HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993 Historian Scrap book 845-601 Mail In and Out in 1993 i L, (1T TT I Ellison (_A"u 1 24 _-- ;_ __hostage not bi (^ _ 1 _ 2 _ I _ Suther-land.—P_.. R .-_. 1 -2 1 Mabee - -b b rl 1 311 -Durfee Thompson -11— 221- -Oro - -..(19 9.9 T - - ans. not nec_ _ 1_-_ 9.1 L. Weatherby -- -- - - - _ i -State _-Hi-s t-or__ian_. anc _ hr�r rari_ is 1 11 Calgene -�— �__ _1 11J_E_llison i 117 -__Allen t Ellison (_A"u 1 24 A. Shaw ans. my request I - ans'wd below b 30 b rl 1 311 -Durfee Thompson - ans. not nec. 12 7 Meade ans. my request I 2 ;20 Simmons b 2 20 Cole b I 2 i20 Moxley b i • 1 ans. not nec. rea . fr. . Mente - - gave to app. DeOlDl _ r R 91 anc _ hr�r rari_ 2 3 i - - ans. not nec. 3 ! 7 Brumfield b 3 '7 Shenstone b Sept. 15th 1991 ans. not nec. 3 21 sent mat! & an... - - I ans. not nec. I 3 2 DeAuL7istine 3 i 21 Turkewitz b 24 Chapman b _'- ans. not nec. I 3 128 Betts bj[ >Y I � 1 1 j. 4 7 returned family data het 2 1 23 Common Bond l l I : 2 24 Historic Ithaca iDlicaaitii:)n l 2 11271 Jean True req,ues 3; 3 1 Hinckley newsletter) 3 8 Clasby returned faml� a datshl, 3 �.3 S,C.R.L.C, lea.flA I I l 3 16 Pratt 8 Pratt rea I 1 if I 3 171 Sacred Trusts VL PI hletl 1, it verbal thank_vo _ 3 126 SARA leaflet 5 1 1 returned fami14 d4a 81n4ai f I N � I 3 3 �_ ans'wd request( II _ a� --_ s... --or i.s- .---returned f am4y ...data ...shN 1 9 " Town -Topics " � I 1 24 ans. my request 2 2 bulletin #1688 I _ 9 23 ans. from James'Ba.Llev i • 1 28 rea . fr. . Mente _ I 2 3 S,C.R.L.C. newslett r ►tar�ona7' 45-eo�>=-"_- -- _-- --Mail --In_-and_-_Out- --i.n--199-3__-con_'t_ - _c_ - - Js- - - OUT i' ?N i T- - - - ans. not nec _ i�- 4. _ ___3 ..AMHNYS news letter .... ans. -not _nec 4_ 3 _ i_.. S.CRLC .news letteTT r: - - - ` - - will not attend 4 6 invite region 7 meeting jf _ 4 8 notice RCHA meeting - - ans. not nec - - -- i i 412: � Steen I b _ 4 12: Kelly .. b - E4- - 12; _ _Smith _— _.— b # t * _ 4._...__.2 0 --r.eturned - family data ;sheet - ------ -- - ------ - -- _-� - i--._4ans. not nec.__.._.l6S CRLC -wor shop J notice- 4 19, Houghton ; j 5 10, flags- came jl _ 5 5 returned famil�t �` --- -- i 4 19i Stevenson aata..s eet.. 4 21 1 info from SARA j - passed alon to' 'o_01___i___- - i- i ans. not nec. ! 1 SCRLC workshq -n tice_L - ---- -- � 23 P Ir - -- 4 231 NYSHA Seminari. noioe__�____-- .' ans not nec ! ; _ - I ans. not nec 4 24 CALF Audio-- rgque" t:.mat1__._. i 4 261�-- I I 1- Decker b I 5 18 anwd eg5 l_ re from Hoffman I; -- - sr --- -- - - - T - - q -- I - !I 5 201 Edward Wolf (_ a II 5 24 T. Drake I b 1 5 24 S. Drake b 5 30 returnp-d familydata sheet 74 5 .261 Nunez 5 2 Guma 5 26 Marsh 5 6 5 5 5 5 b 6 1 returned family -da sh et h j 261 9� _...-3 0;--1Co _ Vanorder b attended meeting le --- —--b I � I - ans. not req. 30 Rogers _ b ! b �` 30! Blodgett _ b _ Mekeel _r 20 #* 3 0 I ' ___0_ Connor b - I ans ans not req I 5 291 DeWitt _H,. Soc . _-. 4 returned_famly 6 8 returned family dat41 sheet, 7 6 I I _ I ! 