HomeMy WebLinkAbout01-08-2020 Regular Town Board Meeting Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting Enfield Community Building Wednesday, January 8, 2020 6:30 p.m. Present:​ Town Supervisor Beth McGee, Town Councilperson Virginia Bryant, Town Councilperson Robert Lynch, Town Councilperson Mimi Mehaffey, Town Councilperson Stephanie Redmond, Town Clerk Ellen Woods. Councilperson Lynch led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag at 6:40 p.m. Additions and Removals from the Agenda​: 2 additions to the agenda List of additional amendments added to the Consent Agenda 2019 Design of the Comprehensive Plan Discussed Amount budgeted for retirement for 2020 was less than what was needed. Councilperson Robert Lynch states that he would like to remove 2 items from the Consent Agenda Councilperson Lynch would like to introduce a Resolution regarding the Food Pantry will need to be presented to the board 1 week ahead of time. Councilperson Robert Lynch moves that we take off the Consent Agenda: ●Resolution concerning 2020 Deputy Town Supervisor No Second, stays on ●Deputy Highway Superintendent No Second, stays on Highway Superintendent Buddy Rollis states that the Board has no say over Deputy Highway Superintendent. Supervisor McGee agrees and adds that this is the same case for the Deputy Supervisor. ●Moves that we take off the position of Community Building Custodian ●Moves that we take of the Consent Agenda the position of Building Maintenance and Grounds. ●Moves that we put his resolution concerning the adoption of new business on the agenda ●No Second, stays on 2 DRAFT MINUTES Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, January 8, 2020 ●Moves that we put a resolution concerning an affirmation of support for the Food Pantry on tonight’s agenda. No second, stays on. Councilperson Robert Lynch states his objection to Deputy Highway Superintendent Councilperson Robert Lynch moves that we take off the consent agenda, establishing the position of Deputy Supervisor. Board member Robert Lynch moves that we take off the consent agenda establishing a custodian for maintenance for building and grounds. Supervisor Beth McGee states that position has been approved by the board. Councilperson Robert Lynch states he has prepared an organizational resolution. Councilperson Robert Lynch moves that we establish a town policy for considering new business. Supervisor Beth McGee asks for other changes or additions to the agenda. Councilperson Lynch states desire to introduce a resolution for a re-affirmation of support for the Food Pantry. Board suggests that can be submitted for consideration at a future meeting. Privilege of the Floor​: Jim, representative for Solar Farms New York Representative states that anyone who signs up will get a $100 donation to Enfield. Get a guaranteed 5% off your NYSEG Bill. Biggest Company in New York State. Create credits. Community. All you have to do is sign up & start saving. 100 donation to the town. Or $50 Visa card for the customer. Have already created credits. Once you sign up you are part of the credits. Supervisor McGee asks representative for details and documentation. Pat Doughrety asks what happens when no one seconds a motion. Supervisor McGee indicates that it does not advance. County Legislator Report:​ Dave McKenna We no longer have a legislative chair. Anna Kelles v Mike Lane. Approved several resolutions regarding construction. Meeting schedule established. Highway Superintendent’s Report: Buddy Rollins 3 DRAFT MINUTES Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, January 8, 2020 Highway superintendent’s report. Snow & Ice removal continues. Digging and ditching done. Repairing trucks. 284 agreement for the year 2020 given to the board. Superintendent Rollins presents the 284 agreement and states that no work can be done before it is signed. Supervisor McGee states that there will be an Audit meeting before the 20​th​. Would like to consider it then because there are new Board Members. Supervisor McGee states that the board needs time to review. Superintendent Rollins again states that no work will be done that takes material before it is signed. Councilperson Lynch moves that we consider the 284 tonight under new business. Superintendent Rollins states that it should be considered under highway business. Supervisor McGee states that the agreement could have been sent to the board a week prior. Superintendent Rollins states that the Board could have looked at it in the time being used for discussion. Supervisor McGee passes the 284 agreement to the Board. Councilperson Redmond states that it would help her to get it in advance. Superintendent Rollns states that it is in black and white and does not understand why. Councilperson Bryant states that she would also like items in advance. Councilperson Lynch states that he would like material ahead of time Coucilperson Bryant states that the Board has been getting materials ahead of time. Councilperson Mehaffey states that she will abstain. Her job is to verify. She will allow the vote to go forward but will personally abstain. Action item:​ Supervisor McGee will scan 284 agreements and send it to the Board in email. Board members can email or call Superintendent Rollins with questions. They may also refer to the capital plan or the budget. Superintendent Rollins reads applicable town law. Supervisor McGee states that 284 agreement will be on the agenda at the Audit Meeting. 