HomeMy WebLinkAboutecc 2002Enfield Community Council Quarterly Report January 2002 - March 2002 Newsletter: On December 15, 2001 the Enfield Community Currents was mailed to 1,100 people. This covers the period January, February, March and April 2002. $795 was spent. Administrative; During this quarter the Enfield Community Council spent $967.07 for Bookkeeping fees; NYS Disability Premium, CCSNYS membership fees, Dessi Jacobs Sponsorship and - Photocopying. Summer nd"Photocopying- Summer Camp: We are now into preparing for summer camp. Vera Strait is our Camp Director. We have spent $88.60 for an RTE Course and Ads for camp positions. Teen Program:This includes MJP- Youth Emnlovment and Enrichment Pro j Ftp : During this quarter we spent $2,329.72 on our Teen Program, $968.48 on our MJP - Youth Employment Program, and $490.51 on our Enrichment Program. Please find attached Shannon McSurely's detailed program reports for January, February and March 2002 and Cooperative Extension's Statement of Operations for March, 2002. Thank You! Carol A. Givin - Treasurer Vera Strait - Secretary Enfield Community Council Enfield Community Council Attachments: March 2002 - Revenue and Expense Statement Youth Program Reports - January - March 2002 - Shannon McSurely's Program Reports Cooperative Extension Statement of Operations - March 2002 Submitted to Town Board 5/13/02 Date : 03/31/2002 Time: 9:12 AM ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL INC - _ Page no.. l STATEMENT OF REVENUE & EXPENSE AS OF MARCH 31, 2002" ACCOUNT* NAME CURRENT YEAR TO DATE **GROSS REVENUES** 411 UNITED WAY 1,122.54 3,367:02 412 TOWN OF ENFIELD 5,000.00 10,329100 416 FUND RAISING 0.00 20;00 4180 CAMP-BEF/AFF CARE OAO " 4181 DONATIONS -SUMMER CAMP 0.00 0:00 4189 DONATIONS -GENERAL 0.00 " 285;00 419 ADVERTISING 0.00 0x00 421 INTEREST INCOME 0.00 0, 425 OTHER INCOME 0.00 0.00 426 ENFIELD SCHOOL AGED PRGRM -0.00- TOTAL REVENUES 6,122.54 "" ' " 14,588.02"= **EXPENDITURES** *SUMMER CAMP -EXPENSES* 5211 CAMP -WAGES 0.00 0.00 " 5212 CAMP -FICA 0.00 0:{)0 5213 CAMP-FUTA/SUTA 0.00 000 5214 CAMP SUPPLIES & EXPENSES 65.00 TOTAL SUMMER CAMP EXPENSE 65:00 05:00 *BEFORE/AFTER CAMP EXP* 5215 BEFJAFT CAMP WAGES 0.00 OAO " 5216 BEF/AFT CAMP FICA 0.00. 0.00 " 5217 BEF/AFT CAMP SUTA 0.00 0:00'" 5218 BEF/AFT CAMP SUPPLY & EXP 0:00. TOTAL CAMP CARE EXP . 0.00" 0.00 ENFIELD SCHOOL AGED PROGR 5411 ENF. SCHOOL AGED -WAGES 5412 ENF SCHOOL AGED -FICA :0;00: 5413 ENF SCHOOL AGED-SUTA 5414 ENF SCHOOL AGED -EXPENSES - "0.00 - " " 0.00 TOTAL ENFIELD SCHOOL AGED fl.00 0:00 *AFTERSCHOOL SCHSHP EXP* 5514 AFSCH DAYCARE SCHLRSHIP 0.00 39040 TOTAL AFSCH DAYCARE EXP 0.00: ;390 00 F - Date : 03/31/2002 Time: 9:12 AM ENFIELD COMMUNITY COUNCIL INC Page rv0 2`. STATEMENT OF REVENUE & EXPENSE AS OF MARCH 31, 2002 ACCOUNT* NAME CURRENT YEAR TO DATE *GENERAL EXPENSES* 5912 5913 BOOKKEEPING; GENERAL SUPPLIES & IXPENS 51.95 219.27 5914NEWSLETTER EXPENSES 0.00 10.54 5915 FUND RAISING EXPENSES 0 00 395.00 5916 COMMUNITY DONATIONS 0'0 20.40 ADVERTISING 0.00 0.005917 5918 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES 0.00 470.00 0.00 ` 5919 INSURANCE - ALL PROG 0.00 470,00 5920 COOP -EXT TEEN PROGRAM 0.00 277.80 5921 COOP EXT -YOUTH ENRICHMENT 0.00 2,170.01 -: 5922 IYB-RECREATION PTNRSHIP 0.00 431.39 5923 MUNICIPAL JOB FUND 0.00 0.00 690.27 5924 NYS INC TAX FILING FEE 0.00 5925 CPA FEE 0:00_" " " 0.00 TOTAL GENERAL EXPENSES 521.95 4,684.68' TOTAL EXPENSES 586:95 5,139.68 NET GAIN/LOSS 5,535.59 9,448.34 t *The following middle/high school programs are free with limited space* N Co%ndnr of Events Feb. 4th Monday Makers 3:30-6 Paper crafts =window stars =eb. 71h Thursday outings-Coat?Hat?Gloves?Boots?waterbottJe? "Feb,9th Sat.x-country skiing 10:30-2:30 @ Podunk ...weather dep. 