HomeMy WebLinkAbout4-13-2005 Regular Meeting TB.pdfApproved, with changes, June 8, 2005
1st…Small, 2nd…Hubbell Carried by full vote
Enfield Town Board
Regular Meeting
April 13, 2005 at 7:00 PM
Enfield Community Building -- 182 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, NY 14850
Meeting called to order by Supervisor, Gary Fisher, at 7:00 PM.
Present: Supervisor Gary Fisher
Councilperson Peggy Hubbell
Councilperson Jean Owens
Councilperson Sandra Small
Councilperson Greg Stevenson
Town Clerk Alice Laue
Code Enforcement Officers Ron Clark and Ed Hetherington
Deputy Town Clerk Pat Dougherty
Charles Hubbell – Member of the Technical Facilities Committee
Pledge of Allegiance:
Supervisor Fisher led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Privilege of the Floor:
No one wished to speak.
County Legislator’s Report:
There was no representation.
Approval of Minutes:
The February 9, 2005 minutes were approved with corrections.
The March meetings need to be reviewed and approved. They will be brought back
for the May 11th meeting.
* Letter from Bishop Fulton Sheen of the Rochester Ecumenical Housing Program
asking for a letter of support from the Enfield Town Board. They do work similar to Better
Housing of Ithaca and have done some work in our area according to the Code
Enforcement Officers. The letter will be included in their promotional information in the
event that someone from our area is interested in a grant.
Councilperson Hubbell motioned to send a letter to the Rochester Ecumenical
Housing Program saying Enfield supports them in their efforts to obtain funding from
the NYS Housing Corporation.
MOTIONED: Councilperson Hubbell
SECONDED: Councilperson Small
Vote: Supervisor Fisher…aye. Town Councilperson Hubbell…aye. Town Councilperson
Owens…aye. Town Councilperson Small…aye. Town Councilperson Stevenson…aye.
Motion carried.
* The NYS Municipal Work Alliance is sending someone to look over the Town’s
operations, particularly the highway department.
* Letter noting that the Town will be getting ID cards from Worker’s Compensation.
* SPCA report for March 2005.
* Information piece telling about some phone companies finding ways to get
around paying franchise fees and cable companies.
* Office of Real Property regarding special activities within the Town…we have
* Human Services Coalition Space Directory of Tompkins County regarding groups
using town facilities, specifically the Community Building. Should the Town continue to be
listed in the Space Directory? Code people noted that the handicap bathroom was out of
service and the fire alarm is not working.
Councilperson Stevenson motioned that we update our information regarding
usage of the Community Building, and submit it to the Human Services Coalition of
Tompkins County.
MOTIONED: Councilperson Stevenson
SECONDED: Councilperson Owens
Discussion: Councilperson Small asked that the Town be provided a copy of the
Space Directory once compiled.
Vote: Supervisor Fisher…aye. Town Councilperson Hubbell…aye. Town Councilperson
Owens…aye. Town Councilperson Small…aye. Town Councilperson Stevenson…aye.
Motion carried.
* Notice of NYSEG franchises special assessment. NYSEG doing annual dispute.
Enfield will probably get a bill for our share of the legal fees.
* Minutes of Environmental Management Council. They will be on file at Enfield’s
Town Hall.
* Tompkins County Comprehensive Plan has been distributed. There is a fee of $15
if anyone is interested in obtaining a copy.
Committee Reports:
Code Enforcement. Ron Clark and Ed Hetherington submitted a written report. In
addition to their regular duties they noted that they were getting requests for information
on property research and asked the Town Board if they should start charging the recipient
requesting the information. Ed said that someone is interested in buying the Babcock
property and a “walk around” took over an hour. Banks request Certificates of Occupancy
Councilperson Stevenson motioned that the Town Board of the Town of Enfield
establish a fee of $50/hour per Code Enforcement Officer to be assessed for a property
information research request where such fee may be legally applicable and where no
other fee has been established and said $50 fee is to be broken down into one-quarter-
hour increments equaling $12.50 for 15 minutes, with a $12.50 minimum.
MOTIONED: Councilperson Stevenson
SECONDED: Councilperson Hubbell
Discussion: The Code Officer said they do periodic inspections on multiple
dwellings. Enfield has stores, B&B’s and other businesses. Operating permits are a
coming thing and there needs to be some organization with this project. Documents
requiring no research will be billed at $.25 per copy per page.