29 rr For the--Re�ord�' 2 returned fa_m_ lily data.j shE'.et ii 26i Chenango County Histillm�I �i - - ans. not req. 6 2 0 Demming b _ 6 2O _ Mekeel b 20 Swansbrough b - -I ans. not nec. I 5 291 DeWitt _H,. Soc . _-. 4 returned_famly 6 8 returned family dat41 sheet, 7 6 I I _ I ! 29 rr For the--Re�ord�' 2 returned fa_m_ lily data.j shE'.et ii 26i Chenango County Histillm�I �i u.1i...1 45-601 _:_- _ _-_-- Mail _lza ---and_.Out_. in---1993.con't-. -- - - - ---- - - - - -- - Out In 6 26Marshall b - - - - - a -x- f --- - -- - ;.` r 7. -------2 _..7r_eturned family data sheet-. 6 26 Griswold b I I _ans._ not__re- -.._:- 7 2--- S.C.R.L.C_. listing; written - - written ans. not req'tt .---- 1:!...-..7...-_ 2_1 -.DeWitt .'.book imaterial -- - - " poataL7e-_ reimbur.s,ed'__t.o . here. ;18.1 .-x..-. 2P---=-- 2 3 .4 9.-_ - -.- : 7 5 Gokay ib- - ans. not expected i 7 5 Hodge b 9 ___ Z r-eturn�d-. _f am .- dada _h . _ I; - - - - -- -- - -- - - -r- - r r.. i 7 5 Martin ;b 1 91 Common -Bond :. ans,7- ans. .. - -- - - i II - � - 7 ___l4�--D.eWit.t_.-author-..4istl' -� - -- ans . not nec,_-�_- ,- - - ans. nec_.-----=-- -- 5--I3i t-or.ic _..Ithaca - i- - --: - 1 - s�ieet' ans. not nec. _ _ _.7___..._ Pellegr.ino__by .1_sn n1..._-- _ -- : - - - ' i I - - ans. not nec _ 4..nf s ee - 1 ans. not nec 7 31 Sherman return d _ fmily_d.ata__0L 8 3_I _ McCra --- - - -- I�-- -- - --y- ---- i! 8 3 Allen b I' -----..------------ -- ----------- - - } --'---------- --�: n 8 3 Delong -- -- b '�- + ------ - -- - - -- --- -t i- -1 - --- , i ans not nec - 6 Hinek te� ---_---- ---ans_.-- e not_nc __-. j j^-- ans. not nec. tJans. not nec. 1T -8 _.. 15 `----Rums ey, - - - b - - ans. not nec �T 8 27 ans. request 821---ans. - _ ans, not nec - qLns. not nec anR - not nec - ans_,-_ n - ans- net nee - 8 6_ '----aulson_family--dad ai 8 Perkins return4d fun, dc.t.a 'sh'� 8 9 Willis returned busL sh.1 j j� 8 10 book from_. S .A . R.A.. -1 8 16 Lupo returned f ami_ daja sh's. li 'Hubbell b4s, -- ho-€ �_ _�_$-1�__� Ba�Zl.is rangy — -- R L9 _-Saulsgiuer--bu:ieet- - 8 20 __A.M.H. of N.Y.--- m_ _ging; nac returned dia sh. - 8— 27 —C---Rlye-- -- --- 8 27 D. Hall returned school Sl. i ( 8 30 Sheffield retl1rnPri cc±h ich 8 31_ Will ett-_returnP 1 I __-aat_a h 8 31 Baker.--.,_reiurne _fm 8 ! 31 Traunstein re t4rne," bus a fo�m Na6ona,- 45-601 E. E__- - Mail In and Out in 19 9 3 con t. Out 'i In ans, not nec ! 9 1 Fisher returned faTA data sh. --- -- - - ans. not nec i j! 9 1 Invite Dist.7 - 7 rtieeing t{ - - ----- - - - - 9 5 Humphrey X10 27; ans. my question 1- _ I i is 9.____5 Stev-ens --- - ;�- }r - - - - - -- - ' I - ans. not nec. t 9 .8 ._Ballard...ans-.-.-to ,.:onl' survey,-.---.-;. 9 9 Allen * 9 17 answered my questiilon!s --+- - ---- -answered -- ans_... nat._ne� -- -- --- -. q.� �m.erson.--r�tr-reed-a-;..._data--uhf. 1passed on to supierv:so'r_ -__ 9 13i N.Y.S_Education;.Depta-_—T-.-___-..1 r ans. not nec. -T _' 9 Z4i Schwan I: --- - -- n - - - - Walters fa _dat��h . 1: j ans. not nec .9 _ 17 Skalwold ret . fm. atah, al--.