HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrange Newsletter 1967 October 5ti�U)i 11 CHIL0REN LiARN WHn7 THEY LIVE If a child lives with criticism, lie learns to condemn. If a child lives with hostility, Ile lecrns to fi ;ht. If a child lives with ridicule, ;ae learns to be shy. If a child lives with jealousy, Le learns to feel Guilty. If a child lives Trith tolerance, lie learns to be patient. If a child lives with encoura.-ement Ie learns confidence. If a child lives with praise, .e learns to appreciate. If a child lives with fairness, ,-e learns justice. If a child lives *rith security, he learns to have faith. If a child lives with approval, e learns to like himself. If a child lives with acceptance and friendship, _e learns to find love in the world. Ohio Civil aL;hts Commission Community .relations Department i_ 3FIL1D CG WuGE it ii '113 A14D FRILUDS 1967 - 60 (2) On October 27th, the Gran.e plans to have a ilollo*seen party for the Junior Granze me-Tbers to be, and for anyone interested in being with us. A hayride is planned for interested. It *.rill be held at the hone of Dob and Lee Carpenter. .1hoops3 It will be held at the barn of yob and Lee Carpenter. :re hope to have cider and dou,hnuts and hot chocolate after the hay - ride. -others, fathers and child- ren, plus all the nelGhbors are invited. Starts at 7:00 P.M. Dorothy Law liolte October 5, 1,067 There Trill be no J.G. neeting in October for two reasons. No. 1 Is that the Oct. meeting night is also installation of officers. i;o. 2, is that in order to hold a Jr. Crane, we have to have 13 members. He don't have that many so ere are .­o1nG to have to find a few pore. Several of those Interested mere not able to att- end in Sentenber so we will see hoir many show up for the -701101.1_ ween party, erhich is planned as a substitution for the raeetin,-,