HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 Nov 8 regular TBMTOWN OF ENFIELD REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8TH, 2000 6:30 PM The regular monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Enfield was held Wednesday, November 8th, 2000 at the Enfield Community Building, 182 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, NY at 6:30 pm. Deputy Supervisor Stevenson presiding. Present: Deputy Superintendent/ Town Councilman Greg Stevenson; Town Councilman, Mark Roach; Town Councilman, Richard Holley; Town Councilman, Joe Schehr. Supervisor, Jean Owens was absent. Others present were Highway Superintendent, Ron Updike and Town Clerk Alice Laue. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag – Deputy Supervisor Stevenson led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Privilege of the Floor – Peggy Hubbell asked about the status of the HUD trailer replacement grant. (Grant III). Deputy Supervisor to ask Supervisor for a status report to be given at next meeting. Approval of the 10/11/00 regular Town Board Meeting Minutes – Motion made by Councilman Holley, seconded by Councilman Schehr that the Town Board of the Town of Enfield approve for adoption the 10/11/00 minutes of the regular Town Board meeting. Discussion – Vote – Deputy Supervisor Stevenson, yes. Town Councilmen Holley, Schehr, Roach yes. Supervisor Owens was absent. Reports/Committees Planning Board – Rick Chase At the last public vision meeting we had a great number of those present not present at first two meetings. Next meeting 11/15/00 7-9 p.m. We are at a stage where we have gotten together items the community want to preserve and things they would like to see in the future. Planning Federation – Rick Chase Attended a SEQR workshop training session. Haefele TV Contract – Councilman Holley Mr. Haefele supposedly working on contract. Suggested Supervisor Owens contact town attorney and have town attorney inquiry about contract holdup. Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes 11/8/00 2 Code Enforcement – Councilman Stevenson Code Enforcement Officers have been made aware of the board’s desire that a representative of Code Enforcement periodically attend board meetings. Highway Department – Superintendent Updike Stoned driveway on Shudaben Road that Town Board o’ked, at a cost of $769.54 for ten loads of stone. Graded one road – did pothole patching. Plows and spreaders ready. Enfield Volunteer Fire Company – Fire Chief Stevenson Fire Chief presented and reviewed quarterly report. Next quarterly report due 2/2001. Physicals due again for ages 30 and above. Fleet modification underway. One of two 1990 pumpers has been sold. Replacement pumper on order and expected in March of 2001. Soon will advertise the heavy rescue truck for sale, but won’t be able to be removed from service until new pumper and special operations truck and trailer (pick-up truck and enclosed trailer combination) are in service. Change over expected in March 2001. Emergency Medical Service – Every other month every Emergency Medical Provider Agency in the county meet at Cayuga Medical Center with hospital staff in a CQI ( Continued Quality Improvement) meeting. Basically we look at our operations and see where we can do some things better. This is also an avenue for getting new protocol and information from the State Health Department to the regional providers and at the last meeting we found out that because of a federal directive based on Medicare and Medicare fraud by agencies that charge people for medical supplies these agencies will now be mostly prohibited from billing Medicaid and Medicare for some of these supplies. Rescue squad may have to pay for supplies beginning in 2001. Monthly Bills/ Supervisor’s Report Deputy Supervisor Stevenson presented monthly bills for payment Again, the electric bill for the community building was questioned. Motion made by Councilman Holley, seconded by Councilman Roach that the Town Board of the Town of Enfield authorize the supervisor to pay General Fund vouchers #199 – 214, dated 11/8/00, in the amount of $5809.95. Highway Fund vouchers #136- 148, dated 11/8/00, in the amount $20,474.02. Discussion – Vote – Deputy Supervisor Stevenson, yes. Town Councilmen Holley, Schehr, Roach yes. Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes 11/8/00 3 New Business – Contract for use of Community Building Discussed need of contracts with organizations using community building and need of a logbook, which should consist of the following information. Organization using building, number of people in organization using building and what building used for. Date of use, amount of hours used, use of kitchen, use of phone. Recording of local and long distance calls (who and where). Old Business – Historical Society Discussed M. Clyde Hubbell’s letter addressed to Supervisor Owens, expressing his concerns about Attorney Wilson’s letter. Attorney Wilson’s letter was in answer to Supervisor Owens inquiry about turning funds and merchandise over to the Historical Society. Mr. Hubbell felt that the funds were Commemorative Committee funds and merchandise and, therefore, should have been stated as such. Mr. Hubbell requested that Attorney Wilson’s letter be removed from the minutes of the Town Board. After a length discussion the consensus was that Supervisor Owens write a response to Mr. Hubbell’s letter. Mr. Hubbell’s letter be attached to Attorney Wilson’s letter and both letters be included in the minutes. Motion made by Deputy Supervisor Stevenson, seconded by Councilman Roach that the Town Board of the Town of Enfield direct the Town Clerk to attach the October 23rd, 2000 letter from Mr. M. Clyde Hubbell of 134 Hubbell Drive addressed to Town Supervisor Owens regarding the September 13th, 2000 letter from Mr. Bruce D. Wilson, Attorney and Counselor at Law, that has been previously attached to the minutes of the Town Board of the Town of Enfield and attach both of these letters to the minutes. Discussion – Vote – Deputy Supervisor Stevenson, yes. Town Councilmen Holley, Schehr, Roach, yes. Supervisor Owens was absent. Note - Town of Enfield Dog Control Law of the year 2000 in effect as of 11/1/2000. Adjournment – Motion made by Councilman Holley, seconded by Councilman Roach that the regular monthly meeting of the Town of Enfield Town Board adjourn. Discussion- Vote _ Deputy Supervisor Stevenson, yes. Town Councilmen Holley, Schehr, Roach yes. Supervisor Owens was absent. Meeting adjourned at 8:26 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Alice Laue, Town Clerk