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Town of Enfield
Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes
Enfield Community Building
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
6:30 p.m.
Present: Town Supervisor Ann Rider, Town Councilperson Chris Hern, Town Councilperson Vera
Howe-Strait, Town Highway Superintendent Barry Rollins, Town Clerk Alice Linton. Absent: Town
Councilperson Debbie Teeter; Town Councilperson Mike Carpenter absent until 8:05 p.m.
Town Supervisor Rider opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. by leading the assemblage in the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag.
Privilege of the Floor: Mary Jo Lovelace of 2504 Mecklenburg Road thanked the board for their hard
work on a ban of hydrofracking, and hopes the board will vote in favor of the ban at this meeting.
Supervisor Rider stated for the record there was a quorum present.
Approval of Minutes: Councilperson Howe-Strait moved, with a second by Councilperson Hern to
approve the minutes of the May 8, 2013 regular town board meeting.
Vote: Councilperson Hern aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye, Supervisor Rider aye. Councilperson
Carpenter absent, Councilperson Teeter absent. Carried
Councilperson Howe-Strait moved, with a second by Councilperson Hern to approve the minutes of the
May 22, 2013 special town board working meeting.
Vote: Councilperson Hern aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye, Supervisor Rider aye. Councilperson
Carpenter absent, Councilperson Teeter absent. Carried
Presentation by Dave Sanders, Program Management Specialist from County Youth Services on
the Recreation Partnership: Mr. Sanders stated Tompkins County works with 11 municipalities to
provide recreation activities for youth. The Ithaca Youth Bureau is the provider of most of the programs
that are funded. Enfield had 151 unduplicated youth participating in programs last year and paid $4,960
while 37% of participants received scholarships. Recreation is an important aspect of getting involved
with young people. A concern of many is that rural students who receive free and reduced lunch do not
have transportation available to participate in programs.
Supervisor Rider stated she would check if a link could be added to the town website for the schedule of
youth programs available. She will also work to get representatives from the Recreation Partnership at the
Harvest Festival in the fall. Once Mr. Sanders e-mails copies of the statistics presented, Supervisor Rider
will distribute them.
Correspondence: Notice that the Town of Enfield is the recipient of a $5,000 grant from the Howland
Foundation for the Enfield Aquifer Study. Supervisor Rider thanked Councilperson Howe-Strait for her
efforts in obtaining this grant.
Information on NYS Consolidated Funding Application for grants.
Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, June 12, 2013 2
Letter from Empire State Development explaining a New York State economic development program,
Work For Success.
Letter from Griffith Energy thanking the town for being a customer.
Notice from Better Housing for Tompkins County, Inc. explaining active housing rehab grants.
Budget Amendment: Supervisor Rider moved, with a second by Councilperson Hern to approve Budget
Amendment #2013-3.
Budget Amendment #2013-3
WHEREAS, expenses have exceeded the budget in the General Fund Account, line item A1220.42, titled
“Supervisor Contractual (Bookkeeper)”, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the General Fund Account, line item A1990.4, titled “Special Items - Contingent
Account”, be decreased by $1,000.00 and General Fund Account, line item A1220.42, titled “Supervisor
Contractual (Bookkeeper)”, be increased by $1,000.00.
Discussion: Supervisor Rider explained this is to pay for the annual maintenance contract with
Williamson Law for the payroll program.
Vote: Councilperson Hern aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye, Supervisor Rider aye. Councilperson
Carpenter absent, Councilperson Teeter absent. Carried
Budget Amendment: Supervisor Rider moved, with a second by Councilperson Howe-Strait to approve
Budget Amendment #2013-4.
Budget Amendment #2013-4
WHEREAS, expenses have exceeded the budget in the General Fund Account, line item A7550.1 titled
Celebrations-Personnel and line item A7550.4, Celebrations-Contractual, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the General Fund Account, line item A1990.4, titled Special Items-Contingency
Account, be decreased by $1,835.00 and General Fund Account, line item A7550.1 titled Celebrations –
Personnel be increased by $600.00 and line item A7550.4 titled Celebrations-Contractual be increased by
$1,235.00 to cover seasonal expenses.
