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Town of Enfield
Regular Town Board Meeting
Enfield Community Building
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
6:30 p.m.
Present: Town Supervisor Beth McGee, Town Councilperson Mike Carpenter, Town Councilperson Mimi
Mehaffey, Town Councilperson Becky Sims, Town Highway Superintendent Buddy Rollins, Town Clerk
Alice Linton. Excused: Town Councilperson Virginia Bryant.
Town Clerk Linton lead the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag at 6:30 p.m.
Additions and Removals from the Agenda: Councilperson Mehaffey asked to have a discussion of the
location for voting added to New Business.
Privilege of the Floor: Theresa Guler of Enfield brought to the Board's attention that meetings were being
held in the community to discuss issues at Enfield School. Parents may be looking for a location to hold
future meetings.
Enfield Community Resources Information: Ellen Mary Abb of Enfield gave an overview of the
Facebook group - Ithaca Families Gift Economy, which has been around for about 3 years. This group
encourages people to gift to the community to help meet needs of children and families. It is also a social
project to build community connections. Members post a need or an offer of an item to share and members
respond and help connect one another to meet those needs.
Consent Agenda: Supervisor McGee moved, with a second by Councilperson Sims to approve the Consent
Agenda as follows:
Audit Claims: The Town Board authorizes the Supervisor to pay:
General Fund vouchers #62 to #87 dated March 14, 2018 in the amount of $20,887.45;
Highway Fund vouchers #49 to #69 dated March 14, 2018 in the amount of $19,955.00; and
Fire Department Fund voucher #61 dated March 14, 2018 in the amount of $253,817.00.
Approval of Minutes of the February 14, 2018 regular meeting.
Vote on Consent Agenda: Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Mehaffey aye,
Councilperson Sims aye, Supervisor McGee aye. Councilperson Bryant excused. Carried
Communication from Jeff Smith of Tompkins County Department of Transportation regarding scheduled
work on Black Oak Road. At this time, they plan on improving all the drainage with a few new culvert
installations and ditch cleaning. Following that they will be digging a few areas of the road where it's
identified needing base strengthening, this will be followed by an overlay of hot asphalt. They are hoping to
do the entire length of Black Oak as well the rough section of Connecticut Hill Road to the first corner.
Schedule of Enfield Senior Citizen's trips for 2018. This information is available at Town Hall and on the
website at townofenfield.org.
E-mail from Amanda Kirchgessner urging a resolution to the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company (EVFC)
contract and stating her support of the EVFC.
County Legislator's Report: No Report
Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, March 14, 2018 2
Code Enforcement Officer's Report: Alan Teeter, Code Officer, gave his report as follows: 378 Enfield
Center Road is on hold until a replacement mobile home is purchased; 198 Enfield Main Road has been
condemned; there are 3 new houses in the planning stages; all fire inspection reports are being updated to
2015 code; the annual state report is being completed; code training/recertification is scheduled for April 10-
12; training for the Clean Energy Communities Program will be April 13. He also mentioned the Food
Pantry is considering obtaining a dumpster for cardboard and is looking for a location to place it.
Enfield Volunteer Fire Company: Alan Teeter, 2nd Assistant Chief, reported there were 20 total calls for
February. There were 13 EMS calls, 2 MVA's, 1 service call, 4 fire calls, 1 mutual aid to Mecklenburg and 1
mutual aid to Trumansburg. March trainings will include a CPR class, OSHA training, fire training and
equipment check. There will be a chicken barbeque on March 11 and a blood drive on March 20.
Supervisor McGee asked if the EVFC planned any events for Open House Week, April 28 and 29. Assistant
Chief Teeter responded the EVFC has held events in the past, but hasn't held any events recently.
Town Clerk's Report: Alice Linton, Town Clerk, reported there were 27 dogs licensed in February
bringing the total to 678 active licenses. There will be a rabies clinic on May 10 from 7-9 p.m. at the
highway department. She will be attending the annual town clerk conference in Albany from April 22-25.
