HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 November 16 TB meeting�9
7.00 P.M.
A Special Town Board Meeting was held Wednesday, November 16TH, 2005 at the
Enfield Community Building, 182 Enfield Main Road at 7.00 p.m. with Supervisor
Fisher presiding.
Present_ Supervisor Fisher, Town Councilperson Greg Stevenson Town Councilperson
Jean Owens, Town Councilperson Peggy Hubbell, Town Councilperson Sandra Small
and Town Clerk Alice Laue
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag -
Supervisor Fisher led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Privilege of the Floor
Mike Miles - Enfield's representative to the Tompkins County Environmental
Management Council introduced himself to the board. t
Communications -
Letter from the Association of Towns regarding a teleconference -for newly elected
officials to be held 12/12/05 at Cornell Cooperative Extension.
Applications for 2006 training schools for newly elected officials. One to be held in
Albanv and one in Rochester.
Old Business:
The following revisions were made to the 2006 Preliminary Budget_
CHIPS -Carry over if $9774.53 from 2005 - Increases CHIPS to $64,400.00.
General Fund - Real Property Tax Administration (STAR) reduce to $50.00.
Highway Fund - Sales Tax increase from $330,000.00 to $335000.00.
General Fund - Mortgage Tax increase to $32,000.00.
Buildings increase to $30,000.00.
Contingency decrease by $2,000.00 to $18,000.00.
Municipal dues decrease to $720.00.
This reduces 2006 budget by $9,850.04:
Town Councilperson Owens would like to see Contingency increased from $18,000.00 to
Tax levy would be 2 percent with increase in Contingency.
Motion made by Town Councilperson Owens, seconded by Town Councilperson
Stevenson that the town board accept the 2006 Preliminary Budget as the Town of
Special Town Board Meeting Minutes 11/16/2005 2
Enfield final Fiscal Budget for the year 2006 representing $169,335.40 to be raisedby
town property taxes.
Vote - Town Councilperson Stevenson aye, Town Councilperson Owens aye. Town ...
Councilperson Hubbell no, Town Councilperson Small no, Supervisor Fisher no.
Vote - Three no's - two ayes. Not carried.
Motion made by Town Councilperson Owens, seconded by Town Councilperson HubN,'
that the Town Board accept the 2006 Preliminary Budget as the Town of Enfield final
Fiscal Budget for the year 2006 representing $167,335.40 to be raised by town property:'
Discussion - Tax levy would be 1.4 percent.
Vote- Town Councilperson Stevenson aye, Town Councilperson Owens aye, Town
Councilperson Hubbell aye, Town Councilperson Small aye. Supervisor Fisher aye.
Motion carried.
Fire Protection Budget 2006
Motion made by Supervisor Fisher, seconded by Town Councilperson Hubbell that the
Town Board apprcve the adoption of the 2006 Fire, Protection Budget.
Vote- Town Councilperson Stevenson aye, Tower Councilperson Owens aye, Tovvn
Councilperson Hubbell aye, Town Councilperson Small aye, Supervisor Fisher aye.
Motion carried.
Housing Rehabilitation Grant Proposal
Discussed applying for housing rehabilitation grant for 2006 and contracting with Benda'=-:
Housing for Tompkins County to do the grant writing. Supervisor Fisher proposed,
funding of the grant writing come from this year's (2005)funds by encumbering funds
Proposed funding would come from the following- Town Board Cjlontractual $500.00. '
Supervisor's Contractual $3400.00
Town Attorney's Contractual $1000.00
Public Information $800.00
For a total of $5700.K r
RESOLUTION 54 Housing Rehabilitation Grant Proposal
Resolution made by Town Councilperson Owens, seconded by Town Councilperson
ubbellWHEREAS, Better Housing for Tompkins County has a proven track record for their
work in the submission of Better Housing Rehabilitation Grant applications, and
WHEREAS, in the past the town has contracted with both Better Housing for Tompkins
County and a consulting firm, and
WHEREAS, contracting with Better Housing for Tompkins County is less costly,
Special Town Board Meeting Minutes 11/16/05 3
�( THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that monies to pay for writing a grant. proposal come
from the following encumbered 2005 end of the year funds
Town Board Contractual $500.00
Supervisor's Contractual $3400'00
Town Attorney' Contractual $1000.00
Public Information $80000
For a total of $5700.00
AND the Town Board of the Town of Enfield authorizes the supervisor to enter into an
agreement between the Town of Enfield and Better Housing for Tompkins County for
grant writing services for the town's 2006 grant application to the Governor's Office for
Small Cities not to exceed the amount of $5700.00.
Vote - Town Councilperson Stevenson aye, Town Councilperson Owens aye, Town
Councilperson Hubbell aye, Town Councilperson Small aye. Resolution: carried.
.. Sof vase t..!pgrade
Supers i -or Fisher proposed upgrading the town clerk's co puter as follows:
Micro Office 2003 Professional Application for $3600. This upgrade the
oft would
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Motion made by Supervisor Fisher, seconded by Town Council arson Small that the
town board authorize the expenditure purcha&g the upgrading operatic system —
Micr4.oft Office 2003 Professional Application from Staples.
Vote- Town Councilperson Stevenson aye, Town Councilperson Owens aye, Town
p Councilperson Hubbell aye, Town Councilperson Small aye, Supervisor Fisher aye.
Motion carried.
Budget Resolutions -
Resolution Number 55 "Town of Enfield 2005 Budget Amendment No. 26
Transfer of Funds to the Unallocated Insurance Appropriation" (Resolution attached)..
