HomeMy WebLinkAboutGrange Newsletter 1967 April 26y,?
1967 (6)
"e're starting off this paper
with apologies. The first is for
the way the March newsletter was
mimeographed. 'e didn't do it our-
selves last time but ore hope that
we won't have another one come out
Rith so many specks on it. The
second is an apology in advance for
this one because due to a time
limit (and 5 kids,) we will have to
eliminate our '',,-EMBERS TO EZI;TIOiT,
and shorten the whole works. Hope
to get back up to normal by biay.
Our final apology is for the
way we jump from one subject to
another and sometimes repeat our-
selves. But this comes from being
new on the job. Probably should
take some lessons from that famous
columnist in heck, "ettie.
AVIIL 261 1967
Anyway, back to work for this
month. Wonderful turnout at the
Carpenters. Fourteen tables and
enough left over to make 15 but
no table. Took in over $40.00.
Bob and Lee send their appreciation.
0ext card party at Blanche
and Ralph Lovelace's on the 29th.
le sure hope that Levi Harrington
can make it along with his crew.
There's a little something we'd
like to explain to him.
The r•,itch Gray's will host a
card party in their basement on r -i
13th of May. Nope that 13 isn't
an unlucky number. For those of
you who found it crowded at the
last few parties, you will be
pleased to know that the basement
is large enough to hold many noisy
people and move around too.
It has been called to our att-
ention that the Moreland Grange is
now having card parties. ;e will
add Moreland to our list of card
parties to attend along with `dat-
kins and Burdett. Several of our
people have traveled over there
already and some of the others plan
If you have anything you want
put in our newsletters, such as
these card parties, please feel
free to let us know and we will do
our best.
;we're happy to report that an
order has been placed for our over
50 year member pins. Further de-
tails on when these will be given
out will be coming along. Anyone
wishing to donate to this fund to
insure having money in the years to
come for our pins may do so by
contacting ,4arena Ramsey, anytime.
'le extend our sympathy to Doris
and Woody Specht for the loss of
his mother on the 12th of April.
Mrs. Specht had been ill for quite
some time. The 12th of April was
also the 25th wedding anniversary
for the Specht's.
Those of our card party players
who have been in the hospital since
our last issue include Elsie Gould
and Pearl Rolfe, both for obser-
vation.• They are home now and perk-
ing well.
One of our very dear friends,
however, is not yet home and perk-
ing. This, of course, is Susie
Hansen who fell the 7th of April,
(three days before her 80th birth-
day,) and broke her hip. A more
cheerful person we have never seen.
As of this writing, Susie has had
her cast removed, her stitches out
and is starting therapy. Our
prayers go out to you Susie and we
will all be walking with you from
now on.
See if you can figure out how
often the following could occur?
Bob and Ruthann Scofield have 3
children. This Year, the oldest
will be 22 on Nov. 22nd. The 2nd
was 19 on Feb. 19th and the third
will be 16 on July 16th. I couldn't
even find anyone with two children
having their birthdate coincide
with their age in the same year.
On our vacation we found some
cute things we would like to comment
on. !e bet you didn't know that
the payor of Mobil, Alabama is
named Arthur Outlaw.
And that when we came to a
detour in lower Pennsylvania, in-
stead of saying detour, the signs
read - "Temporary Run Around."
Back to jumping around, we
have found that a lot of people
would like to keep the card parties
running past their normal deadline.
W d like to know what you think
of this. T:1e'll keep having them
if you'll keep coming.
-Te have to add the Clinton
Stevensons, Ruth and 'Nancy Dean,
and Herm Brown to list of people
venturing off to Florida in the
past weeks. And Mildred Stark is
taking off this week for Virginia
to visit a daughter. Have fun
At the March meeting, which
was held at 74arenals,, the following
people were recognized for their
talents in the cookie contest:
let: Doris Specht
2nd: Susie Hansen
3rd: Mildred Stark
Te understand that all seven
entries were delicious. Congrat-
;le are very pleased to welcome
our new members who have completed,
their degree work. '/e hope to see
all of you at our May 9th meeting
at Rog and Bev Brown's.
As mentioned in previous news-
letters, plans have been made to
have a Rummage and Bake Sale at
the Grange Hall on Friday, May 19th
from 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. and
on Saturday, May 20th from 10:00 am
until 4:00 p.m.
le would like everyone that is
able to furnish bake goods. If
possible, those who do not work
should have t_zeir bake goods `o
the Gran ;e Hall betT7een 1.2:00 and
4.00 p.m. on Friday, The rest by
10:00 a.m. on Saturday.
Some suggestions for the Rummage
Sale. 4e plan to have a room of
furni-ture and a 1 i._�_. nces (snail
Pte . ..__
ar l '.ar. e,) a :,an i. I -ab' � and a
o*�;ite e::,hewzt tah'.�. ••,::? can use
cle-tn ci%?i r;, belts, bandb.5gs,
ones, j^o-7e1:.7, wool for rugs,
di rc`nAs, ')ots, pans, boc:cs, toys,
g^ -:ns, pictime fraxas, puzzle,,
jsis of Dutto.:s, cl34.:hes hangers
and anything you can think of.
All donations, no metter how
large or how small will be gr atly
apacpclated, 1e would like ::o have
rr-O.mage sale articles by May 17th
s:. that we can start priceing them.
lr_ey may be left at the following
lvb7s. Forrest Specht
Des. Roger Bron
NL•rs, c'.:iznboth Fumsey
tits, Robert Carpenter
For pick up service, call either
Spechts (387-6068) or Carpenters
(387-6001). If you have a portable
clothes rack you could lend u.s to
hpn, clot: -yes on, please let us know.
.ie need workers to set up,
at time of sale and for clean
up. Please let Doris Specht or
Lee Carpenter knee if you can
spend some time helping.
The proceeds from this sale
Will go .oward the new furnace
so anything you cnn do to help
will be grea.~_ly a=�preciated.
Notice of the upcoming sale
was sut-nitteJ by Lee Carpenter
who is a memoer of the committee.
We understand t1.nt these women
have dc-,7otee a good deal of their
time in the orgnr. •i.zation of this
project. He can aLl help by
donating items, baking goodies,
offering to sat up, sell, or
clean up. Lets give them a call
right now!
ile close out by saying that
we can all baco^e active together
by attpnl irg 'ffho card parties,
gc4.-ng to the meetings and most
Lrportant r :sht now giving to the
upco-ming rur-mage and brace sale.
leve come a long ways in
the past year but we still have
further to Co. It appears that
we are on tine right trr,ck so
lets all get together and get
our fu:.nace in.
Use our calanlar on the 1st
page to mark down all these dates
that you want to remember. The
picture didn't come out to clear
but you can pick out the right
n,xnibe=s witi.out any trouble.
.See you In Ptay........... 0.....
**1.1�.NALLh{,As.!A**!Ans..k:Ft..:.::*1'r. ink*ie***Hese****:'e:e**** LA.,AA1.AALA!f.