HomeMy WebLinkAbout4_29_2020 Transcript Special Meeting4-29-2020 Special Enfield Town Board Meeting.mp3
Supervisor McGee [00:00:00] All right. I'll call the meeting to order. This is a special town
board meeting. Wednesday, April twenty ninth. Twenty twenty, six thirty p.m., Enfield Town
Board. We will have privilege of the floor shortly. All documents are available on the town
Web site. All meetings for the Enfield Town Board are recorded. Are there any additions
or changes to the agenda?
Councilperson Redmond [00:01:55] No.
Supervisor McGee [00:01:56] ok.
Councilperson Lynch [00:02:04] The only question I raised was, is Mimi Mahaffey going
to be here tonight? And if she's not. If she's not going to be here tonight? Because I
heard that she might have to be.
Supervisor McGee [00:02:16] Mimi, is not she's had she's had a death in the family, so
she is not able to be here this evening. That she would be listed as excused.
Councilperson Lynch [00:02:24] And that would be. And I wondered whether we might
want to postpone any consideration of the term and length of terms and possible changes
in the positions for highway superintendent and town clerk until Mimi can be here to
Supervisor McGee [00:02:46] It had not been my intention to move anything. Just
introduce those ideas to the board. You've done the same. So if people wanted to chime in
about that, then that's fine. They're welcome to do that. But it I I had not intended to move
anything for any sort of action or anything this evening personally. If anybody else did, you
can do that if you'd like. But I did not.
Councilperson Lynch [00:03:11] I would not move anything in mimis' absence.
Supervisor McGee [00:03:17] All right, so privilege of the floor. The document for meeting
guidance and a procedure for privilege of the floor is available on the town Web site. Each
speaker has three minutes and you need to address the entire board. With your
comments. And what I'll do is anyone who has their hand raised in order that they are
raised, then I will call on you and recognize you to speak. And then after that, anyone on
the phone who was not able to utilize the raise your hand feature. I will open it up and
unmute it so everybody can be heard. And I'll just ask if there's anyone else who would like
to speak. So we can have as much participation as possible. OK, let's see... Ed
Heatherington, are you there?
Ed Hetherington [00:04:34] Yes I am. Thank you Beth.
Supervisor McGee [00:04:36] Yeah. Hold on one second. Do you want me to have you
on video?
Ed Hetherington [00:04:41] Yes. That's fine. Thank you. All right. Thank you. I pledge
allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it
stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. And I also have a
concern about the budget. Why is it that increases from the Deputy Supervisor of ninety
two hundred dollars and the deputy town clerk raised to ten thousand. You seem to be
messing around with the highway department budget, which was determined last year.
You know, as well as many of town residents. And all you were doing is because of your
dislike of the highway superintendent. You and the board members seem to enjoy
harassing at least board member Lynch does not harrass the highway superintendent. The
board needs to stop the harassment. Let Buddy Rollins do his job. I feel he does a good
job in spite of the harrassment. Three, Beth, why have you not answered the question
about if you're resigning or not? Four, one thing that irritates town residents is that we can
make comments about our concerns, and you do not respond to the concerns.
Cemetaries. Why are you not spending the thirty-five-hundred dollars that is budgeted?
What is happening with the maintenance of the cemetaries? There are two positions on
the board. Well, you seem to want to eliminate. Make them appointed positions because
you're not probably not able to cope with or deal with the people presently position.
This....we'd probably like to do tonight, but may not. I find us discuss it. We want to control
these people in these positions. The board is making a very poor decision. You've taken
the referral away from the town people I am against it as is all I have talked to, shame on
you. the board is good at spreading but not a good overseer of town funds. Those are my
Supervisor McGee [00:07:11] Thanks Ed. I will actually respond to that. Actually, the
town board is not required to offer privilege of the floor at all, and it is an opportunity for the
town residents to speak to the town board and let their concerns be known. Sometimes we
do respond and I often respond. And actually during the whole pledge issue and many
other issues, I expanded privilege of the floor to last an hour where we had back and forth.
So it isn't really fair to suggest that we don't have conversation during privilege of the floor
where we respond to you with regard to the cemeteries I acutually on action. So I'm
responding to you right now and your concerns. So the cemetaries with regard to that. I
asked Bob Lynch to propose to the cemetery committee whether or not they would want to
have volunteers and if they could coordinate that there's money in that budget. If the
cemetery committee prefers to contract for that service, then that I'm happy to entertain
that. That isn't a problem for me. If if that's how the cemetery committee would like to
recommend we go forward. That is not a problem for me at all. I would hope it wouldn't be
a problem for the other board members. That seems to be a concern for residents or some
residents. And if everybody would like that to be done in a certain way and you can't get
volunteers to do it. Well, that should be done with regard to the two positions. They're not
board positions. You said they're board positions. They're not governing positions. They
are. They don't have governing authority. So it isn't. When we when we can talk about this
later on. Or at the May meeting. But still, they're not board positions. And with regard to my
resignation, I answered you in an email. I told you, I'm assessing that daily. I am here
because the town is in the middle of a crisis in our nation. So while it was my intention to
resign effective April 30th, I am here because that would just create more chaos. So if you
don't want me to be here, my resume, letters written that is fine. I mean, if that is the
sentiment of the town that works for me. But ethically, I mean, I feel like it's important for
there to be consistency through this and I express that to you. So that is fine. I understand.
I'm telling you exactly where I am with that.
Ed Hetherington [00:09:46] Thank you .
Supervisor McGee [00:09:47] Did that answer your question?
Ed Hetherington [00:09:52] Most of them, yes.
Supervisor McGee [00:10:01] OK, town clerk Ellen Woods, you have your hand up?
Town Clerk Ellen Woods [00:10:07] Thank you. I would just like to read a letter to the
editor from 2016 when the proposal to make the town clerk and the highway
superintendent appointed failed dramatically in Ulysses is entitled to reject forfeiture of
voting rights in Ulysses. A majority of the Ulysses Town board has initiated and
implemented placement on the ballot propositions 1 and 2, which call for the town clerk
and highway superintendent to be appointed by the town board rather than the current
electoral process. Our current town board has had my support in the past and will likely
have my support in the future. But on this issue, I couldn't disagree more fervently. I
oppose this effort because I have a strong belief that elected officials are more likely to
generate outcomes that reflect their direct exposure to policy preferences of voters, in
contrast to the more insulated position of an appointed official. Having independant
managers in town government is important. They are able to run their departments
unencumbered of changes in personnel and personality. The voters get the ultimate say
as to whether or not the functions of these departments are being satisfactorily met by
placing these positions into a bureaucratic structure. All accountability will be concentrated
in the hands of five people who have been thin on details of how they will navigate
important managerial criteria. It is important to realize that any future town board can
develop any criteria in the future. Once this election privilege has been revoked, it will not
be restored. Every voter should ask themselves whether they would be comfortable giving
this decision to future unknown town boards. In New York state, a strong majority of courts
and highway superintendents are elected and accountable to voters. They must organize
themselves and make a public presentation as to why they are best suited for the position.
The hiring board, the voters themselves weigh candidates qualifications, experiments,
experience and temperaments through their own unique lens. While we as individuals may
come to different conclusions, I strongly support the system of direct democracy, which
allows each of us to have our say vote no on Ulysses Propositions 1 and 2, and that was
written by Todd Parlato of Trumansburg. I also would just like to share with the whole
board and all assembled that I have reached out to county clerks and even Tompkins
county's one appointed clerk does not support. Small towns having appointed town clerks.
Thank you.
Supervisor McGee [00:13:02] Thanks Ellen. OK. Art Godan.
Art Godan [00:13:22] Hello.
Supervisor McGee [00:13:24] Hi Art. Hold on a second, I'm sending a request for a video
if you'd like to be on video. Hi.
Art Godan [00:13:34] So, yeah, it just. I wanted to say that I've been saddened to witness
the discord recently between two very capable women who occupy important roles in our
town in government. I greatly respect Beth for the leadership that she's shown these past
several years, this town supervisor. I think she's brought a lot of initiatives and creativity to
the job. And I think strong leaders sort of bring heat on themeselves because they take
risks. Ellen, I know, has a very long record of service to our community as well. One
short, small task I've asked of her, she was able to execute very efficiently and quickly.
