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Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes
Enfield Community Building
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
6:45 p.m.
Present: Town Supervisor Roy Barriere, Town Councilperson Ron Clark, Town
Councilperson Chris Hern, Town Councilperson Jean Owens, Town Councilperson Debbie Teeter,
Town Highway Superintendent Barry Rollins, Town Clerk Alice Linton.
Town Supervisor Barriere opened the meeting at 6:45 p.m. by leading the assemblage in
the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Presentation by Shawn Lindabury: Mr. Lindabury is an energy educator at Cornell
Cooperative Extension. Last year the towns of Enfield, Dryden, Lansing, Newfield, Danby and
Ulysses received a grant for energy upgrades to facilities as well as education in the community.
The contract started in the fall of 2010 with the project “Lighten Up Tompkins”, which was a large
scale distribution of compact florescent light bulbs and energy efficiency materials. Over $20,000
was donated for the project. An energy savings campaign is being planned which will be county
wide with all residents being encouraged to take at least one step to save energy in 2011.
Community reps are being sought to help with networking.
Privilege of the Floor: Nancy Spero of 68 North VanDorn Road spoke about the event
held last Saturday sponsored by Enfield Neighbors For Safe Air and Water that had about 50 in
attendance. They are looking into what can be done locally to prevent hydrofracking, such as
driveway permits.
Approval of Minutes: Councilperson Teeter moved to accept the minutes of the March 9,
2011 regular town board meeting and the March 30, 2011 special town board meeting. Second by
Councilperson Hern.
Vote: Councilperson Clark aye, Councilperson Hern aye, Councilperson Owens aye,
Councilperson Teeter aye. Supervisor Barriere abstain. Carried
Annual drug and alcohol policy training to be held Monday, April 18, 2011.
Ithaca-Tompkins County Transportation Council meeting to be held Tuesday, April 19 at
737 Willow Avenue.
Smart Management for Small Communities: Practical Resources for Governance to be held
April 27 to April 29 at the Minnowbrook Conference Center, Blue Mountain Lake.
How to Apply Local Controls to Shale Gas Industrialization, an expanded forum for
municipal officials on the topic of Road and Land Use Regulation to be held Saturday, May 7 from
noon to 4 p.m. at Templeton Hall, Cooperstown.
Tompkins County Water Resources Council letter to NYSDEC Division of Mineral
Resources requesting that the NYSDEC establish a ninety-day public comment period following
promulgation of the Revised Draft SGEIS.
Latest 2010 census figures showing 4.2% growth in the Town of Enfield.
Budget Amendment #2011-2
WHEREAS, expenses have exceeded the budget in the Highway Fund Account, line item
DA5130.2, titled “Machinery-Equipment”, now therefore be it
Enfield Town Board Meeting, April 13, 2011
RESOLVED, that the Highway Fund Account, line item DA9950.9, titled “Interfund
Transfer – Equipment Reserve”, be decreased by $5,700.00 and Highway Fund Account, line item
DA5130.2, titled “Machinery-Equipment”, be increased by $5,700.00.
Supervisor Barriere moved, with a second by Councilperson Owens to accept Budget
Amendment #2011-2.
Vote: Councilperson Clark aye, Councilperson Hern aye, Councilperson Owens aye,
Councilperson Teeter aye, Supervisor Barriere aye. Carried
Audit Claims:
Councilperson Clark moved for the board to authorize the supervisor to pay General Fund
vouchers #91-#121 dated April 13, 2011 in the amount of $26,521.19 and Highway Fund vouchers
#56-#76 dated April 13, 2011 in the amount of $21,801.67. Councilperson Teeter seconded the
Vote: Councilperson Clark aye, Councilperson Hern aye, Councilperson Owens aye,
Councilperson Teeter aye, Supervisor Barriere aye. Carried
County Legislator’s Report: Jim Dennis reported on the impact of the 2010 census. In
Enfield the sales tax has dropped by about 1.5%, which is due to the way the population has been
redistributed between 2000 and 2010. The county is working hard to make up budget deficits. The
government operations committee is working on an ordinance about highways and roads in
preparation for hydrofracting if it comes to Tompkins County.
Dave McKenna explained the county is trying to consolidate space – possibly the old library
can be torn down, but asbestos is a problem. He is on the redistricting commission to reorganize
the lines of legislative districts. Dave is also on the broadband committee – a group of state experts
will be coming in to speak to supervisors.
