meeting agenda Privilege of the Floor limited to three minutes per speaker including the Pledge of Allegiance if you so choose. Councilperson Redmond seconds. Supervisor McGee refers to her resolution. Councilperson Lynch – Point of order – don’t we have two resolutions on the floor Supervisor McGee – we have one resolution and one motion. Move to table her resolution. Councilperson Mehaffey seconds. Vote on motion to add language to Privilege of the Floor. VOTE: Councilperson Bryant, Aye, Councilperson Lynch, Aye, Councilperson Mehaffey Aye, Councilperson Redmond, Aye, Supervisor McGee, Aye. Moves to change Regular Meeting Agenda to include Privilege of the Floor limited to three minutes per speaker (to include Pledge of Allegiance if you so choose). Councilperson Redmond seconds. 14 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting February 26, 2020 Supervisor McGee explains what that language above means and where it falls into the agenda, which is part of the Privilege of the Floor. Councilperson Lynch – I would think the presiding officer should say if we should be led into the Pledge of Allegiance Supervisor McGee – Tells Councilperson Lynch he is just as responsible as her for what happens at this table. Councilperson Lynch – Doesn’t give it the formality it deserves. Supervisor McGee – Says that more respect to the flag has happened in this last month and is offended at his misinformation. Councilperson Mehaffey – believes coercing people to say Pledge of Allegiance goes against her oath of office. Cannot support Councilperson Lynch’s resolution. Councilperson Redmond – to Councilperson Mehaffey when Supervisor McGee states there are people who doesn’t believe in Pledge of Allegiance for whatever reason Councilperson Lynch – his resolution does not compel Councilperson Redmond – says it does Supervisor McGee – We have a motion on the table and two resolutions we are discussing. There is resolution being proposed to force her to compel people Councilperson Lynch – Stronger motion is needed and will vote against it. Supervisor McGee – any other discussion. You can talk about clearer resolution after this. Brings it back to Jude’s suggestion. Majority of those present believe it belongs at the top of the agenda. 15 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting February 26, 2020 Supervisor McGee – offers amendment to the motion for Privilege of the Floor at the top under the Welcome. Councilperson Bryant seconds the amendment. Councilperson Mehaffey believes Pledge of Allegiance in the Privilege of the Floor leaves it in the hands of people. Allen Fisher Summary: Be careful that we don’t be so thin skinned that we have to worry about what everyone has to say. If it’s not an issue, it should just be back where it was. Supervisor McGee suggests Privilege of the Floor, including Pledge of Allegiance, be put after Call to Order. Motion on the floor Call to vote on amendment to motion on the floor (see language above): VOTE: Councilperson Bryant, Aye, Councilperson Lynch, Nay, Councilperson Mehaffey Aye, Councilperson Redmond, Aye, Supervisor McGee, Aye. Amendment to motion passed. Privilege of the Floor at the beginning of every meeting, and at the end of every meeting but not at the end of special meetings. Supervisor McGee - Discussion about resolution? Councilperson Lynch said there are no real constitutional challenges, including any by the Supreme Court. Should not have to be raised by Privilege of the Floor by any member of the public. Should be recognized as a normal course of business. Supervisor McGee wants to relook at language at motion that was adopted before to see if anything that conflicts with it. Supervisor McGee says her resolution does not say anything about Board members not having to lead the Pledge of Allegiance. Says she wants to leave by example and that she is 16 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting February 26, 2020 not going to dictate as a government to make people do it. Change to ‘one recitation per person.’ Do you feel we only need one recitation? Councilperson Redmond says she thinks it could be per person. Councilperson Mehaffey asked if the Pledge of Allegiance would be part of their three-minutes? Supervisor McGee - It would be in addition to the three-minutes. Supervisor McGee – Adopted a motion to put it in the Pledge of Allegiance, in the Privilege of the Floor. Wouldn’t count against the three- minutes. Councilperson Mehaffey says to leave the language of the motion the way it is. Councilperson Lynch brings up how many days do the resolutions have to be posted to the public. Supervisor McGee – we can table her resolution because we have another motion with language. Councilperson Lynch – moves to table Supervisor McGee’s resolution to the meeting in March. There is no second to the motion. Supervisor McGee moves to amend resolution Councilperson Redmond