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Town of Enfield
Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes
Enfield Community Building
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
6:30 p.m.
Present: Town Supervisor Ann Rider, Town Councilperson Mike Carpenter, Town Councilperson Chris
Hern, Town Councilperson Vera Howe-Strait, Town Highway Superintendent Barry Rollins, Town Clerk
Alice Linton. Absent: Town Councilperson Debbie Teeter,
Town Supervisor Rider opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. by leading the assemblage in the Pledge of
Allegiance to the Flag.
Privilege of the Floor: Mary Jo Lovelace of 2504 Mecklenburg Road urged the board to vote for a ban
on hydrofracking.
Supervisor Rider stated the presentation by Ryan McCune would be delayed and announcements would
be noted under correspondence.
Approval of Minutes: Supervisor Rider moved, with a second by Councilperson Howe-Strait to approve
the minutes of the February 13, 2013 regular town board meeting.
Vote: Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Hern abstain, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye,
Supervisor Rider aye. Councilperson Teeter absent. Carried
Supervisor Rider moved, with a second by Councilperson Hern to approve the minutes of the January 17,
2013 audit meeting.
Vote: Councilperson Carpenter abstain, Councilperson Hern aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye,
Supervisor Rider aye. Councilperson Teeter absent. Carried
Supervisor Rider moved, with a second by Councilperson Howe-Strait to approve the minutes of the
March 5, 2013 public hearing.
Vote: Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Hern aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye,
Supervisor Rider aye. Councilperson Teeter absent. Carried
Correspondence: Copy of Order Approving Renewal of Haefele TV, Inc. Cable Television Franchise for
the Town of Enfield effective February 20, 2013 for a period of ten years.
Notice of FEMA training: Training the Trainer on Sexual Harassment and Workplace Violence
Prevention on Wednesday, March 20, 2013 in Vestal, New York.
Copy of letter from Frank P. Proto, Chairman of the Tompkins County Water Resources Council to
Congressman Tom Reed dated March 4, 2013 requesting his petition to reinstate funding to ensure the
continued operation of US Geological Survey gages which will result in better flood forecasting for the
residents of New York.
Notice of a free information session on an Emergency Stream Intervention Program to be held March 19
at the Brooktondale Fire Hall, Brooktondale, NY. Enfield town highway employees will be attending.
Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, March 13, 2013 2
Announcements: A 1903 quilt with many names embroidered on it has been returned to Enfield and is on
display at the Town Hall. An open house to view the quilt and learn more of its history is scheduled for
the first Saturday in May.
Ithaca College students are doing water sampling for US Geological Services. They are looking for
Enfield residents who have spring water on their property and would allow testing of the water.
Tompkins County was awarded broadband grants, but Enfield and Caroline were not included in the
funds granted.
Audit Claims: Councilperson Howe-Strait moved, with a second by Councilperson Hern to authorize the
supervisor to pay General Fund vouchers #59 to #92 dated March 13, 2013 in the amount of $15,843.69,
and Highway Fund vouchers #42 to #61 dated March 13, 2013 in the amount of $34,328.59.
Vote: Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Hern aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye,
Supervisor Rider aye. Councilperson Teeter absent. Carried
County Legislator's Report: Jim Dennis stated he is hopeful the NYS budget will be passed by April 1
this year and that more funds will be added for CHIPS so more highway repairs can be done. Tompkins
County received a grant for high speed internet, but the towns of Enfield and Caroline were not funded.
The county has made a commitment to include Enfield and Caroline in the work to be done. Jim stated the
legislature will be discussing the new SAFE Act Law passed by New York State (which deals with gun
control issues) and that mental health issues and registration of guns will need to be addressed.
Dave McKenna stated he also feels strongly that the county needs to support Enfield and Caroline in
funding for high speed internet as they requested that Haefele and Time Warner work together instead of
submitting separate grants. He will be introducing new legislation to get a more reasonable gun control
law on the table.
Presentation by Ryan McCune from the Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce regarding a
"Welcome to Tompkins County" sign in the Town of Enfield. The Chamber of Commerce has allotted
funds to purchase 12 major entry signs in Tompkins County. These 20 square foot aluminum signs would
be uniform with white lettering on a green background. The county would install the signs, one of which
would be on Route 79 in the Town of Enfield. Local highway departments are being asked to maintain
these signs. There may be some funding left for towns to landscape around the signs with small shrubs
and other plantings if they choose. The town board would be asked to pass a resolution approving the
placement of the sign and maintenance by the highway department.
