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7:00 P.M.
The regular monthly meeting of the Town of Enfield Town Board was held Wednesday,
June 9th, 2004 at 7:00 p.m. at the Enfield Community Building, 182 Enfield Main Road,
Ithaca, NY with Supervisor Fisher presiding.
Present: Supervisor Gary Fisher, Town Councilperson Greg Stevenson, Town
Councilperson Peggy Hubbell, Town Councilperson Larry Lanning, and Town
Councilperson Sandra Small. Town Clerk Alice Laue was also present.
Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
Supervisor Fisher led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.
Privilege of the Floor
Jack Rumsey - Harvey Hill Road
Feels he is being harassed and expressed his displeasure about a complaint filed with the
Code Officers about his property.
David Jacobsen - Shudaben Road
Expressed his concerns about the additional accumulation of steel items and the safety
hazards of items on property at 19 Shudaben Road.
He thanked the Board for their support.
Chris Barner – Shudaben road
Asked about the progress of work to be done on Shudaben Road.
Town of Ithaca Transportation Committee invitation to attend a transportation meeting.
Department of Tompkins County Planning letter concerning closing out of two HUD
Grants (1993 and 1994 grants) that weren’t closed out. Letter requesting supervisor sign
documents indicating that to the best of the supervisor’s knowledge that the data
presented is correct.
Correspondence from Life Long (Tompkins County Office of the Aging) complaining
about the obnoxious odors prevailing at the community building and their offensiveness
to people using the community building.
TCAT correspondence that they have a special fare for multi-zoned travel on Saturdays
and Sundays beginning June 5th, 2004 until the end of the year.
State of New York Real Property Services
2004 State Equalization rate booklet available and can be accessed on the Internet.
NYMIR 2003 Financial Report
Equity in Operating Reserve fund $2232.00. Subscribers Surplus Capital contribution
Letter from Ray Bennett - Grey Road
Letter and pictures complaining about water that pools along the state highway.
Code Enforcement written reports: Supervisor Fisher asked if the Board members would
like the report read or if a copy distributed to each Board member would suffice. Board
members decided they would like a copy of this report and future reports circulated via
Town mailboxes.
Highway Department – Superintendent Miller
Finished our town spring clean up, we had sixteen trash dumpsters and two metal
dumpsters taken out. Sent a truck to help the county for three days. We cut some trees
on Shudaben Road, dug some ditch and hauled some stone. Have started grading roads
and putting on dust oil.
Personnel Committee
Councilperson Small reported that she had nothing to report.
Economic Clearing
Councilperson Lanning is verifying list of businesses.
Old Business
Employee Handbook
Prior to this Town Board meeting, Councilperson Small had presented to the Personnel
Committee and Town Board members another revised copy of the Enfield Employee
Handbook for consideration and approval along with a proposed resolution for adoption.
She informed the Board that she had received a couple more requested changes from
committee members and circulated three new pages for substitution of the old pages.
Page no. 400-9 entitled Code of Ethics was substituted increasing the value of not
accepting a gift from twenty-five dollars ($25.00 or more) to seventy-five dollars ($75.00
or more). The other two pages for substitution were pages 6 and 13 to include in
Appendix A entitled: Town of Enfield Policies and Procedures Manual, under Policy
400.2 - Prepayment of Certain Bills which was amended at the January 14, 2004 Town
Board meeting to include in the list of bills, the “prepayment of contracts exceeding one
year in advance of audit of claim”. The following resolution was then introduced:
RESOLUTION #37 - Approval and Adoption of the Town of Enfield Employee
Handbook - Resolution made by Councilperson Stevenson, seconded by Councilperson
WHEREAS, in 2002 the Town of Enfield contracted with AMTEK Management
Services Corp. of Syracuse, New York for the development of an Employee Handbook
for the benefit of the employees and elected officials of the Town; and
WHEREAS, the Personnel Committee has devoted a considerable amount of time to
editing and revising the Employee Handbook; and
WHEREAS, the Personnel Committee recommends that the Town Board approve and
adopt the final version of the Employee Handbook for all the employees and elected
officials of the Town;
RESOLVED, that the Town Board of the Town of Enfield does hereby approve and
adopt the Town of Enfield’s Employee Handbook for all the employees and elected
officials of the Town.
Discussion: The Board was in agreement with the substitution of the three pages
mentioned above. Supervisor Fisher asked for an additional change to Exhibit B entitled:
Affidavit of Intent to Participate in Health Insurance Buy-Out Program. He requested
that the phrase “for the month” be eliminated from the box portion on the form. Board
members were all in agreement to this change as well.
Vote: Supervisor Gary Fisher aye, Councilperson Hubbell aye, Councilperson Lanning
aye; Councilperson Small aye, Councilperson Stevenson aye. Resolution carried.
