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Town of Enfield
Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes
Enfield Community Building
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
6:30 p.m.
Present: Town Supervisor Ann Rider, Town Councilperson Vera Howe-Strait, Town Councilperson
Debbie Teeter, Town Highway Superintendent Barry Rollins, Town Clerk Alice Linton. Absent:
Town Councilperson Mike Carpenter, Town Councilperson Chris Hern.
Supervisor Rider opened the meeting at 6:40 p.m. by leading the assemblage in the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag. She then asked for a moment of silence in memory of those who lost their lives
on September 11, 2001.
Privilege of the Floor: No one wished to speak.
Approval of Minutes: Since Councilperson Howe-Strait was not present at the August 14, 2013
meeting, there was not a quorum present to approve the minutes.
Correspondence: Councilperson Howe-Strait read a letter from M. Clyde Hubbell thanking the town
for their timely response in removing damaged trees from two of the town cemeteries and commended
the highway crew for the quick and complete clean-up of the areas.
Proposal from Alternative Waste Service that would provide weekly pick-up at a lower rate than the
bi-weekly pick-up the town now has with Casella. The price would be good for two years.
Letter from Municipal Solutions notifying the town the next bond payment is due October 15, 2013.
Response to Lee Shurtleff, of the Tompkins County Department of Emergency Response, from the
Commissioner of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, State of New York, stating the request
for state funds to the Town of Enfield for the August 8, 2013 storm was denied.
Budget Amendments: Supervisor Rider moved, with a second by Councilperson Teeter to adopt
Budget Amendment #2013-8.
Budget Amendment #2013-8
WHEREAS, expenses have exceeded the budget in the General Fund Account, line item A8810.4,
titled "Cemeteries Contractual", now therefore be it
RESOLVED that $450.00 be transferred from the Memorial Cemetery Reserve to General Fund
Account, line item A8810.4, titled "Cemeteries Contractual".
Discussion: Supervisor Rider explained as a result of a recent burial in the Christian Cemetery, funds
have been received from a funeral home in the amount of $450.00 and those funds need to be
transferred to a line item so the bill for burial can be paid.
Vote: Councilperson Howe-Strait aye, Councilperson Teeter aye, Supervisor Rider aye.
Councilperson Carpenter and Councilperson Hern absent. Carried
Audit Claims: Councilperson Howe-Strait moved, with a second by Councilperson Teeter to
authorize the supervisor to pay General Fund vouchers #220 to #241 dated September 11, 2013 in the
Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, September 11, 2013 2
amount of $19,392.12, and Highway Fund vouchers #157 to #170 dated September 11, 2013 in the
amount of $71,703.08.
Vote: Councilperson Howe-Strait aye, Councilperson Teeter aye, Supervisor Rider aye.
Councilperson Carpenter and Councilperson Hern absent. Carried
County Legislator's Report: No legislative representative was present.
Highway Superintendent's Report: Highway Superintendent Rollins turned in his Equipment
Inventory to Supervisor Rider for the year 2013, in addition to a copy of the 2012 report handed in last
year. Although the town continues to receive rain from small storms, most of the summer work has
returned to normal.
Code Enforcement Officer's Report: Code Enforcement Officer Alan Teeter reported for August
there were 5 building permits issued or renewed with 2 being for new homes, which brings the total
for the year to 47. There was 1 certificate of occupancy issued and 1 certificate of completion issued.
There were 8 inspections completed, 14 progress checks, and 2 valid complaints received and
resolved. There was 1 property number issued. He also responded to a resident on Hedgerow Drive
regarding his request for the town to take over his road. The response was the driveway is not up to
specifications to make it a road. He also reported there are 2 recently abandoned homes in Enfield, in
addition to a home on Mecklenburg Road with a flooded basement.
Committee Reports:
Planning Board: Councilperson Howe-Strait reported there is a question of the fees for the
Subdivision Requirements. The board will look into what the fees are in other towns so they can
suggest compatible fees. Everyone is doing their final read through and edits for the Comprehensive
Plan. Judy Hyman will do the very final edit before the proposed Plan is sent to the town board. The
board is still investigating the light for the Clarity Connect tower on Mecklenburg Road.
Enfield Community Council: Councilperson Howe-Strait reported the Harvest Festival will be held
October 5. Camp went well with 92 campers and 15 Counselors in Training. There was limited
swimming due to the weather and damages to the swim area. There have been discussions with Youth
Services about consolidating programs into 1 as opposed to 7 different programs to save money, so
services can be continued without spreading themselves too thin. There was discussion about a survey
monkey to see what youth services might be strengthened.
Recreation Partnership: No report.
County Youth Board: No report.