seconds. Councilperson Bryant next to last resolve says all that language. Supervisor McGee – any other discussion? VOTE: Councilperson Bryant, Aye, Councilperson Lynch, Nay, Councilperson Mehaffey Aye, Councilperson Redmond, Aye, Supervisor McGee, Aye. 17 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting February 26, 2020 Resolution #2020-30- Resolution to Protect the Enfield Public’s Right to Recite the Pledge of Allegiance WHEREAS, the Enfield Town Board recognized the Constitutional challenges presented by including the Pledge of Allegiance in the Town Board Regular Meeting Outline, as compelled by the Local Government, and; WHEREAS, the Town Board recognizes the importance of the Pledge of Allegiance to some residents of the Town of Enfield, and; WHEREAS, there is an opportunity for meeting attendees to express themselves during Privilege of the Floor at the beginning of each meeting, and; WHEREAS, the Enfield Town Board agrees this is an appropriate time for the Public to exercise the right of reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, therefore be it RESOLVED, the Enfield Town Board approves the following change to the General Rules for Procedure and Guidelines for Public Comment: Speakers must limit their remarks to 3 minutes on a given topic. (Exclusive of the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance at each meeting of the Enfield Town Board) RESOLVED, the Enfield Town Board will not infringe upon the right of members of the Public to recite the Pledge of Allegiance during the first Privilege of the Floor at the beginning of each meeting. RESOLVED, members of the Town Board and Public are not required to stand or recite the Pledge of Allegiance. Vote: Councilperson Bryant Aye, Councilperson Lynch:, Nay, Councilperson Mehaffey, Aye, Councilperson Redmond, Aye, Supervisor McGee, Aye. Supervisor McGee – discussion requested by Councilperson Mehaffey about trees Councilperson Mehaffey – meeting w/Fire Dept. for about two years. Resources are stretched. Volunteers. A lot of calls. How can we recruit and retain volunteers? One difficult issue is trees down. Wants Superintendent Rollins to come to next month’s meeting about 18 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting February 26, 2020 possible ways the Highway Department can deal with those calls. See if we can’t come up w/a way to stop having our volunteers and start paying our employees to deal with issues of limbs in the road. Looking at the number of calls that Volunteer Fire Company gets and it taxes the volunteers. One way is to limit # of calls that are not emergencies. Possible equipment that may be needed. If there are wires in the road, the Volunteer Fire Company might be there for traffic control. Councilperson Mehaffey – Wants to start working w/911 center but wants a system in place that works for Highway Dept. He says it’s going into overtime. Councilperson Bryant concerns about safety Supervisor McGee – if the Highway Department can come with a plan and we can support them, we need to know what those things are to make it happen and have the law behind you. Councilperson Mehaffey doesn’t have the answers but wants to raise the issues with the Highway Department. Doesn’t want to lose our Volunteer Fire Company. Look at all calls. Who should be managing those calls and situations. Councilperson Lynch - Question for Councilperson Mehaffey. Logistical question – Highway Department has limited hours. Councilperson Mehaffey – Highway Department is 24/7. Councilperson Lynch how quickly can they respond. Supervisor McGee – that’s what we’re addressing. That’s what we are trying to find out. Councilperson Mehaffey – how can we really start talking about this to really make it happen Councilperson Bryant – Speaks about the best use of resources. 19 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting February 26, 2020 Councilperson Mehaffey Volunteer Fire Company stretched thin. No action. Supervisor McGee – Solar RFP Supervisor McGee – Councilperson Redmond had put together language. Do you want to look at what has been proposed and come back to it? Councilperson Redmond: Explained changes to documents, based off one out of Lansing. May want to go through and see what is/is not applicable. Councilperson Mehaffey – what is the timeline? Councilperson Redmond – have to change dates on everything Supervisor McGee – have to change dates anyway. Spoke with Tony to make sure we are still waiting until the fall. Councilperson Lynch – has the 4 page draft and the only thing he noticed differs from. Councilperson Redmond’s original proposal 1, 2, 3, 4. Why additional proposals? Does it overcomplicate it? Councilperson Mehaffey – My understanding is we are on shaky ground if we don’t go to the lower amount. Not a project that allows for best value. Supervisor McGee – issue w/#4. Proposes to Page 1 of Solar Project offered by Guy Crow Option on