Further Discussion: Since Amtek Management Services Corp. agreed to provide the
Town with copies, the Board advised Councilperson Small to ask for 35 copies for
distribution among present and future employees and elected officials of the Town.
Councilperson Small said she will so notify Amtek. Councilperson Small also asked the
Board to think about how they wanted future updates to the Handbook made. Does the
Board want to obtain a disk and make changes ourselves or continue working with Amtek
for future changes at a cost to the Town?
IRS Tax Liability – Forms 941, W-2, and W-3 Discrepancy
Cleared up liability on forms 941-W-2 and W-3 forms.
We have another complicated liability on Raymond Poole’s 2001, 2002 and 2003 W-2”s.
No withholding was done either from the employer’s/employee’s share. Supervisor to
discuss with IRS how to handle this.
Policy 200.3 – Money in Lieu of Health Insurance
Because the adoption of this policy as unchanged was inadvertently omitted from the
February 11, 2004 regular Town Board meeting, Supervisor Fisher asked that the
correction be noted in these minutes.
School House Reunion Grant
Contract signed. Town endorsed the grant, we sign the contract, sign the vouchers to the
County, the County give us the money, and we have to account for and send the County a
closeout certifying that the money has been spent with copies of all the documentation as
to how the money was spent.
Town Clean Up
Superior hauled 57.87 tons out at a cost of $6,118.38. Weitzman’s hauled another 32,860
pounds of scrap metal out at no charge and the Highway Department took another
truckload of metal to the scrap yard in Lodi. A special thanks of appreciation went out to
William Eisenahrdt, Dave Miller and Jack Hubbell for their time and assistance in
making this year’s Spring Clean Up a success.
Supervisor Fisher asked Councilperson Stevenson to write up a follow up action report
on what we did and what we need to do in the future for Spring Clean Up.
Tire Recycle
Three Enfield residents participated in the Town of Ulysses’ Tire Collection day bringing
in a total of 37 tires. Nine Enfield residents participated in the Town of Newfield Tire
Collection Day bringing in a total of 77 tires. Tompkins County Soil and Water
Conservation District could possibly do a Tire Collection Day in the Fall if Enfield is
interested. If not, they will contact us next Spring to check on our willingness.
County Comprehensive Plan on website.
Supervisor is looking at different accounting software programs.
Standard Work Day/Hours Worked Elected/Appointed Officials
After discussing how the number of hours can vary in a month it was the consensus to
keep track of hours worked on town business for both the month of May and June and
average the number of hours worked to find hours worked in a day.
Garage on Highway Right of Way
Supervisor to talk to Attorney for the Town.
Voting Machines
To date no voting machine is being made that meets New York State requirements. Cost
Floor in Community Building Bathroom
No update.
Community Building Clean Up
On Saturday morning, May 15th, users of the Community Building took advantage of the
Town’s Spring Clean-Up week by getting together to discard items that were no longer
being used.
Town/Highway Facilities Development
Because Councilperson Stevenson’s past involvement with respect to this issue,
Supervisor Fisher asked Councilperson Stevenson to compose a written report on the
previous developments and progress made toward the discussions of a new highway,
town and community building facilities.
New Business
RESOLUTION #38 - “Town of Enfield 2004 Budget Amendment No.17” - Recreational
Partnership - Resolution made by Supervisor Fisher, seconded by Councilperson Hubbell.
WHEREAS the Enfield Town Board voted to participate in the Recreation Partnership
and to contribute $5650.00 as the Town’s share of the cost for the calendar year 2004;
WHEREAS only $2612.00 was appropriated for the cost of the Recreation Partnership in
the Town of Enfield 2004 Budget Expenditure Account Code 7320.4, now therefore be it
RESOLVED that the appropriation for Expenditure Account Code 1990.4 titled
“Contingency” is reduced by $3038.00 and the appropriation in Expenditure Account
Code 7320.4, titled “Youth Program – Recreation Partnership” is increased by $3038.00
to $5650.00.
Discussion: Discussed County funding Recreational Partnership Program for the year
2004 only and the towns that participate in the Recreational Partnership Program paying
what the county doesn’t pay.
Vote: Supervisor Fisher aye, Councilperson Hubbell aye, Councilperson Lanning aye,
Councilperson Small aye, Councilperson Stevenson aye. Resolution carried.
RESOLUTION #39 - “Town of Enfield 2004 Budget Amendment No. 18” – School
House Reunion - Resolution made by Supervisor Fisher, seconded by Councilperson
WHEREAS, the Town of Enfield supported and endorsed application of the One and
Two Room School House Reunion Grant request for Tompkins County Celebration
funds; and
WHEREAS, the grant was approved in the amount of $275.00, and
WHEREAS, there is no appropriation code for celebrations in the Town of Enfield 2004
General Fund Budget
RESOLVED, that Celebrations expenditure account code A7550.4, titled “School House
Reunion” be added to the 2004 Town of Enfield General Fund Budget with an
appropriation of $275.00 and revenue account code titled A2770 “Celebrations Grant” be
added with an estimated revenue of $275.00.