Enfield Volunteer Fire Company: Art Howser reported in July there were 24 calls which included 21
EMS, 1 ATV accident, 1 severe weather - tree in roadway and 1 propane gas leak. Calls in August
numbered 62 with 16 EMS, 3 motor vehicle accidents, 1 motorcycle accident, 37 severe weather calls
and mutual aid received due to severe weather - flooding, 1 tree in roadway, 3 mutual aid to
Trumansburg. Recent training has included tanker, pumper and fire policy training; work detail
following area flooding; truck and station maintenance; auto airbag and extrication safety training and
mini cutter auto extrication. Art has stressed to fire department members not to drive through deep
water as the condition of the road can't be determined. He also stressed you don't put your own life or
crew in danger, even if there is an emergency. Once the water receded, the crews could get into places
Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, September 11, 2013 3
they couldn't earlier in the storm. Two of their gas pumps have been converted to fuel without ethanol
in it. They also purchased 4 electric pumps. If there is a motor vehicle accident, they try to shut the
road down and not let any traffic go through as it is dangerous to patients and rescue personnel. There
will be a blood drive on September 17th.
Volunteer of the Month: Supervisor Rider stated she wished to add an announcement to the agenda.
Councilperson Howe-Strait asked the town board to consider nominating the Enfield Volunteer Fire
Department for Volunteers of the Month. Councilperson Teeter agreed with the suggestion.
Supervisor Rider announced the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company are Volunteers of the Month.
Aquifer Study Fundraising Group: Nancy Spero reported the group has not met over the summer, but
if anyone would like to join the committee they should contact her.
Facilities Manager: No report.
Communication Access Committee: No report.
Facilities Development: No report.
Personnel Committee: No report.
TC Council of Governments: Supervisor Rider reported she was out of town during the monthly
New Business:
Joining the National Flood Insurance Program: Supervisor Rider stated it was brought to her attention
that the Town of Enfield never joined the National Flood Insurance Program so no property in the
Town of Enfield can get flood insurance. Previously the town was ineligible to join, but the law has
changed. The town would have to adopt a resolution of intent which would indicate an explicit desire
to participate in the program. She will investigate this further.
Code Enforcement Officer Teeter stated the town has no mapped flood plains.
2014 Budget Process: Supervisor Rider stated that budget requests have been submitted and the
process has begun.
Road Repair Issues: Supervisor Rider wrote to the Cornell Local Roads School shortly after August 8
to see if they could come to Enfield to give advice. She met with Highway Superintendent Rollins and
Geoff Scott, an engineer with the Cornell Local Roads Program and Mr. Scott sent a letter with his
recommendations that support Superintendent Rollins' ideas.
Superintendent Rollins added to his earlier report stating that the flood clean up days filled about 2 1/2
dumpsters and hardly any scrap metal.
Currently Fish Road needs pipe and ditch work which will cost $8,000 to $10,000. The plastic pipe
alone will cost approximately $5,000. The job may have to be contracted out, depending on time.
Supervisor Rider noted that the 2013 budget included $2,000 for bridge repairs and nothing has been
spent to date this year.
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Highway Superintendent Rollins responded that there is only $2,000 in savings for bridges which was
carried over from last year, as it was all spent on the Enfield Center Road bridge two years ago. If the
$2,000 is not used in a given year, it goes into a bridge savings account. The funds aren't used unless it
is for bridge work. There is a bridge on Leonard Road and another on Rumsey Hill Road. The Fish
Road work is not bridge work - it is a pipe.
There is work to be done on Harvey Hill Road and Fish Road along with the material that needs to be
put on Aiken Road before the middle of October when the crew starts to get ready for winter work. He
is $18,000 in the hole for materials, and will be short on oil and stone if that amount isn't covered.
Also, extra fuel was used during repair work on Harvey Hill Road.
Harvey Hill Road will need between $5,000 and $6,000 to get back to 100%. This will include getting
the ditches up, the shoulders put back and the rest of the non-residential driveway pipes put back in.
Supervisor Rider asked what the town's policy was on residential pipes for driveways.
Highway Superintendent Rollins stated that if a resident puts in a new driveway, they pay for a permit
and they buy the new pipe. The highway department installs the pipe. After that, the resident still
owns the pipe since the driveway belongs to them, but the town owns the ditch. The ditch is there for
the roadway use, not for the resident use. If they want to get to their house, they have to put a pipe in
and that is why they pay for it. The town installs the pipe because they want it put in right to fit their
needs - flush with road and good material for the shoulders. The town keeps the pipes unplugged since
if they plug up the water will run in the road. If the town reconstructs the road, the town replaces the
pipes if they're bad at no charge since they are redoing the road and it is to the town's advantage to do
it right. If a pipe is plugged and has to be replaced, the town will replace it. If the homeowner wants a
bigger pipe, or if the pipe is collapsing and they can't get in their driveway, the homeowner buys the
pipe and the town installs it with no permit. After the flooding in August, due to emergency
conditions, the town replaced pipes and increased the pipe size since they would have done that
anyway if reconstructing the road.
Supervisor Rider stated a resident has asked to have the money reimbursed to them for pipe they
purchased two years ago. This will be a board decision on whether to give them a reimbursement.