'Feb.10 -Tubing @ Greek Peak/Reality Check Program - YOU MU.5TREA TLEAS T13 rogram-YOUMUSTREATLEAST13 YEARS OLD to attend 1:30 van-transno to pyramid mall returning 7-3P1'J1 Feb. I Vh Monday Candle Makers 3-5:45 (ECC Meeting is at 6) Feb. 13th 3:30-5:30 Help plan the Coop Extension Niche N Feb. 14th Thursday outings Coat?Hat?Gloves?Boots?waterbottle? *Feb. 16th Saturday -12:30-3:30 Ice House /Eco -Forestry at -,Black Locust Initiative and swim at the YMCA 4-5. Lunch and a ride provided *Feb. 19"' Tues.9-12 a few craft mentors needed. -.se e- other side fl Feb. 22m Friday off. 11-2:30 6th graders skate Free!_ Lima.-13� � Feb. 25 Monday, Makers 3:30-6 PM -Candles! Feb. 28th Thursday outings coat? Hat?Gloves? Boots?waterbottle, *See other side for details To moister n for i for . tion . �.- _r • ... mors •n:... t^.a. �z.., call Shannon Mc5urely, Enfield Youth Program Manager 272-22--92-x229- sponsored 72-2292-x229sponsored by The Enfield Community Council and Cooperative Extension of Tompkins Co: Happy Ground Hogs 0ay111 Calendar of Events N *March_ 1-2"d Fridav-Saturday MC $$'._Museum overnight 5 fee March 4th Monday Makers 3:30---6 -Meet at the communit}r building -its Shannon's birthday! Goats -in the woods walk!! , . Mar. ? ' Thursdav outinos- HI NG l TOWEL5 *Mar ,9h .tce House it's a wrap! 2 -3pm and swim Mar. i 1 th Monday Makers 3 30- 5:45 (ECC mtc..l at:6: ,73,ui'.. �` Mnr.14t�' `i`hur�dav outino bring a chang.� o� cloth ! *Mar. 151"h Fridav- off 1 ,6. Field trip to Lim- a Hollow -and' career exploring at Cortland Graphics. Bring a beJun h. Transportation provided: March le Monday Makers 3:30-6PM dream ,oatch-P,�r-.;", *March- 23"d Saturday 12: 4ptnL-lam -Marna Farm ri perk r. March .2 MOndfl1 MakGrS 3 : 30-6PM callectiig for'['' or basket .weaving Mar. 28 . -Thursday .out1nQS bring a hnnge of clothes! Canoeing! V Z ffm Eli t" Nam", ""M," 1120im f Enfield Youth Program Manager's Report March 2002 ECC meeting 4/8/02 s Coop. Ext. Assoc. of Tompkins County Statement of Oper*bns S Months Ended Marcn *I, ZOQZ EnfieldYouth Program (" Current j Y.7.D. Annual jUndaV(Cver)(."_i61Bud�et:-.: Month +, uAl 8udsfet I �!t' _ ��ture C C.f_ Revenues: Town of Enliold - Courty Funds 3,978.25� 3,978-251 15,913.00 i - - 11,93475", Un"rted Wap Teen - 2.319.77_! 2,329.72,' 6,831 00 4,501 28 2;11-82 28:65% Enfield Youth"Em Employment " 968.48 968 48� 49051 i 3.380.00 , _ 2,064,001 _ 1,1573,49-1 Eirchmant/FsmilyT s 490.51 510.00 386.00 (00)r."Trips Program Partici ion 2,161.00 7,161.00 _ Town of infield Town Funds Deferred Rev - Youth Emofoyment 45 42 45.42 _ O.Co 100.00%,x, Total Revenues - 7766-95 11276.96 I 30 760AI 22-4 Personnel Expenses: Salaries &Wages _ 1,581.42 4,744.26 18,917.00 14,23. 7. ,-. _ 2b_0044 Program Support Fee 928.25 I 928,25 3,713.00 2.784-75 83.75 ., 25;0091 " W. Une.mplo1, �ent Insurance 21.25 I 21.25 47.50 85.Q0 180.00 _ 142 so. _ . . 2 0% workers' Lompeasatfon 47.50 50.00. 5000 200.00 150.00 23.4096 bitty insurance Liability Peraannof SubtotaF 2,628.42 5,791.26 2$185.00 t 17,373.74 Z5-0o% Program Exfmpsas: ! 0 00 ` ! 0.0096 Wages -Assistants/Gasual. 1 3,425-A2 2,456.94 28:27% .: . Youth Employment _ 764.501 988.48 34.20 -� - 50.00 15.80 _ 68.403b Employee Dov. 0.04 0.00, C! 00% Awards & Pr¢es I I 123.18 X490.11 2,430.00 2o_1S% FamitY Trips . 0.