HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrange Newsletter 1967 June 141966 - 67 (8)
.._.-WwkwNG FOR
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June 14, 1967
A Patriotic family organization organized 100 years ago
To help the farmers in a very deep depression
To help create a better feeling between the north and the south
To help legislate better lairs
To work with religious organizations
To assist in developing a better educational system
To aid in developing better transportation systems
To help build a better country for all to live in
To brim; Aeople totrether socially
Find the pink pagePill6?4fP M i
On June 7, 12th, 14th, and 15th,
several of our Grangers got to-
gether and painted the inside of
the Grange Hall downstairs. It
is a very pretty color called
Pine Frost, which of course is a
light green.
i•iildred's Stanley party brought
in about ,:20.00 to add to our
furnace fund. Hany thanks for
your time and trouble Lillie.
On June 10th, Ray Carpenter and
Killicent Toombs hosted a dish
to pass supper and a card party
at the Grange. Over 40 people
were present for supper and 10
tables of cards. The next card
party will be held on July 8th.
We have to skip over the weekend
of the 24th because of the Enfild
Carnival and the weekend of the
July 4th holiday. -Ie have had
several people interested in con-
tinuing our card parties so we
will keep going as long as you
keep coming every two weeks.
Read the pink page F l M I M i l is i
At our June meeting, i-allicent was
appointed Acting Lecturer. She
spoke to us on the fact that June
is Dairy month and brought along
some literature on this. She also
handed out some very interesting
receipies including one for Sloppy
Joe's that looks delicious.
;eed the pink pageofff44cMH M
It was announced that a State wide
Grange picnic will be held on the
13th of August at Eldrige Park in
Elmira. Bring your owm picnic
lunch. There will be several int-
eresting programs and free rides
for the children. The hope to have
5000 people there.
1`11hen a youth begins to sow wild
oats, it's time for father to start
the threshing machine.'
A motion was made at the June
meeting to the effect that we will
have to make some definite decis-
ions concernin- the furnace. It
was decided that this will be held
at the Grange Hall on July 11th.
Tope to have a good crowd for some-
thing as important as this.
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Just reread the first page of this
newsletter and found several mis-
takes. Hope when you check the
pink page you overlook thosei444f
A reminder to those who recently
joined the Grange that the reg-
ular Grange meeting night is the
2nd Tuesday of each month.
On June 25th, the Enfield Baptist
Church will officially celebrate
it's Sesqui-centennial. They
have invited us all to be pre-
sent with them on this day. They
will have a dish to pass dinner
at the Grange Fall immediately
following the Worship Service.
;de plan to attend Dope you do too.
Bard work is the yeast that raises
the dough.
On the lith of July, i.illicent
Toombs will demonstrate Amway I,ro-
ducts for us at the Grande Hall.
The Amway party will begin with
a demonstration at 7:30 p.m. for
those who are not familiar with
the products, For those who can't
make it at that time, we will have
refreshments so that you may core
anytime and have a cup of coffee
and look over the merchandise.
Being that the weather is hot and
free hours are few, we hope that
by—setting up this cone as you are
party, we will be able to
(Ocearn some money for the
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Grange during the summer and still
not detain you folks too long.
Amway has become one of the leading
products of the day. We also plan
to take outside orders for those
According to unofficial sources, a
new simplified income tax return
foru for next year contains only
four questions.
1. Uhat was your income last year?
2. What were your expenses?
3. Low much do you have left?
4. Send it inn
The next newsletter will coming
your way around the first part of
September. Ie plan another rummage
sale and will send notice out two
ITeeks prior to this.
If any other events, such as a
work bee, chicken Bar-B-Que, or
supper, come up we will notify you
by postcard.
I:ope to have enough material to
fill up six pages when we resume
printing this fall.
Woodlands that the winters sadden
The leaves of spring again will
So toils an undiscouraged God.
And covers barren fields with sod.
And I know nothing that the True,
The Good, and The Gentlecann
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On June nota, vie : -1. _iave our main event of the year.
Our 25, 50, and 60 year mem-,-marc will be presented with their pins.
AlthouCh most of them have over their desisnated years, v7e plan
on .-iving them out Tuesd- an.:ray.
A short program has been planned due to the fact that
most of these youngsters don't keep too late hours. Ile hope to
begin at 8:00 p.m. sharp and conclude in approximately one hour.
light refreshments ITIll be served.
In addition to our orm Grande celebraties, the State
Chaplain, the State Deputy and Junior Deputy i,ill be present. Tach
member (r:ith over 50 years) is or has been contacted and every effort
Possible to see to it that they can attend is being made. Transportat-
ion is being provided when necessary. If you need a ride vre'll come
and Let you.
1e cannot e<.press strongly enough how very very important
your presence at this meeting is. These people are the back bone
of our present Grange, members, friends, nei,hbors, every one of
you is asked to make a special effort to get to the Grange Hall June
A reminder that we have patched aD the broken rung in our
ladder and hope that we can do a good deal of climbing in the future.
See you June 20th at 8:00 p.n. at the Grange fall. Lets
fill the hall and give our older members somethin;; they will remem-
ber for a. while. After all, we owe it to them.
:.S. If there is anyone in the audience who ha.s an o1. piano in
-lood shape that they would like to donate to the Gran, -e? Ours has
ha.d it.