And I imagine after Alice Linton performed these town clerk duties so well for so many
years that she would be a bit of a hard act to follow. I just. Think that email is not a good
medium to have an emotionally charged discussion through and have a lot of respect for
both of you. I would like it if you could sit down, have a cup of tea together. Maybe use a
mediator to air some of your concerns and. I just hope that we can hit a more even tone.
Thank you.
Supervisor McGee [00:15:29] Thank you Art. Ann Ryder, one second I'm going to ask.
she doesn't have video available.
Ann Ryder [00:15:54] Hi. I don't have a camera, although it's in the mail.
Supervisor McGee [00:15:58] OK. All right. Well, go ahead. We can hear you.
Ann Ryder [00:16:06] First of all, I want to commend this creativity apparently, according
to Art, to put forth making two elected people in the town, an appointed position. Both of
these positions. More and more require specific talents and credentials in order to do the
job efficiently and Both the town, in my opinion, both the town highway and the town Clerk
require technical knowledge these days and I believe being appointed by the board we'll
find more qualified candidates able to do the technical work that both of these positions
require. In this modern age. And so I hope that the board will move forward with these
discussions. In the end is a referendum by all the voters. So and this is I feel perfect time
to discuss a deep issue like this and I very much miss the availability of town minutes on a
timely basis after the meeting. I see no technical reason. These are minutes. It's not
rocket science. And I'm still waiting with great abandon to see Januarys minutes because I
would like to see who is appointed to which positions. Also, I do not see a reason to
lengthen these positions for the very reason that this gives the electorate a chance to
weigh in on these positions in a shorter period of time. Two years extending either or both
of these positions to four years will be a disaster for the residents of Enfield. Many
people... During my tenure as town supervisor. I was approached at least four to six times
a year by the Town Clerk to extend the term and by the highway supervisor at least twice
or three times a year to extend the highway superintendent. I adamantly did not pursue
that because I felt that this was the appropriate term in case it turned out that the
electorate hadn't made the best decision. And I also want to add.
Supervisor McGee [00:20:17] Ann do you have an ECC report because your time is up
for public comment. So do you have something you'd like to say about ECC at this point?
Ann Ryder [00:20:27] No.
Supervisor McGee [00:20:29] OK. I think we have to give other people an opportunity to
talk. I appreciate your comments. Thank you Ann. OK. Anyone else? Well, let's see.
Tammy, one second. Are you there, Tammy?
Tammy [00:20:48] Yup, I'm here.
Supervisor McGee [00:20:49] OK.
Tammy [00:21:00] With the safety in mind during our CoVid crisis. I'm still trying to figure
out how the board in the last meeting approved the two positions. Not saying that the
positions are or aren't needed. I just don't feel the timing of either appointment was
appropriate. Besides the training involved in the extra money, it just doesn't make any any
sense, especially when a lot of people around us are already and unemployed or getting
furloughed now. Which brings me to my next question of the timing of your next agenda of
trying to prove to the board to have control over the highway supervisors job and the town
clerk's position and taken away from the town to vote on. I think there's a lot more
important things we should be worrying about during this whole CoVid crisis. And I'd like to
say the pledge. I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the
republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for
all. And thank you.
Supervisor McGee [00:21:56] Thank you, Tammy. Marcus Gingerich.
Marcus Gingerich [00:22:12] Yes, I'm here. Hi.
Supervisor McGee [00:22:20] Go ahead. We can hear you.
Marcus Gingerich [00:22:23] Sure. I think this was the last meeting there was a
presentation on the solar project or something like that. And I just wanted to kind of offer
some words of caution. I'm not sure I understand how the program was all supposed to
work, but I would suggest, and I'm sure you will, that the board deal carefully with these
companies because a lot of times it seems like when they when some company like this
comes holding out a hand to offer something. Got to wonder where the other hand is,
which pocket it might be in. Also, it almost sounded to me like they were essentially asking
the town to kind of endorse the project. And I would question the wisdom of that from the
town's perspective, whether that's a good idea. Is the town incurring any risk liability or
anything like that? But just to consider something like that, careful. The other thing is, you
know, oh, the other towns, all the other these other towns are doing it. Well, we we hear
that a lot from companies that everybody else is doing it. So you might as well to just
because somebody else is doing it doesn't mean it's necessarily a good idea for us. And
often the first offer is not the best offer. If this is somewhere a way that direction the town
wants to go, there may be better offers coming down the pike at a later time. I don't know.
But just just a word of caution, just to really carefully check it out and make sure it is in the
town's best interest. On another subject, I I'm not. There was there was some comments
last last time or one of the times anyway, that when I was on that I'm really puzzled about
it, that the town clerk's job was now of 40 to 60 hour a week job and. My understanding
was a previous town clerk was, in fact putting in about 20 hours a week, but I could be
wrong. I'm just I'm just kind of putting it out there because it would be helpful for me to
understand just just some clarification on what has changed that the the scope of the job is
now or the position is now two to three times more effort than it used to be. That's all I
have. Thanks.
Supervisor McGee [00:24:58] Thanks, Marcus. And I agree. I don't think that this board
would would enter into any agreement with this solar company without scrutinizing the
project. I think that we've thought long and hard about our our needs here in Enfield with
regard to renewable energy. And I don't I don't think that that would just happen. It would
probably be a pretty lengthy conversation. So thank you. OK, Edith Ryan?
Edith Ryan [00:25:33] I can hear you. Hello, I'm just coming in to support Kathy Rogers,
who is my neighbor and has reengaged me in the conversation about a public safety issue
on Hayte's Road. So I know that the last time I addressed the board, I think it was in May
of two thousand nineteen. I was coming in very emotional because my dog was killed. And
I have been aware of the safety issue on Hayte's Road for quite some time before my dog
was killed. So I realize I don't think I was really taken very seriously at that time. But we
are in a unique position in our particular area of Hayte's road. There are blind hills on
Haytes Road that create a unique situation in regards to the speeding that is occurring
daily on Hayte's Road. And since I came to the board in May of 2019, my neighbor, who is
about 100 feet from my mailbox, was killed getting her mail. And very tragically, the
whoever investigated that, it was basically like they ticketed her in her own death. And I
feel like that that was it was an unjust situation. They basically just didn't want to address
the situation which has been continuing to occur. People are not respecting the speed
limit, which is fifty five miles an hour. We know that they're going faster than fifty five miles
an hour. And we know that when we live here and we live on a blind hill. And it is very
anxiety inducing when we're aware of the daily public safety issue where we see families
and kids out on this road. And I'm telling you, it's just a matter of time before somebody
else is killed on this road, because I have tried to speak out as much as I could allowing for
the career that I've chosen, which is extremely demanding. I'm not into town government.
I'm into at-risk teenagers. And it takes up a lot of my time. But I'm supporting Kathy Rogers
that now that they've detoured truck traffic on a Hayte's road. The risk is even higher than
it was before. So I don't know about all the bureaucratic policies and procedures as to how
to fix it, but I'm just here as a social worker, somebody who is observing the public safety
issue occurring. Something has to be done about the speed limit. They're not observing
the speed limit, and when they did the speed study, Cathy and I both agree it's not
accurately reported what speeds people are going down this road because they're they're
clocking people who are turning into their driveways. There are many, many of us who live
on the road and we're slowing way down to get into our driveways when I'm driving to
work. Sometimes I'm at 35 miles an hour every single day. People are passing me, going
much, much faster than I am at, say, forty five miles an hour. It's not safe. And there have
been more dead dogs. And again, the dead dogs. The question is, why is the dog out in
the road? OK, but the dead people are going to continue to be a problem. And we're in a
unique situation because we're in Ithaca. So we've got an Ithaca address. That's it. It's
just that the problem is still here. And I'm asking that town to please before somebody else
dies. Address the safety issue on Hayte's Road.
Supervisor McGee [00:28:58] So, Edith, I appreciate your comments. I note that Bob
Lynch reached out as well as I did this past week. And I basically told the people who had
coordinated this detour that it was unacceptable that Enfield is involved in any way. This is
a town of Ithaca and City of Ithaca project. They know full well that or someone knows full
well. They did a study on it. They know that there was a death on the road, that that is a
very dangerous place to have a detour. So I've asked them to get back in touch this week.