-_.... - et-- - - - - she ans. my phone eq __ _ !; 9 18 Newfield town c er 1 li - - -- - -- 9 19 Torok '`"'` _ lL - --- - --- - -11 -. - —' -- :1 10 31 ans. request - * 9 20 Baylis additional _e uest 9 261 sent Tk-you i i a 9 241 BOOK -FROM D. Hilb oiler 9 2S Achilles b i 10 2 1 returned fam. ata s I 9 26; Heilbroner 9 26; Keeney Hubbell, Ri --- — � Roge+ Hubbell , Roge+ Kraft 1 -- - - Stout - _ 10 4 sent_a list of _c�h, run' on ' Stamp' -- - Hubbell, C �' -_---- ---- - - ans. not nec.10 6 " ii ' Commnn�Q�1d__. i ans-. mot- nec. ! „ 10 23 CawexLseza_xxctn� s. Tans not nec. 11 4 R. Pelle rino C Com?q.1Co ncM - -� ans. not _nec. 11 6 S . C . R , L . C 11 8 Bryce j i --- -i---- 11 13 sent ans. to r q. 11 101 Thelma Maloney eel. - - ans. not nec. 11 13 Chenango coun�ne s Tattier i ' j_ -- I - - ans. not nec. 11 23 T. Malonev retixrne If ram l -,I- i l- _postage reimb rse tb here 54 x .29 $15_.66 y 11 28; Malonev �- 8 11 2� Brewer Veit '' 'r` 12 10 re ur�esi-��tr3 _s el 5 _ 11 28 Smith i$ 12 3 returned info 11 '28 j Emerson h I! Nati—ar= 45-601 =-«5e- Mai 1 In and Out in 1993 coni . - Aa USA Out In r— I'll 29 Patterson 11 2 9 ; Hunt 11 29! Dougherty ll 29' Scofield 11 29i Beardsley - ;12 4 Patterson --. i' 12 7 returned ii 12 5 y -Carlisle i I 12 11 " For the Record 1° I I 12 3 returned - sent ;wrong address t � 12 1511 11'11 i I ^^ --. i' 12 7 returned school shut ' • •• 12 2 returned data sheets j IIx I � it ^ 12 12 5 Galt T 1_ t yji I 12 6 Smith b ;� k^ �' 12 151 returned fam. data! sh. - _ ans . not -nec . - - l ans . not nec . f - - ans. not nec . '112 191 Carlisonb 1:12 281 Siegard lb 112 281 Iannone b ans. not nec. I . I i I � i f 7 I' I 12 11 " For the Record 1° I I �12 13! " talk of the Town t � 12 1511 p.Dougherty ( S'cof eld info ) 12 2 8 returned fam . dhta w t ;a Sh . {; IIx I � it ^ 12 31 returned family da a': Sh. 12 30 Common Bond 12 30 notes from S.A.1k I 7 I' VOUCHER TOWN OF ENFIELD 168 Enfield Main Road Ithaca, New York 14850 Historian (CLAIMANT — DO NOT VOUCHER WRITE IN THIS AREA) NUMBER DATE VOUCHER RECEIVED FUND-- APPROPRIATION I I DEPARTMENT CLAIMANT'S M.Clyde Hubbell NAME 134 Hubbell Dr. AND Ithaca , N.Y. ADDRESS L14850 + ENTERED ON ABSTRACT NO. DE7AILEO INVOICES MAY BE ATTACHED. AND TOTAL ENTERED ON THIS VOUCHER. -EPTIFICATION BELOW MUST BE SIGNED TERM - DATE VENDOR'S INVOICE NO. QUANTITY DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS OR SERVICES fi 7/3/93 Reimbursement for the following items I Postage ( 81 x .29 ) Paper, photographs, and other items see attached list ) i TOTAL j AMOUNT PURCHASE ORDER Nn UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 23.49 75.91 (SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE) TOTAL 99.40 CLAIMANTS CERTIFICATION M.Clyde HiihhPll99.40 certify that the above account in the amount of S is true and correct: that the items, services and disbursements charged were rendered to or for the municipality on the dates stated: that no part has been paid or satisfied; that taxes, from which thagunicipali/tyyis e empt, are not in luded; and that the amount claimed is actually due. July 3rd 1993 