HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-12-2001 Enfield Town Board.pdf TOWN OF ENFIELD TOWN BOARD MEETING WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12,2001 6:30 P.M. PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES A Public Hearing on the Town of Enfield Comprehensive Plan was held Wednesday, December 12, 2001 at the Enfield Community Building, 182 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, New York Supervisor Owens opened the public hearing to all wishing to speak at 6:30 p.m. Present: Supervisor Jean Owens; Town Councilman Greg Stevenson,; Town Councilman Mark Roach. Town Councilman Joe Schehr was absent. Others present were Highway Superintendent Ron Updike and Town Clerk Alice Laue. As no one spoke Supervisor Owens closed the public hearing at 6:35 p.m. REGULARMINUTES WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2001 6:30 P.M. The regular monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Enfield was held Wednesday, December 12, 2001 at the Enfield Community Building, 182 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, New York. The meeting was held at 6:35 p.m. following the public hearing. Present: Those attending the public hearing were present at the regular town board meeting. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag – Supervisor Owens led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes 12/12/2001 2 Privilege of the Floor – Bill Mather, Iradell Road, asked about the legality of the executive session held at the last town board meeting. Personel not a legal excuse for a executive session. Jim Dew - Highway Department Employee of the Town of Enfield Jim Dew expressed his concerns about the cutting of a position in the Highway Department. Better Housing – Stacey Crawford Ms. Crawford spoke about the HUD Grant #3 – Mobile Home Replacement Grant was for $400,000 – 13 original submissions – 38% dropped out. Better Housing is sending out a survey to see if there is enough interest in a housing rehabilitation grant. Recognition for Ron Updike Supervisor Owens commended retiring Highway Superintendent Updike on his ten years of service to the Town of Enfield as highway superintendent. She spoke about his dedication to the town, his working relationship with the highway workers and town residents and praised him on a job well done. Highway Superintendent Updike stated he planned on staying with Dave as needed through the winter. He has no plans other than helping him out. He wants to say thank you to the town residents, to the boards he has worked with, he has worked with ten years of boards which equals to approximately five different boards, we have had our ups and our downs. I think the one thing that as much as we agree and that as much as we disagree, that all people in these positions must remember we are here to serve the people. We might not agree, but we have to work together to make the system work. Work as a unit not as individuals. I have tried to do that with the highway department. I think I have an excellent bunch of men. They are very dependable and I think the town ought to be proud of them because they come to work in the winter time especially a lot of the time sick just to do their duties for the town residents. If we get out there and do a good job it makes me look good and the town look good. I think a lot of the thanks that people give to me ought to go to my men. I have enjoyed the ten years. I think that this job, like I said has its ups and downs but it has been the most favorite job I have ever had and I am really pleased to have been able to serve Enfield. Thank you. The meeting recessed for a twenty minute reception in Highway Superintendent Updike’s honor. Town Councilwoman Gumaer arrived at 7:10 p.m. Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes 12/12/01 3 Approval of the 11/14/01 Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes Correct spelling of word plague to plaque. Motion made by Councilman Roach, seconded by Councilman Stevenson that the Town Board of the Town of Enfield approve the adoption of the 11/14/01 regular Town Board Meeting minutes as corrected. Discussion Vote - Supervisor Owens aye. Town Councilmen Stevenson and Roach aye. Town Councilwoman Gumaer aye. Special Town Board Meeting Minutes 11/19/01 Motion made by Councilman Roach, seconded by Councilman Stevenson that the Town Board of the Town of Enfield approve the adoption of the 11/19/01 Special Town Board Meeting minutes. Discussion Vote – Supervisor Owens aye. Town Councilmen Roach and Stevenson aye. Town Councilwoman Gumaer aye. Reports/Committees Tompkins County Board of Representatives – Peter Pennimen Representative Pennimen spoke about new county appointments. County Attorney Jonathan Wood, Greg Potter new Director of Information and Technology. Planning Commissioner Ed Mark. Highway Department – Superintendent Updike Talked with Jay Artensinger foreman on the Trumbulls Corners Road bridges job, with an inquiry of when he thought the road might be reopened. Possibly seconded week of January 2002, weather permitting. Past month hauled gravel to put in winter stockpile. Spreader motor broke, took it to Bill’s Machine Shop and had it repaired and we put it back on the spreader. Spread a little stabilized gravel on Rothermich Road. Put all spreader boxes in the trucks. Chained all the trucks. Changed yield sign to stop sign at the intersection of Rockwell and Porter Hill. Took grader to Porter Hill Road and filled in some of the erosion we had along edge of blacktop. Graded some roads, cold patched some. Put a driveway pipe in on Aiken Road. Did some cindering this past weekend. Superintendent Updike reflected on budget adjustments to the 2002 Highway Fund budget. Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes 12/12/01 4 Planning Board – Rick Chase Having informational meetings with cellular tower companies. Asking Town Attorney for clarification of Site Plan Review Law, also asking the Town Board for a moratorium on communication towers with the aspect of what is happening with the county’s situation with their communication countywide network and towers. Working on Noise Ordnance. SEQR- Comprehensive Plan Negative Declaration Chairperson Chase asked the Town Board for the adoption of the SEQR Comprehensive Plan – Negative Declaration. Motion made by Councilman Stevenson, seconded by Councilman Roach that the Town Board of the Town of Enfield concurs with the State Environmental Quality Review Assessment that the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan will not have a significant impact on the environment. Discussion Vote – Motion made by Councilman Roach seconded by Councilwoman Gumaer that the Town Board of the Town of Enfield approve the adoption of the SEQR Comprehensive Plan – that will make a negative declaration. Discussion – Need to know SEQR process. Vote – Supervisor Owens aye. Town Councilmen Roach, Stevenson aye. Town Councilwoman Gumaer aye. Enfield Fire Company – Fire Chief Stevenson Held training at 53 Enfield Main Road. Burned the old barn. Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes 12/12/01 5 Budget Amendments Supervisor Owens asked for the following budget amendments to the 2001 final budget. From Contingency A1990.4 to: A11110.1 Justice contractual $ 36.00 A1220.41 Supervisors contractual 245.70 A1220.42 Bookkeeper contractual 32.65 A1410.4 Town Clerk contractual 617.72 A1450.4 Elections contractual 337.45 A1620.4 Buildings contractual 4,000.00 A1670.4 Supplies contractual 171.34 A8020.4 Planning contractual 389.04 A9060.81 Health insurance 946.76 Total Transferred From Contingency $6,776.66 From DA9010.8 Employee Benefits retirement To DA9020.8 Employee Benefits – Medicare $100.00 From DA9040.8 Employee Benefit Workers Compensation To DA9030.8 Employee Benefits Social Security $700.00 From DA9040.8 Employee Benefits Workers Compensation To DA9060.81 Employee Benefits Health Insurance $1,000.00 From DA5130.4 Machinery Contractual To DA9060.81 Employee Benefits Health Insurance $1,700.