HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-11-18 Regular MeetingTown of Enfield Minutes Town of Enfield Regular Town Board Meeting Enfield Community Building Wednesday, April 11, 2018 6:30 p.m. Present: Town Supervisor Beth McGee, Town Councilperson Virginia Bryant, Town Councilperson Mike Carpenter, Town Councilperson Mimi Mehaffey, Town Councilperson Becky Sims, Town Highway Superintendent Buddy Rollins, Town Clerk Alice Linton. Supervisor McGee lead the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag at 6:30 p.m. Additions and Removals from the Agenda: Supervisor McGee added an Environmental Council report after correspondence, a brief discussion about the Town newsletter to New Business, and removed NYS Retirement Standard Workday Resolution from New Business. Privilege of the Floor: No one wished to speak Correspondence: There was no correspondence to report. Environmental Management Committee: Maureen Bolton reported she attended the recent committee meeting. Unique Natural Areas (UNA) are being updated. There are 8 UNA in Enfield. There is a paper copy of the maps in the Tompkins County Public Library and the information is also available on a CD format. The committee discussed banning single use plastic bags in New York State. Supervisor McGee stated she is waiting for NYSEG to give her an inventory of what streetlights they own in Enfield to see if energy saving LED bulbs can be installed. Highway Superintendent's Report: Highway Superintendent Buddy Rollins stated his crew is trying to get work done depending on what season each day brings. They have done some ditching and hope to start on summer projects once the winter changeover is complete. He reported the 3rd week of May he will be attending a class with the summer intern on computerizing the Town’s highway records and making recommendations on a long-term plan. Superintendent Rollins has submitted a grant application to New York State for replacement of the pipe on Rothermich Road. If the grant is awarded, it would be through Bridge NY and work would be done in 2020. Superintendent Rollins thanked Supervisor McGee for the informative snow plowing video she made for the public and for the article she wrote for the Town newsletter. Economy Paving will be replacing a bridge on NYS Route 327 this summer and asked to park their job trailer on Town property. An Agreement was provided, that Town Attorney Krogh made a few adjustments to. The Town would receive $500 a month for providing space for the trailer. Supervisor McGee moved, with a second by Councilperson Carpenter to accept Guy Krogh’s changes and authorize the supervisor to sign the updated Agreement between the Town of Enfield and Economy Paving Co., Inc. Discussion: Highway Superintendent Rollins agreed to forward the Agreement to Economy Paving, who has the contract with NYS to replace the bridge. Vote: Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Bryant aye, Councilperson Mehaffey aye, Councilperson Sims aye, Supervisor McGee aye. Carried County Legislator's Report: Dave McKenna reported the County will be using a new software package for electronic health records. The county passed a resolution to support a state-wide ban on single use plastic bags. There will be a space study done on parking issues around county offices. Code Enforcement Officer's Report: Alan Teeter, Code Officer, was at a training in Syracuse, but provided a report for March. There were three building permits issued, one for replacing a mobile home on Enfield Center Road. He is working on solutions for the condemned home on Enfield Main Road, he issued two Orders to Remedy for rubbish violations, attended the required in-service training in Syracuse and will be attending the course “Enforcing the Energy Code” in Binghamton. Enfield Volunteer Fire Company: No report. Town Clerk's Report: Alice Linton, Town Clerk, reported there were 43 dogs licensed in March. A resident suggested that when dog food is given away at the Enfield Food Pantry, proof of a current dog license should be provided. Taxes collected through March were $2,212,972 with $289,156 in unpaid taxes turned over to Tompkins County for collection. Energy data is being entered into a program so usage can be tracked over a multi-year period. Supervisor's Report: Supervisor McGee reported she met with Sprague Insurance to go over insurance policies, with Jean Owens to discuss Food Pantry needs, and with Terry Carroll of Clean Energy Communities to learn how to navigate the grant process once code officer training is complete; attended Environmental Management Council event, a weekend Agricultural workshop, and a TCCOG meeting; planned cemetery and finance committee meetings; finalized contract with Planner for Comprehensive Plan Review and set bi-weekly meetings through June; researched highway bond rates and refinance requirements and process; spoke on a panel discussion for a Cornell Town Gown event; registered for Cornell Roads Highway School, State Comptroller Advanced Accounting School and NYS Retirement System training; communicated with Highway Superintendent Rollins regarding cemetery maintenance, grant for Bridge NY program and emergency services access/private road identification for residents; assessed Employee Handbook and job descriptions and compared to other municipal examples to begin update; prepared application for a grant ID for access to the NY Grant Portal and phone conferenced regarding establishing our own PILOT agreements and Host Community Agreements for renewable energy proposals, rather than using the IDA. Councilperson Carpenter complimented Supervisor McGee on being proactive and looking into neglected areas and new ways to do things going forward. Committee Reports: Planning Board: Dan Walker, chairman, reported preliminary information