HomeMy WebLinkAboutNobles 10 1945 - 1948 letters contracts-OPr bf TEdiicrtiorL Office ��rworr: i r 1 I I , i OTR,fiCT &WWk�1,d. } , a. .* • h f e'at ion, I r. ! • I I: I r I, • , School'Yet,r 19 45 `- 19�+b S S roVal, 'of do'atractxecominend,ed a. r � pn � iat � riend, Uietr n I ! ! � ,. � ,,:"� �l;^ � ., t.. ". a^� , P 1 r�j:� Sup v�•so Di,s 4� ��T }y� p •: ,.. •g;, w/tide: �" •!,. it � r.. , ^���' ,: i f w M0. y'M f., � ,,. ,., ,.. ,• l ^N1� Sl i1, r r r. • w r r FORM F-2 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK 'rHE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT 1947-48 T'RUST'EES' ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT For the Year Ending June 30, 1948 Name -of district ---------------6�n=�q'` ----- ---- _ County-------------=S ---------------------------- ------ District number "--- ---- - __ ------------------------------------------ Supervisory district _ ht------- DIRECTIONS TO TRUSTEES READ GENERAL DIRECTIONS ON PAGE 8 The financial -and statistical _reports must be signed and sworn to by the trustees of the district and one copy of each- filed "by -them with the district superintendent on the first day of July. A duplicate of each report should also be kept in the school records. Trustees should not pay - the -teacher -her last month's salary until she has fully and accurately completed- two copies of the statisticalreport and has certified" to correctness of same. Failure to -Blake and file "the report works a forfeiture of the right of the district-to: participate" in the dis- tribution -of is-tribution-of the school Moneys: The trustees, by such neglect, become personally responsible for the amount- thus lost. Every trustee _wilfully signing a false report is guilty under the penal law of a'- misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not :exceeding one thousand, dollars, or imprisonment not exceeding two years, or both. General Fund Statement _ Receipts Balance on hand July 1, 1947.... _ ... _ I0010 ._._...... .................... Public money. received from county treasurer .-:_................................. ................ ....... 12021 a Amount deducted by State from - public" money for retirement fund on account of district (7 5-19 1946-47 salaries) _ . , .. _ -, - • .. Amount deducted this year by trustee from teachers' salaries for teachers retirement hind(4%):....__._._. ............:.........:........ 12030 fu- - Tuition from_ districts under -contract............. .... , 15051 _ Tuition from individual pupils-not paid- by State. _ . _ ........... .. 15052 _ "Tax on "property _(include -only amount actually "collected) ................ 111j60 - I AA i�' 6_ _ Return-taxes received-from the county treasurer_` 14070 _.. .... . !? O A Interest on deposits__-... ........... ....:_._...... 15111 _ Loans (bOmit loans -received_and paid batik during the year) 15080 Bus notes "and/or bonds.................._......._....',---.._............. 15081 Proceeds of insurance_ adjustments........ ................................ ...._.. 15091 eMoneys refunded to district ...............................15092 Transportation of nonresident pupils ......_....... _. - - - ...::.............:.......... - 15093 Voluntarycontributions from teachers and other employes._..:............... I5100- - Y - Sales of property (specify., ... ):........... ..•-•----...... _...._:112 ......... IS _ - ..---- -- ---- -- -- --- •-- ---- -- Allother sources not mentioned above {Itemize on lines following) ..... ... . . . .. 15113 ` Total...................... 19999 l dox - �- 0 4 o This ' amount should equal the 7,5 "per cent deduction made from the public money by thState this year. AIthaugh this amount was "not received by the district it shodld be-entered -as if actually reeeived and then paid back to the pension fund: " b Also omit moneys borrowed in anticipation of bonds. These should be reported in a separate statement on page 5 of the.report. e Include here only refunds received on uses reported in full m a previous report. If a discount or .refund is reaeivcd ou- some bill " ? paid during the year, report the net- cost under" payments, omitting-amount of refund under receipts.:: F390-Mr48-10,500(28229)*1 , ach group- of �um_n X PENSES . 5ch64Lelecttons .._. ......................... 21030 $ - - LeMd services ......._..... .............. .................. 21031 - Other expenses of •busmess cautroi tax roil etc. ... _ ... 21032 -- •-- - - ' Attendance supervision salaries -" ........... 23060 - - — - - - " Census enumeration—salaries ............ ................... 