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Nobles 10 1940 - 1948 letters contracts
TRU; z$tir DMC Number of schoa' Value of all other TotaL value o£ sc x940-41 SHE LflV14pis Ty OF THE STATE OF NEIN'• TFIE-STATE`iEIaUCATION DEPARTMENT IS =A NU.AL STATISTIC &61dist. no•. ........ l J� ______..._.Town of... ------------------------ --for th a€e�derial ch schools were'aetually in session for instruction te g: e not 'upls included m 'upils m above ii4bl0 Iters TEACHING AT THE SANTE TIME employed 190 days or more during the year - ; d endutg June 30",1941 was: men _.............. women .._z_-:_-..--. total l NUMBER OF DAYS SCHOOL - - - - - `- - WAS IN SESSION. SALAEY PAID - - - U .tl GR -"E or . � .. >, �'i, � q ,, ro . � 3 0 w S -- y b p.- m Ob n~i .U�. 81 Y Y a4$� mE off. b QC�+ zyof z3.03 zvm3 o m o G y - --------- ...... ...... five teachers will rule a sheet similar Ya the above for addtlonal dames for -=teaching in your district been taken by all teachers and filed -with the5tate.Education MBIRT$ To 18 'YEARS OF AGE residing mi the district on dine _30,_1941, Dogs "__ ' {censuS:ofrrAUgust 30, 1940 as amended) . ' Kindergarten = Elementary ar'preacademlc. ; Total - >; -Boys --�— — _— '3 ---__--.— Lt arty time: during. the year Girls Total tpils were REGISTERED' IN Boys , — - --- O S of this State (outside of Girls L fore being; registered in your � Total f Boys .--== --=30P 3 O tteridance of all pupils Girls GG D Total Boys L11pupils (Divide :item 4 by the of was :in session) ' . Girls Total '7 data; to be filled out only by districts employing two ` or, more teachers Number 'Aggmgat `. - of -pupils _atEendance �l ;pears of age or over at beginning of year ... [ Mentally handicapped classes Physlcaliy handicapped ... ............. [g data exclude pupils 21 years of age or over. and :those --in special classes; _ on religious holidays= ani pupils all :pupils on days ;directly, preceding religious holidays....; data for each of the religious holidays and days ;preceding 941 god dtst. no. w.s f rom nt for such moneys should be' given on page--b-_of the €port. hes or other materials or supplies to pupils, omit such receipts these only in the statement:"provided for such Onbenses on oe signed and sworn to bythe trustees of -the-_--_--,di and t superintendent on the first day of duly .'t_,...i11e �,.1�.,.;1 ,-A.-r,rtle 'i`rn¢.travc chrnilri nnt"rtao the right of the,district to ticipate in the dis _ --1 _o _ General Firranclal Statement (excluding proceeds of sale of bonds) CODE ince oii`band Maly 1, 140 10010 he supervisor" or county treasurer; ........:............... 12021 notmt deducteilby State from public money for retirement fund on account of 12022 astrict;=iexcludmg 4 pec neat deduction) ................ �untdeducted#]s s�•earbp#rustee=front teachers'salaries for teachers retirement fund 12030 --� –.– 3 -_ on-,fro>Ym dtstrcts tinder contract ...........:..... ................. non from tndrvidual pu-it not paid by State. ................. ........ ..... 19452 - m tax 6n property (Include only amount actually collected) ................ v. 11060 '+ 17111 -q n interest on deposits :" ...........:.. m sales: -D property 17112 m proceeds of inct,rarice ad3ustaxents . 14091 e om loans (Omit -loans rbedved and paid back during year) ................ 130$0 _ = om moneys refunded to district ...... , .................. ................ 14092 _ m transportha of nonresident pupils 14093.. M bank,, x ,.. 17113 C. m return taxes treceived from the county, treasurer .. ........................... v 16070 m amounts received from teachers (voluntary contribution) .......... ......' 15101 —� r n amounts receivEdfrom other emplayes (voluntary contribution) 15102 m employes forstate employes retirement system.......' .............. 17114 m all other sources (Itemize on lines following) . 17115 ...:. .. ... .... ............ . TotalR...................................... ..19999 -- s amoa should egnalhe per cent deduction, made from the public money by the State; flus year Althongfi flus amount was na —U ,y the distrix �{� -sntcred as if actually'- received and then paid back to the pension fund. 0 -nut �ianeys borTrowea>iciPaton of bonds. ,"These should be reported in a separate statement "discount on page 5-6 f the rifort. lode here only >•efttads reeved on expenses ".reported m full , to a previous report. If a or refund; is received on some ht� ag the --year repb=t t`l�-a��mst under Payments, ;omitting amount of refund tinder receipts, -- led in ..... 