They told me they would get in touch this week. I connected with them again today. Ask
them to call me back. They have expressed that this would require a whole new detour. I'm
like, yes, OK. That's OK. There is also as a result of the conversations that we had last
year, we did put a speed change policy in place. So if you would like to send me an email
at supervisor@townofenfield.org, I will send you that policy so you can have it and know
what residents have to do in order to we've removed, I believe we removed the petition
aspect of it as well. So that is in place and you and I can send that to you. I just don't I
don't have your.
Edith Ryan [00:30:17] You did you send it. You actually sent me. And I appreciate that.
My first name is Edith, my middle name is Ryan and honestly, I just got so disgruntled with
the process because I feel like nobody wanted to hear me, like I was basically treated like,
shut up, like this isn't this isn't our issue. And that was so upsetting for me at the time
because I knew we were just waiting for a death and then she's dead. She can't come
back so.
Supervisor McGee [00:30:43] Well, I did follow through with that. So I appreciate it. I
know. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Do you have any comments you wanted to
make, Robert?
Councilperson Lynch [00:30:55] No. Other than that, I have a resolution that I would like
to move later this evening that has been posted on the agenda. And I think it's appropriate.
Councilperson Redmond [00:31:04] I'll add to that, on May 5th, I had a meeting with the
Transportation Council, so I'll bring it up at that point too.
Supervisor McGee [00:31:11] So we'll put that at the beginning of new business. If you
want to move it, then?
Councilperson Lynch [00:31:16] I shall. Thnak you
Supervisor McGee [00:31:25] OK. So we have a guest here. Phone number 2 7 9 2 8 9 5.
Cathy Rogers [00:31:34] My name is cathy Rogers.
Supervisor McGee [00:31:36] Oh, hi, Cathy.
Cathy Rogers [00:31:37] Hi. I'm trying calling because. Because of Hayte's Road. Sure.
Basically, I'm concerned because I don't want to see anybody get killed either. The
driveways here are blind. Absolutely blind. And I know how to get out of it and and be
particular and trying to get out when the traffic is regular. But with a detour, I'm thinking
that I probably have to go left on to the wrong side of the road to speed up to get into that
other lane, because people are coming over that hill and they're flying over that hill. We've
got trucks there, too. But part of my concern, too, is that like the NYSEG person that came
to check, they're not allowed to park in the driveway. I pleaded with them. Please park in
the driveway. They park on the side of the road and then people try to go around them.
And I'm afraid there's going to be a head on collision here because it is blind. The thing
that happened with Carmen. She was walking across the street and she looked. She didn't
see anybody because you can't it's it's like a big, long dip on the other side of Van Dorn
Road. And neither neither she nor the person that ran her over saw each other until it was
too late. With this driveway that I have in the driveway across the street, I'm really
concerned about the driveway across the street. Basically, if somebody pulls in this
driveway and pulls out, they don't know not to block both lanes. If someone comes over
that hill and both lanes are blocked, then they're they're getting there. There's gonna be a
major accident when I pull out of my driveway and I'm going left toward the hospital. I've
got to make sure no one's coming from the direction of the hospital because there's so
many times I've pulled out. I'm thinking no one was coming from the other direction. I
waited a little while, you know, and and all of a sudden somebody was right on my rear
end and was able to get around me. Because there was nobody coming from the other
direction. But I'm not gonna be here to tell everybody that maybe turns around in the
driveway or pulls over, you know, for whatever purpose or reason or reason. My guests
don't always understand why I'm so concerned about how they're pulling out of the road or
pulling out onto the road. Excuse me. But people come over that hill really, really quickly.
And I'm really concerned. I was concerned before. But with this detour, I'm even more
concerned because there are big trucks. I'm not go in many places, but I hear them and I
see them and the big Mack truck. But course shouldn't be coming over that hill so quickly.
The driveways are there and they're blind. I think the traffic should be detoured down
Sheffield Road. So that we don't have more traffic coming through this intersection. And
Applegate's Road doesn't get it either because both of them are already dangerous. If that
isn't possible, then the speed on Haytes Road, at least where Van Dorn is, should be
decreased. We need people to detour. We need people to slow down. Number one, I
think we should detour to Sheffield. Number two, I think we should reduce the speed, at
least here. Number three, we should post a blind driveway sign. And number four,
somebody should be patrolling the roads so we don't have people speeding.
Supervisor McGee [00:35:20] OK. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Those are good
Councilperson Lynch [00:35:26] Thank you.
Supervisor McGee [00:35:33] OK, I have someone listed as iPhone guest. I'm going to
unmute you and you can tell us who you are.
Julie Carlisle [00:35:50] this is Jolie Carlisle.
Supervisor McGee [00:35:59] Hi Jolie.
Jolie Carlisle [00:36:09] I'm just a little curious. I haven't been attending very many
meetings lately, and that's my fault. But I'm just curious what might have precipitated this
need to change these two positions that are in question from a voted position to an
appointed position and to change the length of the terms of both of them? Some
comments have been made regarding the term length. And I have to agree with the ones
that say that as they stand currently, I think they're sufficient in that it allows them to get in
a little bit of time and get a little bit started. And also, I think it gives the town's people a
chance to kind of see what type of job they're both doing. If you put them both in for the
four years each. That could cause some issues. I mean, a lot of damage could be done by
somebody in a four year time period rather than just two years. In addition, I don't believe
that. I guess I guess I'm concerned about why the timing of these changes, why now and
why they think that this needs to happen. And that's all my comment is. Thank you.
Supervisor McGee [00:37:33] Thank you, Jolie. I think that there will be plenty of time
that there will be discussions happening about these all of these resolutions, so or
proposals. We have Albert Vill.
Albertl Vill [00:37:57] Excellent. Thank you. So I'm just here to reiterate what both Edith
and Kathy said. I live with my family in the house that was currently owned by Carmen.
This is the woman that was struck and killed on Hate's Road. I live across the street from
Cathy, the intersection of Hayte's and Van Doren is incredibly dangerous. Every every time
we either enter our driveway by a left turn or leave our driveway going right towards Ithaca,
you really have to gun the gas. There's been a few close calls and we've only lived here
about 2 months now. You know, I fear for the life of my my wife, my 7 year old niece who
lives with me. I think what would be best besides the things that Cathy already suggested,
moving the detour and so on would include possibly a a stop sign at that intersection. I
realize that would inconvenience many commuters coming in and out of Enfield, but an
extra possibly 30 seconds added to each end of your commute, I think is a small price to
pay for possibly saving the lives of more people and animals and the line. That's all I have
to say. Thank you for listening.
Councilperson Bryant [00:39:21] ....finally had to do with that at Perry City Road and
Halseyville Road after a number of people were killed. It's not in Enfield but...
Supervisor McGee [00:39:34] Yeah, they've redone they redid the grading on that two or
three times to make that safer I don't I don't think it is still OK. So just as a warning to
everyone, there's no one else who's raised their hand. I'm in a unmute everybody, and
give a last chance for people to say they want to speak for privilege of the floor before we
move on. So just to let you know, you're gonna be unmute it there. Anyone left for the
privilege of the floor? OK. Bob, your muted... Virginia? ... Stéphanie... OK. So let's move
on to CoVid-19 updates. I see that. Ann Koraman, our county rep is here... Would you like
to give us some updates?
Anne Koraman [00:41:43] There's not a whole lot right now. The only thing is I sent you
the summary of the financial impact that we did last night, the Tompkins County Board or
I'm sorry, the top of the legislature met last night to review what we anticipate as some of
the effects of the CoVid pandemic on our budget. And so I sent that to you. I also just
posted on Facebook on my personal and legislative pages, which are open to the public if
anybody wants to take a look at that. It's it's it's stark. It's it's sobering. And it's also just an
estimate because we really don't know, but we're starting to try and at least look at it.
Supervisor McGee [00:42:29] Sure. Thank you. I will forward that to the board right now.
I'm thinking of it.
