HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 Feb 9 regular TBM TOWN OF ENFIELD REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 9TH, 2000 6:30 P.M. The regular monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Enfield was held Wednesday, February 9th, 2000 at the Enfield Community Building , 182 Enfield Main Road, Ithaca, NY at 6:30 p.m. Supervisor Owens presiding. Present: Supervisor, Jean Owens; Town Councilman, Richard Holley, Town Councilman, Mark Roach, Town Councilman, Joe Schehr, Town Councilman, Greg Stevenson. Others present were: Highway Superintendent, Ron Updike, Town Clerk, Alice Laue. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag - Supervisor Owens led the assemblage in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Snowmobile Issue Councilman Holley presented problems Jim Stoughton was having with snowmobilers riding on his property. Jim Stoughton expressed his concerns about damage to his crops and liability. Sheriff Meskill explained what the Sheriff's Department had done and was doing to rectify this problem. Privilege of the Floor Peggy Hubbell asked who was responsible for plowing community-building driveway. Driveway and parking area in an unsafe condition. Mike and Chris Carlison - 20 East Enfield Center Rd., read the letter they had written that expressed their concerns about not being able to obtain a house number for their residence which is on a long drive/lane off 20 East Enfield Center Rd. They are concerned about their residence not being found in case of an emergency and postal services, i.e. UPS, not being able to find their residence. Lengthy discussion of their concerns followed and numerous suggestions were made to the Carlison's as possible solutions. Tompkins County Assessment - Steve Witcher Mr. Witcher did an overview of the Town of Enfield Year 2000 Re-evaluation Summary and Analysis Report he presented to the Board. Assessment Disclosure Notices for Enfield to be mailed in March. Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes 2/9/00 2 Town Attorney Attorney Bruce Wilson, Esq., expressed his interest in being appointed the Town of Enfield attorney. Attorney Wilson is the Town of Ulysses’ attorney. Town would be billed by the hour at the fee of $120.00 per hour. Approval of January 2000 Minutes Motion made by Councilman Holley, seconded by Councilman Stevenson that the Town Board of the Town of Enfield approve the adoption of the 1/12/00 regular Town Board Meeting minutes and the 1/19/00 Special Town Board meeting minutes Discussion - Vote - Supervisor Owens, yes. Town Councilmen Holley, Roach, Schehr, Stevenson, yes. Reports/Committees Tompkins County Representative Dan Winch reported on construction work being done on the new library. Representative Winch has spoken with Mr. Lampman about the Trumbulls Corner bridges. Work plans not changed, not approved by state. Construction possibly in 2001. Enfield Fire Company - Fire Chief Stevenson Fire Chief Stevenson presented Fire Company’s quarterly report. Highway Department - Superintendent Updike New cinder box installation completed. David Miller back to work part time on 2/8/00. He has been out for 3 months. Fighting elements (weather). Last week truck in ditch tipped on its side, $78.00 damage to truck. Highway Personnel - Councilman Roach Meeting held 2/8/00. Talked about policies and procedures. Going to work on an orientation program. Planning Board - Rick Chase January meeting was an organizational meeting. Talked about establishing training for Planning Board members. Planning Board didn't obtain grant that was applied for. Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes 2/9/00 3 Code Enforcement - Councilman Stevenson Met with Building Code officers. Roger Rumsey expressed the following concerns: (1) Investigating and ultimately adopting an age limit for siting a trailer in the town. Consider not allowing trailers beyond 5-10 years of age resited in the town (2) Building Permits - List of what and what doesn't require a building permit. (3) Electrical Inspections - Number of problems with electrical inspectors. Roger would like to designate NY Board of Fire Underwriters as sole electrical inspector for Town of Enfield. Budget Amendment Supervisor Owens asked for the following budget amendment - Increase 2000 Unexpended balance to $33,000.00 - General Fund, to balance budget. Motion made by Councilman Schehr, seconded by Councilman Roach that the Town Board of the Town of Enfield approve the following amendment to the Town of Enfield 2000 General Fund Budget. Increase unexpended balance from $30,000.00 to $33,000.00 to balance General Fund budget Discussion - Vote- Supervisor Owens, yes. Town Councilmen Holley, Roach, Schehr, Stevenson, yes. Monthly Bills/Reports Supervisor Owens presented monthly bills for payment and supervisor's monthly report. Motion made by Councilman Stevenson, seconded by Councilman Schehr that the Town Board of the Town of Enfield authorize the supervisor to pay General Fund vouchers # 25 –42, dated 2/9/00, in the amount of $5864.30. Highway Fund vouchers #12 –22, dated 2/9/00, in the amount of $9055.92. Enfield Fire Company SF-1 voucher #2, dated 2/9/00, in the amount of $35,000.00. Discussion - Vote - Supervisor Owens, yes. Town Councilmen Holley, Roach, Schehr, Stevenson, yes. Regular Town Board Meeting Minutes 2/9/00 4 New Business - Appointment of Town Attorney Motion made by Councilman Stevenson, seconded by Councilman Schehr that the Town Board of the Town of Enfield approve the appointment of Attorney Bruce Wilson, Esq., as attorney for the Town of Enfield for the year 2000. Discussion - Vote - Supervisor Owens, yes. Town Councilman Holley, yes. Town Councilman Roach, yes. Town Councilman Schehr, yes. Town Councilman Stevenson, yes. Delegate to Association of Towns Annual Conference. Supervisor Owens asked to be appointed Town of Enfield delegate to the Association of Towns Annual Conference. Motion made by Councilman Stevenson, seconded by Councilman Roach that the Town Board of the Town of Enfield appoint the supervisor as the Town of Enfield delegate to the annual Association of Towns conference. Discussion - Vote - Town Councilmen Holley, Roach, Schehr, Stevenson, yes. Adjournment Motion made by Councilman Stevenson, seconded by Councilman Holley that the regular monthly meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Enfield held 2/9/00 adjourn. Discussion - Vote - Supervisor Owens, yes. Town Councilmen Holley, Roach, Schehr, Stevenson, yes. Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted Alice Laue Town Clerk