4 DRAFT MINUTES Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, January 8, 2020 Fire Prevention and Battery shut of switches discussed. Supervisor McGee asks if it is okay if we move this to this part of the discussion in consideration for Superintendent Rollins’ time. Supervisor McGee states recommendations by NYMIR Supervisor McGee received a recent letter indicating that three highway garages have burned down due to lack of these switches. International trucks have a high rate of starting fires. Supervisor McGee asks if we check for recalls. Superintendent Rollins states that there are not usually recalls on heavy equipment. Supervisor McGee states one of the recommendations of NYMIR. The Supervisor states that the Fire Company has these installed. Superintendent Rollins states that they are already installed. He states that wires run together and they short out. Superintendent Rollins states that we have two international vehicles. 09 and 12. Supervisor McGee asks for additional highway questions. Planning Board​ - ​Dan Walker Will meet next week, 3​rd​ Wednesday. Choosing to stay on the 1​st​ Wednesday. Board is engaged in Site Plan Review Work on Subdivision Regulations will start next meeting Supervisor McGee suggests board do the planning Board appointment Supervisor McGee asks about term. One member is replaced every year. Planning Board Appointment 2 Applicants Appointment is 5 years 2020-2024 Steve Given - served 7 years 5 DRAFT MINUTES Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, January 8, 2020 Mike Carpenter - served on the Town Board 7 years and 2 years on the Planning Board Supervisor McGee asks a question about training for Board Members. Councilperson Lynch asks Dan if he has been satisfied with Steven’s performance. Absences were all excused. Participates actively in discussions. Brings experience of small business and building principles. Generally concerned about well being of the committee Councilperson Lynch invites Mike Carpenter to speak about his interest in the position. Mike Carpenter states he was on the planning board 7 years ago for several years. Resigned position. Does design and construction management. Planning board is about to get into a whole new set of regulations. Has been observing Enfield and its development, would like to have input in the process. Mike remarks on the challenge of enough knowledge & experience on the board in the past. Dan brings wealth of experience. Mike wants to train for when Dan leaves the Board. Would like to continue learning. Councilperson Lynch asks if Mike would be willing to serve as the Alternate on the Building Committee. Mike will come to the meetings in any case. Mike states that he would like to have a voice on the Planning Board. Mike suggests the Planning Board needs more of a mandate from the Town Board. States that there is a lot that there is willing to be done. Councilperson Redmond asks Mike what is the difference between Mike and Steve in terms of voting. Councilperson Bryant served with both Mike & Steve on the planning board and found them participatory, interested, and prepared. Councilperson Mehaffey states that Mike is open and receptive, communicative. Councilperson Mehaffey states that with all the issues coming up, in terms of Solar, Wind, and storage, she would like to see Mike’s leadership. Councilperson Lynch believes in rewarding incumbency. Suggests that the Board vote Steve Givin in as voting member and Mike Carpenter as alternate. Supervisor McGee will put forth two motions. Supervisor McGee makes a motion that we adopt the resolution with Steve as the voting member and Mike as the alternate member. Councilperson Lynch Seconds. 6 DRAFT MINUTES Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, January 8, 2020 VOTE: Councilperson Bryant, Nay, Councilperson Lynch, Aye, Councilperson Mehaffey, Nay, Councilperson Redmond, Nay, Supervisor McGee, Nay Supervisor McGee makes a motion that we adopt the resolution with Mike Carpenter as the voting member and Steve Givin as the alternate member. Councilperons Mehaffey seconds. VOTE: Councilperson Bryant, Aye, Councilperson Lynch, Aye, Councilperson Mehaffey, Aye, Councilperson Redmond, Aye, Supervisor McGee, Aye Resolution #2020-1 Enfield Planning Board Appointment WHEREAS,​ the Enfield Town Board has asked for letters of interest regarding a vacancy on the Town of Enfield Planning Board and two vacancies for alternates on the Enfield Planning Board; WHEREAS,​ the Enfield Town Board received letters of interest from Steve Givin and Mike Carpenter; RESOLVED​ the Town Board appoints Mike Carpenter to the Enfield Planning Board for the term ending December 31​st​, 2024, and; RESOLVED​ the Town Board appoints Steve Givin to the Enfield Planning Board as an alternate for the term ending December 31​st​, 2024. Fire Company Report​ - ​Chief Roger Lauper Fatal Fire ●Mutual Aid TBurg, Newfield, Meck, Ithaca ●Chief gives dates for: CO2 Training, Driver Training, HazMat Training ●Line officers for 2020: Deputy Chief Wayne Lauper, 1st Assistant Alan Teeter, 2nd Assistant Jamie Stevens, Captain Ryan Cartner ●Councilperson Mehaffey asks about call related Trauma. ●Roger discusses plans in case of trauma. ●Supervisor McGee met with President Hubbell and Chief Lauper for 2 hours for debriefing, Emergency Management Protocols, Gear, after recent Structure Fire. 7 DRAFT MINUTES Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, January 8, 2020 Town Clerk Report​: - ​Ellen Woods New Town Clerk Ellen Woods circulating Deputy Town Clerk announcement. Over 200,000 in Tax Funds deposited. New Hours, Include Saturday Hours. Discusses onboarding process. Supervisors Report​: - ​Beth McGee ●Facilitating 2 meetings ●SEQR ●Attended Fire Company Banquest ●Quarterly meeting ●Norm Smith Proposed Sheriff Satelite Space ●Met several times with BookKeeper year end needs ●Finalized letter for Levy Insert ●Comprehensive plan scoping document ●Met with Denny and Roger over fatal fire ●Developed a more efficient voucher ●Worked with the Grange & DOT over curb & accessibility