Discussion: The town received a grant to beautify Enfield in the amount of $1,835 of which $600.00 is for
labor and $1,235.00 for plants, new barrels, and new flags. This money is not given to the town until the
expenditures have been made. At the end of the year, there will be another budget amendment to put the
$1,835.00 back in the contingency fund.
Vote: Councilperson Hern aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye, Supervisor Rider aye. Councilperson
Carpenter absent, Councilperson Teeter absent. Carried
Supervisor Rider moved with a second by Councilperson Hern to approve Resolution #2013-23.
Resolution #2013-23 Hiring of Beautification Staff
Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, June 12, 2013 3
WHEREAS, the Town has received monies to beautify Enfield from the Tompkins County Community
Beautification Committee, administered through Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County which
includes monies for labor, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor is authorized to hire the following youths for part-time summer
employment at $10/hr. not to exceed $600: James Guidi, Zachary Snyder, Mark Stillwell and Justin
Vote: Councilperson Hern aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye, Supervisor Rider aye. Councilperson
Carpenter absent, Councilperson Teeter absent. Carried
Supervisor Rider moved, with a second by Councilperson Hern to approve Budget Amendment #2013-5.
Budget Amendment #2013-5
WHEREAS, the Governor and the New York State Legislature have reached an agreement on an
increased Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS) and
WHEREAS, this will mean an increased amount of money to the Town of Enfield
NOW, THEREFORE, I move that the following amendments be done to the 2013 budget:
Under Highway Revenues, line DA3501 be increased to $104,136.23 from $80,901.12
And I further move that:
Under Appropriations Highway, line DA5112.2 be increased to $104,136.23 from $80,901.12. an
approximate $23,200 increase.
Vote: Councilperson Hern aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye, Supervisor Rider aye. Councilperson
Carpenter absent, Councilperson Teeter absent. Carried
County Legislator's Report: Dave McKenna reported funds have been appropriated to cover the cost of
an analyst that will basically replace the budget person. Next year funds will be in the budget to cover this
position. There will be a public hearing on the TC3 budget July 2 at 5:30.
Highway Superintendent's Report: Buddy Rollins reported they are busy cutting shoulders, ditching
and mowing. An amended 284 form has been submitted showing the added funding from CHIPS. He
requested the town look into air conditioning in the office and break room at the new highway facility. He
doesn't feel regular window air conditioners would work well because the rooms have windows that open
Supervisor Rider stated she will get back to Superintendent Rollins on this request.
Code Enforcement Officer's Report: Code Enforcement Officer Alan Teeter reported in May there
were 7 building permits issued or renewed, which brings the year to date total to 22, one for a new home.
Two certificates of completion were issued. There were 21 inspections and progress checks completed, 4
meetings with owners/builders/assessment, 1 house number installed, and he has been working with the
Planning Board to review the Site Plan Review Law and Subdivision Regulations for the 3 applications
received in the last month. There are some minor conflicts between the new Site Plan Review Law and
Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, June 12, 2013 4
the old Subdivision Regulations that should be corrected. Proposed changes to the Subdivision
Regulations will be available to the town board several weeks in advance of the July board meeting.
Committee Reports:
Planning Board: Councilperson Howe-Strait reported there was a public hearing on the Thompson Farm
subdivision application. There were no comments. The Thompson Farm subdivision was voted on and
approved. George VanValen submitted an application for a 3 apartment unit on Hayts Road. A 239 review
is being done by the county, so no action will be taken until the county completes their part. The tower
site plan review application was approved with the light. There is a possibility that by having the light
installed fewer homes will be serviced because of the expense of the light. The survey done for the
Comprehensive Plan was reviewed. That part will be added to the Plan. The draft will hopefully be
submitted to the town board in August.
