HomeMy WebLinkAboutgrange newsletter 1968 1969ENFIELD GRANGE P4EWBERS & F.T=NDS march 1st, 1969 196,3-69 (3) Well, you'd just better believe that we really have done it this time! Take a look below and on the following page at -,,hat we have planned for you now. 711, I- IF ENFIELD VALLEY GM2,11GE t/295 VARIETY SHOi7 April 5th, 1969 At the Grange Hall ALL LOCAL TALI ENT Some of the well known names oerfori.,2ing arc.- Lovelace Gray Brov,,rn Carlisle achilles Carpenter SOkIE OLDER! Krayniak Hubbell SOME YOUNG 1 (all young this night) Swartwood Laue Q ti �, � '7N XL Just to give you some idea of what will be going on April 5th, we will tell you that firs. & Mrs. frayn-iak will entertain us with some of their music. They will also play back-up on several of our other people as they sing or dance. People participating will range from 6 to 60 and this is honest fact. we have some- one wino.is 6 and someone who is over 60. One of our Junior Grangers will sing The Harper Valley PTA. Only a little more will be added to it to nuke it more interesting to you local folk. we have a chorus line and. -.a small drill team and a baton twirler and a piano player will -accompany two; -of our younger girls with one of today's -,--popular songs. These are all Junior Grangers. And just wait until you see_ the skit -the older ones are rehershing. Fred Swart- wood (who incidentially is in charge of the program) has picked out a cast of players consisting of Roger and Bev Brown, Blanch Lovelace, Janie Hubbell, and Fred, himself, as narrator. It's a comedy bit, and if you don't think Roger and Blanch aren't funny in _a love scene together, you'd better come to prove it to yourself. Roger Brown will also sing some serious songs during the evening. ._In one very beautiful song, he will be backed up by tha Junior Chorus. But just to keep you in suspense, we are not going to tell you the entire program. There are a couple of things on the agenda which you will really enjoy but we w, int to save them as aP surprise. As you can see, there is something for the entire family. There will be no admission charge because .we ara just beginners. However, we are going to leave a collection dish near the refresh- ment table for anyone wishing to donate to the Junior Grange cause. They are newly organized and every -little bit will help them start their''�spring and summer projects. It will last about an hour so bring all the children because it is:.primarily a children's program. rWe dedicate the following poem to all of you a:ho will be coming to watch us on April 5th. SMILING vlh�n the wether suits you not, Try smiling; When your coffee isn't hot, Try smiling. when your neighbors don't do right, Or your relatives .all fight, Sure tis hard, but -then you might --- Try smiling. Doesn't change the things, of course, Just smiling; But it cannot make them worse, Just smiling. And it seems to help your case, Brightens up a gloomy pla"cei Then, it sort o' rests your face -- Just smiling. Now to get on with past and present news of tic Grange. As you probably have not- iced, it has been some time since the last newsletter. Thought I was going to give you some excuse - didn't you? f,�17 - I'm not, I don't have any. But hire i:_ the first eition since iYov-. . and w,.? h-ive crowded things in here from three months back. So just read on and when you come to some of the.older news you will 1 -.now why. This is the December issue of the .Enfield valley Grange Newsletter. I have not been setting still during the past three months as you will notice when you get you newsletter." -I have completely revised the mailing list to include people who have asked to be put on, people whom, others have suggested we mail to and neighborhood people who have _ said tj7at even though they are not mem- bers of the Grange, they are interested in us and attend our suppers, etc. Our mailing