Councilperson Lynch [00:42:46] I listened to that report by the county administrator last
night, and it is grim. It's like eleven million dollars projected revenue shortfall. So it's going
to be bad.
Supervisor McGee [00:43:05] Aside from that update that I have ah. Thanks, Dan.
Appreciate it. The just the notes about masks being available now and the hand sanitizer
and I do have more hand sanitizer. I gave two gallons of that to the food pantry. They are
going to be initiating changes again this week. It's very overwhelming to. To do the boxing
of food so they are they're moving toward not doing that packaging anymore except for a
few delivery's. So they're lamenting some distancing changes. They've met with the health
department and we've put together. They've put together a new process. We just posted
online this this afternoon. So anybody who's interested in what the new processes for the
food pantry go to the town Web site. And there's a. There should be a post on the front
page about it. Let's see. And the other is, oh, I want it. And are you muted on on one
second. I wanted to ask you further about the testing for essential workers, if you would
give us a little information about that.
Anne Koraman [00:44:46] Sure. Yeah, I just realized that I forgot to say that. So for
essential workers, you can now look on our health department based on our site on the
Tompkins County Web site. Or you can just call the Health Department and ask about
whether you can get testing as an essential worker or trying to move. It could be
government officials who have to interact with the public. It could be people in health care,
people and retail deliverers, people in public safety, fire departments, E.M.S., various
different jobs. If you're not sure, you can just call up and tell them what your job is and ask
if you can get tested and that's that's free. So we're trying to get as many people tested as
possible now. And luckily, because people have been following the the guidelines that
we're able to open up enough testing for other people right now and eventually. Well, we're
gonna try and open that up more to the public.
Supervisor McGee [00:45:59] Thank you. Anybody have questions for an. Thanks Anne.
All right. Does anyone else have any information you'd like to share on CoVid-19 updates?
Town Clerk Ellen Woods [00:46:17] I have something. So Mutual Aide Tompkins has
provided one of their food pantry cabinets that is small. It's currently on the map and
placed at my house. You know, you'll know where it is. It's downtown and it's on their Web
site. But based on what it looked like when it got here and their improved sanitizing
procedures, they provide the supplies and instructions. I would like to ask the board to
consider moving it to in front of the town hall near the mouse box. Incidentally, it matches.
Supervisor McGee [00:46:57] Yes. I don't have any problem with that. Does anyone else
have an issue with that?
Councilperson Lynch [00:47:00] Good.
Councilperson Redmond [00:47:01] I'm good with that.
Councilperson Bryant [00:47:02] No, it's fine.
Supervisor McGee [00:47:04] They're welcome.
Town Clerk Ellen Woods [00:47:07] OK. Well, anyone who would like to bring
nonperishable canned goods to that that distribution point may do so.
Supervisor McGee [00:47:19] Great. I can reach out to Jean also and see if there's, you
know, if they have items that they'd like to check on at once in a while and maybe stock.
Town Clerk Ellen Woods [00:47:29] Sure.
Supervisor McGee [00:47:33] They'll also have a more defined procedures for volunteers
going forward. Also at the food pantry. Buddy Rollins. I've just unmuted you if you want to
participate in the highway, give us some highway updates.
Buddy Rollins [00:48:11] I have nothing.
Supervisor McGee [00:48:14] Does anybody have questions for Buddy?
Councilperson Redmond [00:48:25] I guess I'm curious what the current status is of the
highway department this point.
Buddy Rollins [00:48:32] On part time layoff.
Councilperson Redmond [00:48:35] You're on part time?
Buddy Rollins [00:48:37] Part time layoff like the board did.
Councilperson Redmond [00:48:42] Thank you. And has everybody been able to get
their partial unemployment adequately?
Buddy Rollins [00:48:52] Yesterday, one has got approval, the other four. We're still
waiting to be called in 72 hours.
Councilperson Redmond [00:48:58] OK.
Supervisor McGee [00:48:58] Thank you. And what sort of hours are you able to fill with
work at this point, Buddy?
Buddy Rollins [00:49:12] Just as needed, we had one guy work on Monday I had four
guys work on Tuesday. And that's how we're working it. As I need them.
Supervisor McGee [00:49:26] OK.
Councilperson Redmond [00:49:27] And how are you doing for funding for materials?
Buddy Rollins [00:49:32] We haven't really spent anything because we're not really doing
nothing but cleanup work and we got all a grader and rollers out of winter storage. And
brooming, sweeping. And we are. We had to install one driveway waiting that a permit or a
new house on Enfield center road.
Councilperson Redmond [00:49:58] Thank you.
Supervisor McGee [00:50:02] Thank you anyone else?
Councilperson Lynch [00:50:04] Buddy, do you feel that the system middle, you don't like
it, but are you accommodating it? Is it working out for you?
Buddy Rollins [00:50:14] Yeah, I guess. I mean, we're doing like we were doing before.
We'll see what the guys have at pay day.
Councilperson Lynch [00:50:24] Well, I hope it works out. And I heard the report from the
Tompkins County administrator last night and it's pretty grim county wide. And I wouldn't I
wouldn't doubt that they're going to have some furloughs and layoffs in the county highway
force. And we may have to just put off some of the things that we had planned to do this
year and work with a reduced force because of the financial fallout from CoVid-19. We
don't know.
Supervisor McGee [00:51:03] Thank you. OK. Budget concerns for the May meeting. I
will have budget recommendations put together and we can begin some discussions then
about what that's going to look like for us going forward. And maybe even into next year.
Let's see. Anybody have questions, anything that they'd like specifically to know about the
budget? That I can make sure is included? The draft generic environmental impact
statement for the comprehensive plan, Stephanie and I and also I will mention Nancy
Spiro, she worked with me a couple of weeks ago to finalize some language in it as well.
And Stephanie and I worked on it over the last week and a half. And just I just have one
little correction to make in it. And then we'll put it up probably this evening after this
meeting. And then it can be we can have it on the agenda to either accept or decline as
the draft at the next at the May meeting or if we have a special meeting, if we plan that
between now and then. Bookkeeper updates, I have posted the bookkeeper position on
the site. I've met with Debbie and we've gone over some of the final tasks that she's going
to complete and some of the information that I need to know to move forward and. Let's
see. That was the bookkeeper position was finalized. I think the day before yesterday
online with the county. So I'll keep everybody posted as that if there's any updates on that.
I think there was something else. Oh, also in stereo did send their final budget report. They
made these really nice fancy a boun financial report books, there's one in each of the
board members mailboxes at the town hall, if you're interested. And there's a few copies
there for the public that would have to be arranged with Ellen with regard to how to get
those. And if we need more copies, I'll provide them as well. Uh, so the payroll service. So
I know it's a little hard for others to do an assessment of this just based on how many pays
that we have and the frequency of pay and how many people get paid and how frequently
some of our 5 employees that are paid. Let's see. Well, we have six right now paid
bi-weekly, and then we have about eight paid monthly and four or five paid quarterly, so.
In order to really make an assessment on the costs of these, we'd have to know how many
pages there are per a period that we do. How many people are paid. So I did that
assessment and with ADP, the total cost for the payroll. And the end of the year tax
information for eighteen employees or 18 people will get paid here. The total was
$2,050.48. But they would give us five months of payroll for free in the first year and that
discount is about $412.90. They also waived. The $200 setup fee. For the first year, so
that total was done. That total included that. So it was nineteen seventy five forty eight for
the payroll. Then for the end of the year W-2. Information that was $162.50 and then for
delivery of that, it was twelve-ninety-five. So. In the second year. The total for that would
end up being that two thousand fifty dollars for payroll. If they don't increase the price, that
is because we wouldn't get the five months free. But for the first year, it would be about it
would be a little less than seventeen hundred dollars. The complete payroll. That ended
up being. Sixteen nineteen, so nineteen hundred and twelve dollars and eighty cents with
the three hundred dollar setup fee. And then for the end of the year. Items that would be
one hundred and eighty dollars and eighty cents. Additional. So the second year, it would
end up being eighteen hundred and twelve dollars approximately... without any discounts
and that sort of thing. For Paychex, I have to know how many garnishments we have. I
think that we did have some garnishments, not that many. I think we get the first two
months free and the ninth month free. The end of the year. Setup is $75 one time fee, and
then they have. That's for the tax information end of the year and then there's a $100 or
setup fee. To get us all set up initially. So the payroll, their costs for doing the payroll for
all of them is fifteen hundred forty seven ninety four hundred dollar setup fee, $121.50 for
the W-2s and seventy five dollars one time. For the end of the year, set up. So the first
year it would be $1844. Then we have to subtract three months of that those monthly
figures. The piece of paper in another room. I think for these it was like seventy seventy six
dollars. So if we did on average $70.75, so. Two hundred twenty five dollars less for the
first year, so it would be about sixteen, little over sixteen hundred and then the second
year would be sixteen sixty nine without any of the freebies. So does anyone have a
Councilperson Redmond [01:00:04] I just had a couple of questions with the ADP....