page 1 adding ‘and expandability’ Supervisor McGee - Would like these to be mailed, as opposed to email. We can email out applications. Completed applications to be submitted to Board via sealed, hard copies. Councilperson Lynch – what is stopping us from moving forward tonight 20 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting February 26, 2020 Supervisor McGee – give time to look over Councilperson Redmond’s language. Would need to be clear about the timeline for the decision. Need to make a date for the deadline. Councilperson Redmond – everyone should go through them to make sure that it is all applicable to what we’re doing. Supervisor McGee – wait until Regular Meeting or Special Meeting Councilperson Mehaffey Either way Supervisor McGee moves for a Speical Meeting Set for Thursday, March 5​th​, 2020 at 6:30pm at Community Building. Councilperson Redmond seconds. Supervisor McGee – Buildings & Grounds Facilities Cemetery Care Propose to go back to original resolution that the Highway Department manage that work 2018 Highway Department assumption of duties reading Supervisor McGee – provided Board about info for Highway Law. Through a fund to manage funds. Questions about info? Councilperson Mehaffey No. Councilperson Lynch Has not seen that material. Does not want a repeat of last year where the cemetery was uncared for. How does Superintendent Rollins feel about that? Supervisor McGee – Her recollection is that Superintendent Rollins stated he didn’t have time to do it. Superintendent Rollins – Interfered with his duties as the Highway Superintendent. Supervisor McGee – proposal isn’t that the Highway Superintendent doesn’t do it himself but the guys that work for him. Superintendent Rollins – they don’t have the time to do it. 21 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting February 26, 2020 Supervisor McGee – Board has authority to impose it on Highway Dept. and that they can’t refuse it. She spoke to three attorneys who confirmed it. Totally appropriate to do it. Highway Department can prioritize the work. Superintendent Rollins – Does not agree with the proposal. Councilperson Lynch – State Comptroller: Town Board may assign additional duties not inconsistent with law with general scope of employment and not interfere with his primary duties. Gray area here where the law falls. Opinion of State Controller not state law. It’s binding but not specific. Who decides what is within his scope of employment? Councilperson Redmond – Does it interfere with your duties to hire someone to mow? Superintendent Rollins – It’s extra time and work to manage. Councilperson Redmond – Equipment issue. Superintendent Rollins – Cemetery fund. Not Highway Fund. Councilperson Lynch – what do we have to do for your guys to do this? Superintendent Rollins – For Supervisor McGee to resign. Will not do the cemeteries or maintenance from the Highway Department. He resigned last year from doing it. She is probably trying to sneak it in. Councilperson Redmond – As a new BM, what do you recommend? Superintendent Rollins – I recommend the Board handle it. Councilperson Lynch – Did we approve a creation of position for grounds? If we’ve created that position, why don’t we fill it? Supervisor McGee – If you want to create a job posting for it, go ahead. 22 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting February 26, 2020 Councilperson Redmond – How do we remedy truck situation? Supervisor McGee – Put your thinking caps on? Councilperson Redmond – Can the B&G person have use of the trucks? Superintendent Rollins – Won’t allow it. It’s our expense. Supervisor McGee – Cited law. Councilperson Lynch – Says cemetery roads, not cemeteries. Supervisor McGee – Additional duties part is what I’m talking about. Councilperson Redmond – Are you serious if Supervisor McGee resigns you’ll do this? Superintendent Rollins – Won’t entertain any of this anymore. Councilperson Lynch – This is why it benefits everyone to work as a team. That we all surrender some of our autonomy from time to time. Would like to have a way to work together on all of this. If we can’t agree, then we have to outsource. Supervisor McGee – Tells Councilperson Lynch she thinks he can create a job position description. Councilperson Mehaffey – You have to have a business owners’ insurance policy. Not enough $ in the budget to have someone to work for the town. Supervisor McGee – The Building and Grounds position proposed. Certain hours / week to do cemeteries and other things around the building, as necessary. Believes there is $ in budget to pay someone to do it. Councilperson Lynch – Ideally, would like to have a Highway Department to do this work. How can we make it work? 23 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting February 26, 2020 Councilperson Mehaffey – Says to Councilperson Lynch, why don’t you be a Highway Department Liaison Supervisor McGee motions