now goes to 20T -homes. of that number, only 78 are member mailings. The rest aro friends of -the card parties, older people in the neighborhood and potential Grange members. Let's see how many of them come April 5th. -3- 6J2 have several -af ourmembers con plet- Just for the record, Martha Updike will -Ing different years -ef membership this complete 65 years: -of membership on May year. We are in th&middle of a clean 25th. up campaign to .sea to -it that all those who should have received 25 year cert- Birthday wishes we want to catch un with ificates did. ;luring the years when go to Nottie Leonard who was 80 years our activity was under par, apparently old on January, [?illiam Rensch_laer who some: people slipped by us. w2s 80 years ole? on January l0th, Lida Griffin who; was 84 on December 28th and One 25..yaar member that we just caug27t .Sartha Undi.ke who was 85 on January 20th. up with that should have gotton her certificate in December of 1968 is fors. Upcoming good wishes go to ,Jack Thall who Eugene (Irene) Hubbell. will be 81 on March l7th; Emmett Tucker who will be 82 on March 21st, Irene Brown Others completing 25 years of service who will be 78 on,. -March. -28th and Leon are Roger Hubblee on February 29th, Tucker who will be 74onApril 7th. (That's the date he joined in 1944_), Augustus Geisler on June 3rd', and These are the only ones I -can catch up = Melvin and Hazel Hull on November 28th. with but if you know of anyone celebrat- ing a birthday soon, let -us know so we Fred Bock_ is our only 5O_year member this can offe=r our best. year. He completed his 50th year on January 28th. Fake a gander at the above listings. Not e a one of them a teenager yet all are Our 60 year people are George Cavanaugh still interested people._ Did you notice on July 9th, Irene Brown -on October 26, that Leon pucker was the.baby of the Herm Brown on November 9th, and Leon group! Tucker on December 14th." ,.. THE DAY- MOM."?A ' SOCKED' : ,_ ,., IT TO, THE ENFIELD VAZXEY PTA... Of course, these aren't --the oldest of our Doris Specht presented a -gift of Silver people. Fred Rumsey, Emma Powell and plire t%, the Grange -that was donated by lyrtle Rothern,ich will all be .93 years Hazel Updike in memory of Susie Hansen. old in October. Hazel Updike, as most of you probably Now on to more Grange business. The know has now moved. to -New York City near newly formed Enfield Valley Junior Grange her son Harold. was presented with a.beautiful White - Bible from the State'. The Grange has now:drapped the flag in �•- honor of Sister Susie.Hansen and Sister.; ?it our Januar meeting, much discussion 9 g, - , Eleanor Daharsh. - was given -to the -idea. of-havir_g natural Gas installed up"theiiecklenburg Road: '' The Grange and the_cemmunity was deeply. A representative of the N.Y:S. Electric ='saddened by the death of Eleanor, who and Gas Corp. net with BobGarpenter,` had been a member"of the Grange since Harold Lave, Woody Spect-and explained"_ ".April 4th, 1934. ,'Dur heartfelt sympathy` in detail the requirements for this type , .. . goes out to her famil y" of installation. :;...:.. We received_ the Bikthda-Calandars that It was found that the potential for use the Enfield Firemen's Auxiliary put out of gas is not effectient,-around here but this year. They are very nice. I can the Grange felt that they would persue it keep track of more people this way. (NO further in the future. CO:Ii?ENT! ) The spaghetti supper was a success. Sever. Lea Carpenter ;and Pat Gray put some of of our Junior Grange members and their their Gold Bond Stamp books together and leader cleaned the kitchen for Fred Swart- got a new portable mixer, a 40 cup coffee wood and his crew. Boy did they make pot _Find a set of large utensils for the those stoves shine. Grange. We have a few more stamps if anyone is interested in,:donatir_g towards And we were honored