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Grange Newsletter 1967 March 13
:3- 1962 - 7 r!, a r ISX GRIOGE MEMBERS AND `'RIL'NDS 1 March 13, 1967 Day. 1 Anel t`xis to be "For ench'MAI c that 0a be -ween us, carnes a wi. h for you. For Jc7 ane t e b£3^ut of too a _- 17 -;The February meeting of the :Enfield Valley Grange was held at the lom®.of Mitch Gray with 12 persons in,attendance. Four more names were presented`-f'or membership. Announc=anent of the cookie contest to be held La Harch was made `r3' Ms.lr�xed Sta_1;. The names of those eligible for 50 year pins -was read. aarenca_Ramsey .was, . ,. - elected 'as Secretary to replace 1�Ieli.e Hubbell who rere:�tly resigned. The March meeting will be held on the 14th at '-he home of :�Jar_ennaa_„ where she will be installed as secr tary. :'hen it comes to mistakes, the editor of this newsletter ran1rls high on the list. -If possible, I v)uld blepc my typewriter; but all my typewriter is guilty of is misspelling woYds,`Oin listing the the names of those eligible for 50 year pins, I skipped r'_'Sht ' 'over the top of Lawrence Stevenson's name. 1:e will have conpletod. 50 years on ta 27th' of March. iy''sih6erest apologies to you Mr. h' Stevenson and -all I can say to make up for it is that you have the` honor of being the only one mentioned in this paragraph. In the last newsletter, four people had to share it. .Sorry about thnt!" _ '7ei1, the tine has come to talk of things, 'of 'h'ea'rts and flo wers,'of queens and kings, and card parties. Ed and -Helen Marshall played host to 43 people (10 tables) on the18th of February.- .,Over $27.00 was collected. The refreshen^.nts warn delicious, P.11 had„_fun, and Helen washed a los 'of d.ishcs iiefore she went to bed th 'nigliz And as usual; things were grand Next camp: the whopper of a card party at '.Toody_an,d Doris -Specht!s._-Earlier in the,week, 06ris had confided to George that.,, there probably [couldn't be over ,8.tables: And then they s'�e:_ted coming. And coming, and coming.......::....:..........1.,..e...... (2) -le all panicked for for -Ln fraw minutes when a station wagon with a light on top of it drove in. !ho ever heard of a raid on a respectable card party. But all was clamed when it was discovered that firemen carry lights on their cars too. Isn't -that right Gene?? Ralph Lovelace vent home to pic"t up a cake his wife had-for- gotton. Mitch and Bob collected tables and chairs from two different houses. Doris called her sister Margaret and had her bring up some more forks and spoons. '.!e sent up to Scofield's for another coffee pot and last but most important, we had to round up some more cups. Never let it be said that when the unexpected occurs, that the Enf- ield Grangers don't have a firm grip on things. And calm and cool through it'all Paas our wonderful hostess, Doris. 'Jhile the rest 'of .e watc't ;'. ^it'J c:el'girt-as the rooms filled up, with 13 tabl^s of card playo s (ire i.+ould have had 14 but we didn't have another tabic) 'she mored from room to room seeing that all was in order. To our treasury we added $40,00 that night. All that can be said further -on the subject -is that -you certainly don't know what you're missing when you miss one of our card parties. Just ask anyone of the 56 people who were at t1le Specht's last Saturday night. Card parties coming up are March 18th at the Gray's, April ist. at Susie Hansen's, April 15th at Bob Carpenter's and,April 29th at Ralph Lovelace's. lake a pencil and mark them on your calar_dar now; Oh yes, Ralph and Blanch Lovelace and Chuck Guyett-will host the card party at the Gray's because their driveway is muddy right now. The 1st and 2nd Degrees which were to -be held- e�p.riiet-; - were postponed until the 17th of March due to` illness: -1h tore. faMily,-of your State Deputy, Russell Luce. This is a Friday arightand s,t uy*Ul b5iT�3r. held at' the Enfield- School as originally planned.