Sorry, garnishment payment service. Is that as many as we want? And how much would
that cost us over the course of a year if it if we had to pay for that?
Supervisor McGee [01:00:21] Where are you seeing it? Oh, so it says. It looks like this is
what's included.
Councilperson Redmond [01:00:30] Yeah. So that's for the whole year. And then if we
did that, if we if it wasn't included, how much would that cost us for the whole year? I
guess I was wondering how much we would spend on garnishments services otherwise.
Supervisor McGee [01:00:45] Well, the other one said it was $3 a garnishment. And I
don't know how many of the... We have each pay period. Those would be things like child
support or something like that or a bill pay or something. So but I can certainly find that
out. I can ask them specifically how much it would be if it's additional here.
Councilperson Lynch [01:01:13] This is an opportunity when I wish Mimi were in the
discussion, because perhaps for business or business she's aware of might have used
one of these services because the rate is fairly comparable within a few hundred dollars of
each other. But I'm interested in knowing the quality of the work that's been done. If
anybody's got any track record that they'd like to share about a good company or a not so
good company.
Supervisor McGee [01:01:37] So Mimi actually cared. All of these estimates. What? I
don't I don't know that she was recommending any of them. She she said that, you know,
there was. I think this one, this complete payroll is one that has been trying to
communicate with them in the past. I don't know who is doing their current payroll, but. I
did hear from someone that they were not necessarily happy with ADP, that they thought
that was hard to get information from them. However, I called them at 5:30 this evening to
ask a last question and they called me back within 10 minutes. So, you know, I mean,
granted, they're trying to make a sale, but they were pretty responsive in that regard.
Councilperson Lynch [01:02:30] I presume paycheck is still a Rochester companies
need to be dealing with a company that's based in New York state and fairly close in terms
of their headquarters operation. And they are apparently the more bitter, so to speak.
They have the lowest quote. So I'm kind of partial to them at this point. I can be convinced
by somebody that they're not the best company.
Councilperson Redmond [01:02:58] They are the lowest. ADP does offer other services.
So depending on how much they would spend for those services, they have garnishment,
pamement services, unemployment service pay, mobile payroll, also do background
checks, which the other companies don't allow so or don't offer. So I'm wondering how
much we would save in that aspect by going through ADP and whether that would be
financial a comparable. I don't really know, honestly, based on our payroll, how much that
would save us money or not.
Supervisor McGee [01:03:29] So I will say I did have a conversation this evening with the
ADP rep that they do have a mobile clocking and that would be. It's $50 a month, up to 10
employees, that's only for hourly, that's not for the salaried employees. So all of that would
automatically be sent to ADP. So that wouldn't be something that the bookkeeper would
have to manage or do. And it's also, you know, so they it's like location dependent. So it
clocks their hours based on being at the location. So there wouldn't be a need for a time
punch time clock anymore. They would punch in using her time clock and using the app.
It's done. So I have done that, but yeah, it was. It was $50 additional month to do that.
Councilperson Lynch [01:04:47] Because we are losing our bookkeeper. Are we in
some kind of a time bind here or could we hold off until the May meeting? When Mimi
would be back in and she could offer her input?
Supervisor McGee [01:05:01] So if you wanted to wait on this, then I would ask that you
set a special meaning to make a decision if you want me to be precident. Because Debbie
will do the payroll on May 4 and then another payroll will be done and will be do two weeks
from then. So we would need to. And they do. I mean, it generally would take two to three
days if we have everything that they need in order to set it up. But. I wouldn't really want
to wait that long. To do it, but it doesn't have to be a marathon meeting, can be a meeting
to decide this issue. So.
Councilperson Redmond [01:05:47] I actually wouldn't mind looking into it further and
asking some business owners in the area which services they use and why they like them.
I did a bit of research, but I think it could use a little bit more research.
Councilperson Bryant [01:05:59] I talked to a character of action about what they use.
They use ATP because they're able to get some reports that they need for their grants and
tables and grants and so on. They've been happy with it for she said eons that I couldn't
get to get a year number. Anyway, I think it's worth. Waiting....
Councilperson Lynch [01:06:22] Do we know if any other municipalities locally use one
of these services?
Supervisor McGee [01:06:28] I do not. No, but I'm happy to put an e-mail out and ask
Councilperson Lynch [01:06:38] Because the cost is fairly comparable. Not again, within
a few hundred dollars. And it behooves us to get the best firm.
Councilperson Redmond [01:06:56] You know, if Mimi looked into a company called
Buddie Punch, it's another payroll service that regional uses and really likes.
Supervisor McGee [01:07:04] I don't except that these are the three I know that she did
reach out to us in the end, they connected back with us, the two of us. And if you want to
know if you have somebody else, Stephanie, that you want to look into. I can give you the
details about the payroll. So, you know, so there's like there's 10 payrolls. Let me see, was
it 10 payrolls a year that are just the bi weekly, there's twelve that are bi-weekly with the
monthly pays. And then there's four that are bi weekly. And the quarterly's.
Councilperson Redmond [01:08:00] And do we have information about garnishments or
whether we would need. Like how many background checks do we? I mean, it doesn't
seem very useful to have a background check. Is it offered service because they don't
have that many employees. But how about unemployment service sounds pretty good
right now. And I'm not sure about mobile payroll or that that would be really that helpful or
not. But I'm just curious about other services. And what we need.
Supervisor McGee [01:08:40] Hold on one second. Buddy has a comment. Buddy did
you have a comment?
Buddy Rollins [01:08:45] Yeah, I was just wondering where the benefit time, the sick and
vacation time goes in with that or something else has to happen?
Supervisor McGee [01:08:56] With what?
Buddy Rollins [01:08:57] ...with the payroll? Because they get their sick and benefit time
with their paychecks now.
Supervisor McGee [01:09:03] So we would tell the payroll company how we accrue that.
And they would. So what do you mean.
Buddy Rollins [01:09:12] Is there a extra charge for that or...
Supervisor McGee [01:09:16] No, that's just gonna be part of the service,.
Buddy Rollins [01:09:18] OK?
Supervisor McGee [01:09:19] It's going to be part of the service.
Buddy Rollins [01:09:21] OK.
Supervisor McGee [01:09:22] And they should see that on a pay stub. What the hours
Buddy Rollins [01:09:26] Right. That's the way it is now.
Supervisor McGee [01:09:39] All right. Thanks. OK. So do we want to set a special
meeting? We can't do Stephanie and I cannot. And Ellen can't do next Wednesday
because we have a planning board meeting to facilitate.
Councilperson Lynch [01:10:01] Do we know when Mamy will be back from the services
connected with a loss in her family?
Supervisor McGee [01:10:10] Let me send her a text message and I'll ask her that. And
we can move on to your resolution about the Hayte's Road situation, is that right?
Councilperson Lynch [01:10:27] Ready for me to read the resolution?