issues. ●Attended Tompkins County Public Safety Meeting ●Spoke with developer for FISH Road Cell Tower. ○Will build June or July, on air 2020. ○Built for CoLocation. ○LTE 4G Build, Mono Pole ●Enfield Community Council will not get paid this month as they did not submit voucher or attend meeting. Renewable Energy Advisory Committee​: Mehaffey states that they have not met. Consent Agenda​: Adding two budget amendments to Consent Agenda Supervisor McGee moves that we adopt the Consent Agenda Supervisor McGee reads Consent Agenda Supervisor McGee would like to remove AOT meeting discussion Supervisor McGee would like to remove discussion of delegate and alternate Budget amendments Moving funds for JCapp Savings 8 DRAFT MINUTES Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, January 8, 2020 Intention is for all bills from 2019 to be covered. Councilperson Stephanie Redmond seconded Supervisor McGee’s motion Councilperson Lynch states that his intention is to vote against the consent agenda because Becky Sims is being appointed as Deputy Supervisor. Supervisor McGee cites precedent and law, maintaining that the appointment is the sole purview of the Town Supervisor. *Consent Agenda · Audit Claims ●Approval of Minutes from Dec. 11​th​ regular meeting and Dec. 18​th​ Public Hearing and Special Meeting · ​ Organizational Resolutions: Resolution #2020-2 Town Board Meeting Dates Resolution #2020-3 Department Hours Resolution #2020-4 Bi-Weekly Pay Periods Resolution #2020-5 Paid Holidays Resolution #2020-6 Town E-Mail Accounts Resolution #2020-7 Attorney for the Town Resolution #2020-8 Official Newspaper Resolution #2020-9 Code of Ethics Resolution #2020-10 Records Access Officer Resolution #2020-11 Town Bookkeeper Resolution #2020-12 Deputy Town Supervisor Resolution #2020-13 Deputy Highway Superintendent Resolution #2020-14 Establishing Position of Community Building Custodian Resolution #2020-15 Planning Board Clerk – no additional salary Resolution #2020-16 Code Enforcement Officer 9 DRAFT MINUTES Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, January 8, 2020 Resolution #2020-17 Confidential Secretary to the Supervisor Resolution #2020-18 Court Clerk Resolution #2020-19 Position of Maintenance for Buildings and Grounds Resolution #2020-20 Public Officials/Town Employees Pay Schedule Resolution #2020-21 Management of Town Website, Emails, and Hosting Budget Amendment #2019-23 Move Funds for Highway Repairs Budget Amendment #2019-24 Move Funds for Fuel Expense Budget Amendment #2019-25 Move funds for Additional Budget Modifications Budget Amendment #2019-26 Move Funds For Comprehensive Plan Design Budget Amendment #2020–1 Move Funds for Planning Federation Membership Budget Amendment #2020-2 Move Funds for Tree Removal in Presbyterian Cemetery Budget Amendment #2020-3 Move Funds for JCAP Grant Funds Savings ***End of Consent Agenda*** Vote: Councilperson Bryant, Aye, Councilperson Lynch, Nay, Councilperson Mehaffey, Aye, Councilperson Redmond, Aye, Supervisor McGee, Aye. Discussion of Deputy Supervisor position between Supervisor McGee and Councilperson Lynch. Ellen Woods states that the Deputy Supervisor may need to step in if there is an emergency and cites Becky Sims’ employment at the Health Department as a qualifier. 3 Remaining Budget Amendments Budget Amendment #2019-28 Move Funds for Social Security Overage WHEREAS​, the amount required for Social Security is exceeded the amount appropriated, therefore be it RESOLVED​, the Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to decrease DA9050.8 -Unemployment Insurance by $437.36 and increase DA9030.8- Social Security by $437.36. 10 DRAFT MINUTES Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, January 8, 2020 VOTE: Councilperson Bryant, Aye, Councilperson Lynch, Aye, Councilperson Mehaffey, Aye, Councilperson Redmond, Aye, Supervisor, McGee, Aye. Budget Amendment #2019-29 Move Funds for Medicare Overage WHEREAS,​ the amount required for Medicare exceeded the amount appropriated, therefore be it RESOLVED,​ the Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to decrease DA9050.8 –Unemployment Insurance by $33.73 and increase DA9020.8- Medicare by $33.73. VOTE: Councilperson Bryant, Aye, Councilperson Lynch, Aye, Councilperson Mehaffey, Aye, Councilperson Redmond, Aye, Supervisor, McGee, Aye. Budget Amendment #2019-30 Move Funds for Overtime WHEREAS,​ the amount required for Highway General Services –Overtime exceeds the amount appropriated, therefore be it RESOLVED,​ the Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to decrease DA5142.14- Snow Removal-Overtime by $860.20 and increase DA5110.14- General Repairs- Overtime by $860.2. VOTE: Councilperson Bryant, Aye, Councilperson Lynch, Aye, Councilperson Mehaffey, Aye, Councilperson Redmond, Aye, Supervisor, McGee, Aye. Solar RFP Discussion Clean Energy Community Grant Solar RFP – Open bids Supervisor McGee distributes Bids All bids came via email. formerTown Clerk Linton prepared bids in sealed form. Supervisor McGee asks the Board how would they like to proceed. Councilperson Mehaffey suggests we talk about it at the next meeting. Supervisor McGee asks the board to come to the next meeting fully prepared to discuss RFPs. Supervisor McGee states that we need to have an Audit Meeting by the 20 of this month. Councilperson Lynch states that he will be out of town next Wednesday. Supervisor McGee asks board to set audit meeting and special solar meeting ●Audit Meeting 6:30 pm 13 January, Monday 11 DRAFT MINUTES Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, January 8, 2020 ●Special meeting 6:30 pm 22 January, Wednesday Mike Carpenter states that none of these responses adhere to the RFP. Mike Carpenter suggests that we go back to the two companies to do a ReBid. Supervisor