Vote: Supervisor Fisher…aye. Town Councilperson Hubbell…aye. Town Councilperson
Owens…aye. Town Councilperson Small…aye. Town Councilperson Stevenson…aye.
Motion carried.
Clark reported that there was a noise in the front brake of the code enforcement
vehicle and was given approval to take it to Maguire Ford to be checked out. There is an
outstanding fee of $35 for Hetherington’s International Code Council membership. It was
discussed, but no action was taken. Clark’s membership is covered under his employment
at Ithaca College.
Highway Superintendent. David Miller gave Supervisor Fisher a written report, as
follows: Last month we plowed and cindered, worked on trucks, changed
some plow blades. Started patching potholes, took spreaders out of trucks
and have been servicing the equipment. We also put in one driveway pipe.
We had to fill in some washouts from the rain we had.
Personnel. Councilperson Small reported on a meeting that was held March 28,
2005 with Jim Dew and Dave Miller about the rising costs of health insurance.
Councilperson Stevenson was absent and another meeting was scheduled for April 27,
2005 at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Building.
Councilperson Small drafted resolutions reflecting changes to be made to the
Employee Handbook and gave them to Supervisor Fisher for his review. Matter to be
presented at the May Town Board meeting.
Technical Facilities Committee. Member Charles Hubbell was present. Fisher
wants the committee members to look at what facilities we presently have before the end of
the month.
Cemetery Committee. Councilperson Hubbell reported that she received the new
lawn mower today. Letter from Ray Bennett regarding a person/or persons parking on
Budd Cemetery lawn. Councilperson Stevenson suggested sending a nice letter asking that
there be no parking on the cemetery lawn.
Economic Development Committee. Councilperson Owens stated that she had
been contacted by someone after the Spring issue of the Enfield Town News came out.
Planning Board. Councilperson Hubbell reported that the Board has been reviewing
and editing their bylaws. They had draft copies of 1992 Subdivision Law which they will be
studying this month. [See Subdivision Regulations.]
Technology Committee.
Supervisor Fisher suggested that a Technology meeting be scheduled and that Betty
Poole should be invited.
All Hazards Mitigation Plan Councilperson Stevenson said that is has not been
finalized yet by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) and SEMO (State
Emergency Management Office.) Both agencies must approve the draft plan prior to its
Old Business
House Numbers. Supervisor Fisher ordered 29 packets of numbers from Seneca
Supply at a cost of $250.
Community Building. Supervisor Fisher has received written quotes on fire alarm
panel. Ron Clark mentioned Silent Knight which Ithaca College uses. Supervisor Fisher
also received quotes from Agway and Hubbard on the two worst furnaces. He will clear
these with Dick Holley, Deputy Town Supervisor.
Website – Digital Towpath. Supervisor Fisher established a VISA credit card
through Chase Bank for purchases via a non-local vendor. He will be co-obligor with the
Town. A statement will come to the Town as well as to Fisher.
Oil and Gas Lease. In the Town Attorney’s hands for perusal.
Town clean-up/Recycling. Councilperson Small reported that Weitzman Steel and
Superior Disposal are on board, she will handle the publicity, and things were pretty much
set for May 9 – 14, 2005.
Rabies Clinic. Town Clerk Laue reminded everyone that the Rabies Clinic will be
held on May 11, 2005 from 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM at the Enfield Town Barns. A proof of
rabies certificate is needed in order to get a 3-year shot. One-year shots will be issued
without proof.
New Business
Enfield Creek. Supervisor Fisher agreed to respond to a resident who wrote (and
included pictures) the members of the Town Board about the possibility that a local bridge
might be in danger of erosion in the future.
Farm Land Lease. Supervisor Fisher waiting to hear from the Attorney for the
Dog Control Law. The Board made a motion to increase Enfield’s Local Fee from
$5 to $10 for unneutered and unsprayed dogs, and to increase the impoundment fee to $25
for the 1st impoundment, $50 for the 2nd, and $75 for the 3rd each year.
MOTIONED: Supervisor Fisher
SECONDED: Councilperson Hubbell
Discussion: Impoundment fees are not incorporated into Enfield’s Local Law.
Need a Public Hearing to change Local Law regarding dogs now needing to be licensed
at 4 months. (Old law was 6 months.) Fisher will get laws from other towns to see if
they have things we might want to incorporate. Stevenson requested that this
information be sent to the Justices for their input.