was presented by a real estate agent on a possible division at the corner of Hayts and Sheffield Roads. The owner would like to keep the house and subdivide acreage. Since 2005 there have been several one or two lot subdivisions. The Town may want to add a time frame for subdivisions when they revisit subdivision regulations. The Planning Board looked at the draft solar law and had no concerns. Delaware River Solar may be requesting a sub-division. It was questioned whether a subdivision would be a significant change to be considered for their building permit renewal. Supervisor McGee questioned how the site plan would be impacted by a subdivision. Dan Walker responded there would probably be no change since there are no regulations in the current law regarding setbacks. Supervisor McGee feels this might require a review, but so far nothing has been presented from Delaware River Solar. Councilperson Mehaffey suggested there is a need to modify the subdivision regulations. Dan Walker notified the Town Board Rob Tesori has resigned as an alternate on the Planning Board as he is moving out of the area. The Planning Board will be looking for another alternate member. Recreation Partnership: Councilperson Carpenter was unable to attend the February meeting, but plans to attend the April meeting. Renewable Energy Advisory Committee: Councilperson Carpenter reported the Committee came up with a final draft of a solar law. They looked at the NYSERDA model solar law and found a few things they wanted to discuss. They made some minor changes. After the Committee reviews the changes, it will be sent along to the Planning Board and the Town Board. This can then be placed on the May Town Board agenda. Supervisor McGee questioned if the moratorium should be extended. The solar law is almost complete, so possibly the solar aspect could be removed and the moratorium could be extended for wind. Councilperson Carpenter felt it would be ideal to get the solar law in place before the moratorium expired. Councilperson Mehaffey suggested a special Town Board meeting on the solar law when the Renewable Energy Advisory Committee could be present to answer questions. Supervisor McGee felt an appropriate extension would be until December 31, 2018. Cayuga Lake Watershed: Councilperson Sims attended the March meeting of the intermunicipal organization that was to make final preparations for the Watershed Summit to be held April 19. This will be a major event which will include discussion of grant funds available for water quality improvement projects and sharing experiences of success. This will help educate municipal officials on how to access funds and what projects might be appropriate. Comprehensive Plan Writing Committee: Supervisor McGee reported meetings have been scheduled through June, with the next meeting scheduled for May 8th. Matt Johnston, the Town’s newly hired Planner, will be present for each meeting. He will have the opportunity to talk about his assessment of the Plan as it is and how he would recommend going forward. Old Business: Contract with Enfield Volunteer Fire Company (EVFC) Update: Supervisor McGee stated she e-mailed Denny Hubbell, President and Mark Butler, attorney for the EVFC, to attempt to set up meeting dates to come to a real sense of why they need things in a certain way. The old contract talks about meeting regularly. Councilperson Mehaffey stated she asked Guy Krogh, Town Attorney, not to do any more work on this until further notice. Building of Town Information Sign: Joe Dawson reported by the end of the week he should have materials so he can get started on the sign. Supervisor McGee stated once the sign is complete, the Board will need to determine where to place the sign. Highway Superintendent Rollins stated the sign would need to be placed at least 25’ from the center of the road. Dental Bill for Highway Employee: Supervisor McGee moved, with a second by Councilperson Sims to adopt Resolution #2018-28. Resolution #2018-28Funds for Employee Dental Bill Whereas, the Town’s dental insurance was cancelled due to non-payment in August of 2017, and Whereas, the Town Board was not aware of the lack of insurance and an employee required dental services in December of 2017, and Whereas, the Town Board has determined a reasonable reimbursement based on the terms of the previous dental policy, now therefore be it Resolved, that the Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to pay said employee the amount of $1,444.30 as reimbursement for dental charges incurred during the absence of insurance, to be paid from Budget Appropriation A9060.81 – Medical Insurance. Discussion: Supervisor McGee stated the Town was at fault for not providing dental insurance, and not the employees. Dental insurance is now in effect and insurance information will be put together in packets for employees so it’s clear to them and board members what we provide and how to access it. Vote: Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Bryant aye, Councilperson Mehaffey aye, Councilperson Sims aye, Supervisor McGee aye. Carried Disability Premiums: Supervisor McGee stated at the December 27, 2017 meeting a resolution was passed to require all full-time highway employees and the highway superintendent to pay $.60 per week to help defray the cost of disability premiums. However, in 2004 the Town Board had approved paying the full amount of the premiums for this benefit. At this time, it was felt the employees could decide whether they wanted their premiums paid in full by the Town or if they would prefer to pay their own premiums. If employees pay the premium, they won’t be taxed if they collect disability. However, if the employer pays the premium, the employee will be taxed if they collect disability. Information was provided to the Highway Superintendent