Z� ��'1 4 /�f-Historian DATE /SIGNATURE TITLE is PACE BELOW FOR MUNICIPAL USE) DEPARTMENT APPROVAL The above services or materials were rendered or furnished to the municipality on the dates stated and the charges are correct. DATE AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT This claim is approved and ordered paid from the appropriations indicated above - DATE AUDITING BOARD AN C ,ZmWNaticnal' °°,^~°,°. �n�°Pxppnqp.q Made .USA --_ carried forward acid free ---- i - U | paper 1992 12 4 24 photo's ' .6E 1.168 i -----'--]��--, | 12 5] xerox 80 pgs � !+' | � 6.18 / +! 8'S71 :18 48 blank sheets_ � . .. � 11'77 ii 2 6 typewriter nz 2 E 14.02 2 1141 26 a @.O? � 15,84 i3 3 xerox 79 Dageo 2 I8.21 - 3Ierk � I9J214 '19 two flags 13 5 4 54.55 2 pga' � �G | � | I ream nanar ---'----_ / ---'----_--_ ----� ----- ---- i ---'----_--_ --_. �j ! '. |/ �| |�/ |i VOUCHER TOWN OF ENFIELD 168 Enfield Main Road Ithaca, New York 14850 (CLAIMANT — DO NOT VOUCHER WRITE IN THIS AREA) NUMBER DATE VOUCHER RECEIVED FUND • APPROPRIATION DEPARTMENT CLAIMANTS M. Clyde Hubbell NAME 134 Hubbell Dr. AND ADDRESS Ithaca, N.Y. I ( 14850 � 1 ENTERED ON ABSTRACT NO. DETAILED INVOICES MAY BE ATTACHED. AND TOTAL ENTERED ON THIS VOUCHER. III :ERTIFICATION BELOW MUST BE SIGNED, TERMS DATE VENDOR'S QUANTITY DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS OR SERVICES INVOICE NO. 11/26/93 Reimbursement for the following items Postage C 54 x .29 ) Paper, photographs and .other items see attached list ) I (SEE INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE SIDE) TOTAL 195.19 CLAIMANTS CERTIFICATION M.Clyde Hubbell � 195.19 I. certify that the above account in the amount of S is true and correct: that the items, services and disbursements charged were rendered to or for the municipality on the dates stated: that no part has been paid or satisfied; that taxes, from which the municipality is exempt, are not included; and that the amount claimed is actually due. 11/26/93 HiStor iAn DATE SIGNATURE TITLE (SPACE BELOW FOR MUNICIPAL USE) DEPARTMENT APPROVAL APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT The above services or materials were rendered or This claim is approved and ordered paid furnished to the municipality On the dates stated from the appropriations indicated above. and the charges are correct. AMOUNT TOTAL PURCHASE ORDER N^ UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 15.66 179.53 DATE AUTHORIZED OFFICIAL DATE AUDITING BOARD NNational-- 45-601 Eye -Eases Historian is expenses from the 1993 budget con tt. e ' Made in USA 1 1 I 1 1 7 ! 26 adhesive 1-45 1 II 1.45 8--L4l #10 envelopes I 1.3 2.80 ! R 12 xerox 179 pgs, l 5.3"'( 1 8.17! 8 (16 xerox 600s. 13.00 Pg II I I 26.171 1 8 16 1 ream acid free I 12,00 1 138.17 ! 8_121 1 photo album 1 U, F: E I 150.05 8 1 271 45 photo's 3.151 11 53, 20 9 9 1 35 photo's I 2. +!i I� 55.65 Q ,, master copy PIP l 1,30 1 56,95 19 12 34 photo's 2.33 59.33 9 115 book "death benef:�.t '' ).8 .)) JI 80.8! 