-00 From DA5130.4 Machinery Contractual To DA9089.8 Payt. In lieu of Health Insurance $220. Motion made by Councilman Stevenson, seconded by Councilman Gumaer that the Town Board of the Town of Enfield approve the following list of budget amendments . From Contingency A1990.4 to: A11110.1 Justice contractual $ 36.00 A1220.41 Supervisors contractual 245.70 A1220.42 Bookkeeper contractual 32.65 A1410.4 Town Clerk contractual 617.72 A1450.4 Elections contractual 337.45 A1620.4 Buildings contractual 4,000.00 A1670.4 Supplies contractual 171.34 A8020.4 Planning contractual 389.04 A9060.81 Health insurance 946.76 Total Transferred From Contingency $6,776.66 Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes 12/12/01 6 From DA9010.8 Employee Benefits retirement To DA9020.8 Employee Benefits – Medicare $100.00 From DA9040.8 Employee Benefit Workers Compensation To DA9030.8 Employee Benefits Social Seccurity $700.00 From DA9040.8 Employee Benefits Workers Compensation To DA9060.81 Employee Benefits Health Insurance $1,000.00 From DA5130.4 Machinery Contractual To DA9060.81 Employee Benefits Health Insurance $1,700.-00 From DA5130.4 Machinery Contractual To DA9089.8 Payt. In lieu of Health Insurance $220.00 Discussion Vote- Supervisor Owens aye. Town Councilmen Roach and Stevenson aye. Town Councilwoman Gumawer aye. Budget Transfer Motion made by Councilman Stevenson, seconded by Councilman Roach that the Town Board of the Town of Enfield approve the following budget transfer to rectify the drug testing error. Transfer $120.00 from Highway Fund to General Fund for drug testing. Discussion Vote- Supervisor Owens aye. Town Councilmen Stevenson and Roach aye. Town Councilwoman Gumaer aye. Bills Supervisor presented monthly bills for payment. Motion made by Councilman Stevenson, seconded by Councilman Roach that the Town Board of the Town of Enfield authorize the supervisor to pay General Fund vouchers #266 – 288, dated 12/12/01, in the amount of $6,851.79. Highway Fund vouchers #155- 168, dated 12/12/01, in the amout of $7,744.38. Small Cities Grant #3, voucher #9 in the amount of $13,253.88. Discussion Vote – Supervisor Owens aye. Town Councilmen Roach and Stevenson aye. Town Councilwoman Gumaer aye. Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes 12/12/01 7 New Business/Unfinished Business Association of Towns Annual Meeting. Discussed travel arrangements to Association of Towns Annual Meeting. Amtrack round trip $99.00 a person. Association of Town Registration due by January 25, 2002 at $100.00 per person. Planning Board Chairperson Chase submitted Robert Lisk’s resume and the Planning Board’s recommendation for Mr. Lisk’s appointment to the Planning Board. Code Enforcement Some applications back, board needs to decide what to do next. Special Town Board Meeting Supervisor would like a meeting before January 2002 meeting for Organization Resolution. Motion made by Councilman Stevenson, seconded by Councilman Gumaer that that Town Board of the Town of Enfield hold a Special Town Board meeting, December 26, 2001 at 10:00 a.m for the purpose of discussing the Organizational Resolution for 2002, finalizing Association of Towns Annual Meeting and Code Enforcement applicant business. Discussion Vote - Supervisor Owens aye. Town Councilmen Stevenson and Roach aye. Town Councilwoman Gumaer aye. Comprehensive Plan Motion made by Councilman Stevenson, seconded by Councilman Gumaer that the Town Board of the Town of Enfield approve the adoption of the Town of Enfield Comprehensive Plan as proposed. Discussion ’Vote – Supervisor Owens aye. Town Councilmen Stevenson and Roach aye. Town Councilwoman Gumaer aye. Capital Improvement Fund Supervisor requested that $10,000.00 of the unexpended General Funds be transferred into Capitol Improvements. Motion made by Councilman Stevenson, seconded by Councilman Gumaer that the Town Board of the Town of Enfield approve and authorize the supervisor to transfer $10,000.00 from unexpended 2001 General Funds to the Capitol Improvement Fund. Discussion’Vote – Supervisor Owens aye. Town Councilmen Stevenson and Roach aye. Town Councilwoman Gumaer aye. Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes 12/12/01 8 Adjournment – Motion made by Councilman Stevenson, seconded by Councilman Roach that the regular monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Enfield held 12/12/01 be adjourned. Discussion Vote – Supervisor Owens aye. Town Councilmen Roach and Stevenson aye. Town Councilwoman Gumaer aye. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Alice Laue Town Clerk .