Vote: Supervisor Fisher…aye. Town Councilperson Hubbell…aye. Town Councilperson
Owens…aye. Town Councilperson Small aye. Town Councilperson Stevenson…aye.
Motion carried.
Health Insurance. See Personnel.
Credit Card. See Website – Digital Towpath.
Mowing Tractor. Supervisor Fisher will discuss possibilities of purchasing a
mowing tractor under State contract which expires April 30, 2005
Assessment Review Complaints. May 10, 2005 from 3:00 PM – 6:00 PM at the
Enfield Town Hall.
Association of Towns. Letter received from The Association of Towns of the State
of New York asking Enfield to support the following:
Resolution Number 2005-19 Appeals to New York State public officials to
implement new measures for financing public
By action of the Town of Enfield Town Board, adopted at its meeting on April 13,
2005, it was
RESOLVED that the following recommendations be submitted to New York
State Senators George Winner and Joseph Bruno, New York Assembly
Representatives Barbara Lifton and Sheldon Silver, and Governor George Pataki, with
a letter on behalf of the citizens of the Town of Enfield urging their immediate
WHEREAS the residents of the Town of Enfield have collectively considered
the local issues of greatest concern to them and identified high property taxes as
one of the highest priority among them; and
WHEREAS funding for local governmental services, including public education,
is provided primarily through a tax on the estimated value of property; and
WHEREAS the welfare of the Town of Enfield homeowners is jeopardized by
the rapid increase in the costs of public education and the inability of many
homeowners to pay these increased costs; and
WHEREAS the increasing burden of public education on taxpayers also impacts
on the ability to raise other taxes to provide services and to fund Town-specific and
local initiatives important to the well-being of the community.
THEREFORE the Town Board of the Town of Enfield appeals to New York
State public officials to implement new measures for financing public education,
including the following suggested actions:
1. Ensure equity in a formula for funding public education based on the
taxpayers’ ability to pay.
2. Decrease the revenue raised from tax sources based on the value of
3. Refrain from imposing state mandated requirements upon school systems
without corresponding state funding.
4. Adjust the formulas on revenues earmarked as aid to education from
state lottery and other future gaming activities so that the annual
percentage is substantially increased from current levels.
5. Maintain the enhanced STAR exemption for the town’s neediest citizens,
but also increase the STAR exemption for senior citizens specifically at
all income levels.
6. Regain lost tax revenue from the above actions through income tax.
Resolved and executed at the Town of Enfield in Ithaca New York on this 13th day of
April, 2005.
MOTIONED: Councilperson Stevenson
SECONDED: Councilperson Owens
Discussion: Supervisor Fisher will have the resolution disseminated
Vote: Supervisor Fisher…nay. Town Councilperson Hubbell…aye. Town Councilperson
Owens...aye.. Town Councilperson Small…aye. Town Councilperson Stevenson…aye.
Resolution carried.
Time Warner Cable. Awarded a contract by BOCES to provide internet service to
Ithaca High School.
Subdivision Regulations. Supervisor Fisher asked the Planning Board to put the
Subdivision Regulations on their agenda. [See Planning Board.]
County Fire, EMS, and Disaster Advisory Board Recommendation. Advisory Board
has been defunct. Trying to come up with new bylaws.
Councilperson Stevenson motioned that Larry Stillwell be appointed as the
Primary Delegate to the Fire, EMS, and Disaster Advisory Board and that Larry Lanning
be appointed alternate.
MOTIONED: Councilperson Stevenson
SECONDED: Councilperson Small
Vote: Supervisor Fisher…aye. Town Councilperson Hubbell…aye. Town Councilperson
Owens…aye. Town Councilperson Small…aye. Town Councilperson Stevenson…aye.
Motion carried.
Appointment of NYMIR annual meeting proxy. Annual meeting coming up.
Supervisor Fisher motioned that the Town Board of the Town of Enfield appoint a
designated NYMIR proxy to represent the Town at the annual meeting.
MOTIONED: Supervisor Fisher
SECONDED: Councilperson Stevenson
Vote: Supervisor Fisher…aye. Town Councilperson Hubbell…aye. Town Councilperson
Owens…abstained. Town Councilperson Small…aye. Town Councilperson
Stevenson…aye. Motion carried.
Tompkins County Youth Services Program Contract.
Resolution Number 2005- 20 Approval of the Town of Enfield 2005
Tompkins County Youth Services Program Contract.