Supervisor McGee [01:10:30] Sure
Councilperson Lynch [01:10:33] This is not what the resolution number would be, but it's
an emergency resolution calling upon the state and municipal officials to take immediate
action to protect safety along Hayte's and Halseyville Roads. Here's the text or as the
Enfield town board holds a primary responsibility for ensuring the safety of its town's
residents. And whereas that obligation includes the protection of those driving upon our
town's roads and the pedestrians walking alongside or across those roads and or as the
New York State Department of Transportation, in conjunction with the city of Ithaca, the
town of Ithaca and the Tompkins County Highway Department on or about April 1st, 2020,
imposed a detour of traffic on New York Route 79, also known as Hector Street and
Mecklenburg Road, so as to facilitate the reconstruction of in improvements along Héctor
Street, largely within the city of Ithaka, but also partly within the town of Ithaka. And
whereas the city of Ithaca. Department of Public Works has stated it expects said
construction will require the closing of Hector Street and also imposition of the New York
Route 79 detour through approximately October 1st, 2020. And whereas the detour
established by the aforementioned governments and agencies directs motorists to exit
New York, Route 79 at Miller's Corners, the intersection of New York, Route 79 with New
York, Route 327 and Halsyville Road, otherwise known as County Road 170. Would traffic
then proceeding north on Halsyville Road, then east on Hayte's Road? County Road 139
to and beyond the infield town of Ithaca Line and or as the afore stated detour
unnecessarily directs traffic to navigate a narrow and unsafe three mile portion of Haytes
road between Halsyville and Sheffield roads, including through two hazardous
intersections, namely the intersections with Van Doren Road North and with Applegate
Road North intersections where numerous traffic accidents have occurred in recent years.
And whereas the intersection of Haytes Road with Van Doren Road North poses particular
safety hazards because of the limited ability of drivers and pedestrians on Haytes Road
east of that intersection to sense oncoming eastbound traffic and where, as on or about
August 10th, 2013, an 82 year old pedestrian Carmon Jacks was struck and killed along
that dangerous section of Haytes Road while crossing the road to reach your mailbox, an
accident to which that dangerously limited sight distance contributed. And whereas the
infield town board and its towns residents fear that the addition of Detour Route 79 traffic
along the afore stated portion of Haytes Road this year could lead to similar tragic
accidents and endanger the lives and the safety of our residents, including children, the
disabled and senior citizens. And whereas Halseyville Road County Road 170 between
Millers Corners and Haytes Road also imposes hazards to motorists and pedestrians. And
whereas a safer alternate route 79 detour route along the Hector street construction exists.
One utilizing Sheffield Road County Road 172 along the infield town of Ithaca line from
Route 79 North the Hayte's Road, a shorter detour which would avoid sending Route 79
traffic over the most dangerous portions of Haytes Road, including through the two afore
stated intersections. And whereas any safety concerns about relocating the New York
Route 79 detour to the Sheffield Road intersection can be ameliorated by appropriate
signage and or traffic controls at that intersection. And whereas the infield town board or
representatives there of were not properly or sufficiently consulted prior to the imposition of
the established hall sybille Road hates road detour. And whereas the infield town board on
behalf of this resident believes this recently and suddenly imposed traffic hazard by other
agencies and governments demands immediate attention. Therefore, be it resolved that
the infield town board urges and strongly recommends that the New York State
Department of Transportation, in conjunction with the City of Ithaca Department of Public
Works, the Tompkins County Highway Department and the town of Ithaka Highway
Department immediately reroute all detoured Route 79 traffic. By means of Sheffield Road
County Road 172 rather than via Halseyville Road. County Road 170 to reach Haytes
Road County Road 139, thereby providing a shorter, safer detour and resolved further.
That showed such an alternate detour. For whatever reason, through unacceptable to
state or other municipal authorities. That said, agencies and governments take immediate
action to improve safety for motorists and pedestrians on those of four states. Dangerous
portions of hate's road and the duration than for the duration of the route 79 detours
existence such suggested remedial actions to include but are not limited to reduced speed
limits. Four-way stops at intersections and other comparable traffic calming devices and
procedures. And finally resolved further that the infield town clerk shall communicate this
resolution to the following. The Regional Director. New York State Department of
Transportation. The Honorable Salvati Merick Mayor City of Ithaca. Michael J. Thawne P
E City of Ithaca. Superintendent of Public Works. Geoffrey Smith. Director, Tompkins
County Highway Department. Rodney How Supervisor Town of Ithaca and Richard
Tencate, Acting Highway Superintendent, Town of Ithaca. And I move that resolution.
Councilperson Redmond [01:17:01] I'll second that.
Councilperson Lynch [01:17:02] Thank you.
Supervisor McGee [01:17:10] Is there any discussion.
Councilperson Lynch [01:17:16] People in that area say it's dangerous and there may be
a permanent solution that goes beyond this detour. But first things first. Let's get that
detour moved. It's not to facilitate any kind of construction in the town of Enfield. It is only
to can facilitate construction in Ithaca. And there's no reason that the state or the city
should be imposing hazards on Enfield to facilitate their construction. And by the way,
Ellen, I will assist in terms of getting contact addresses and names so that you can send
out the appropriate copies.
Town Clerk Ellen Woods [01:18:05] Thank you.
Supervisor McGee [01:18:10] I'm just I'm just rereading your resolution. But for anyone
who wants to read it, it's on the town Web site.
Councilperson Lynch [01:18:35] I should note that a representative from the City of
Ithaca Department of Public Works communicated to me that there was a community
meeting about this construction and detour, but I believe it was back in May of two
thousand eighteen. A long time ago. I don't know if Enfield was ever consulted about it.
And furthermore, it pre-dated the Carmen Jack's fatality.
Supervisor McGee [01:19:02] Right. I don't recall a community meeting that involved
Enfield about that. They may have had a public hearing, but I don't even recall being
notified about that, which would have seemed pretty important if they were going to run it
all the way through or halfway through the town of Enfield.
Councilperson Lynch [01:19:31] And I thank you, Beth, for helping out in this, because
your authority does help in terms of persuading people in the city of Ithaca and elsewhere
that this is a priority.
Supervisor McGee [01:19:44] Well, I just didn't understand why it was even considered to
go this far and especially knowing. And actually, I will I will say that Jeff did not participate
in approval of this. Jeff Smith did not. And because I was really surprised that the county
would have anything to do with approving it, mainly because we know that we raised a
stink about it and we did the traffic study. Right after Carmen had passed away. So right
now, I'm I just want to and I'd like to make sure that what we're asking, first of all, first and
foremost, is to remove the detour from the boundaries of the town of Enfield. Even on
Sheffield Road, that's still one side of the road is impacting and field residents. But Haytes
Rd. is just not designed for large like 18 wheelers to be detoured. That would be on the
state highway and have them be allowed to go 55 miles an hour. It's just absurd. But what
I would caution, though, is that like the requests for all sorts of other things right now. That
get in the way of just getting the detour removed.
Councilperson Lynch [01:21:22] My only concern was if the city or more likely the state
put its foot down and said, we're not going to move that detour, because I think there are
some concerns about hazards that would exist at the corner of Mecklenburg Road and
Sheffield. Perhaps one of their traffic engineers raised a concern about that. And if the
state were adamant that they weren't going to move the detour, then at least then they
should do something to ameliorate the dangers, especially around the intersection with
Van Dorn.
Supervisor McGee [01:21:58] Well, my first choice would be, of course, that they remove
the detour. I don't think that that's the only intersection we're also talking about. Van
Doren, of course, but we've had multiple deaths at the corner of 327 and seventy nine. So
you're you're adding people slowing down there and making the right hand turn on the
Halseyville Road. Halseyville Road is it also has a lot of driveways on it and it's very hilly,
at least at the very beginning before you could say Haytes Road.
Councilperson Lynch [01:22:29] I think one of the big problems you have. Seventy nine
and 327 is missed perceptions. People coming on Halseyville Road or 327, they see a car
with its flashers on. They're going to turn and they think they're going to turn on Halseyville
Road, but instead they're going to turn into the Dandy's Mart so they go by that
intersection. And that's when you get the collision. Yeah,.
Supervisor McGee [01:22:55] Right. I'm actually more concerned about pedestrians,
especially with the dollar store there. And that's you know, people are home primarily in
that they're utilizing that location for more things right now.
Councilperson Bryant [01:23:10] I'm concerned about that too. I see so many more
pedestrians than before the CoVid-19 on 79. It's really frightening. And that's at night. It's
even worse. Nobody seems to be wearing dark clothing.
Councilperson Lynch [01:23:34] I think Kathy Rogers said her neighbors real concern
about hate says it's not bad now. But what happens during the summer if they lift the
restrictions on CoVid-19 and we get back to normal traffic on Route 79, then it's going to
really be a super hazard at that intersection.