Health Insurance Consortium: No report.
Enfield Community Council: Councilperson Howe-Strait reported interviews are being conducted for
counselor-in-training positions for the summer camp. The country faire was small, but successful. The
Harvest Festival will be held October 5.
Beth McGee reported the ECC is looking at funding options for a new community center. They have been
working to determine what needs the building would serve and have visited several buildings in other
communities to get ideas and to help determine what Enfield would need in terms of square footage.
Recreation Partnership: Carolyn Tschanz stated she will look further into options for transportation for
students to be able to attend youth programs in Ithaca. Their next meeting is scheduled for June 24.
Youth Board: No report.
Enfield Volunteer Fire Company: No report.
Facilities Manager: No report.
Aquifer Study Fundraising Group: Nancy Spero thanked the board for applying for the grant they recently
received through the Community Foundation and reminded the board they can apply for another $5,000
grant for the same project. There is an Old Time Dance aquifer study fundraiser planned for June 15 at the
Old Baptist Church. They also have bumper stickers that state "Water is Life", which will be given to
anyone making a donation.
Personnel Committee: No report.
TC Council of Governments: Supervisor Rider reported the Council will be talking about dog control
Old Business:
SEQRA for Local Law #1 of 2013:
WHEREAS, David Slottje, Esq. prepared a FULL ASSESSMENT FORM and a NEGATIVE
DECLARATION regarding the adoption of Local Law #1 of 2013, a local law to effect prohibition within
the Town of Enfield of natural gas and petroleum exploration and extraction activities, underground
Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, June 12, 2013 5
storage of natural gas, and disposal of natural gas or petroleum extraction, exploration, and production
wastes, now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the State Environmental Quality Review Full Environmental Assessment Form be
accepted and approved.
Councilperson Hern moved, with a second by Councilperson Howe-Strait to accept and approve the
SEQRA as presented.
Vote: Councilperson Hern aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye, Supervisor Rider aye. Councilperson
Carpenter absent, Councilperson Teeter absent. Carried
Councilperson Howe-Strait moved, with a second by Councilperson Hern to accept the Negative
Declaration Notice of Determination of Non-Significance as presented.
Vote: Councilperson Hern aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye, Supervisor Rider aye. Councilperson
Carpenter absent, Councilperson Teeter absent. Carried
Supervisor Rider moved, with a second by Councilperson Howe-Strait to adopt Town of Enfield Local
Law #1 of 2013.
Resolution #2013-24 Approval of Local Law #1 of 2013
WHEREAS, the Town Board accepted the SEQRA and made a negative declaration regarding the local
Law #1 -2013, to effect a “Prohibition within the Town of Enfield of natural gas and petroleum
exploration and extraction activities, underground storage of natural gas, and disposal of natural gas or
petroleum extraction, exploration, and production wastes and
WHEREAS, the Tompkins County Planning Department was sent these documents on May 9, 2013 and
has no comments on the SEQR and
WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was held on this matter on May 8, 2013, now thereby be it
RESOLVED that Local Law #1-2013, “Prohibition within the Town of Gas and Petroleum Exploration
and Extraction Activities, Underground Storage of Natural Gas, and Disposal of Natural Gas or Petroleum
Extraction, Exploration, and Production Wastes” be enacted by this Town Board.
Vote: Councilperson Hern aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye, Supervisor Rider aye. Councilperson
Carpenter absent, Councilperson Teeter absent. Carried
Acceptance of Black Oak Wind Farm DEIS: Supervisor Rider stated a working meeting was held
regarding the DEIS and the town board had 10 days from the meeting to give comments to the town's
engineering consulting firm, LaBella. No comments were received and LaBella worked with Jim Pippin
of edr, the engineering firm for the Black Oak Wind Farm, to resolve inconsistencies. All parties have
substantially agreed on the findings, and feel there are no issues substantive enough to preclude the board
from accepting the DEIS at this time.