Supervisor's Report: Supervisor McGee reported she attended the Association of Town's annual
conference in New York City with Councilperson Mehaffey. She finalized a new dental plan for full time
employees and retirees; attended a streetlight conversion event, and monthly TCCOG meeting; met with
Councilperson Mehaffey and Attorney Krogh regarding the fire contract; went on a snow plow ride-along
with highway employee Gabe Newhart and created a video to share online for residents to see some of the
work the staff does; did an inventory of electric delivery and energy bill accounts and arranged for summary
billing for Constellation NewEnergy and requested the same for NYSEG; held a special meeting to
interview Matt Johnston for the Planning position; communicated with Wayne Snyder who has resigned as
cemetery maintenance employee; and developed a timeline review of fire contract negotiations.
Highway Superintendent's Report: Highway Superintendent Buddy Rollins arrived late as he was plowing
snow with his crew. Clean-up days are scheduled for Wednesday, May 9 through Friday, May 11 from noon
to 5 p.m. and Saturday, May 12 from 7 a.m. until noon. He reported his crew is working to get summer
equipment ready. He is working with the Cornell Local Roads Program to hire a college student as a
Pavement Management Summer Intern. This student would collect road inventory and condition surveys;
determine repair alternatives and associated unit costs; generate a prioritized listing of road repairs using a
computer program; create a five-year plan using prioritized listings; prepare a final summary report and
present the report to the Town Board; and assist the highway department in other roles as time permits.
Highway Superintendent Rollins stated the student would be paid $16 per hour from the seasonal employee
budget line.
Committee Reports:
Planning Board: Dan Walker, chairman, reported there were no actions before the Planning Board this
month. They discussed future trainings and appointed Henry Hansteen as assistant chairman. Four Planning
Board members, our Code Officer and two Town Board members will attend an agriculture information
session on March 17th on renewable energy development on farm land, farm land protection planning, and
Ag and Markets law considerations. At the next meeting members will be looking at SEQR training and
responsibilities of the Planning Board.
Enfield Community Council (ECC): Vera Howe-Strait gave a quarterly report of the ECC. The teen
program had 79 different youth participating. A recent Teen Night was held at the Enfield Grange. This
event was planned by teens with food, drinks and board games. There were 28 teens participating. This
Saturday is the 5th grade basketball tournament and end of this year's program. Coaches were volunteers and
uniforms were provided by the EVFC. The next issue of the quarterly newsletter is due out the beginning of
Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, March 14, 2018 3
April and July 2 through August 10 summer camp is scheduled at Lower Treman Park. The ECC received a
grant from Tompkins County Youth Services in the amount of $1,200 to organize two family trips. The first
will be this spring to the Corning Museum of Glass, and the second will be in the fall to the Syracuse Zoo.
Costs for these events will be $5 per person which will include transportation, admission and a snack.
Supervisor McGee asked if there was an update on plans for a new Community Building. Vera responded
that the ECC is working with the Ithaca City School District, but there are no updates.
Tompkins County Health Consortium: Ann Rider gave a brief history of the consortium that was started
in 2010 and stated 31 municipalities are currently members. They are in the process of redesigning their
website. They project an increase in premiums of 4-5% next year, which is less than it would be without the
cooperation of municipalities in the consortium. Plans are in the works to hire a part-time wellness
coordinator in about 6 weeks to work with municipalities. She discussed some prescription options. There is
a training for new Directors scheduled for March 22 at TC3.
County Youth Board: Barbara Sadovnic reported this group is an advisory board to the Tompkins County
Youth Services Department and the Tompkins County Legislature. Members are appointed by their
respective municipalities. The County Youth Services Department provides no services directly to youth, but
allocates funds and provides support such as administration, training, and evaluation to various direct service
providers. In Enfield this includes the ECC's afterschool and summer programs provided as part of the Rural
Youth Services. The Summer Camp Guide is now available and copies can be obtained at the Town Hall.