Supervisor McGee [01:24:03] I guess I will. I wouldn't want to tell them where to move it. I
would just tell him. Move it out of the town of Enfield.
Supervisor McGee [01:24:14] Well, like telling them to put it on Sheffield Road, they've
already suggested that they have an issue with Sheffield and Mecklenburg Road, but they
seem to little put out when I suggested they move it. And the comment was, well, that'll be
quite an undertaking to do that. And I was like, oh, OK. Well, really, that's what we need
you to do. And again, especially because there was really no consultation that I know of. I
don't know. I mean, I guess. Did you have anybody consult with you about it? I'm sorry.
I'm asking...
Buddy Rollins [01:25:02] ...probably because no, probably because none of them are our
roads involved.
Supervisor McGee [01:25:11] Alright
Councilperson Lynch [01:25:13] This resolution will get things moving and if their
objections from any of the other parties, then we can address them at a later time. But at
least it kind of moves the ball forward so that we can at least let them know there is an
issue. There is a problem. Maybe it'll get some publicity and maybe you'll get some action.
Well, I'd call the question on this. Let's have a vote.
Town Clerk Ellen Woods [01:26:08] Do you want me to call?
Supervisor McGee [01:26:10] No, not yet. I'm just reading through it again. I mean, I just
am. I mean, I'm opposed to them doing it at all there and in Enfield without them having
really gone through a process to communicate with the town of Enfield. Whether they are
town roads or not, it's going through our town and it's residents of our town that are
impacted. And I just I'm just really kind of floored that there was no respect given to that,
especially with the accident that had happened. So I just kind of feel like when you give
people alternates like if you say if you're not going to change this detour, then we demand
that you do this. Then that's where they're first thinking goes not to removing the detour.
Councilperson Lynch [01:27:12] Would you like omit the second? Resolved that second
paragraph that talks about other remedial action. Would that make it more acceptable to
Supervisor McGee [01:27:26] It would and also, I mean, maybe if that resolved could say
something like that. Any further detours that involve the that are, you know, determined or
in question within the boundaries of the town of Enfield? You know what we would want of
them? What would we what would we want them to do if they were considering a different
detour? The town of Enfield.
Councilperson Bryant [01:27:55] And they avoided the process of dealing with us. And
they need to.
Supervisor McGee [01:28:03] So, I mean, I'm open to suggestions about that.
Councilperson Bryant [01:28:09] Which paragraph?
Supervisor McGee [01:28:11] So we're talking about the second resolved.
Councilperson Bryant [01:28:18] OK. I'm with you.
Councilperson Redmond [01:28:21] Are you planning on taking out the part about
rerouting to Sheffield or just asking them to reroute outside of Enfield? In the first resolved.
Councilperson Lynch [01:28:35] It's going to be a problem because that's a that's a road
that is half on Enfield side and half on the town of Ithaca aside. And I don't know if there's
any way because there's no other crossroad farther to the east before you get to the city of
Ithaca. So I don't know if there's any way to reroute it out of at least the border with the
town of Enfield. Meaning? Meaning Sheffield, Sheffield Road. You know, Sheffield Road is
a logical alternative. It's less hazardous than Halseyville Road. And you're eliminating all
that stretch of Haytes Road.
Supervisor McGee [01:29:09] Well, how far is that going down? It's just going to be.
Whereas it going up to.
Councilperson Lynch [01:29:15] But the construction. Yes. Yes, just west of the city of
Ithaca's line. It's just about where it doesn't get up as far as Westhaven. It's just if you look
at the maps and I looked at what the city had on its Web site. You go to the city of Ithaca's
Web site. It will showing the construction for it is just a little bit after the bend. If you're
coming toward Enfield from the city of Ithaca that last bend on Hector Street, will you start
heading west? It's just a little bit beyond the city of Ithaca line, according to the engineers
Councilperson Bryant [01:29:52] But that isn't near right near right close to the
apartments. And it's.
Supervisor McGee [01:29:57] Just below that.
Councilperson Lynch [01:29:58] That's about that's where it is. But there's no other road
that connects between 79 and Haytes Road, that's between that construction area and
Sheffield Road. So you've got to use Sheffield as your as your last clear chance, if you will,
to get over to Haytes.
Supervisor McGee [01:30:19] Well, they just needed to send them over to Haytes. They
can send them down Bundy Road.
Councilperson Redmond [01:30:25] But I do see them be having concern about the blind
corner on Sheffield Road. There was seventy nine. That is it. That is a dangerous corner
as well.
Councilperson Lynch [01:30:36] But they could do a lot of things there. They could make
it even put up a temporary one of these temporary stoplights there. If you had to go now,
the state could do that. Doesn't bother you could you could warn drivers coming toward
that intersection coming down. Seventy nine. You put one of those big old signs up,
flashing signs that says dangerous intersection ahead, detour, whatever. That's for a traffic
engineer to figure out. There are ways to solve the problem.
Councilperson Bryant [01:31:04] Yes, I agree. With that.
Supervisor McGee [01:31:08] Yeah. I mean, I think that they should solve the problem
there. I agree with that. So I don't mind having the reroute to Sheffield Road in that. But we
don't want them to be up on Haytes Road and we don't want them to go. We don't want
them to go. As far as Halseyville Road.
Councilperson Lynch [01:31:32] No.
Supervisor McGee [01:31:32] Now, there have also in my life, I'm here 40 some years.
There have been accidents on Applegate Road, too. I mean, so any of those roads are
going up in this direction or are going to be problematic.
Councilperson Bryant [01:31:45] And I've been here two years and there have been
accidents that are. And we are thinking about their proposed detour is deadly.
Supervisor McGee [01:32:00] All right. Bob, if you don't mind removing that said... As
long as.
Councilperson Lynch [01:32:04] ...I move a friendly amendment to move that that
second resolution, that can be that can be stripped, right. I have no problem with it.
Supervisor McGee [01:32:12] But do we want to put language in place? I mean, might it
isn't that I don't want those things things on Haytes Road. What I don't want them to do is
go directly to that is their first action. I mean, we want them to. We want them to reroute to
Sheffield Road.
Councilperson Bryant [01:32:32] Yeah. I really think whoever set up this detour or in the
Department of Transportation must have...
Supervisor McGee [01:32:43] OK, so I would do we want to change them? Remove that
resolved and have different language or do just want to remove it.
Councilperson Lynch [01:32:52] What is your suggested replacement for that? I would
just remove it. That can make a unanimous resolution adopted unanimously by this board,
carries some weight with the other authority.
Supervisor McGee [01:33:11] Right. I guess I I would want them to. I would want them to
communicate these things to us. Before they just do it. Mm hmm. So that would really be
the only language change that I would suggest.
Councilperson Bryant [01:33:32] Could be included or shall we say must communicate
with us with town of Enfield before they implement any detour?
Supervisor McGee [01:33:42] Yeah. Well, I mean, I don't think that ultimately we have
any authority over it. You're talking about you know, I think that the state was also
involved. So but I do think it's important that they notify us. But I mean, I'll move that we
remove the second resolved.
Councilperson Bryant [01:34:01] Second.
Supervisor McGee [01:34:05] So is there further discussion to someone want to add
anything there? Or do we just want to remove it?
Councilperson Lynch [01:34:11] Would we want to replace it with resolve that I'm trying
to read the previous sentence here to try to make sense, that resolve that any alternate
detour is communicated to the town of Enfield in a timely manner for its implementation.
Supervisor McGee [01:34:38] Sure. And maybe you could include at the end of that
something about for our input on suggested or for our suggestions on mitigation measures.
And you could include those the ones that you listed. So then at least those things are
there, but we're not telling them. If you're not gonna do this, detour so. We don't have to I
mean it. I'm fine either way. You can either just remove it or we can ask them to or, you
know, tell them we. We need to be notified.
Councilperson Lynch [01:35:30] How about resolve further, that the state or municipal
authorities that control location of the detour shall communicate their alternate plans with
the town of Enfield.
Councilperson Bryant [01:36:01] ...Prior to any implementation?