WHEREAS, the Town of Enfield desires to participate in the Tompkins County
Youth Services Program, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board agrees to the content of the Town of Enfield 2005
Tompkins County Youth Services Program Contract, now
THEREFORE be it resolved that the Town of Enfield 2005 Tompkins County
Youth Services Program Contract is approved, and further
BE IT RESOLVED that the Supervisor is authorized to sign the Town of
Enfield 2005 Tompkins County Youth Services Program Contract.
MOTIONED: Supervisor Fisher
SECONDED: Councilperson Stevenson
Vote: Supervisor Fisher…aye. Town Councilperson Hubbell…aye. Town Councilperson
Owens…aye. Town Councilperson Small…aye. Town Councilperson Stevenson…aye.
Resolution carried.
Cooperative Purchasing of Highway Services with County.
Resolution #2005- 21 Cooperative Purchasing of Highway
Services with County.
WHEREAS, the Office of the State Comptroller has ruled that counties may
no longer extend their bids for public work (services) to political subdivisions, and
WHEREAS, General Municipal Law, Article 5-G, Section 119-0 states that “any
agreement entered into there under shall be approved by each participating municipal
corporation or district by a majority vote of its governing body; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Town of Enfield be hereby authorized to participate with
Tompkins County in the cooperative purchasing of highway services.
AND FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Enfield reserves the right
to reject any or all bids.
MOTIONED: Supervisor Fisher
SECONDED: Councilperson Owens
Vote: Supervisor Fisher…aye. Town Councilperson Hubbell…aye. Town Councilperson
Owens…aye. Town Councilperson Small…aye. Town Councilperson Stevenson…aye.
Resolution carried.
Enfield/Ulysses Equipment Sharing.
Highway Superintendent, David Miller, gave Supervisor Fisher a resolution from
the Ulysses Highway Department about sharing services and equipment. A formal
contract is needed. Fisher stated that he needs to check with Enfield’s insurance carrier
before approving the resolution.
Executive Session.
Motion made by Supervisor Fisher, seconded by Councilperson Hubbell that the
Town Board move into executive session to discuss Code Enforcement issues.
Vote: Supervisor Fisher…aye. Town Councilperson Hubbell…aye. Town
Councilperson Owens…aye. Town Councilperson Small…aye. Town Councilperson
Stevenson…aye. Motion carried.
Moved into executive session at 9:45 p.m.
Motion made by Supervisor Fisher, seconded by Councilperson Small that the
Town Board move out of executive session.
Vote: Supervisor Fisher…aye. Town Councilperson Hubbell…aye. Town
Councilperson Owens…aye. Town Councilperson Small…aye. Town Councilperson
Stevenson…aye. Motion carried.
Moved out of executive session at 10:20 p.m.
Consensus: Councilperson Stevenson to act as liaison between the Code
Enforcement Office and the Town Board.
Audit Claims:
It was motioned that Supervisor Fisher, on behalf of the Town Board of the Town of
Enfield, be authorized to pay the following:
- General Fund Vouchers #57-#80 dated April 13, 2005 in the amount
of $9,658.26.
-Highway Fund voucher #20-#27 dated April 13, 2005 in the amount of
$7, 982.45.
-Community Development Grant voucher #4 dated April 13, 2005 in
the amount of $2,278.29.
- Enfield Volunteer Fire Company. No voucher this month.
MOVED: Councilperson Stevenson
SECONDED: Councilperson Small
Vote: Supervisor Fisher…aye. Town Councilperson Hubbell…aye. Town Councilperson
Owens…aye. Town Councilperson Small…aye. Town Councilperson Stevenson…aye.
Motion carried.
Supervisor Fisher distributed the monthly Supervisor’s report.
Councilperson Hubbell announced that Highway Superintendent Dave Miller has
been getting up by 4:00 A.M. to drive to Ithaca to pick up a load of cinders at a cheaper
price for use at winter time.
Privilege of the Floor: No one in attendance to speak.
Adjournment: At 10.30 PM.
MOVED: Councilperson Small
SECONDED: Councilperson Stevenson
Vote: Supervisor Fisher…aye. Town Councilperson Hubbell…aye Town Councilperson
Owens…aye. Town Councilperson Small…aye. Town Councilperson Stevenson…aye.
Motion carried
Minutes transcribed by Deputy Town Clerk N. Pat Dougherty .