McGee suggests that now that the bids have been opened, others can see the bids. Supervisor McGee worked for months on this RFP. Supervisor McGee suggests she only feels comfortable accepting or rejecting now that they are opened. Mike Carpenter says there is an easy way to get to an answer. Supervisor McGee states she does not feel comfortable getting more information gathering at all. Councilperson Lynch asks about the timeline of the grant. Councilperson Lynch suggests we move on with the agenda for the sake of those in attendance. Supervisor McGee states that she will leave it to the board to decide path forward. Councilperson Lynch moves that we discuss RFP at meeting on January 22 and make a decision at that time. Councilperson Redmond seconds motion. VOTE: Councilperson Bryant, Aye, Councilperson Lynch, Aye, Councilperson Mehaffey, Aye, Councilperson Redmond, Aye, Supervisor McGee, Aye. Supervisor McGee suggests putting 284 agreement on the Audit meeting agenda so as to get it signed sooner. Salt Storage Discussion: Resolution #2020-22 Authorization for Supervisor to Proceed with Contract for Salt​ Storage Building and Submit Work Plan and Budget to DEC WHEREAS​, the Town of Enfield has secured grant funding for a 50/50 match to use for a salt storage building, and; WHEREAS,​ the Town of Enfield is required to contract with the Department of Environmental Conservation to begin the process of utilizing the grant, and; 12 DRAFT MINUTES Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, January 8, 2020 WHEREAS​, the Town Board has approved a tentative budget and work plan for the purposes of the grant contract, therefore be it RESOLVED,​ the Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to enter into a contract on behalf of the Town of Enfield by submitting said budget and work plan. Supervisor McGee discusses the budget for Salt Storage. States that we cannot contract with DEC without a simple work plan and a budget. Supervisor McGee suggests we leave numbers alone because it meets the grant Based on a wood structure. DEC is giving a lot of leeway. Has to have it built by April 2023. We have time to consider funding. We have time to consider different possibilities. Councilperson Lynch went to Newfield and Hector to see their Salt Barns. Passes board pictures he took. Councilperson Mehaffey suggests we discuss this at a later date. Supervisor McGee moves to pass Salt Storage resolution. Councilperson Bryant seconds. Councilperson Lynch discussion: asks if workplan commits us to anything regarding funding. Supervisor McGee states it just authorizes to contract with DEC VOTE: Councilperson Bryant, Aye, Councilperson Lynch, Aye, Councilperson Mehaffey, Aye, Councilperson Redmond, Aye, Supervisor McGee, Aye. Town of Enfield Smoking Policy Discussion Councilperson Mehaffey asks if any Town Employees would be affected by this policy Remarks that she is interested in supporting Jean Owens in her efforts to have healthier spaces for her patrons. Supervisor McGee discusses damage around outside of buildings Councilpersons Lynch and Redmond do not have copies of this policy. Supervisor McGee moves to table this for this evening, Board agrees. 13 DRAFT MINUTES Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, January 8, 2020 Councilperson Lynch introduces Amendment: moves that under Privelege of the Floor, after members of the public there be an additional time-unlimited Board Member privilege of the floor added to the agenda. He states that this is patterned after the Tompkins County Legislature. Supervisor McGee seconds motion. Supervisor McGee does not want long unruly speeches. Councilperson Mehaffey does not want town meetings to last past 9 pm. Councilperson Bryant and Redmond agree. VOTE: Councilperson Bryant, Nay, Councilperson Lynch Aye, Councilperson Mehaffey, Nay, Councilperson Redmond, Nay, Supervisor McGee, Nay. Amendment: Councilperson Redmond moves to take the word ‘God’ out of Pledge of Allegiance, Councilperson Mehaffey Seconds Discussion Councilperson Lynch suggests we abide by pledge as written. As a practical matter. Supervisor McGee reaches out to the community for comment. Community member Joe Dawson suggests that the Enfield Town Board does not have the authority to rewrite the Pledge. Councilperson Redmond withdraws her motion. Councilperson Redmond moves to withdraw the pledge from the outline of the regular meeting. Supervisor McGee seconds motion VOTE: Councilperson Bryant, Aye, Councilperson Lynch, Nay, Councilperson Mehaffey, Aye, Councilperson Redmond, Aye, Supervisor McGee, Aye Resolution #2020-23 Town Board Regular Meeting Outline RESOLVED​, the order for conducting business at the regular Town Board meetings is as follows: Call Meeting to Order Privilege of the Floor (Limited to 3 minutes per speaker) Communications County Legislator’s Report Supervisor’s Report 14 DRAFT MINUTES Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, January 8, 2020 Town Clerk Report Highway Superintendent Report Code Enforcement Report Enfield Volunteer Fire Department- Alan Teeter Planning Board Report- Dan Walker Committee Reports: The following committee reports will be expected quarterly at March, June, September, and December Regular Town Board meetings (or more frequently as needed by the Board or Committees) Please come prepared to give the board a report on recent issues and concerns your committee is working on as well as upcoming items of importance to Enfield: · Environmental Management Council · Cayuga Lake Inter-municipal Organization · Renewable Energy Advisory Committee · Enfield Community Council · Health Insurance Consortium · Tompkins County Recreation Partnership · Tompkins County Youth Board · Cemetery Committee · Beautification Committee · Personnel