again this year by something else new for the grange,. Gold having the Firemen ask us to put on Bond Stamps are no longer available, " their banquet. We netted $105.62 for locally I don't think. ---,'t';; that project. it was held January llth., A few Sunday's ago; Roger -Brown, Bob � w A first to be added to our'Grange duties Carpenter and son Bobby, ventured out to was the mailing of Christmas cards to cull on some of our older Grangers: They many of our people thisyear. -dand Nurszn Homes and made visitc 9 several calls =nt he process of present - The Junior Grange held it's --Installation ing 50 year pins,_ -,60 year pins' 25 year - of Officers at their February meeting. certificates, Past Master's pins and The Installation team consisted of Bob good will. They were, warmly received, Carpenter, Fred Swartwood, Joyce Lave, and report that it was a'very enjoyable lcger Brown and Pat Gray: experience. The Lecturer's program for the December meeting was very nice. We enjoyed some games, some singing by the -'Gray family Seventy-five yegr.,olds,-,; "tahen I die,- I'd and guitar playing by the Krayniaks. like to do it in:c3 car crash doing 80 They played a few song alone and then we n;.i1es zn hour;. asked them to play for us while we sang Eighty-five year -i5ld; "=I'd_like m ;,. some of the lovely Christmas -Carols. finish in a 400 M p.H. plane." x. Ninety --five year, old: "I'd like to be Our Secretary, Jean , Swartrb6d reports shot by a, jealous husband-, _. that we have no soldz'over X100.00 in cookbooks. Some people.'stall have out that:.,she woul.d� `appreciate a repot -t-.; on if possible. I got that one from Alan Gouldrrr!!i�,r, '\ a ,,:: -5 - DID YOU HELP H.- Did you give him a .lift?- . Do y: i know what it means He's a brother of man, To bc. losing -the -fight? And bearing about -all When lift just in time The burdens he can .-• :- - flight jet everything right. Did you give him `a •"smile? Do yc+.A know what i"t, means - -6 - Bob Thal1, who lost" the end --of his right '."Along 1-iith` -the letter, were several: index finger in an acaidnetat Cornell,, Clippings from a paper stating opinions. is coming along fine now and is back to ,that people had expressed -against this, ; work. we've missed you at;.the card worr�Zn. tin article, was a..lso- included :=- ..., . parties,: -Bob. �� s that suggested writing -p-, us h people..as ; Senator Jacob Javits, Charles A. Goodell,"" We were: sorry to hear, �ab©sut',Myrtie Roth ;,William T. Smith or, Howard Robison..: .= ermich falling j njujrinW�,= ex leg.,':I' understand that she';s ntiw';.conveles'ing at ;.giant to take :a.;ew limes: -to say a " the home -of her son'FLeon-._; 'She fell sincere thank you, for a11, :the remembrances : =. either Christmas Eve- or,;Christmas Day.' displayed toward the Grays over the past w holidays. I`11 'lump a11• thank you. `s into, . Ray and Millicent Carpenter left T -Burg one paragraph of riomes.,and.;hope each and January 15th to spend .a,ymorith in Florida.:.,-. every one of you .know ..that ...you make a., They returned the middle: -6f -February and nice pathway for us to walko.on- .Those reported a nice trip but they were glad included in my thanks are John and Mary to be home. Thal1 , Ray and )'Mary Ann Leonard (who incide>ntially is coming along well after Mrs. Vivian Holcomb. had quite a bout her surgery) Emmett and Blanch Tucker, with the flue a short time back but is Leon and Bernice Tucker, Mrs. Leona now on the mend. It seems that quite a Phelps, The Spechts and an added thanks -: few of our people had the -flu bug hit- for kind words to William P.enschlaer and - them. Most are coming around after Marjorie Stevenson. spending_a lot of..the..w.inter in a weakened,, condition..- Jean Swartwood reports;that,most dues are ., ;= coming in nicely New Cloths are being purchased for the .Tiltar-and the Master`s Station at the The Grange extends-thanks"--to_people -like Grange.