Highway Superintendent's Report: Highway Superintendent Buddy Rollins reported he attended a soil
and water training on erosion and sediment control. He will also be going to a training in Brooktondale.
The county has asked towns if they would like to join together for training offered by an independent
company out of Canada, Ground Force Training. The training would be for the grader, excavator, loader
and dump truck. Buddy asked if the board would like town employees to attend these trainings. They have
already attended the snowplow training and thought it was very good. If everyone in the town highway
department attended, the cost would be about $6,500, which would include 2 days of classroom training
and 4 hours on each machine. Buddy asked the county if they could just do the classroom training and not
the hands on, since the cost would be about half. The county does not want to do that.
Supervisor Rider asked if the town could get a breakdown of costs for each course and asked which would
be most valuable to employees.
Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, March 13, 2013 3
Superintendent Rollins stated the grader and excavation courses would be the best choices. By having
employees take these courses, it could help the town with liability issues. He needs to get back to the
county with a commitment by mid March.
Councilperson Carpenter suggested having a primary person go to the training and then come back and
train others.
Superintendent Rollins reported the drain tank at the new highway facility is full again. The trucks and
floors haven't been cleaned as often as Buddy would like because he has been trying to prevent the tank
from filling up again so quickly. The more snow and ice that comes in on trucks, the faster the tank will
fill up. Most other highway departments have 4,000 gallon tanks, Enfield has a 2,000 gallon tank.
BOCES has asked if Enfield would sponsor a student intern again. This student lives in the Trumansburg
area and is interested in training as a welder and/or mechanic. The program would run for 4 weeks.
Supervisor Rider stated she did some research into funding of the new highway facility. There were
changes made in the final design of the plan, so the project came in under the original budgeted amount
and under the amount that the town borrowed. There were funds left, so the unfunded projects could come
back to the board to be added to the project.
Councilperson Hern stated none of the unfunded projects came back to the board for approval. The whole
intent of making changes to save money on the project was to be able to finish some of the other projects,
such as the road.
Superintendent Rollins stated he was told there was no money left, but the budget shows there is $43,000
left. The project was bid with alternate, separate build-ins so items could be taken out.
Councilperson Carpenter asked if there was a list of projects left to be completed.
Superintendent Rollins replied blacktop for the driveway, salt shed, cold storage and spreader hanger.
Also equipment could be purchased for the new facility.
Superintendent Rollins stated the quote he had for the excavator repair was $18,000, but the crew worked
on the repair over the winter and completed the job for $8,000. This was possible as they had room in the
new facility to do the work. If they had more equipment, they could do more work such as changing tires.
Code Enforcement Officer's Report: Code Enforcement Officer Alan Teeter reported in February there
were 3 building permits issued or renewed, which brings the year to date total to 5. There were 8
inspections completed, 8 progress checks, 1 valid complaint received and resolved. The annual state
report has been submitted to Albany.
Committee Reports:
Planning Board: Councilperson Howe-Strait reported members are working on various sections of the
comprehensive plan and drafts should be ready in April. After everything is compiled, the draft plan will
be presented to the board for their review.
Health Insurance Consortium: No report.
Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, March 13, 2013 4
Enfield Community Council: Deena Rambaum reported members have been visiting other community
buildings to see what their facilities look like. The Council is working on how to finance a new building.
The annual Harvest Festival is scheduled for October 5. The raffle quilt needs a home where it can be
worked on between now and May. The annual meeting was held and new officers were elected.
Recreation Partnership: No report.
Youth Board: No report.
Enfield Volunteer Fire Company: No report.
Facilities Manager: Councilperson Hern reported he continues to work on estimates for construction
projects on town buildings. He will look into problems with 2 street lights that remain on during the day.
Communication Access Committee: Councilperson Hern reported the committee hasn't met recently, but
he has been invited to attend a county meeting on the subject.
Aquifer Study Fundraising Group: Nancy Spero reported $465 was raised at the public hearing which
brings the total donations to $2,945 for 2012 and 2013. Councilperson Howe-Strait is working on a
Community Foundation grant application.
Facilities Development: No report.
Personnel Committee: No report.
TC Council of Governments: Supervisor Rider reported there was a presentation by the county on record
storage at the Seneca Army Depot. Many towns, including Enfield, are involved with this project. All
towns in the county are hoping to negotiate as a group with Time Warner Cable on a franchise agreement.