Committee Monthly Reports: · Comprehensive Planning Committee · Finance Committee · Tompkins County Council of Governments · Emergency Management Committee 15 DRAFT MINUTES Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, January 8, 2020 · ​Ithaca-Tompkins County Transportation Council (ITCTC) Consent Agenda* Old Business* New Business* Announcements Privilege of the Floor (Limited to 3 minutes per speaker) Adjournment RESOLVED​, the order for conducting any special meetings is as follows: Call Meeting to Order Changes to the Agenda Privilege of the Floor (Limited to 3 minutes per speaker) Consent Agenda* Old Business* New Business* Announcements Adjournment Councilperson Bryant, Aye, Councilperson Lynch, Aye, Councilperson Mehaffey, Aye, Councilperson Redmond, Aye, Supervisor McGee, Aye Councilperson Lynch introduces some changes to Procedure and Guidelines for Public Comment per amendment he has written. Supervisor McGee asks for a second. 16 DRAFT MINUTES Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, January 8, 2020 There is no second. Councilperson Lynch moves that we take items in his amendment separately. There is no second. Resolution #2020-24 General Rules for Procedure and Guidelines for Public Comment RESOLVED​, in an effort to foster an orderly meeting process, the following rules and guidelines will be used and enforced at all Town Board meetings: GENERAL GUIDE FOR PROCEDURE The Supervisor shall preside at meetings. In the Supervisor’s absence the Deputy Supervisor shall preside. The presiding officer may debate, move and take other action that may be taken by other members of the Board. Board members are not required to rise but must be recognized by the presiding officer before making motions. A member, once recognized, shall not be interrupted when speaking unless it is to call him/her to order. If a member, while speaking, be called to order, according to the agreed upon purposes set forth in this resolution,​ ​they shall cease speaking until the question of order is determined by vote of the entire board. If determined to be in order, they shall be permitted to proceed. The board commits to adhere to Resolution #2017-50, Town of Enfield Chooses Civility Resolution, in all discussions to achieve the purpose of fairness and reasonable discourse. For purposes of process, organization, and legal requirements, parliamentary procedure will guide the Town Board in its work. There is no limit to the number of times a member may speak on a question. Motions to close or limit debate may be entertained but shall require a two-thirds vote. GUIDELINES FOR PUBLIC COMMENT The public ​shall be allowed to speak only​ during the Public Comment / Privilege of the Floor period of the meeting or at such other time as a majority of the Board shall allow. ●Speakers may stand at their seats if they are able. ● ​Speakers must give their name, address and organization, if any. 17 DRAFT MINUTES Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, January 8, 2020 ●Speakers must be recognized by the presiding officer. ●Speakers must limit their remarks to 3 minutes on a given topic. ●Speakers may not yield any remaining time they may have to another speaker. ● ​Board members may, with the permission of the Supervisor, interrupt a speaker during their remarks, but only for the purpose of clarification or information. ●All remarks shall be addressed to the Board as a body and not to any member thereof. ●Speakers shall observe the commonly accepted rules of courtesy, decorum, dignity and good taste. Interested parties or their representatives may address the Board by written communication at any time. VOTE: Councilperson Bryant, Aye, Councilperson Lynch, Aye, Councilperson Mehaffey, Aye, Councilperson Redmond, Aye, Supervisor, McGee, Aye. Resolution #2020-25 Town Board Advisory Committee/Position Appointments RESOLVED, ​the Town Board hereby makes the following Advisory Committee/Position Appointments: Town Historian- ​Susan Thompson Deputy Town Historian- ​Ellie Hobbie Cemetery Committee- ​Susan Thompson, Alice Linton, John Linton, Ed Thompson, Councilperson Robert Lynch, Helen Heatherington Beautification Committee- ​Joe Dawson, Supervisor Beth McGee Community Council Liaison- ​Councilperson Virginia Bryant County Youth Board- ​Lisa Monroe Facilities Manager- ​Supervisor Beth McGee Recreation Partnership- ​Councilperson Mimi Mehaffey Environmental Management Council- ​Maureen Bolton (Don Smith?) Emergency Management Committee- Supervisor, ​Beth McGee; Roger Lauper, EVFC Fire Chief; Dennis Hubbell, EVFC Board President; Highway Superintendent, Buddy Rollins; Councilperson, Virginia Bryant, Town Clerk Ellen Woods 18 DRAFT MINUTES Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, January 8, 2020 Planning Board- Chair: ​Dan Walker; Ann Chaffee; Richard Teeter; Henry Hansteen; Mike Carpenter; Alternates: Joe Dawson and Steve Givin Tompkins County Council of Governments-​Councilperson Robert Lynch, Alternate: Supervisor, Beth McGee Ithaca Tompkins Transportation Council- ​Councilperson Stephanie Redmond Greater Tompkins Area Health Insurance Consortium- ​Town Clerk Ellen Woods Finance Committee- ​Supervisor Beth McGee; Councilperson, Virginia Bryant; Highway Superintendent Buddy Rollins; Town Clerk Ellen Woods; Bookkeeper Debby Kelley; Residents Diane Aramini and Alice Linton, Cayuga Lake Inter-Municipal Organization- ​Becky Sims Renewable Energy Advisory Committee-​Councilperson Mimi Mehaffey; Councilperson Virginia Bryant; Planning Board Chair Dan Walker; Residents: Mike Carpenter, Jude Lemke, and Marcus Gingrich Personnel Committee- ​Supervisor, Beth McGee; Councilperson Virginia Bryant; Town Clerk Ellen Woods; Highway Superintendent Buddy Rollins; Employee Representative Brandon McGee Threat