Supervisor Rider moved, with a second by Councilperson Hern to accept the Black Oak Wind Farm Draft
Environmental Impact Statement with the statement that we will continue working on outstanding items
not resolved.
Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, June 12, 2013 6
Discussion: Supervisor Rider stated LaBella will prepare the Final Environmental Impact Statement with
input from all interested and involved agencies and anyone else wishing to comment on the document.
Jim Pippin of edr stated his firm compiled the information in the DEIS on behalf of Black Oak Wind
Farm. He stated edr will be adding details for the final document.
Supervisor Rider moved, with a second by Councilperson Hern to accept the SEQRA DEIS Resolution.
Resolution #2013-25
WHEREAS, a predecessor-in-interest of Enfield Energy, LLC (the “Project Sponsor”) filed a site
plan application with the Town Board of the Town of Enfield (the “Town Board”) pursuant to the Town
of Enfield’s Wind Energy Facilities Local Law #1 of 2009 for the development of a twenty (20) turbine
wind-powered generating facility to be located on leased private lands totaling 1,060 acres (the “Project”);
WHEREAS, on June 9, 2010, the Town Board passed a resolution accepting its role as Lead
Agency pursuant to the New York State Environmental Quality Review Act and its implementing
regulations at 6 N.Y.C.R.R. Part 617 (collectively referred to as "SEQRA"), in order to complete an
environmental impact assessment of the Project; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to its June 9, 2010 resolution, the Town Board also issued a positive
declaration pursuant to SEQRA requiring the preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Statement
(“DEIS”) for the Project; and
WHEREAS, a Final Scoping Document was accepted by the Town Board on September 8, 2010
for preparation of the DEIS; and
WHEREAS, the Project Sponsor has taken the Final Scoping Document, and pursuant to 6
N.Y.C.R.R. § 617.10, has prepared a DEIS and is now seeking to commence the requisite public comment
period in order to receive public input.
Section 1. Pursuant to 6 N.Y.C.R.R. §§ 617.9 and 617.10 of the SEQRA regulations, the
Town Board accepts the DEIS; determines that the DEIS is adequate for public review; and directs that
copies of the DEIS be provided to all involved and interested agencies, as well as to any individual
requesting a copy. The Town Board further directs that copies of the DEIS be posted on the website
located at www.blackoakwindny.com and maintained at the Town Hall offices for public review.
Section 2. The Town Board shall prepare, file, and publish a notice of completion of the DEIS
in accordance with 6 N.Y.C.R.R. § 617.9(a)(3).
Section 3. Pursuant to 6 N.Y.C.R.R. §§ 617.9(a)(3) and (a)(4)(ii) of the SEQRA regulations, a
comment period during which the public and involved and interested agencies may submit written
Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, June 12, 2013 7
comments to the Town Board relating to the DEIS shall extend from June 17, 2013 to July 22, 2013. In
addition, pursuant to 6 N.Y.C.R.R. § 617.9(a)(4) of the SEQRA regulations and Article III, Section 2(F)
of the Town of Enfield’s Wind Energy Facilities Local Law, the Town Board shall hold a public hearing
at the Town of Enfield Community Building, 182 Enfield Main Road, on July 10, 2013, commencing at
7:00 p.m., and shall duly publish notice of the hearing at least fourteen (14) days prior to the public
hearing being conducted. In addition, notice of the public hearing shall be given first class mail to all
property owners located with 500 feet of the boundary of each proposed wind turbine generator at least
seven (7) days in advance of the public hearing.
Section 4. The Town Board further directs that notice of this resolution shall be filed and
circulated to the extent required by any applicable ordinance, statute or regulation.
Section 5. This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon adoption.
Vote: Councilperson Hern aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye, Supervisor Rider aye. Councilperson
Carpenter absent, Councilperson Teeter absent. Carried
Supervisor Rider stated there will be other opportunities for public comments besides the public hearing.
July 22 will be the end of the comment period.