- Agndn- we nsic that.. you try'to attend to'represent our upcoming Grangers, Here we go again on the Junior Grange plans.. And.unless-,we can find someone to get things- started, we wial haverto"pout them off - a while longer. But we have some very legitimate excuses. Our first is the fact than Mrs:—Luce couldn't'meet with us, due' to -,illness. She ended up'Having her "gallbladder removed February,--17th._-'.But - complications! set- in -and she' underwent another operation early in P4arch. • Our second participant, Lbe Carpen-tdry- underwent surgery:-fbr,. ; removal of her gali.hladder "on the 22nd 'o£ -February. As :of. this-,vri-t= ingshe is doing- an excellent job o£' getting herself- rerbveredrf: Our final Junior Granger, who is incidently, Acting Junior Matron, undergoes surgery -on the -l(Jth of April Nothing serious. She expects to be'in -the hospital a -little over A 'week.. So as you - can see; 'wIieii'It comes to excuses,- you cazi'.t heat, those-._ -Sint_ seri idiisly, 'we 'aren't 'going to, give up, ware just going .to: get started,;' a little later than we had planned:` If' someone:(af -you would -.Lite tt give us a much needed hand, we have ,all the necessary forms and -inf- ormation to assist you. Give us a c-11. �. (q) Tle'd like at this time to send--out 1.-a-_than": ,'ou area-God Bless to one of our menb�s,o .;Ic_tg 3t.nd'ue5. Li'a Griffin,;y'ho is also in this month's Members to Mention, ailed a check to help out with. the Grange. This-check has beef m ,_dist:r_Lute3 to useful places. Instead of a personal rote-.of thanks, we fee:- that a thank you that will be seen by each one of ov^r a hundred people on our mai;linp�".list is more appropriate. Do you notice how these older members are still doing all they can for their Grange, Agali%t a most appreciative thank you Mrs. Griffin from all o_ us. Ile extend o h '_•o I4_ldre3 St ,k for the loss of her only rc- Mie had, been ij. for quite some time, a loss i,,- Another sAnother item on the Grange Agenda that will have to-be set ahead a little is_the.sale we had planned for April. We really havenit collected very much--toward this in the .first place ant4,the weather won't bs gp*1te„warm enough to r_.exnit-use of the Grar_ge. 'le are also Short, handtti,at present., gut we still hdpe to have-.our sale in May and r.o-7e-,2mgsoe.tant, ws hope to herr froireyou with iteiga to don$te. --le want anythiiig. (rxcept unwanted. husba"s). A little `tidbit to add to the Specht card OILO; y is the di,ffereist places from whence came our guests. (Bow's about that for a Ooetic sentence.) . To name the ones we are sure of: ` itki4j} Glen, P,ead rig Center, Newfield, TrUmansburg, Danby, Montour Falli, Ithaca'and.Lan- singville. Sure would like a report on any that might have been missed. Seems as thoiYgh ou&*Ard playersget,erpuiA a little to4,. Susie Hansen jaunted-off to Florida in January. The Leon Rothermi(gil,& went to Florida the 17th of February for a couple of weeks. Zd an4_,Helen Marshall plan to spend' some ti.•r-e .with. their daughter Ann,: who ,is stationed at the Air Force Base in Texas. .They're leaving.the-22nd, . of March. And the Mitch Gray's are taking their'very.first vacation. ever. They leave for Fort Myers FlorldIt 'the 17th of arch-to-visit her mother. Someone` it me, as.fat'�,zRr and mother.were going with: them.” .Did you ever ariet his father? They'll be back by April 1st. our Granby hi�Wbocl,v"Vi t Q ��c �ci hio rt4mb a nert�lii we" h4v© drmom frzom tl.a Bi dE d"^r€plc s e!, pa ,,:ea, so o� Snit darn rti$ht, the-s-S:lz of MFst; ccs A r CL}a t Fueled oije there.:- ttiey are, rdocjff ar_d D4.9-5.-t.e`n .ski sie9 7.0_:^ G., Si.:siercALs�e.w Z'. = end--N_c_tie L. We undersSiand that • they were very -warm 7 , -received . and .hgye picked .up a few mord p1a ers for our March -18th- _card par.,ty. No"a comeO�•the most inteiesTjng and most-wonderful .port 4oitrgf bis newsletter. One of ovr'own,Grangers has sent. a personal check cove` the entire cost- of the-54'Sloc= p� �s t_,at -cis need. for_our g ou;�,, They 'have ,as]ced not to ba {R(�^`_'}�}pni a -7e resp_c this ,S7�Sa1. BQt `i"`1� mo-'H iYnportarit thing .fs not :who, but way, i4te reason was: i^esnect -for ahs. to Grairge and tihe ?.c_'_c Itfis doing _-o bu .ld ii setf,' back up:: sic don a name to say thank you. Thank -'ou means only one thing and'thig, doaon already knows that. Ife'also ha--e enough to purchase pins next year as -five-more:of: our members comp'_ete.50 years. And;,wb thiniC that this fundi, will:, keep right. on going fr"RI now on, Also thanks earlier t0 if donation' an or1ginalIy sched' . 1S n&SI, -ett�ruled, ' S,