Highway Superintendent’s Report: Buddy Rollins reported they have changed over for
summer work. Hearing tests are scheduled for May, along with a rabies clinic at the highway
department on May 12. The Hines Road bridge should be open in the next day or so, and the
Enfield Center Road bridge will be open in about 3 weeks. Once the Enfield Center Road bridge is
open, it will be un-posted. Permits for driveway pipes are only given out to property owners. The
broom is working out good. Buddy asked if new radios should be purchased so the town can be
online with county dispatch.
Supervisor Barriere moved, with a second by Councilperson Owens, to purchase 7 portable
radios out of budget line item DA 5197.2 for the highway department.
Discussion: Highway Superintendent Rollins stated that the portable radios are secure and
reliable and one of the portable units could be used as a base.
Vote: Councilperson Clark aye, Councilperson Hern aye, Councilperson Owens aye,
Councilperson Teeter aye, Supervisor Barriere aye. Carried
Code Enforcement Officer’s Report: Alan Teeter reported 1 new building permit was
issued for a new home, 2 certificates of occupancy were issued, 4 certificates of completion were
issued, 12 building inspections were completed, 3 meetings with owners and builders were held, 3
valid complaints were received and 1 letter of voluntary compliance was sent. Alan and Carl
Staley attended a conference in Syracuse and received 24 hours of in-service training.
Enfield Town Board Meeting, April 13, 2011
Committee Reports:
Planning Board : No meeting this month.
Health Insurance Consortium: No update.
Enfield Community Council: Marnie Kirchgessner reported she attended her first meeting of
the County Youth Services Board. The newsletter has gone out and was very informative. She
thanked Councilperson Teeter for her work on the newsletter. The Zumba Dance and basketball
programs are both popular. The Council is working on putting together some kind of welcome
package for new residents, and is looking for ideas. Marnie has spent many hours putting together
the United Way application requesting funding for our programs.
Enfield Volunteer Fire Company: Art Howser reported that in the month of March there were
32 calls which included 23 EMS, 2 structure fires, 2 carbon monoxide, 2 motor vehicle accidents, 1
tree in roadway, 1 mutual aid to Trumansburg and 1 service call. Training in April will include brush
fire training, pumper and tanker training, fire police communications. One of the carbon monoxide
calls was for a fairly new stove, so Art reminded everyone that detectors are very important. He
reminded the town residents that there is still a ban on open burning and it is illegal to burn leaves.
At the May 21st community yard sale, the fire station will be open for the public to visit.
Facilities Manager: Councilperson Hern reported the radon mitigation system is working
once again in the town hall. Chris has done a quick study on the possibility of moving the town hall
to the community building. He feels no matter what is done it will be difficult, but it can be done. It
will take a lot of planning to make it work. Councilperson Owens asked to have Chris meet with
Chuck Fezali on this issue. Councilperson Hern also suggested it is time to put up the Welcome to
Enfield sign on wood posts. He will work with Buddy to get this job accomplished.
Communication Access Committee: Councilperson Hern will get in touch with Chuck
Bartosch and see how grant working is coming.
Facilities Development: Councilperson Owens reported there have been lots of challenges.
Standard and Poor gave the town an A stable rating, partially due to the fact that the town is stable
because they choose to go back to property tax versus sales tax. Supervisor Barriere reported the
bond was issued April 12 and we ended up with a 4.36% interest rate. It was recommended by our
bond counsel to go with this rate locked in for 15 years, as the rates are going up. The bond is
being administered by First National Bank of Dryden for Roosevelt and Cross, Inc. He also thanked
the town supervisors over the past 20 years for the town being stable enough to obtain the high
rating. Councilperson Owens thanked Buddy and his crew for opening up the gravel bank so the
soil can be tested. Supervisor Barriere may call a special meeting to sign the contract. He also
stated that once construction begins, meetings may need to be held mid-way between each
meeting so that bills can be paid in a timely manner.