33 33 33 .... 49 51 ..... 52 53 Transportation -0# r Care}of -children -ih Recreation :,other --a__ _ary agc TOTAL EXPE ilj7 EXPENSES OF FVM-CH e Pensions (exc7udzn Rent=- Insurance ,`: �_ ©n to your 07 to outside upiis' ndry=:adi�ities.. U%IISABY AGENC t contribiitz'd by loans. CODs Fsrgr fetal ateach 70020 ........ 70030 70040 — z— 70050 - _ - ....... 70060 70070 70681 .. 70082 70083 ......... 70090 70130 ......... 70140 79999 c3� 80011 - 80020 80030 80041 80042 = - ......... 80050 _ - 80070 89999 X9991 40010 _ paid back 90020. _ 90030 1; 90040 90050 99999 capital outlay. is money -..this vear. This represents the districts---lcontnbuhoa nrT rTPrtrirall OTAL,PAYM8N15 AND BAY-IfNCBS - u= and certifi-- _ - Prater -total "-of raeh.. - CODE " group to flus=colnmp - .. 00010 ...... 00020 - 00030 - - .- ( 00040 i '00100 Ler for old 00050 ldings 00110 i 00050 _ 00120 00130 00150 00090 {00080 00140 _ .......... o0160 . ::09999 _ X9992 3 _ X9993Ta .......... X9994 a ........... X9995 yes X9996 = . X9999 ... ty, organization or, public- library? ed and Collected gam_ 31_ . �l S--_. - $ rer on or before April ij 19,41,7-- 941- ----- W buildings or other equipment which "& to the 'aiue of Plant (except " ieys borrowed in anticipation of bonds) -Repairs mid .:replace meats should =- capital outlay. L4] not include Totat= pa The -total o itsta a year, the::. List .pays Total"amount x dmg bonded indebtedness is $__ _____..______ _ These bonds are. payable at the"rate of ---$- W- to smlang 'fmrd ... ....... ....... Statement of Short Term Loans edness borrowed in anticipation of bonds=� of the official rec oils of the asstncf THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK _ THE STATEEDUCATION DEPARTMENT DIVISION -OF FINANCE, BUREAU OF FIELD SERVICES ALBANY I - - 'Kind "district- - -- - -gammon-t.o�-e� COunt Tompkins - Kind _ - - 4 - - - ------------------------ y----.. - - IFo+ on„common contract', consolidated, union free, central] 1Ci -_ T'ourri of E33field Supervisory district --One------- ” Distract number -------_----.--- TRANSPORTATION CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT made intriplicate this --- !q.._. day of. August-_-_----•--------- ' 19_48 by and between---------- --- -------------------------Mrs. truth A. P�acs --- as trustees) of school district rho.=?o...... town of_ Enfield county of - ----oaipk ns - - ------------ -------------N. Y., party of the first part, and ---- Glen Charier Service, Inc. ---------------- - - --_ --------------------- Party of the second part. [Contractor] MUMEW1 That whereas party of the first part has been duly empowered" by " a vote of the -majority of the qualified voters present at 'a" school meeting of said " - school "district under -the provisions of subdivision 19 of section 2015 --of the Edu- cation- Laysl (ore has been "directed."by order of the Commissioner of Education) to enter into a contract for the purpose of providing transportation for children of said district for tl�e period o£==service to begin--- Sel?tembor - --- ? - - - - - =-----19.48 _ [Mo. Day " . Year] June 19.49 -• and to enc- - - --- - - -- -- - --- l Mo: Da Year Xvw, (Ti # rjhtrr, The said party of the first dart hereby" -agrees to pay =to the Party of the second Part the sum of 732.00 for conveying approximately = �. �'-_elementary (grades 1=8) and -----1----------_- [Do not leave blank] - [Do not leave blank] " High "school (grades 9=12)" children, residing along the route hereinafter designated or the highways tributary thereto; in a suitable conveyance; such sum to be paid as follows: --- -- 1 --- mon---11y - [NoTE: How many of .these children live less than 1/ miles from the school which they attend? . -© — - - [Do not leave "blank] [NoTE : =State" aid will be computed on account of this contract in accordance with the total sum specified "above. -Any expenditure in excess of this total sum will not be considered in com- - puting" state aid. To be executed "in "triplicate and forwarded to district superintendent for approval, who , after- indorsing his approval . thereon, shall forward two copies to the" Bureau of " Field Services, "State "Education Department, Albany, New York. i"Common contract- means a district which has closed its school and is contracting for all of its" pupils elsewhere = zstrike out unnecessary "clause B 1500-Mc48-22,500 (28158)