23070 - - 4 D =- - Other expenses o# -attendance service (supplies, travel etc.) :........ 23080 ---- -U Other expenses"of.-general-control.._..... ..._.. .. ...... , ' 2309 1 - ; FRn TOTAL EXPENSES OF GK -NIL- CONTROL........ ................... 29999 -- -�- - -- ---- EXPENSES OF INSTRUCTION _ aTeadiers - salaries': grades" "K-6 or K--8.:...:...... 32051 Salaries. a#"substitute teachers {in excess of regular salaries) :...... 3207 0 . b Textbooks ........................................ .. 33080 330 90 - P Supplies used: in instruction ....... . ......................... _ .... 7- i Tuition to adjoining districts with -wi ich this district has contracted.-.' 33100 --'_ -- ---- -- _-- ---, Tuition for academic pupils attending a high school (not included in . item above)..r. .:._.::"................ .. .---. ...... ?3100 -- - � �-- Other expenses of instruction.... ......... ........... ...... 33101 - -" - TOTAL EXPENSES - OF- INSTRUCTION ..................... 49999 � $ D d E7 - _ �-- --- _ ---- ---- ---- - ---- EXPENSES OF OPERATION OF SCHOOL PLANT - - Wages of janitor and other employes...... .. _... - . ......... 51010 __-- - -- •-- __-- Fuel-....._....._... ---..........."....... . .. ....... 52020 - - Water _ ..."....."....... ..................................... 53030 _ - -- - - Light and =power ........ .......... . _ .... 53040 -- — — — -- - Jarntor's_ supplies .. 53050 — — Services other than .personal (telephone, cartage etc.) ................ 53060 Other expenses Of operation ................ ..................... 53070 _ — -_-- TOTAL" EXPENSES OF OPERATION- OF PLANT . ................... ... 59999 $ - - - - _-- --- -- _ _- _- EXPENSES- OF MAINTENANCE OF -SCHOOL PLANT UpkeepO# grounds:......" ......................................... 60010 — - -- — - RepairOfbuildings................................................ 60020 Repairs and keplacements Of .cleating, lighting- and plumbing equipment...................... 60030 -. Of apparatus used in instruction .......... .... ...... .....60040_-- - -- -- -- -- 0f furniture ... .................................... .......... ..... 60050" - - - - -- Of........ equipment .................. . _ .. ...... 60060 60060 — _- — _-- Other-4kpenses`of" maintenance of school -plant .;_. _ ...... ... 60070 _-- -- =TOTAL"EX_pE14SE5 OF ASAINTENANCB OF.PLANT l:...........-....., 69999- a Give frill salaries before dedacling for retirement fund. Of the total salaries reported, how enrich was paid evening twenersT.�-�— b Do" sot include coat of teatboplrs at supplies sold to pupils or teachers. ----- - --- - Balance on Furniture, "apparatus and other equipment.... _ ... . _ ................. 00070 -- - -- -- ---- ---- --- ?Received Other -"capital outlay...........' ......................... ...:....... 00080 - - 2eceived-£3 :New " library books" (not replacements) .... _ ........... . ........... 00090 -- --- -- _-_ Received fa Buses -payments from loan moneys ................... .. ...... 00100 - ---- --- -- --- Received fr Buses-- cash , payments . _ .. _ ....................... 00101 -- ---- --- --- ---- -- ---- 2eceived fr - TOTAL ExPENDrruRES M cAPrrAL ouTLAY.-.............. ......... 09999- $ _ --- __ --- _- -- -- - — — — — — :- " 2eceived £r "b TOTAL PAYMENTS FOR THE YEAR ................... . .... ......... X9992 A. f% - • . . Amountremaining on hand June 30, 194g..- ........ ................. X9 993 — . Moneys transferred ...........................•........ .. ...... ..e X9 994 - - - - - - -- a Tot t - 2' D A 17 - .-TOTAL=PAYMENTS,"BAT-ANCE AND TRANSFERS ............... ...... X'9999 `$ - l -Do Do the total -expenses include any -contribution to any society, organization or public If so, give name, purpose and amount ------_--__ and nprovernent ----------- _ __ __--......... ..... ... ............. --........ _. _ ... _......._._...._........ ..__...__...- ...... _ uildings" ane Buildings ,Alteration School -Taxes Levied and Collected Heattng;.li Amount "of 1947 "taa levy as listed -on tax roll -ding -., :.. ........................... . ....:............ Buileq Amount 1947 -taxes Furniture of collected...... _ ..... _ ... ."....... ............... .........._ .. (subtract) Apparatus :. Amount of 1947 taxes uncollected .............. "_ .............................. $- -------------------- iher ea Pita]" Amount of 1947 uncollected taxes returned to county treasurer...........................(subtract) $_____�.v'_U Balance to be accounted for ............ ....................... $------ —- ®- Total e; _.__ -____ FxfilawlLy_;iialance was not returned to county treasurer on or before April 1, 1948: n . Dunt traitsf nount on hai Total e3