Assessment Committee- ​Supervisor Beth McGee; Councilperson Mimi Mehaffey; Justice Betty Poole VOTE: Councilperson Bryant, Aye, Councilperson Lynch, Aye, Councilperson Mehaffey, Aye, Councilperson Redmond, Aye, Supervisor, McGee, Aye. Resolution #2020-26 Attendance at Newly Elected Town Officials Training WHEREAS,​ the Town of Enfield values training opportunities for Town officials, and; WHEREAS,​ new Town Board members Stephanie Redmond and Robert Lynch will benefit from the Office of State Comptroller Newly Elected Town Official training, therefore be it RESOLVED​ that the Enfield Town Board authorizes attendance and funding for Councilpersons Stephanie Redmond and Robert Lynch to attend the OSC training for Newly Elected Town Officials. Supervisor McGee moved we accept, Councilperson Bryant seconded 19 DRAFT MINUTES Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, January 8, 2020 Vote: Councilperson Bryant Aye, Councilperson Lynch Aye, Councilperson Mehaffey Aye, Councilperson Redmond Aye, Supervisor McGee, Aye Resolution #2020-27 Appointment of Delegates to NYS Association of Towns (AOT) Annual Meeting and Approval of Funding for Attendance WHEREAS​, the Town of Enfield is a member of the Association of Towns of the State of New York, and; WHEREAS,​ the Annual Business Session is being held on February 19, 2020, and; WHEREAS​, Supervisor Beth McGee and Councilperson Mimi Mehaffey, and Councilperson Virginia Bryant will attend the Association of Towns Annual Meeting, now therefore be it; RESOLVED​ that Supervisor Beth McGee be duly designated as the Town of Enfield delegate and Councilperson Mimi Mehaffey as alternate in the absence of Supervisor Beth McGee to the NYS Association of Towns Annual Meeting on February 19, 2020 and to cast the vote for the Town of Enfield, pursuant to Section 6 of Article III of the Constitution and Bylaws of said Association, and; RESOLVED,​ the Enfield Town Board authorizes attendance and funding for Supervisor Beth McGee and Councilpersons Mimi Mehaffey and Virginia Bryant to attend the AOT Annual Meeting. Supervisor McGee motioned to adopt, Councilperson Redmond seconded Discussion Supervisor McGee is the delegate, Mimi would like to go. Virginia may want to go. Must book room by the 24​th​. Supervisor McGee moves that Beth McGee, Mimi Mihafery, and Virginia Bryant attend annual meeting. Supervisor McGee motioned, Councilperson Mehaffey seconded motion Town Board Contractual Line, shared. Councilperson Mehaffey suggests free training information. VOTE: Councilperson Bryant Aye, Councilperson Lynch Aye, Councilperson Mehaffey Aye, Councilperson Redmond Aye, Supervisor McGee, Aye. Action item: ​Town Clerk will do a seal and sign Action item: ​Supervisor McGee will set a Finance Committee meeting. 20 DRAFT MINUTES Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, January 8, 2020 2020 Goals Discussion . . . Councilperson Bryant wants to adopt the Employee Manual Concilperson Mehaffey directive Town Board Councilperson Lynch has 12 goals, adopt comprehensive plan, 2 Salt/Sand Shed options, 3 Finalize agreement for Sheriff substation, 4 Revisit the issue of 4 year terms 5 Detailed review of Aquifer study 6 Examine traffic concerns in the town 7 adopt recommendation of comprehensive 8 community center 9 rent stabilization 10 mobile phone/broadband 11 purchase and install generator at hwy department 12 clean energy highway department Supervisor McGee states that she will be working on an Emergency Plan, negotiating a new Haefele contract, negotiating the Fire Contract. Supervisor McGee states that Board members should be aware that bringing resolutions is up to them. Supervisor McGee states that the Town Board achieved a ton in two years. Supervisor has no doubt the new Board can achieve as much. Voucher Procedure Discussion Board must navigate auditing the vouchers. Preferably before the meeting. Privilege of the Floor​:​ - Mike Carpenter, Bostwick Road Speaks about the Community Council Building, ready to go this Spring. Mike wants a Town Park by the Highway Department. Mike volunteers to write a quick analysis of Bids. Mike ran a solar business for 15 years. Supervisor McGee feels that would be an ethics violation. Supervisor McGee feels that we should have Terry Carrol review. Councilperson Mehaffey & Supervisor McGee want to avoid the appearance of impropriety. Supervisor McGee motions to adjourn. Councilperson Redmond seconds motion. Adjournment​: 9:56 pm 21 DRAFT MINUTES Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, January 8, 2020 Appendix 2020 Budget Amendments *Budget Amendment #2020-1 Move Funds for Planning Federation Membership WHEREAS​, the Planning Board was authorized to utilize a membership to the Planning Federation, and; WHEREAS​, funds have not been appropriated for this purpose, therefore be it RESOLVED,​ the Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to decrease A1990.4 – Contingent by $270.00 and increase A8020.4, Planning- Contractual by $270.00. Supervisor McGee moved to adopt, Councilperson Bryant seconded that motion Vote: Councilperson Bryant Aye, Councilperson Lynch Aye Councilperson Mehaffey Aye, Councilperson Redmond Aye, Supervisor McGee Aye. *Budget Amendment #2020-2 Move Funds for Tree Removal in Presbyterian Cemetery WHEREAS​, the Town Board authorized removal of two trees in the Presbyterian Cemetery, therefore be it RESOLVED,​ the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to reduce line A235- Memorial Cemetery Reserve by $4350.00 and increase line A8810.4- Cemeteries Contractual by $4350.00. Supervisor McGee moved to adopt, Councilperson Mehaffey seconded Vote: Councilperson Bryant Aye, Councilperson Lynch Aye, Councilperson Mehaffey Aye, Councilperson Redmond Aye, Supervisor McGee Aye. *Budget