$6 0.86 90.00 914 ,`-�°� ��- Telephone 1 42 05 I '7.07 200 00 422 93 l 38 5496 . Postage Supp�i 23 9fi 80,00:1 56.04 29 9596 Mvetings/Rerreshmen:s " 11.88 95.91OO.CO 284.85 35 3796 Mileage 100.38 159.15 29.21 450.00 _ 250.00 -22079- Van Usage/Rentals _10.80 26.70 j 64.20 75.W i _ _ 85.60% Printing 715 150.00 142 85 I 4.7796 Program Materlair. (437.QOI 13.00 75.00 ; 62 00 17 9396 Pram Presenters _ j 832.65 1.983.70 x.595.42 6,631 72 f : 25.8596 Program Subtotal, I 1 Total Expenditure X261.07 { _ 7J54.9 -�-� 60.42 23,005.46 I " 4" Personnel expenses are :billed at the beginning of eaoh quartet IVon-personnel `'wages 7-Pthg fOraccacwnal part•time(casual emploveas hired to Ile o-wilh program f . Yi ,v-ir 7(-, r,7 c7 id-i 1_1Ci'r17 j7' lfici•'Y,�, Newsletter: On April 15, 2002 the Enfield Community Currents was mailed to 1,100 people. 'This - covers the period May, June,july and. August 2002. Included in this issue was the; - Summer Camp -Application: $896.08 was spent. Administrative: During this quarter tlte. Enfield Comrnumt- Council. spent $1,358.85 for Bookkeeping fees, NYS Disability Pxemium �CCSNVS Director and Office, "s -Liability Premium, P.1, Box fee &. Accident Insurance Premium Summer Camp; Submitted to Town Board 7/11/02 Enfield Youth Program Manager's Report April 2002 ECC meeting 5/13/02 April Programs: 411 Monday makers _Basket material collecting 3 boys, 4 girls 412 Enfield Chorus Tours Ithaca —2514'h and 5'h graders (1-5:30p_m) 414 Outings Canoeing- (2=7pm) 416 Saturday Second Community drip to Howe's Caverns 45 Enrielders (all ages) 4/8- Monday Makers=-Beginning Baskets 3 boys 4 girls (3-6pm) 4/10 Alternatives Branch Office'construction for ACS I boy, 2 girls (3: 5pm) *Th-- following middle/high"school programs are fi' G'rnrith (itr/itza(sp ae :.Unless otherwise noted . Calendar of Events May 6th Monday - Makers, 3:30-6 Meet at the community building may 9't`' Thur ay _qutincis ��{ May 11Th -,$4+,': -,Primitive Pursuits G 4-H Acres,,. , May 1V:,,Moridaty eAckers 3:30-5:45(ECC Meeting'06) May 16th' y `t'humdav-autinds " � � May i8t-at_:nfield Alumni wanted to help run crafty _Enfield € tlh �tlt' May ,un.rZ.ytn-4""Bee Keepers Ca,/uaa Natur-0,Center .... May '2e -Monday Makert 3-6pm... pursue"the; }primitive ..:.shelter ;bu i:ll i ngw i rt pump. for end -o-year overnight in the woods.: Meet @, the community ldI. 1Mav �2 rd" Thursday Outings May 25th -fat, 12-3- Help! Prevent a melt down._ Shady "the Ice-H6_ -GrassRoots Cainpgraund.and cross your fingers ' {May 27th -AA6Moriul Clay -.Observed -No MONDAY, MAKtks!) Mav: 30th": Thur ' d Out�ribs -fast meeting for the " school, year l June 1t. -. fat; 11-41 f=estival ue ioiral;: Join.your^ greater community in tl#i,iriq celebration featuring ttrany.talented local performer; gaff turd food veridars, etc. �riiig"�i I tg?gf=1peieh, wafter battle, NIOh1EYl!? {if.you taped to buy stuff), Wtinket, urYibrdla and,be ready tos ay,:free: use 'and to sty�ILV&tii�r,nnd have,funi" / me Shelter -b June 3"o :Mmdav 'Mt�kers-3-6pm (6 m ) _ l4/ng:, June =��h Pr�irriitlyd ;Overnight @Shudabe,n ,(rain dafe 6%15-16) June. l Oth Monday _Makers " June 14: F- - -Fri" after school- 6pm Explorinq Cornell P(t�ntnt'tuns-HeAb TransportQtion and bagels provided. Pick you up at school: ' � #f .r June 17th MonduV Makers June 215t - Fri, after school- 6pm Explorinq Cornell _ Plantations; �Arborefum.Trarrisportation and bagels provided. Pick you up at school June 22'd -Sat. 10 -1 -Climb the wall with Your children! Family `rap f►i�fot' det June 24th "' Monclav Merry Makers celebrate LAST DAY -dl= $CNOOL�: To register or for: more information, call Shannon McSurely Enfield Youth Program Manager 272-2292 x229 sponsored by The --Enfield Community Council and Cooperative Extension- f i empreins Ua - ' �AITy sun��j E�, Gt�`I�) s�+'t4k