HomeMy WebLinkAbout6-13-2001 Enfield Town Board.pdf DRAFT TOWN OF ENFIELD REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY. JUNE 13th, 2001 6:30 P.M. The regular monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Enfield met Wednesday, June 13th, 2001 at the Enfield Community Building, 182 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, NY. The meeting was held at 6:30 p.m. with Supervisor Owens presiding. Present were Jean Owens, Supervisor, Town Councilman Greg Stevenson, Town Councilman Mark Roach. Town Councilman Joe Schehr arrived at 7:00 p.m. Others present were Highway Superintendent Ron Updike and Alice Laue Town Clerk. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag – Supervisor Owens led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Privilege of the Floor – No one wished to speak. Approval of the 5/9/01 regular Town Board Meeting Minutes – Correction – Page 3 – Executive Session, first paragraph correct to read Contract Discussion and Personnel Issue. Motion made by Councilman Stevenson, seconded by Councilman Roach that the Town Board of the Town of Enfield approve the adoption of the 5/9/01 regular Town Board Meeting Minutes as corrected. Discussion- Vote - Supervisor Owens yes, Town Councilmen Stevenson, Roach, Schehr yes. Reports/Committees Highway – Superintendent Updike Past month dust oiling. Put in three driveway pipes. Hauled 400 ton of #1 stone and 650 to of 1A stone from Seneca Stone. Continued ditching on S. Buck Hill Road. Regular Monthly Town Board Meeting Minutes 6/13/01 2 Highway Superintendent Updike asked for authorization to purchase the following: 1. Spreader Box for truck #16. Called Seneca Supply and Finger Lakes Supply regarding a Henderson or Ai r Flow box. Finger Lakes Supply didn’t respond. Seneca Supply brought the superintendent a quote on an Air Flow 2001. Spreader, twelve inch side extensions and dump box mount comes to approximately $5400.00. Money to come from Equipment Reserve 5130.2. 2. Desperately need two wings. Bill’s Machine Shop looked at the two wings that need repairs or replacing and estimated it would cost between $1300.00 - $1500.00 per wing to fix them. Superintendent received estimates from Tracey Road Equipment. Frank Wing - $1960.00. Everest Wing $1893.00. Superintendent would like permission to purchase two wings from Tracey Road Equipment. Discussed preference, Superintendent preferred Frank Wing because of familiarity of Frank equipment and the Frank Wing appears the stronger of the two wings. Last wing was bought fourteen years ago Motion made by Councilman Stevenson, seconded by Councilman Schehr that the Town Board of the Town of Enfield authorize the Highway Superintendent to purchase a spreader box costing up to $5400.00 and two plow wings of the manufacturer of his choice up to $1960.00 each for a total of $9300.00. Funds to come from Equipment Reserve 5130.2 Discussion – Vote – Supervisor Owens yes, Town Councilmen Stevenson, Schehr, Roach yes. Planning Board – Rick Chase Preliminary draft of Comprehensive Plan sent back to typist for formatting. Hopefully available before next board meeting. Grant request sent to the county. Councilman Stevenson asked for a Mobile Park Licensing application update. Planning Board has received two applications, one complete and one incomplete. Letter drafted to incomplete applicant, but not sent to date, requesting a completed application. No licensing done to date, busy with Comprehensive Plan. Tompkins County Board Representative Peter Pennimen Representative Pennimen discussed redistricting issue at length. Cemeteries – Supervisor Owens Cemetery caretakers and Clark Marshall to walk the cemeteries and make a list of what work needs to be done in each cemetery. Clark Marshall to give an estimate of what work he can get done this year. Need to finish project started in Christian Cemetery first. Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes 6/13/01 3 2001 Budget Transfer Supervisor Owens asked for the following budget transfer. From Contingency 1990.4 to – A1110.4 Justice Contractual $ 360.00 A8020.4 Planning Board Contractual $3000.00 A1420.4 Attorney Contractual $1000.00 Motion made by Councilman Stevenson, seconded by Councilman Roach that the Town Board of the Town of Enfield approve the following budget transfers. From Contingency 1990.4 to - A1110.4 Justice Contractual $ 360.00 A8020.4 Planning Board Contractual $3000.00 A1420.4 Attorney Contractual $1000.00 Discussed cost of attorney’s fee and if this transfer would be enough to cover future fees. Vote – Supervisor Owens yes, Town Councilmen Stevenson, Roach, Schehr yes. Monthly Bills Supervisor Owens presented monthly bills for payment and asked that the bill from Adam Marks for clerk’s training be added. It would be in the amount of $318.00. line A1410.4, Voucher #142. Motion made by Councilman Stevenson, seconded by Councilman Roach that the Town Board of the Town of Enfield authorize the supervisor to pay General Fund vouchers #118 – 142, dated 6/13/01, in the amount of $9258.37. Highway Fund vouchers #60 – 68, dated 6/13/01, in the amount of $22,394.16. Discussion – Vote – Supervisor Owens yes, Town Councilmen Stevenson, Schehr, Roach yes. Recreational Partnership – Jane Murphy Recreation Partnership Board would like town boards to officially appoint a representative to the Recreation Partnership Board. Recreation Partnership Board submitted by-laws for approval. Rate increase for next year is a possible 3 percent – approximately $150.00 Motion made by Councilman Roach, seconded by Councilman Stevenson that the Town Board of the Town of Enfield approve the appointment of Jane Murphy as the Town Of Enfield representative to the Recreation Partnership Board for a two-year term. Discussed the need to appoint an alternate representative. Vote – Supervisor Owens yes, Town Councilmen Stevenson, Roach, Schehr yes. Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes 6/13/01 4 Tompkins County Environmental Management Council – Supervisor asked for the appointment of Darrel Clark to the Tompkins County Environmental Management Council. Motion made by Town Councilman Stevenson, seconded by Councilman Roach that the Town Board of the Town of Enfield approve the appointment of Darrel R. Clark as the Town of Enfield representative to the Tompkins County Environmental Management Council for a two-year term. Discussion – Vote - Supervisor Owens yes. Councilmen Stevenson, Roach, Schehr yes. Code Enforcement Job Description Councilman Stevenson presented the Town of Enfield Code Enforcement Officer Job Description. Motion made by Councilman Roach, seconded by Councilman Schehr that the Town Board of the Town of Enfield approve the adoption of the Town of Enfield Code Enforcement Officer Job Description. Discussion Vote - Supervisor yes. Councilmen Stevenson, Schehr, Roach yes. Drug and Alcohol Testing Agreement Supervisor presented the county Drug and Alcohol Testing Agreement for the year 2001. Changes in agreement are: Notification of change of status is up to the municipality to notify Gregory and Howe. Direct billing each time someone goes for testing. Councilman Stevenson voiced his objection to the use of social security numbers as identifiers for people being tested. He feels that the regular use of social security numbers by anyone else than social security administration should be criminal. Motion made by Councilman Stevenson, seconded by Councilman Roach that the Town Board of the Town of Enfield authorize the supervisor to sign the county Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Agreement for the year 1/1/01 –12/31/01. Discussion Vote Supervisor Owens yes, Councilmen Stevenson, Schehr, Roach yes. Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes 6/13/01 5 Legal Opinions Shudaben Road Supervisor Owens read Town Attorney Bruce Wilson’s legal opinion regarding Shudaben Road. Suggestion was that the Town Board authorize Attorney Wilson secure the approval by written documentation in a petition of the adjacent property owners to allow discontinuance and then the highway superintendent could file claim with the town clerk by his own order accordingly. Discussed the town needing written approval from all parties. Need written authorization from Mr. and Mrs. Burke that they are satisfied with the right-of-way as it now is and know that there will be no town maintenance of this right-of-way. Motion made by Councilman Stevenson, seconded by Councilman Roach that the Town Board of the Town of Enfield authorize Town Attorney Bruce Wilson obtain a petition of written consent from the adjacent property owners of Mr. and Mrs. Burke and a written agreement from Mr. and Mrs. Burke that they are satisfied with the right-of-way as is and they know and are in agreement that there will be no town maintenance of this right-of- way. Discussion Vote – Supervisor Owens yes, Councilmen Stevenson, Schehr, Roach yes. Commemorative Supervisor Owens read Attorney Wilson’s legal opinion regarding Commemorative Committee funds. Motion made by Councilman Schehr, seconded by Councilman Roach that the Town Board of the Town of Enfield approve the adoption of Town Attorney Wilson’s letter of 2/22/01 concerning the Commemorative Committee funding and that Attorney Wilson’s letter be attached to these minutes so there would be an audit trail. Discussion – Councilman Schehr brought up Jack Hubbell’s request that the resolution he previously presented be adopted. Vote- Supervisor Owens yes. Councilmen Roach and Schehr yes. Councilman Stevenson abstained. State Aid and County Youth Service Funds Contract Supervisor presented State Aid and County Youth Services Funds Contract for calendar year 2001. Motion made by Councilman Roach and seconded by Councilman Stevenson that the Town Board of the Town of Enfield authorize the supervisor to sign the State Aid and County Youth Service Funds Contract for the year 2001. Discussion Vote – Supervisor Owens yes, Councilman Stevenson and Roach yes. Councilman Schehr abstained. Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes 6/13/01 6 Grant Applications Supervisor reported she had applied for a grant for Enfield Center. Grant of the courts to purchase thirty chairs and a copier and a grant to help with the electricity costs of the Community Building. Executive Session Motion made by Councilman Stevenson, seconded by Councilman Roach that the Town Board of the Town of Enfield move into Executive Session to discuss a personnel issue. Motion made by Councilman Stevenson, seconded by Councilman Roach that the Town Board of the Town of Enfield move out of Executive Session. Discussion Vote - Supervisor Owens yes, Councilmen Stevenson, Roach, Schehr yes. Motion made by Councilman Stevenson, seconded by Councilman Schehr that Highway Superintendent Updike’s 2001 salary for the final seven months of 2001 be increased six percent over the 2000 monthly salary. Discussion Vote- Supervisor yes, Councilmen Stevenson, Schehr, Roach yes. Adjournment Motion made by Councilman Stevenson, seconded byCouncilman Roach that the regular Town Board meeting of the Town of Enfield adjourn. Discussion Vote- Supervisor Owens yes, Councilmen Stevenson, Schehr, Roach yes. Meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Alice Laue, Town clerk