-- Mice have visited, -the ones -we- Air. Butman and 11.r,,-Hadsal-_who are .not now have_:, members of our Grange but -who -have put, a lot of time intoit on different pro - Ind Ray Carpenter built a box to keep jectso the new. Regalia in to keep it clean. now on the mailing --List of three it was -brought up at'the January meeting. other Grange Newsletters. They are -the that the -Grange could use^either a fire- West Chazey Grange;_ Thet_On9daya Granger proof filing cabinet or an -old safe to .and '."he Jefferson County'Granger. These keep i t ° s, reccr. ds,,;in..,,,,- Thera -are many" are sure hard workingpeople. Their books and records andssome-are very oalandar of events. -is really` -full. important.:= Someone ought to suggest:".to Mr. O'Hara I recently received-a,,woriderful letter that he start a Tompkins County Granger. from one of our Grangers;.and in it they asked if there was -any racy, the EnfieldDoris and Woody Specht the Holidays . r,. Grange could instigate soiae; sort of ,spezIt• on the klest Coast .iaith-;their ""children in " legislature to fight. back against �1rs. California and Ox4igon. -_ Mada1yn ,Murry O°Hair.. Mrs�rjO'Hair ,zs the self.-procalimed"."atheist who fought Doris ` sister; Ila* ret 1 ,underwent successful) a ainst the; r: "oral of y g.!„ s urgery in early "is zew,;fit prayers�sn-our public=sch&1i. This _" �nuary:d as a fiddle }`,. - { Gr�3nger °'={incidentia.Ily;;: i�.`'sy one of ,oar . Grangers -of long "standin ',$�, wishes that A14ra1yn Kemp also underwent surgery:in' we, as an or anization `` to- 9 ..,,,,..g, Janu.3ry. ' Is for=µreriioval of part come up with some sort 'o etaliatbon yHer of tha Thyroid laud...She, perking against this woman. -,Her,?-plea was an hon _is well too. est and sincere one.•-� -Can �we of the :.; - . Grange do. something? ,- ��• .._ .. .. Our sympath ies are.extended to Esther Jack and :Mary Tha11 left .late for their Zaldokas°.and IRarilyn-.Kemp in the sudden . winter home this year due to the broken death of `Esther's husband and itifaril yn Is hip ,4ary suffered earlier -in the year. step -father - Ernie Zaldokas. They have now traveled -to -Arizona %there they spent some time and are now in" .We are pleased to hear' that Frank Spadaro. St. Petersburg, has returned home from Sayre Packer Hosp. and is feeling much better:,_ Cliff Gray, Mi Lee's Lee's father, purchased himself `a brand new, white 1969 Always have to take a.line-.or two to say Station Wagon and' had driven it less "HI" to=the Meades in ✓anEEtten. How is t1i3n a 1000 miles when someone ran into the weather out there -folks? to side of it and 'did $706.00 worth of .=_:..,. damage ,yid you speak nicely father -in - Mr. & Mrs. Douglas B&nnett_YElizabeth law? Stevenson) -spent -some" tame` -:over the past -. , , : -. _•. holidays with her father•and-brother, Mickey Gray, son of Aiitch'and Pat Gray Harvey and -Bob Stevenson.- and F.aren Sheffield, daughter of Charlie ' and Joanne Sheffield both•underwent Bob and Ruthann Scofield 'are- jaunting off, removal of thier tonsils- at the Tompkins to Floriday over the Easter'; -Vacation to, County Hospital February -2 -4th. Both "rrt re home and trying to eat again so they Aust be"' ice. y) y can get back. in school are :ssx.; visit her ; (and m mothers -d �- Fort M ers a Carl and; Fran !vewhartsleff the 3rd of ,Feb. little Danny Griffin (age `11) underwent .:.<.. fora ,visit;, with their-=sb fenny and his. , corrective surgery- reCeritlty' ori his fdQt wife in German y •and -..&,>:vacation. They. ,that was seven y - a laian . plan to `return arorand` the= 16th of March mower accident hen he. vas 6•. He -is back in school n6W' and feeling fine. v_v3g Carol is -now time for = .:_; M the Ithaca City District;,ldenjoys it :vary much. ;Y `> SOMEONE SAID TIL21T HARRY WILLIS WAS GOING DDOA SONG AND DA,10E ROUTIj