1 9 16 57 photo reprints l�Z „i Il 93.36 I q 231 AMHNYS dues 1993 5 , 1l 1 98 .36 1 1 9 129 •239 pgs. xerox 1 77 11 106, L3 J. 10 1 5 25 photo's 1.7. 11107.881 10 13 12 photo's I .3F 1108,72 10 117 Non- lare hot 7 20 � P pg � I 1115 92� 10 201 23 photo's 1, i>j (1 117. 531 10 1301 26 photo's1.1 I I 3 1119.321 11 3 rWhhar, opmcr)t -Ili 1 129 _7-7- I Ill I5 photo album 9;317 130,741 1 ll 71 non -glare photo pgl:. 1L,6 1) 11145.14 111 f 1 12 reprints I 2.61- 147.78 11113 28 poto's ( 149.74 I 1 11 221 file folder labelsll6, 3 156, 72 11 1231 xerox 187 pgs.1 1.61 162.33 1 ream acid fr4e impar. _E .00 1177. 33 1 11 261 :2 binders 2.20 I179.53 i I 1 II I I I II 1 '1 l ! III I I J 1 II II 41 pgs, acid Are I I acid freer Iaper ++ -�—� I I� IT' II I r II I 1993 Donation and or loan of materials to the Historian's collection #l.- From Rosa Spivey 140 Biotech bldg. ( Cornell University ) a - a quantity of papers related to the gene gun b - a quantity of expendables used with the gene gun #2. - From Chauncey Ellison ( 1504 North Hancock St. Arlington VA 22201 ) a - photographs of his stay in Enfield ( 1925 ) #3. - From Doris Austin ( 1016 North Tioga St. Ithaca, NY 14850 ) a,- five pages of Hine genealogy ( on loan ) b - eight photographs ( on loan ) #4 - From Jennie Stevenson via Marilyn Smith ( Interlaken, NY 14847 } a - a quantity of material to look over and copy if desired #5. - From the late Helen Smith and John Smith ( 228 South Applegate Rd. Ithaca, NY 14850 ) a - two pages handwritten notes on May Savercool b - two photographs 2356 Mecklenburg Rd, c - book " Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction" d - book " Manual State of New York 1863 " e - mothers club photograph 1965 f - list of possible mothers club members g - newspaper clipping of mothers club h - four photographs of barn on South Van Dorn Rd. i - one bulletin M.E. Church June 6th 1993 j -1960-61 phone book k - one 1963-64 phone book 1- " Who's Who in America " 1924-25 m - one photograph of Harry Willis n - one photograph of 4-H recognition Sunday 1949 0 - packet eighteen postcards of Enfield Glen p - Tompkins County Grange Eightieth Anniversary q - booklet " New York State Parks 1929 " r - 100th Anniversary Cookbook Enfield Grange s - Kennedy's Corners Cookbook 1956 t - drawing of Applegate Tavern drawn by Martha Chacona u - Hillendale advertisement v -" Enfield News " 1980 w - Helen Smith notebook x -1941 Calendar T.A. Schaber #6. - From Bill Drew via Sue Thompson ( 487 Enfield Center Rd, East ) a - two photographs concerning M.E. Church #7. - From Glenn Hubbell ( 1308 Mecklenburg Rd. ) a - Feb, 6th 1957 issue of " The Tattler " #8, - From Pat Dougherty ( 330 Sheffield Rd. ) a - Dougherty 1993 news letter #9. - From Etta Gray ( 1511 Mecklenburg Rd. ) a - " New York History " on loan b - " Before Cayuga " on loan #10, - From Diana Barber ( Lansing Historical Society ) a - book " Youthful Thoughts 1844-48 " 11. - From Edward Wolf ( 1691 Taughannock Blvd.. ) a - the gene gun #12, - From Wilfred & Charlotte Drew ( Sheffield Rd. ) a - one photograph of 4-H club at camp 1946 b - newspaper clipping 150th birthday Baptist Church #13. - From the Enfield Elementary School ( 20 Enfield Main Rd. ) a - 1992-93 year book b - 1993-94 school, directory #14. - From Wilma Fisher ( 398 Harvey Hill Rd. ) a - a quantity of newspaper clippings on loan #15. - From Hilda Amberge ( 631 Black Oak Rd. ) a - " Hilltop News letter " b - list of students #11 Bostwick c - list of students #9 Rollison _ #16. From Blanch Stout ( 86 Black Oak Rd. ) a - " Growing up in Enfield " b -" School days at district #11 " #17. - From Denise Landon ( 124 Hubbell Dr, ) a - Three photographs blizzard of March 1993 b - five photographs of flooding in State Parks #18. - From Ella Miller ( 600 Trumbulls Corners Rd. ) a - the loan of twelve photographs #19, - From Joan Sheffield ( 248 Enfield Main Rd. ) a - the loan of three photographs of school district #6 #20, - From Millicent Carpenter ( 3489 Jacksonville Rd. ) a - monthly report card of Asa Rumsey 1922 b - water wagon pen #21, - From the Enfield Elementary School ( 20 Enfield Main Rd, } a - one damaged painting of the school #22, - From Harold Laue ( 82 Enfield Main Rd. ) a - two record books for district #4 1831 to 1955 b - two photographs ( dist. #4 and dist. #6 ) #23, - From Nellie McEver ( 102 Podunk Rd. ) a - three photographs of Tubbs dist. #1 on loan #24, - From Miriam Viet ( Maple Ave. West Danby, NY) a - program Enfield Senior Class #25, - From Barbara McIntyre ( 89 Shaffer Rd, Newfield, NY ) a - registration of attendance Aug, lst 1930 to July 31st 1931 dist. #6 #26, - From David Heilbroner ( Chilmark, MA ) a - autographed book " Death Benefit " #27, - From Mildred Updike ( Covert Rd. Interlaken, NY } a - two photographs of "Wes " Rolfe b - newspaper clipping of store in Enfield Center #28. - From Wade Whittaker ( 363 Hines Rd, ) a - two photographs of barn at 367 Hines Rd, on loan #29, - From Juanita Wojtanik ( Newfield, NY ) a - two photographs of Millers Corners school and pupils #30. - From Charlotte Ballard ( 136 Seven Mile Dr. Ithaca, NY) a -one photograph Enfield Valley Grange members 100 year celebration #31. - From Doris Willett ( 328 Pierce Ave, Endwell, NY ) a - two scrapbooks on loan Historian's notes on Town Board meetings held in 1993 January 6th 1993 - a regular meeting Elected officials present were: Jean Owens, Jean Scofield, Robert Linton, Linda Van Nederynen, Patricia Dougherty, Donald Lovelace, Ronald Updike and Daniel Winch. Observers present were: John Smith, Debra Traunstein, Alice Linton, Laura Owens, JoElla Moore, Roger Laue, Marvin Arnold, Greg Kirchgessner, Virginia Bryant, myself, and from the Tompkins County Planning Dept. Karl Heck , Jim Hanson Topics discussed were: H.U.D. application - election expenses billed by County - Gene Endres appointed to planning board - cemeteries - Roger Rumsey will not do the house numbering and many others. February 3rd 1993 - a regular meeting Elected officials present were: Jean Owens, Jean Scofield, Robert Linton, Linda Van Nederynen, Patricia Dougherty, Donald Lovelace, Ronald Updike