Amendment #2020-3 Move Funds for JCAP Grant Funds Savings WHEREAS, ​the Town Board prepared to move Justice Court Grant Funds into a separate savings account during the 2020 budget process, and; WHEREAS​, the Town Board resolved to dissolve the Energy Reserve Savings for the Black Oak Wind Farm, therefore be it RESOLVED, the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to rename the Energy Escrow Savings to JCAP Grant Funds Savings, and; 22 DRAFT MINUTES Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, January 8, 2020 RESOLVED, ​the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to decrease A201 General Fund Savings in the amount of $7151.44 and increase JCAP Grant Funds Savings by $7151.44. TOWN OF ENFIELD 2020 ORGANIZATIONAL RESOLUTIONS January 8, 2020 *Denotes Consent Agenda item *Resolution #2020-2 Town Board Meeting Dates RESOLVED​, the regular meeting of the Enfield Town Board shall be held monthly on the 2​nd Wednesday of each month, at 6:30 pm, at the Enfield Community Building, 182 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, NY 14850 *Resolution #2020-3 Department Hours RESOLVED​, the Town Board hereby establishes the work hours of the: Ø Highway Department to be from 6:00 AM to 2:30 PM, Monday through Friday. Ø Town Clerk to be​- January 2020​: Mon. 3-7 PM, Tues. 3-6 PM, Wed.- Closed, Thurs. 3-6 PM, Fri. 9:30AM-1:30 PM, Sat. 12:30 PM-4:30 PM/ ​February 2020​- Hours are the same except there will be no Thursday hours. Remaining 2020 hours will be determined by the Town Clerk and considered by the Town Board in February 2020, Ø Code Enforcement Office to be from 8:30AM to 11:00 AM Monday through Thursday and Wednesday from 5PM to 7PM, Ø Town Court to commence at 10:00 AM on Mondays unless it is a holiday. *Resolution #2020-4 Bi-Weekly Pay Periods 23 DRAFT MINUTES Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, January 8, 2020 RESOLVED​, the Town Board hereby establishes the following bi-weekly​ ​pay periods (ending at midnight) for this year: January 3, 2020 January 17, 2020 January 31, 2020 February 14, 2020 February 28, 2020 March 13, 2020 March 27, 2020 April 10, 2020 April 24, 2020 May 8, 2020 May 22, 2020 June 5, 2020 June 19, 2020 July 3, 2020 July 17, 2020 July 31, 2020 August 14, 2020 August 28, 2020 September 11, 2020 September 25, 2020 October 9, 2020 24 DRAFT MINUTES Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, January 8, 2020 October 23, 2020 November 6, 2020 November 20, 2020 December 4, 2020 December 18, 2020 January 1, 2021 Checks are available the following Thursday. Payroll frequency is Bi-weekly. *Resolution #2020-5 Paid Holidays RESOLVED​, that the Town Board hereby establishes the following paid holidays for employees. Town offices will be closed on these dates: January 1, 2020 New Year’s Day September 7, 2020 Labor Day January 20, 2020 Martin Luther King Day October 12, 2020 Columbus Day February 17, 2020 President’s Day November 11, 2020 Veteran’s Day May 25, 2020 Memorial Day November 26, 2020 Thanksgiving Day July 4, 2020 Independence Day December 25, 2020 Christmas Day (One) Floating Holiday *Resolution #2020-6 Town E-Mail Accounts RESOLVED​, the Town Board has official e-mail accounts for all Town employees and elected officials for use in their official capacities. These e-mail accounts will be connected to our official website domain, ​townofenfield.org.​ Ownership of and access to these communications will be with the Town of Enfield. All employees and elected officials will set up accounts with Beth McGee, Town 25 DRAFT MINUTES Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, January 8, 2020 Supervisor, and use their account for Town business after it is set up for as long as they work for or serve the Town of Enfield. *Resolution #2020-7 Attorney for the Town – salary at $225.00/hour, paid monthly WHEREAS,​ the Town Board specifically waives the requirement that the Town’s Attorney be a resident of the Town, now therefore, be it RESOLVED,​ the Town Board appoints ​Mr. Guy Krogh, Esq.​ to fill this position and the Supervisor is authorized to sign a one year contract. *Resolution #2020-8 Official Newspaper RESOLVED,​ ​The Ithaca Journal​, a newspaper regularly published and having general circulation in the Town, is hereby designated as the Official Newspaper for the Town of Enfield and; RESOLVED,​ the Town will post all Public Notices on the town website at ​www.townofenfield.org *Resolution #2020-9 Code of Ethics RESOLVED,​ all Public Officials, appointees, and employees for the Town of Enfield are subject to the Code of Ethics as adopted by the Town which is written in the Policies and Procedures Manuel in the Employee Handbook. *Resolution #2020-10 Records Access Officer RESOLVED​, that the ​Town Clerk Ellen Woods​, shall be appointed as the Town's Record Access Officer and; 26 DRAFT MINUTES Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, January 8, 2020 RESOLVED​, that the ​Town Clerk​ will serve as the person who receives all FOIL requests. *Resolution #2020-11 Town Bookkeeper – salary at $10,000.00/year, paid bi-weekly RESOLVED​, the Supervisor is hereby authorized to designate a Town Bookkeeper, and further RESOLVED,​ the Supervisor is authorized to list the Bookkeeper on the Town Security Insurance Policy, and further RESOLVED, ​the Supervisor appoints ​Deborah Kelley​ to fill this position. *Resolution #2020-12 Deputy Town Supervisor – salary at $800/year, paid quarterly RESOLVED,​ the Town Board establishes the Office of Deputy Supervisor to act for and in place of the Supervisor in his/her absence, and further RESOLVED,​ the Supervisor appoints ​Becky Sims​ to fill this position. *Resolution #2020-13 Confidential Secretary to the Supervisor- salary at $2000.00/year, paid monthly RESOLVED,​ the Supervisor is authorized to list the Confidential Secretary on the Town Security Insurance Policy, and; RESOLVED​, the Town Board appoints ​Alice Linton​ to fill the position of Confidential Secretary to the Supervisor. *Resolution #2020-14 Deputy Highway Superintendent – $.75 differential to current hourly wage, paid bi-weekly RESOLVED,​ the Town Board establishes the Office of Deputy Highway Superintendent to act for and in place of the highway Superintendent in his absence, and further 27 DRAFT MINUTES Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, January 8, 2020 RESOLVED,​ the Highway Superintendent appoints ​Brandon McGee​ to fill this position. *Resolution #2020-15 Establishing Position of Community Building Custodian​– salary of $80.00/twice monthly, paid monthly RESOLVED,​ the Town Board appoints ​Pat Bake​r fill this position until further notice. *Resolution #2020-16 Planning Board Clerk – no additional salary RESOLVED,​ the Town Board establishes the Office of Planning Board Clerk to act as the secretary for the Planning Board, to keep minutes and schedule meetings and other support functions the Board may need or require and; RESOLVED,​ the Town Clerk will complete or delegate these duties. *Resolution #2020-17 Code Enforcement Officer – salary at $29,352.00/year, paid monthly RESOLVED, ​the Town Board appoints ​Alan Teeter​ to fill the position of Code Enforcement Officer. *Resolution #2020-18 Court Clerk – salary at $12,000.00/year, paid monthly RESOLVED,​ the Town Justice appoints ​Tiffany Poole​ to fill this position. *Resolution #2020-19 Establishing Position of Maintenance for Buildings and Grounds RESOLVED, ​the Town Board establishes the position of ​Enfield Buildings and Grounds Personnel​ ​ – at $18.00 per hour/paid bi-weekly/hours to be determined RESOLVED,​ the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor​ ​to advertise and fill this position. *Resolution #2020-20 Public Officials/Town Employees Pay Schedule 28 DRAFT MINUTES Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, January 8, 2020 RESOLVED,​ the following salaries and pay schedule for all Town Officials and employees, is approved for 2016: · Town Supervisor - $20,000.00/year; paid monthly · Town Councilpersons - $3500.00 each/year; paid quarterly · Town Clerk - $20,000.00/year; paid monthly · Town Justice - $17,000.00/year; paid monthly · Highway Superintendent - $61,500.00/year; paid monthly · Machine Equipment Operator - Motor Equipment Operator – Hiring rate - $17.00/ hour; after 90 days, rate will be increased to the working rate $18.00/hour. Pay rate may increase yearly with Town Board approval as requested by the Highway Superintendent. · Part time and seasonal Highway employees will have a hire rate of $16.00/hr.-$20.00/hr. as determined by the Highway Superintendent. · Merit Increases – An employee may receive a pay increase based upon the employee’s past performance. The merit increase will be granted at the discretion of the Town Board. *Resolution #2020-21 Management of Town Website, Emails, and Hosting WHEREAS​ the Town of Enfield utilizes the town website for most communications and information presentation to the public, and; WHEREAS​ the Town of Enfield utilizes designated town email addresses for communication with the public and within the offices of the Town, and; WHEREAS​ the Town of Enfield purchases and manages a hosting service for website and email management and hosting, and; RESOLVED​, these tasks will be managed and delegated under the office of Town Supervisor. AMENDMENTS TO THE RULES OF PROCEDURE: The foregoing procedures may be amended from time to time by a majority vote of the Board. 29 DRAFT MINUTES Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, January 8, 2020 2019 Budget Amendments- *denotes Consent Agenda item *Budget Amendment #2019-23 Move Funds for Highway Repairs WHEREAS,​ the amount required for Highway repairs exceeded the amount appropriated, therefore be it RESOLVED,​ the Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to decrease DA5130.41- Machinery-Tools by $513.04 and decrease DA5140.1- Brush, Weed Removal-Personnel by $844.69 and increase DA5130.4- Machinery-Contractual by $1357.73. *Budget Amendment #2019-24 Move Funds for Fuel Expense WHEREAS​, the amount required for Highway fuel exceeded the amount appropriated, therefore be it RESOLVED,​ the Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to decrease DA5110.4 by $164.88 and increase DA5130.45 Diesel Gas and Fuel- by $164.88. *Budget Amendment #2019-25 Move Funds for Budget Modifications WHEREAS,​ the following appropriations exceeded the amounts budgeted, therefore be it RESOLVED​ the Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to decrease A1990.4 Contingent by $2.09, and increase the following lines: A3010.1 Public Safety-Administration Personal Services by $1.32 A1316.11 Supervisor- Personal Services Bookkeeper by $ .68 A5010.1 Superintendent of Highways- Personal Services by $ .04 A7310.4 Youth Programs- Contractual by $ .05 *Budget Amendment #2019-26 Move Funds For Comprehensive Plan Design WHEREAS,​ the expense for the Comprehensive Plan design exceeded the funds budgeted, RESOLVED,​ the Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to decrease A1990.4 – Contingent by $350.00 and increase A8020.1-Planner-Personal Services by $350.00. 30 DRAFT MINUTES Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, January 8, 2020 *Budget Amendment #2019-27 Move Funds For State Retirement WHEREAS, ​the amount billed for New York State Retirement for the Highway Fund exceeds the amount budgeted, RESOLVED, ​the Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to decrease DA9060.81- Medical Insurance by $526.85 and increase DA9010.8- State Retirement by $526.85