Renewable Energy Advisory Committee: Councilperson Mimi Mehaffey reported the committee made it
through the final pages of the proposed solar law. NYSERDA has agreed to take a look at the draft and make
recommendations. The draft should be ready to submit to the Town Board for review in April.
Cayuga Lake Watershed: Councilperson Sims reported she attended the February meeting of the Cayuga
Lake Watershed Intermunicipal Organization. The group approved $7,000 towards the floating classroom.
The group will be holding a summit in Seneca Falls on April 19 and are urging representatives of highway
departments to attend. They will be discussing funding from the NYS Department of State for infrastructure
projects related to storm water management at the summit. The group discussed the algae bloom problem.
Cayuga Lake will be receiving some funding from New York State to help come up with a management plan
and then implement strategies.
Old Business:
Appointment of Finance Committee Member: Supervisor McGee reported Diane Aramini submitted a
letter of interest in joining the Finance Committee. Supervisor McGee knows her and believes she will be an
asset to the group.
Supervisor McGee moved, with a second by Councilperson Sims to appoint Enfield resident Diane Aramini
to the Finance Committee.
Vote: Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Mehaffey aye, Councilperson Sims aye,
Supervisor McGee aye. Councilperson Bryant excused. Carried
Hiring of a Planner for Comprehensive Plan Review: Supervisor McGee reported Cody Jenkins was
interviewed at the February regular Town Board meeting and Matt Johnston was interviewed at a special
Town Board meeting for the position of Planner for the Town of Enfield. This would be a short-term
position for the purpose of reviewing the draft Comprehensive Plan. There was general discussion about the
qualifications of each candidate. Both candidates were highly qualified, although Matt Johnston had more
experience with Comprehensive Plans. There was also discussion of the 239 review, but it was agreed that
first the Plan needed to be finalized and submitted. Matt Johnston lives locally, while Cody Jenkins would
need to work remotely. Supervisor McGee agreed to prepare a contract for services which would include
Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, March 14, 2018 4
scope of work, term of agreement, compensation which would be $30 per hour with a limit of 165 hours,
and other criteria they developed.
Supervisor McGee moved, with a second by Councilperson Carpenter, to authorize the supervisor to sign a
contract with Matt Johnston to do Comprehensive Plan review to begin in April, 2018.
Vote: Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Mehaffey aye, Councilperson Sims aye,
Supervisor McGee aye. Councilperson Bryant excused. Carried
Contract with Enfield Volunteer Fire Company (EVFC) Update: As requested by Councilperson
Mehaffey, Supervisor McGee put together a time line of contract negotiations. February 28th was the last
time the Town heard from the EVFC regarding the contract. She had sent 2 e-mails asking which contract
the EVFC would like to go with. She notified them if she didn't hear back by the day the bulk payment was
due, she would have to assume the EVFD was choosing the 2017 contract and she would prepare payment
accordingly. The EVFC has now been paid in full the amount in the 2017 contract, and this will be the
contract used through December, 2018. As of now, there has been no word from the EVFC's attorney.
Councilperson Mehaffey stated she is concerned about the misconception the public has. She is concerned
about the lack of communication from the EVFC and noted in 2 months the Town will need to begin
negotiations for the 2019 contract.
Alan Teeter, 2nd Assistant Chief of the EVFC, stated they have not been negotiating with the Town under
the advice of their attorney. They are waiting for their attorney to contact the Town's attorney and were
advised the EVFC should not meet with the Town until he could be present at the meeting.
Councilperson Sims asked to have it noted that the Town Board feels the quality and service of the EVFC is
good and not disputed, nor is the proposed dollar amount in the contract disputed.
Street Light Conversion - Confidentiality Agreement: Supervisor McGee has been working to get a
handle on where meters are located and what lights the Town owns. If the Town owns lights, they can
convert them to LED. She is still exploring this and mentioned NYSEG has been very responsive and
helpful. She asked to table this topic for now.