Highway Superintendent Rollins stated Hubbell Drive can still be plowed with a small truck and turn
around in driveways safely. For this project, the state, county, town and property owners will be
involved. The question is who will have the money to clean up the creek. If the town is involved, they
could bring in a crusher and have crusher run stock piled for a couple of years. The rock is now higher
than the road, and needs to be removed.
Porter Hill Road needs banks cut around the curves and set the shoulders back. In order to have room
for the shoulders, the banks need to be cut back. This job will take more labor than materials and
should be done before winter so the edges of the roads don't start breaking.
Supervisor Rider asked what the plan would be for Harvey Hill Road. Superintendent Rollins stated
he would start at the top of the hill and work down, mostly on the south side. He will probably break
the job into 3 sections, between cross pipes. It will be filled in, rock will be put in and then check
dams will be put in, which is riprap. Larger riprap will be used than what was there before.
At this time the budgeted money for stone and oil is about $18,000 short since these materials were
used on Harvey Hill Road instead of where they were intended for.
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Previously, trimming and shoulder cutting was planned for Teeter Road. On the curve, dust oil was
used and it washed. Down the road further, the shoulders were washed out, but the highway crew
graded them back in. So now Teeter Road is back to where it was before the flood.
Councilperson Teeter feels the town is between a rock and a hard place. She suggested asking Barbara
Lifton, our New York State Assembly representative, for some emergency funds. She would like to
rely on the superintendent's expertise of what can wait and what cannot wait. She would like to ask
Tompkins County to come to Enfield and help with one of the roads.
Supervisor Rider understands that even if there is a promise of money from the state, it will take a
long time to get it. However, she feels that promises need to be made before the town can reallocate
and go into reserves.
Superintendent Rollins stated he feels $33,500 is what is needed, for materials, which includes the
$18,000 he is already in the red for. There are three box culverts that have extensions on them that
have separated. That work can be done manually, without an investment in materials. The state park
brought the town a lot of gravel as they were cleaning out the park entrance that can be used around
pipes. There are some large pieces of concrete that can be used instead of purchased riprap. He also
mentioned that the big pipe in Rothermich Road is deteriorating, but during the flood the headwall
started coming down on the outlet end, so it is a matter of time before it all collapses. That will be at
least an $80,000 job. That job will have to be contracted out.
Town Councilperson Teeter suggested asking the county to forgive whatever debt is incurred for their
help. She feels if the town could get a promise of $50,000 from someone, such as Barbara Lifton, she
would be more comfortable moving money.
Highway Superintendent Rollins suggested at budget time that a line be added for emergency reserve
Supervisor Rider stated there is $186,000 in the highway fund savings, and $115,000 in equipment
Superintendent Rollins stated the savings is where money is kept until bills need to be paid, including
salaries. The equipment reserve is to save for equipment replacements, and board approval is needed
to use those funds.
Councilperson Teeter asked Superintendent Rollins what he needs to continue the repairs from flood
damage. She stated she doesn't know what the reserves look like, but the superintendent has used
$18,000 from his budget and if that amount is matched from reserves, it would bring the total to the
amount requested.
Superintendent Rollins replied if this happens he won't be able to complete his summer projects. The
$18,500 was already put out for oil, stone and chip seal. If the work isn't done, the town is taking a
chance on losing up to $80,000 by not chip sealing, because the road may not hold up over the winter.
Councilperson Howe-Strait asked if another town crew could do the oil and stone. Superintendent
Rollins replied that work needs to be done through Suit Coat since they have the machines. One mile
of road runs about $18,000 and there is 2.5 miles to be done.
Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, September 11, 2013 6
Councilperson Teeter would like to move to make $15,500 available for highway work and have
Supervisor Rider talk with Barbara Lifton before the October board meeting to have a plan to
reimburse the town for these funds.
Highway Superintendent Rollins asked if a special highway emergency line item could be created for
these funds and the highway department could bill it back as materials for flood damage. Then if there
is reimbursement, it will be clear what the money was spent on.
Councilperson Teeter moved, with a second by Councilperson Howe-Strait to authorize $15,500 to be
moved from the town reserve funds to a new special highway emergency line item.
Vote: Councilperson Howe-Strait aye, Councilperson Teeter aye, Supervisor Rider aye.
Councilperson Carpenter and Councilperson Hern absent. Carried
Highway Superintendent Rollins reported the excavator broke last Friday and should be back up and
running by next week. The backhoe broke, but was fixed today. The equipment has been worked hard
the last few weeks. He complimented Councilperson Teeter on the good job she did on her interview
with the Ithaca Journal regarding flood damage.
Supervisor Rider stated we have shrinking resources while residents are demanding more of
government. The town cannot have roads in perfect condition all the time. There has to be a balance.
Superintendent Rollins invited the town board to come and see what work is being done. He would
like to work with the board to get as much done as possible.
Adjournment: Councilperson Teeter moved, with a second by Councilperson Howe-Strait, to adjourn
at 8:38 p.m. Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Alice Linton, Enfield Town Clerk