to make Councilperson Lynch liaison to Highway Department Motion seconded by Councilperson Bryant VOTE: Councilperson Bryant, Aye, Councilperson Lynch, Aye, Councilperson Mehaffey, Aye, Councilperson Redmond, Aye, Supervisor McGee, Aye. Supervisor McGee – Councilperson Lynch can deal with facilities issues with Highway Department. Who wants to come back with a Building and Grounds job description? Councilperson Lynch – Would like to make an arrangement with Highway Department, if possible. Supervisor McGee – additional $ for cleaning if you want Pat Baker to clean Town Hall. She would be willing to do that. Councilperson Mehaffey – very difficult to have both positions in one person and be successful. New Business​: Supervisor McGee – Additional Appointment Budget Officer – Would like to appoint someone else to do it but no one is going to do that for free. Going to need to put $ in budget to do that. Can’t make it a priority and it is defined as a separate job duty in the law. Goes to Supervisor by default. Reads the job description. 24 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting February 26, 2020 Hours per month varies. It would be an appointed position, which is salary. Councilperson Lynch – Was it not the expectation of the voters that they were electing a Supervisor who would be taking charge of these budgets? Supervisor McGee – Law says she can appoint someone. Councilperson Lynch – Refer to previous line. Supervisor McGee – Says she can’t prioritize it anymore. She is working 40 hours / week for this town. Working 30 hours / week to do the rest. She is putting in 70 hours a week and needs to reduce her commitment. Councilperson Lynch – Believes the budget management is one of the most important duties for a Supervisor in a town this size. Supervisor McGee – I understand the law that allows me to appoint a person to the position. Councilperson Lynch – As a Board, maybe we could help prioritize those duties. Would do other towns in Tompkins of this size handle it? Supervisor McGee – They have an appointed person. Would like the Town Board to discuss this. Councilperson Lynch – You’re not going to find someone cheap. This should have been a discussion we had last year. Supervisor McGee – Read Highway Department Supervisor’s payroll info. When Supervisor McGee was asked, she shared that she makes $20K and no benefits. Supervisor McGee made a motion to adjourn. Councilperson Lynch would like to deal w/Volunteer Fire Company reimbursement. Made motion. Councilperson Bryant 2​nd​. 25 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting February 26, 2020 Councilperson Lynch - 1. authorized reimbursement Supervisor McGee read resolution 2020-31 related to Volunteer Fire Company training. Motion by Councilperson Lynch. Councilperson Bryant seconded. VOTE: Councilperson Bryant, Aye, Councilperson Lynch, Aye, Councilperson Mehaffey, Aye, Councilperson Redmond, Aye, Supervisor McGee, Aye. Resolution #2020-31 Authorize Reimbursement for EVFC Conference WHEREAS,​ the Enfield Town Board values training for individuals who manage and maintain funds and services for Town needs, and; WHEREAS,​ it would be beneficial to the Town of Enfield for a member of the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company to attend a reputable educational conference offered by the Pinsky Law Firm March 26-29​th​, 2020, and; WHEREAS, excess funds are available in the SF (FIRE) Fund to cover this expense, therefore be it RESOLVED​, the Enfield Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to reimburse the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company in an amount not to exceed $800.00 for attendance and associated expenses for one EVFC member. Supervisor McGee – budget amendment #6. Read aloud. Budget Amendment #2020-6 Move Funds for EVFC Fire Conference WHEREAS​, the Enfield Town Board has authorized reimbursement for a member of the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company to attend an educational conference offered by the Pinsky Law Firm, therefore be it 26 DRAFT MINUTES Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting February 26, 2020 RESOLVED​, the Enfield Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to decrease line SF909- Fire Protection District – Fund Balance Unreserved by $800.00 and increase SF3410.4- Fire Protection- Contractual by $800.00. Motion by Councilperson Lynch Secconded by Councilperson Bryant. VOTE: Councilperson Bryant, Aye, Councilperson Lynch, Aye, Councilperson Mehaffey Aye, Councilperson Redmond, Aye, Supervisor McGee, Aye. Announcements Traffic Management Event March 21​st​ at 9am Emergency supervisors. Fire Hall 9am-3pm Action item:​ Supervisor McGee will let Superintendent Rollins know. Who is going to Risk Assessment – Councilperson Redmond would like to go. On her schedule. Adjournment: - Motion to adjourn. Councilperson Redmond Seconded. Adjourn at 9:50pm.