Building of Town Information Sign: Enfield resident Joe Dawson has volunteered to make this sign, and
had previously submitted plans. Money was budgeted this year for a sign. Councilperson Sims asked if a
location had been determined for the sign. It would be somewhere in front of the Town Hall. Highway
Superintendent Rollins mentioned if the sign was placed in the right-of-way of NYS, permission would have
to be obtained from them for placement of the sign. Joe Dawson mentioned that since the money was
budgeted for the sign, lumber prices have risen. There are 2 residents who are willing to help pay the
difference for this sign. Superintendent Rollins agreed to work with Joe Dawson to coordinate the purchase
of lumber.
New Business:
Report on Association of Towns Annual Meeting: Councilperson Mehaffey reported on the meeting she
attended with Supervisor McGee. They participated in a variety of presentations. They discovered there is a
lot of money available to municipalities in the form of grants. Sharing a grant writer with other communities
seemed very favorable, especially for larger grants and those that require on-going management. It was
suggested to start with smaller grants. Statistics show that poorer towns are often in a good position to
receive grants. Supervisor McGee stated Enfield needs to be well positioned by the end of the year in order
to start applying for grants in the Spring 2019 cycle. She feels the new Finance Committee will be helpful in
reaching this goal. A one-hour consult with a Department of State representative was very helpful to better
understand how they can help Enfield with our goals for capital planning, facilities and equipment
management, and financial stability.
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Resolution for Bond Payment - Highway Facility:
Supervisor McGee moved, with a second by Councilperson Carpenter to adopt Resolution #2018-26.
Resolution #2018-26 Bond Payment for Highway Facility
WHEREAS the Town of Enfield borrowed funds to build a Highway Department facility and now needs to
pay back the bond, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, the bookkeeper is authorized, prior to April 15, 2018, to wire $70,000.00 for principal
payment and $16,246.88 interest payment to the Depository Trust Company, which holds the bond.
Discussion: Councilperson Mehaffey suggested looking into refinancing this bond.
Vote: Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Mehaffey aye, Councilperson Sims aye,
Supervisor McGee aye. Councilperson Bryant excused. Carried
Resolution to Move 2017 Highway Bridge Repair Funds to Bridge Reserve Fund:
Supervisor McGee moved, with a second by Councilperson Carpenter to adopt Resolution #2018-27.
Resolution #2018-27 Transfer Highway Bridge Funds
WHEREAS the Town allocated funds for Bridge Repairs- Contractual in the 2017 Highway Fund budget,
WHEREAS the amount of unspent funds in 2017 in Bridge Repairs- Contractual was $20,500.00, and
WHEREAS the unspent funds were placed in the Highway Equipment Reserve in error, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Board authorizes the Town Supervisor to reduce line DA231, titled "Highway
Equipment Reserve" by $20,500.00, and increase line DA230, titled "Bridge Reserve" by $20,500.00.
Vote: Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Mehaffey aye, Councilperson Sims aye,
Supervisor McGee aye. Councilperson Bryant excused. Carried
Request to Move Consent Agenda: Supervisor McGee suggested moving the Consent Agenda to after
Committee Reports so there would be ample time for vouchers to be signed.
Supervisor McGee moved, with a second by Councilperson Carpenter, to move the Consent Agenda to after
Committee Reports and before Old Business.
Vote: Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Mehaffey aye, Councilperson Sims aye,
Supervisor McGee aye. Councilperson Bryant excused. Carried
Voting Location: The Board discussed concerns with having a church as the polling place in Enfield.
Supervisor McGee agreed to contact the Board of Elections to see if the Enfield Community Building
would be an adequate space for voting.
Privilege of the Floor: No one wished to speak.
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Adjournment: Supervisor McGee adjourned the meeting at 9:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Alice M. Linton, RMC
Enfield Town Clerk