Resolution moved by Supervisor Fisher, seconded by Town Councilperson Hubbell.
Vote - Town Councilperson Stevenson aye, Town Councilperson Owens aye, Town
Councilperson Hubbell aye, Town Councilperson Small aye, Supervisor Fisher aye.
Resolution carried.
Resolution Number 56 "Town of Enfield 2005 Budget Amendment No. 27
- General Fund NYS and Local Retirement System Appropriation Increase (Resolution
RESOLUTION MOVED BY Supervisor Fisher, seconded by Town Councilperson;
Resolution Number "Town of Enfield 2005 Budget Amendment No. 24 -
Transfer of Funds to the Unallocated Insurance Appropriation"
WHEREAS, the Town of Enfield purchased one new 2005 Case International JX1.090U
tractor with a six (6) foot Alamo belly mount sickle bar mower, and
WHEREAS, the insurance premium for the tractor and mower, effective 10/11/05, for a
remainder of 2005 is $59.40, and
WHEREAS, the unallocated insurance appropriation is inadequate to pay the increased;;;
RESOLVED that the General Fund appropriation A1920.4 titled "Municipal Dues" is
reduced by $59.40 from $850.00 to $790.60, and the General Fund appropriation A19M,
titled '`Unallocated Insurance" is increased by $59.40 from $22,053.97 to $22,113.37.
Resolution Number "Town of Enfield 2005 Budget Amendment No. 27 —
General Fund NYS and Local Retirement System Appropriation Increase
WHEREAS, the New York State and Local Retirement System invoice for the payment due
in 2006 has been received, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board desires to discount the amount due by making the New York
retirement system payment by December 15, 2005, and
WHEREAS, insufficient funds are appropriated to pay the General Fund portion of the New
York retirement system payment, NOW THEREFORE BE IT
RESOLVED that the General Fund appropriation A8020.4 titled "Planning — Contractual" is
reduced by $1108.55 from $3000.00 to $1891.45, and the General Fund appropriation
A9010.8, titled "State Retirement" is increased by $1108.55 from $7000.00 to $8108.55.
Approved 11/16/05
Resolution Number: "Town of Enfield Budget Amendment No. 28 —
Celebrations Grant — Community Council Grant."
WHEREAS, the Town of Enfield supported and endorsed application of the Community
Council Celebration Grant request for Tompkins County Celebration funds; and
WHEREAS, the grant was approved in the amount of $1300.00; NOW, THEREFORE
RESOLVED, that the appropriation for expenditure account code A7550.4, titled
"Celebrations - Contractual" in the 2005 Town of Enfield General Fund Budget is
increased by $1300.00 from $786.00 to $2086.00 and that the revenue account code
A2770, titled "Celebrations Grant - Community Council," is added to the 2005 General
Fund Budget with an estimated revenue of $1300.00.
S -S T Adopted 11/16/05
Special Town Board Meeting "notes IIA 6/2005 4
Vote - Town Councilperson Stevenson aye, Town Councilperson Owens aye, Town
Councilperson Hubbell aye, Town Councilperson Small aye, Supervisor Fisher aye.
Resolution carried.
Resolution Number 57 "Town of Enfield Budget Amendment No. 28 -
Celebration Grant - Community Council Grant." (Resolution attached.)
Resolution moved by Supervisor Fisher, seconded by Town Councilperson Small.
Vote- Town Councilperson Stevenson aye, Town Councilperson Owens aye, Town
Councilperson Hubbell aye, Town Councilperson Small aye. Resolution carried.
SARA Grant - Highway Records/Indexing of Town Board Meeting Minutes
Supervisor Fisher proposed writing a grant to inventory the Highway Records or for the
Indexing of the town board minutes. Deadline for application 12/2/05.
Motion made by Town Councilperson Hubbell, seconded by Town Councilperson Sma
that the town board authorize the supervisor pursue and submit a SARA Grant
application to inventory the Highway Records or for the Indexing of the Town Board
Meeting Minutes.
Vote- Town Councilperson Stevenson aye, Town Councilperson Owens aye, Town
Councilperson Hubbell aye, Town Councilperson Small aye, Supervisor Fisher aye_
Motion carried.
Supervisor Fisher brought to the board members attention the adjustment in voucher
number 241. After talking with the State Comptroller's Office he reduced this voucher t
$5.89, price of meal purchased.
Motion made by Town Councilperson Stevenson, seconded by Town Councilperson
Owens that the Town Board authorize the supervisor to pay the following claims.
General Fund Vouchers 204-245 in the amount of $22;797.82.
Vote - Town Councilperson Stevenson aye, Town Councilperson Owens aye, Town
Councilperson Hubbell aye, Town Councilperson Small aye. Supervisor Fisher aye.
Motion carried.
Announcements - none
Privilege of the Floor -
Supervisor Fisher asked Town Councilperson Owens if she ever discussed the repayment
of funds issued to R. J. Switzer for the Association of Towns annual conference in 2003
which he didn't attend when she was supervisor in 2003.
Town Councilperson Owens stated she never spoke to him about paying,the funds back,
board never discussed this at a board meeting and personally she didn't see a need to pay
it back, therefore, didn't discuss it.
Special Town Board Meeting Minutes 11/16/2005
Adjournment —¢,
Motion made by Town Councilperson Owens, seconded by Town Councilperson Hubbell
that the 11/16/2005 Special Town Board meeting adjourn.
Discussion —
Vote — Town Councilperson Stevenson aye, Town Councilperson Owens aye, Town
Councilperson Hubbell aye, Town Councilperson Small aye, Supervisor Fisher aye.
Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Alice Laue
Town Clerk