Supervisor McGee [01:36:12] I mean, you can end it right there.
Councilperson Redmond [01:36:16] It seems like it'd be nice if they could invite some
input from us as well, though. I'm not sure they would do that, but or that we have authority
over that. But we can always add it.
Councilperson Lynch [01:36:29] ....resolved further that day. City of Ithaca or other
authorities shall communicate to the town of Enfield any and all alternate detour plans. As
well as any suggested remedial actions it may take. That would include, but are not limited
to reduce speed limits four way stops at intersections and other comparable traffic calming
devices and procedures. That work? It may not be quite literate, but it's the best I can do.
Supervisor McGee [01:38:43] Something a little simpler, I think. Resolved further than
any alternate detour within the boundaries of the town of in-field shall be communicated to
the Anfield town board prior to implementation for recommendations and mitigation
Councilperson Lynch [01:39:12] That's acceptable. It has been moved on move it
already is an amendment,.
Supervisor McGee [01:39:20] OK, so. You're moving that this is a I moved to amendment
to that. Yeah. And Virginia seconded I think.
Councilperson Bryant [01:39:32] Yes.
Supervisor McGee [01:39:35] All right. So the amendment is that. So I moved to that we.
Remove the second resolve and replace it with this and Ellen I can email this language to
you resolved further that any alternate detour within the boundaries of the town of Enfield
shall be communicated to the Enfield town board prior to implementation for
recommendations and mitigation measures.
Councilperson Lynch [01:40:05] That's acceptable.
Supervisor McGee [01:40:09] OK. Ellen, would you please call the vote?
Town Clerk Ellen Woods [01:40:12] They're voting on the amendment?
Supervisor McGee [01:40:14] Yes.
Town Clerk Ellen Woods [01:40:15] Councilperson Bryant
Councilperson Bryant [01:40:16] Aye.
Town Clerk Ellen Woods [01:40:17] Councilperson Lynch
Councilperson Lynch [01:40:19] Aye.
Town Clerk Ellen Woods [01:40:20] Councilperson Redmond.
Councilperson Redmond [01:40:21] Aye.
Town Clerk Ellen Woods [01:40:22] Supervisor McGee.
Supervisor McGee [01:40:22] Aye.
Supervisor McGee [01:40:38] OK. So Bob has moved the resolution. Is there any more
discussion on that?
Town Clerk Ellen Woods [01:40:49] I have Councilperson Redmond seconding the
Supervisor McGee [01:41:04] OK, there's no further discussion. Could we call the vote,
Town Clerk Ellen Woods [01:41:08] Councilperson Bryant.
Councilperson Bryant [01:41:09] Aye.
Town Clerk Ellen Woods [01:41:11] Councilperson Lynch.
Councilperson Lynch [01:41:12] Aye.
Town Clerk Ellen Woods [01:41:13] Councilperson Redmond.
Councilperson Redmond [01:41:14] Aye
Town Clerk Ellen Woods [01:41:15] Superviser McGee.
Supervisor McGee [01:41:16] Aye.
Supervisor McGee [01:41:20] Thank you. And you guys will share that.
Councilperson Lynch [01:41:27] Yes, I did that you were going to do Ellen tomorrow.
Town Clerk Ellen Woods [01:41:30] And I believe that resolution forty five. I found an
extra resolution today that was the Town Parks hours, that's thirty nine. So I think this
one's forty five.
Supervisor McGee [01:41:41] It is 45.
Councilperson Lynch [01:41:43] Thank you.
Councilperson Bryant [01:41:49] How will this be communicated to the parties
Town Clerk Ellen Woods [01:41:56] Oh, I was going to say I have an action item that on
Councilperson Lynch will supply me with the addresses of who you want to turn to or help
me research those and then I will send it to them.
Councilperson Bryant [01:42:11] Thank you.
Councilperson Lynch [01:42:13] I'll do that tomorrow.
Town Clerk Ellen Woods [01:42:14] Thank you.
Supervisor McGee [01:42:17] OK. I actually prefer not to message Mimi right now. I don't
know that that would be appropriate. So what I will do is let's talk about potential dates that
we could have a meeting if I were to call a meeting. Early, so. ..
Town Clerk Ellen Woods [01:42:43] I would like to just add to the board that the next
regular meeting will be the seventh meeting in a row. And so each meeting takes me about
three hours plus time for the minutes plus time to publicize it. So people who are saying
that my job isn't 40 hours, there's 40 hours right there. That's one full week of work for
meetings in April. So I would just request one Wednesday off after the next regular
Supervisor McGee [01:43:20] If you think that it's gonna be quick, it's just this issue and
we could do it before the planning board meeting. We could do it at, say, 6 o'clock
Wednesday prior to the planning board meeting. Does that make sense?
Councilperson Redmond [01:43:32] I'm available.
Councilperson Lynch [01:43:33] Would be available.
Councilperson Bryant [01:43:34] I'm available.
Supervisor McGee [01:43:37] That work better?
Town Clerk Ellen Woods [01:43:38] Yes.
Supervisor McGee [01:43:39] Would that be better?
Councilperson Bryant [01:43:40] Say it again?
[01:43:42] So it be Wednesday, the sixth. And it would just be this issue unless something
pressing comes up a.
Councilperson Bryant [01:43:49] Seventh of May.
Councilperson Bryant [01:43:51] The 6th.
Supervisor McGee [01:43:53] yep.
Town Clerk Ellen Woods [01:44:03] The only issue that presents is for the sign.
Supervisor McGee [01:44:07] Oh, yeah. Well. Could we use the same zoom code?
Supervisor McGee [01:44:19] I think so, because the meeting will just start the meeting
and the one that's already set up. And then you know who whoever shows up for the
regular meeting, then we'll just call the meeting to order and then do that because it'll be
just the same meeting. We'll just start that one. That sound that sound good. Stephanie,
we don't have to make another meeting date yet.
Councilperson Redmond [01:44:43] Yea that's great
Councilperson Bryant [01:44:48] So would you say again when the meeting is?
Supervisor McGee [01:44:50] 6 p.m. And if Mimi can't be present, then I will get
information from her about it. Her preferences are and then, Stephanie, if you have further
information about another service, then you can offer that as well.
Councilperson Redmond [01:45:16] OK.
Supervisor McGee [01:45:19] OK. So we don't need to discuss this next meeting dates
anymore. Appointed elected term extension proposals. So at this point, there's. Six
proposals that have been offered to our. Four term extensions, actually three of them are
for term extension actions. And then there are four proposals to each for the highways
superintendent and the town clerk positions to explore whether they would be appointed or
elected. So there isn't intended to be any in any movement on those this evening. They're
available for people to see online and and at the town hall in the window, I guess. So
none of this would be decided without public hearing as well. That can probably be all
done in on one date, but the board would have to discuss what details that they would
want to propose for public hearings. So. So I would propose that that be on the agenda for
the May regular meeting, not a public hearing, but discussions, beginning discussions on
that. So it's out there. Plenty of time for people to think about it. Talk about it and. Prepare
any information that they want to share.
Councilperson Lynch [01:47:06] That gives everybody time to talk about it. And it also
gives me, me the chance to be a part of the discussion. I'm in favor of that.
Supervisor McGee [01:47:17] Virginia, Stephanie, do you have any other comments?
Councilperson Bryant [01:47:19] I'm with that.
[01:47:24] All right. If there is nothing. Anyone have any board members either
announcement, Ellen do you have any any announcements?
Councilperson Lynch [01:47:37] May I just add, I thank you due that everybody has had
a civil discussion tonight and is collegial and this is a kind of meeting. I think we all like to
have the town the kind of meeting that the community likes us to have.
Supervisor McGee [01:47:54] I agree.
Councilperson Lynch [01:47:55] Mm hmm.
Councilperson Bryant [01:47:56] Yeah. Agreed.
Supervisor McGee [01:47:59] So if there's nothing else, I will make a motion to adjourn.
Councilperson Bryant [01:48:02] Second.
Councilperson Lynch [01:48:13] You extend to me me our condolences.
Supervisor McGee [01:48:17] I will
Councilperson Redmond [01:48:18] Thank you, everyone.
Supervisor McGee [01:48:20] .... Good night too.