Old Business:
Justice of the Peace Vacancy: Councilperson Howe-Strait moved, with a second by Councilperson Hern
Whereas, James J. Varricchio died on December 13, 2012 while serving as Town Justice in the Town of
Enfield, County of Tompkins, New York and
Whereas, the Enfield Town Board has appointed Betty Poole to fill this position until March 31, 2013 at a
monthly pro-rated salary of Justice Varricchio's salary, and
Whereas, Justice Poole has served ably in this position during the past two and a half months and is
willing to continue to serve the community in this capacity at this salary,
Therefore Betty Poole is appointed to this vacant position until December 31, 2013, to be the sole Justice
in the Town of Enfield at the monthly pro-rated salary of Justice Varricchio.
Discussion: Councilperson Hern asked if court would be held two times each week.
Supervisor Rider stated that Justice Poole is willing to continue holding court twice a week.
Vote: Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Hern aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye,
Supervisor Rider aye. Councilperson Teeter absent. Carried
Update on Road Preservation Plan: Supervisor Rider stated she and Highway Superintendent Buddy
Rollins attended a recent informational meeting in Caroline regarding road preservation.
Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, March 13, 2013 5
New Business:
Councilperson Howe-Strait moved, with a second by Councilperson Carpenter to enact Local Law #1 of
2013 to be known as the: "Prohibition Within the Town of Gas and Petroleum Exploration and Extraction
Activities, Underground Storage of Natural Gas, and Disposal of Natural Gas or Petroleum Extraction,
Exploration and Production Wastes".
Supervisor Rider stated a public hearing was held and written comments were received. There was some
discussion regarding banning all types of drilling, but the town was advised if they tried to ban one type
of drilling, but not another, it would be construed as controlling the industry and the town only has
authority over land usage.
Councilperson Carpenter mentioned there are programs that can help landowners with leases mitigate
their losses. If the town is supportive of the fact that there are programs to buy out leases, it could make
the law more sustainable.
Vote: Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Hern aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye,
Supervisor Rider aye. Councilperson Teeter absent. Carried
Approval of Employees and Volunteers to Attend Conferences:
Councilperson Howe-Strait moved, with a second by Councilperson Hern, that whereas the Enfield Town
Board believes that it is important for employees and the Planning Board to engage in ongoing education,
and whereas the Tompkins County Ag Summit was held on March 13, 2013 in Dryden, New York
presenting topics of interest and concern to our farming community, therefore the town board authorizes
the payment of registration fees for the four attendees in the amount of $40.00.
Vote: Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Hern aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye,
Supervisor Rider aye. Councilperson Teeter absent. Carried
Supervisor Rider moved, with a second by Councilperson Carpenter to authorize town clerk, Alice
Linton, to attend the annual town clerk's conference in Buffalo in May.
Vote: Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Hern aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye,
Supervisor Rider aye. Councilperson Teeter absent. Carried
Support of newly introduced foreclosure bills in the State Assembly:
Councilperson Carpenter moved, with a second by Councilperson Howe-Strait to accept Resolution
Resolution #2013-21 Support for NYS-Contact Information for Vacant Structures
WHEREAS, vacant, abandoned and foreclosed homes and structures have proliferated throughout New
York State over the last five years; and
WHEREAS, vacant structures that are not maintained for months at a time degrade and depreciate the
value of the vacant structure as well as the value of surrounding properties; and
Enfield Town Board Regular Meeting, March 13, 2013 6
WHEREAS, lending institutions that hold mortgages on said vacant structures do not always provide the
contact information of a responsible party; and
WHEREAS, Assembly Bill A.88 and Assembly Bill A.824, currently pending, would make it mandatory
for lending institutions to provide contact information of responsible parties regarding vacant structures;
and require good faith in obtaining a foreclosure; and
WHEREAS, the Town of Enfield Board supports the passage of said Bills,
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Enfield hereby supports the passage of said
Bills and respectfully requests that the State Representatives who represents constituents in the Town of
Enfield support the passage of said Bills.
Vote: Councilperson Carpenter aye, Councilperson Hern aye, Councilperson Howe-Strait aye,
Supervisor Rider aye. Councilperson Teeter absent. Carried
At 8:20 p.m. the board moved into Executive Session for the purpose of discussing communications from
the town attorney.
At 8:27 p.m. the regular town board meeting was reconvened, there having been no action taken in
executive session.
Adjournment: Supervisor Rider moved, with a second by Councilperson Hern, to adjourn at 8:27 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Alice Linton, Enfield Town Clerk