Personnel Committee: Councilperson Teeter reported that the committee met and
discussed the possibility of vacation and sick time accruing monthly rather than at the start of each
year. This will be brought to the town board in the future. Also discussed was an official step salary
structure. One of the biggest desires on the part of employees is the start of direct deposit for their
pay checks. There were a lot of questions about the health insurance – the prescription plan was to
be equal to or better than the old plan; the cost of family or spouse coverage seems high; is there
the possibility of having different levels of coverage i.e. higher deductible; can we tell yet if the town
is saving any money. At one time the town allowed a buy-out for the health insurance program,
which the committee can look into. Also discussed was the requirement for the highway
superintendent to work 20 years before being eligible to receive health insurance coverage from
retirement to being eligible for Medicare. Twenty years seems excessive for a highway
Enfield Town Board Meeting, April 13, 2011
superintendent because it’s unlikely that anyone would be a highway superintendent at 35. At the
next meeting the committee will work on updating the first 3 section of the handbook and updating
the compensation chart from last year for review and recommendations.
Councilperson Teeter moved, with a second by Supervisor Barriere to change the
Personnel Policy to include a stepped salary structure for Town Highway Employees (to be added
as a 3rd item under section 701, Wage and Salary, in category 700, Compensation, in the
Employee Handbook) as follows:
Highway Department Stepped Salary Structure:
1. New Hires start as laborers, for a minimum of one month to a maximum of six months, prior
to promotion to MEO (Mechanical Equipment Operator).
2. MEO starting salary is $15 per hour. There will be a $1 per hour increase per year for three
years, on the anniversary date of promotion to MEO, until reaching a minimum of $18 per
3. Any calendar year merit salary increases will also be applied, independent of the
anniversary date increases.
Discussion: Supervisor Barriere asked if employees would be getting the $1 per hour increase plus
the percentage increase. Highway Superintendent Rollins replied that would not be the case – they
would get the percentage increases starting the fourth year. Councilperson Teeter added the
rational is that it takes 3 years for an employee to get up to speed on the job.
Vote: Councilperson Clark aye, Councilperson Hern aye, Councilperson Owens aye,
Councilperson Teeter aye, Supervisor Barriere aye. Carried
Tompkins County Council of Governments: No report.
Old Business: None
New Business:
Appoint Hearing Officer for proposed bond for EVFC: Supervisor Barriere reported the fire
company is consolidating their loans, except for the one last year for a new truck, so they need to
have a public hearing.
I, Roy Barriere, Supervisor of the Town of Enfield in accordance with the provisions of
sections 147(f) and 150(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, hereby appoint
Dennis Hubbell, President of the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company, Inc., as Hearing Officer
pursuant to a certain Notice of Public Hearing attached hereto, such public hearing to be held at
the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company, 172 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, New York 14850, on May 3,
2011 at 7:00 p.m.
I further direct that the Hearing Officer shall within 10 days after the execution of this
appointment cause to be published, in full, in the Ithaca Journal, a newspaper published in, or
having a general circulation within, the Town of Enfield and designated an official newspaper of
the Town of Enfield a notice of public hearing to be held not less than 14 days from the date of
publication. The notice is to be published substantially in the form attached hereto.
DATED: April 13, 2011
Enfield Town Board Meeting, April 13, 2011
Roy Barriere
Supervisor Town of Enfield
Councilperson Owens moved to authorize the supervisor to sign the Appointment of
Hearing Officer, with a second by Councilperson Hern.
Vote: Councilperson Clark aye, Councilperson Hern aye, Councilperson Owens aye,
Councilperson Teeter aye, Supervisor Barriere aye. Carried
Letter thanking Buddy Rollins for his help during a snowstorm from Taylor Peck.
Letter from the New York State Town Clerks’ Association notifying the town that Town Clerk
Alice Linton was awarded a $500 grant to attend the annual meeting to be held in Buffalo, New
York May 1-4, 2011. A Proclamation was also presented to Alice Linton for her outstanding and
heartfelt commitment to the Town of Enfield and the great State of New York.
Volunteers of the Month: Marnie and Greg Kirchgessner were nominated by Dave and Jean
Owens. Marnie has devoted much of her life to improving opportunities and quality of life for
children and young people and has served many years on the Enfield Community Council. She is
currently serving as president. She has also worked for many years as a volunteer at the Food
Pantry and for Christmas Gifts for Kids. Greg, Marnie’s late husband, touched the lives of hundreds
of people in our community. He was a life member, having served over 20 years in the Enfield
Volunteer Fire Department. He helped with the Food Pantry and always responded to anyone who
was out of food and helped many families who might have otherwise gone hungry.
Art Howser announced the Enfield Volunteer Fire Company will be hosting their next blood
drive on May 17.
Adjournment: Councilperson Owens moved, with a second by Councilperson Hern to
adjourn at 8:22 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Alice M. Linton
Enfield Town Clerk