to share with his employees, so they may discuss. This item will be placed on a future agenda to give the employees an opportunity to discuss this issue. Town Newsletter: Supervisor McGee noted that in the recent newsletter, there was ½ page left blank, which the town paid $50 for. Information on the calendar was inaccurate and outdated information was included in the newsletter. She explored what other towns do, and most don’t mail a newsletter anymore. She would like to look into having Enfield’s newsletter on-line, with paper copies for residents who do not have on-line access. This could keep residents more informed as it could be published more frequently, and would save the Town about $2,000 per year. The next newsletter, which would be scheduled for publication in July, could have information on how to sign up for the on-line newsletter and a way for residents to let the Town know if they needed a paper copy. New Business: Cardboard dumpster for Food Pantry: Supervisor McGee spoke with Jean Owens, who oversees the Food Pantry, and discussed a dumpster for cardboard. The Food Pantry would like this located behind the old highway building if possible. Having this dumpster available would provide them with $400-$500 annually for the food pantry. The dumpster would be provided free of charge, and they would receive $.02 per pound for the cardboard. Rich Teeter stated Teets might be able to offer something similar, which would keep the business local. He will speak directly with Jean Owens about this. Highway Superintendent Rollins mentioned the dumpster should be located against the bank and away from the building to allow for snow plowing in winter months. Consent Agenda: Supervisor McGee moved, with a second by Councilperson Bryant to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: Audit Claims: The Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to pay: General Fund vouchers #88 to #108 to dated April 11, 2018 in the amount of $14,202.84; Highway Fund vouchers #70 to #92 dated April 11, 2018 in the amount of $39,841.82. Approval of Minutes of the March 13, 2018 special meeting and the March 14, 2018 regular meeting. Vote on Consent Agenda: Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Bryant aye, Councilperson Mehaffey aye, Councilperson Sims aye, Supervisor McGee aye. Carried Cemetery Maintenance: Supervisor McGee reported the Snyder family has retired from maintaining the Enfield cemeteries. They maintained them for many years at a low cost to the Town. The highway department was asked to consider taking over the maintenance on the cemeteries. All expenses would come from the general fund or the cemetery savings. Highway Superintendent Rollins stated he and his deputy took a look at all four cemeteries that are being maintained. They will need some trees removed and possibly dirt added to level them, along with filling in woodchuck holes. There are some stones tipped over that should be set upright. Also, a trailer would need to be purchased to haul the mower to each cemetery. He would like to meet with the Cemetery Committee before committing to this responsibility. A meeting of the Cemetery Committee is scheduled for Monday, April 16. Renewal for Delaware River Solar Farm – Moratorium Concerns: Supervisor McGee stated the permit for the Delaware River Solar Farm expires at the end of May, when they will have to reapply if they want to continue with the project. She has asked Code Officer Teeter and the Planning Board not to renew the permit before discussion with the Town Board. Supervisor McGee asked the Board if they felt the moratorium included renewals. If there was no change to the building permit, the Town Board could override the moratorium and grant the extension. If the permit expires, the project would have to wait until the moratorium is lifted before applying for another permit. She suggested Board members read Attorney Krogh’s advice on the moratorium. It is up to the Town Board to decide how to address the renewal. Unity House Expansion: Supervisor McGee stated a letter was received from Unity House of Cayuga County, Inc., dated March 5, 2018, notifying the Town of their interest and intent to increase the capacity of their facility at 36 Fish Road from three to four individuals. The Town Board has up to 40 days from the receipt of the letter to respond in one of three ways: approve the site expansion, suggest one or more of Unity House’s existing homes within the county which could accommodate this expansion, or object to the expansion. The Town could also choose not to respond which would waive their right to object. Supervisor McGee felt if the Town did not respond, it wouldn’t be giving a stamp of approval if something happens, but the expansion could happen. Supervisor McGee moved, with a second by Councilperson Carpenter to let the time expire to respond to the letter from Unity House regarding expansion. Vote: Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Bryant aye, Councilperson Mehaffey aye, Councilperson Sims aye, Supervisor McGee aye. Carried Privilege of the Floor: Pat Dougherty of Enfield asked the Town Board to be sure that if a resident didn’t have internet access they could still receive the Town newsletter in a paper format. She also asked where voting would take place this year. Supervisor McGee stated voting would be at Living Waters Church this year. Councilperson Carpenter suggested sending two more newsletters – one with a notification of discontinuance and the next to give residents one final reminder. Announcements: Nancy Spero announced there would be an Old Time Square Dance at the Enfield Grange on Saturday, April 14. Adjournment: Supervisor McGee adjourned the meeting at 9:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Alice M. Linton, RMC Enfield Town Clerk