New Business:
Hiring of Part-Time Janitor: Supervisor Rider moved with a second by Councilperson Howe-Strait, to
approve Resolution #2013-26.
Resolution #2013-26
WHEREAS, Paul Thompson resigned as Town Custodian effective May 1, 2013 and a letter of interest
has been received from Andrew Thompson, now be it hereby
RESOLVED, that the Supervisor be authorized to hire Andrew Thompson as part-time custodian at the
hourly rate of $10.50 working about 10 hours a month.
Vote: Councilperson Hern aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye, Supervisor Rider aye. Councilperson
Carpenter absent, Councilperson Teeter absent. Carried
Selling Excess Town Property: Supervisor Rider stated that while walking through buildings with Jay
Lewandowski of NYS Municipal Worker's Compensation Alliance, it was mentioned that the rusty old
fuel pumps in the old highway facility are worth a lot of money.
At this point in the meeting Councilperson Carpenter arrived.
Supervisor Rider also stated there was an old wagon wheel and other historic items in the facility. There
is also a gravel bank that the town owns on Enfield Main Road.
Highway Superintendent Rollins stated that he was told the gas pumps should be saved. They were taken
out of the old barn that was across the road from the town hall. The pumps are not complete - there is
glass broken in one and parts are missing.
Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, June 12, 2013 8
Discussion of Needed Work in Cemeteries: Councilperson Howe-Strait stated there are 2 trees that should
be removed, one in the Christian Cemetery and one in the Presbyterian Cemetery. Quotes were received
from 4 contractors for downing of the trees. The highway department can take care of clearing the tree
and chipping. Don's Property Care gave a quote for cutting the two large trees, plus a small cherry tree in
the Presbyterian Cemetery and trimming low hanging branches, of $800.00. Limbwalker gave a quote of
$830.00. Cascadilla Tree quoted $1,240.00, and William Jennings quoted $1,400.00. The work can be
done within 2-4 weeks if the property is dry.
Supervisor Rider stated the town is responsible for the care of the cemetery. She will figure out if funds
for this work can be used from a cemetery savings account.
Councilperson Hern moved, with a second by Councilperson Carpenter, to hire Don's Property Care to
remove the 3 trees and trim low hanging branches.
Vote: Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Hern aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye, Supervisor
Rider aye. Councilperson Teeter absent. Carried
Audit Claims: Councilperson Carpenter moved, with a second by Councilperson Hern to authorize the
supervisor to pay General Fund vouchers #142 to #164 dated June 12, 2013 in the amount of $17,263.15,
and Highway Fund vouchers #102 to #121 dated June 12, 2013 in the amount of $59,852.44.
Vote: Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Hern aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye,
Supervisor Rider aye. Councilperson Teeter absent. Carried
Discussion of visit by Jay Lewandowski, Loss Prevention Specialist, NYS Municipal Workers'
Compensation Alliance: Supervisor Rider stated there were several suggestions made. Highway
Superintendent Rollins will put down yellow tape by electrical panels and doors. Mr. Lewandowski once
again suggested panic buttons for both town hall and the courtroom. He also suggested having the public
use the handicap door instead of the door behind where the judge sits in. Supervisor Rider will look into
this further.
Also, Workplace Violence Prevention Training is mandatory along with Sexual Harassment and Right to
Know. The fire department has already done their training. The highway department will do their training
at 6 a.m. on a rainy morning. All employees, including part-time employees and volunteers such as
Planning Board members need to have the training. Supervisor Rider will advise everyone of when
trainings will be held; there will be two opportunities to attend. Each session will be about 2.5 hours long.
Executive Session: Supervisor Rider stated the board would move into executive session at 8:35 p.m. for
a possible litigation issue.
The meeting reconvened at 8:55. No action was taken in executive session.
Adjournment: Supervisor Rider moved, with a second by Councilperson Hern, to adjourn at 8:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Alice Linton, Enfield Town Clerk