Discussion: None
Vote: Supervisor Fisher aye, Councilperson Hubbell aye, Councilperson Lanning aye,
Councilperson Small aye, Councilperson Stevenson aye. Resolution carried.
RESOLUTION # 40 - “Town of Enfield 2004 Budget Amendment No. 19” - Resolution
made by Supervisor Fisher, seconded by Councilperson Hubbell.
WHEREAS, the Town Clerk contractual purchases from Williamson Law Book
Company during June 2003 in the amount of $687.34 were deferred and not paid in 2003,
WHEREAS insufficient money was appropriated in the Town of Enfield 2004 Budget
expenditure account code A1410.4, titled “Town Clerk – Contractual”, and pay the 2003
contractual expense of $687.34 in addition to budgeted 2004 contractual expense, NOW
RESOLVED that the appropriation in expenditure account code A1410.2, titled “Town
Clerk – Equipment”, is decreased by $837.06 leaving an appropriated balance of
$1362.94 and that expenditure account code A1410.4, titled “Town Clerk – Contractual”
is increased by $837.06 from $1500.00 to $2337.06 and FURTHER BE IT
RESOLVED that expenditure account code A1110.4, titled “Justices – Contractual”, is
decreased by $350.00 from $2000.00 to $1650.00 and that expenditure account code
A1420.4, titled “Attorney”, is decreased by $300.00 from $3875.00 to $3615.00 and that
expenditure account code A1410.4, titled “Town Clerk – Contractual”, is increased by
the sum of the $350.00 and the $300.00 from $2337.06 to $2987.60.
Discussion: Councilperson Small asked if this would pose a problem in the future to
either the Town Justices account or the Attorney account. Supervisor Fisher confirmed
that he had spoken with Justice Poole and that he did not see it as being a problem to
either account.
Vote: Supervisor Fisher aye, Councilperson Hubbell aye, Councilperson Lanning aye,
Councilperson Small aye, Councilperson Stevenson aye. Resolution carried.
Supervisor Fisher asked for the Board to approve the appointment of Virginia Bryant to
the Town of Enfield’s Planning Board with the term of office expiring 2010.
Motion made by Councilperson Lanning, seconded by Councilperson Hubbell that the
Town Board approve the appointment of Virginia Bryant to the Town of Enfield’s
Planning Board, term of office expiring 2010.
Discussion: None
Vote: Supervisor Fisher aye, Councilperson Hubbell aye, Councilperson Lanning aye,
Councilperson Small aye, Councilperson Stevenson aye. Motion carried.
Monthly Bills
Supervisor Fisher presented the monthly bills for payment. Motion made by
Councilperson Stevenson, seconded by Councilperson Small that the Town Board of the
Town of Enfield authorizes the Supervisor to pay General Fund vouchers #112-128,
dated 6/9/04, in the amount of $16,330.45; Highway Fund vouchers #63-70, dated 6/9/04,
in the amount of $6,788.66 and CDGF vouchers 13 – 14, dated 6/9/04, in the amount of
Discussion: None
Vote: Supervisor Fisher aye, Councilperson Hubbell aye, Councilperson Lanning aye,
Councilperson Small aye, Councilperson Stevenson aye, Motion carried.
At the Planning Board meeting June 1, 2004, Supervisor Fisher directed the Planning
Board to look at the tower project on Aiken Road and Leigh Marshall’s Site
Development Plan on S. Applegate Road. Planning Board will be meeting the first
Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at the Community Building.
Privilege of the Floor
No one wished to speak.
Other Business
Approval of Regular monthly Town Board Meeting minutes for the months of March
10th, 2004, April 14th, 2004 and May 12th, 2004.
Motion made by Councilperson Stevenson, seconded by Councilperson Small that the
Town Board approve the adoption of the regular monthly Town Board Meeting minutes
for the months of March 10th, 2004, April 14th, 2004 and May 12th, 2004.
Discussion: None
Vote: Supervisor Fisher aye, Councilperson Hubbell aye, Councilperson Lanning aye,
Councilperson Small aye, Councilperson Stevenson aye. Motion carried.
Motion made by Councilperson Stevenson, seconded by Councilperson Lanning that the
regular monthly meeting of the Town of Enfield Town Board adjourn.
Discussion: None
Vote: Supervisor Fisher aye, Councilperson Hubbell aye, Councilperson Lanning aye,
Councilperson Small aye, Councilperson Stevenson aye. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Alice Laue
Town Clerk