Observers present were: Helena Schaber, Frances LaBombard, Jo Ella Moore, William Mather, Richard Chase, Rosemary Pellegrino, Greg Kirchgessner and myself. Topics discussed were: mobile home park ordinance - cemeteries - personal policies - chipper - houe numbering and others. March 3rd 1993 - a regular meeting Elected officials present were: Jean Owens, Jean Scofield, Robert Linton, Linda Van Nederynen, Donald Lovelace, Ronald Updike and Daniel Winch Observers present were: John Smith, Richard Chase, Marvin Arnold, Gary Fisher, Wilma Fisher, John Oechslin ( has a Scout project ), Lorraine Bard, Greg Kirchgessner ( briefly ) , Margaret Kirchgessner ( briefly ), Melissa Sanders and myself. Topics discussed in part were: a bus stop shelter, county sales tax, solid waste fee, cemeteries, house enumeration and many more. April 7th 1993 - a regular meeting Elected officials present were: Jean Owens, Jean Scofield, Robert Linton, Linda VanNederynen, Donald Lovelace, Pat Dougherty and Ronald Updike Observers present were: John Smith, Marvin Arnold, William Mather, Helena Schaber, Frances LaBumbard, Richard Chase, Debra Traunstein, and myself Topics discussed were in part: blizzard of 93 - insurance inspection, Marshall Rd. and others- Gary Fisher appointed to Comm. Committee. Historian's notes on Town Board meetings held in 1993 cont. May 5th 1993 - a regular meeting Elected officals present were: Jean Owens, Jean Scofield, Robert Linton, Linda Van Nederynen, Patricia Dougherty, Donald Lovelace, Ronald Updike. Observers present were: Marvin Arnold, John Smith, Maureen Updike, JoElla Moore, Helena Schaber, Wilma Fisher, Roger Laue, Jerry Little, Margaret Kirchgessner, Greg Kirchgessner, Rose Mary Pellegrino, myself. Topics discussed were in part: cemeteries at length, fire company charter amended, John Rancich resignation, money from state for blizzard of 93. May 19th 1993 - a special meeting Elected officials present were: Jean Owens, Jean Scofield, Robert Linton, Patricia Dougherty, Linda Van Nederynen, Donald Lovelace. They went into executive session : I Left June 2nd 1993 - a regular meeting Elected officials present were: Jean Owens, Linda Stilwell deputy town clerk ), Robert Linton, Donald Lovelace, Patricia Dougherty, Linda VanNederynen, Ronald Updike Observers present were: Pat Podufalski ( book keeper ), Ken Benjamin, Mike Blodgett, Ken Benjamin Jr., Frances La Bombard, Helena Schaber, M.Williams, Dan Winch, Sue Siegard, Etta Gray, M.Arnold, Carl Newhart, H.W.Marshall, Leigh Marshall, Wm. Mather, T. Beardsley, Curtis Beardsley, Tom Hughes, Kathleen Galt, Deb. Traunstein, John Smith,Eva Warren, Stanley Schroeder, Steven Schroeder ? Podufalski, Jessie Smithers, Peggy Hubbell, Wilma Fisher, Gary Fisher, Joe Dell, Alan Fisher, Shirley Hubbell, Bertha Hubbell, Mary Tutton, Leah Carpenter, Kirsten Smith, Bobbi Smith, Greg Kirchgessner. Topics discussed in part were: Junk cars at great length, Wm. Mather appointed to planning board, $600 for fence at Budd cemetery, audit report for 1991 June 9th 1993 - a special meeting I did not attend July 7th 1993 a regular meeting Elected officials present were:Jean Owens, Betty Poole, Linda Van Nederynen, Patricia Dougherty, Robert Linton, Ronald Updike. Observers present were: Peter Meskill, Dennis Newhart, Maureen Updike, Richard Chase, Marvin Arnold, Shirley Hubbell, John Smith, myself, Debra Traustein, Carl Heck, Jerry Little, Tom Hughes, ? . Topics discussed were in part: junk cars, dog enumerator resigned. Historian's notes on Town Board meetings held in 1993 cont. August 4th 1993 - a regular meeting Elected officials present were: Betty Poole, Jeans Owens, Linda Van Nederynen, Donald Lovelace, Patricia Dougherty, Ronald Updike. Observers present were: Bonnie Griffen , Robert Griffen, Mary Tutton, Richard Chase, Shirley Hubbell, Ann Hubbell, Bertha Hubbell, John Smith, Myself, Marvin Arnold, Frances LaBombard, Bea Schorwer, Wilma Fisher, Rose Mary Pellegrino,Edward Grover, Maureen Updike, Cindy Hubbell 6 son. Topics discussed were in part: junk car law, dog enumeration, Hines bridge has been repaired, youth service award. September lst 1993 - a regular meeting Elected officials present were: Robert Linton, Donald Lovelace, Patricia Dougherty, Linda Van Nederynen, Betty Poole, Ronald Updike, Daniel Winch Observers present were: Jeff STimpson ( Journal reporter ), Ken Benjamin, Greg Kirchgessner, Frances LaBombard, Peter Meskill, Helena Schaber, Maureen Updike, Debra Traunstien, Margaret Kirchgessner, myself, Bonnie Griffen, Robert Griffen, Wilma Fisher, Jerry Little, Mr. Rumsey Topics discussed were in part: junk cars, Townley memorial , roads, Town Hall security, dog enumerator appointed and other matters. October 6th 1993 - a regular meeting Elected officials present were: Jean Owens, Betty Poole, Ronal) Updike, Robert Linton, Patricia Dougherty, Donald Lovelace, Linda Van Nederynen Observers present were: Larry Stilwell, Helena Schaber, Frances LaBombard, Gary Achilles, Sam Morse, Maureen Updike, Doug Willis, Etta Gray, John Smith, Marvin Arnold, Walt Williams, Fred Fitch, Nancy Kinkade, Mary Tutton, Shirley Hubbell, Bertha Hubbell, Dusty Hellmann, Leland Crow, Ken Benjamin, Peter Moore, Richard Chase,Rose Mary Pellegrino, Wilma Fisher, myself, Nan Brown, Mary Cole, Martin Screiber, Randy Warden, Annie Hover, V. Bryant, William Mather, Peter Meskill, Greg Kirchgessner, Roy Barriere, Ellery Rumsey, George May, Gary Fisher. Topics discussed were in part; junk car law, dog enumeration, planning board resignation, fire company budget request, the budget at great length, not an adjournment until nearly 1 a.m. November 3rd 1993 regular meeting Elected officials present were: Jean Owens, Betty Poole, Ronald Updike, Robert Linton, Donald Lovelace, Pat Dougherty and Linda VanNederynen Historian's notes on Town Board meetings held in 1993 con't. November 3rd meeting con't. Observers present were: Ellery Rumsey, Gary Fisher, Jeff Farmer, - Pete Moore, Ken Benjamin, John Smith, Dennis Newhart, Frances LaBombard, Helena Schaber, Alice Laue, Gary Achilles, Peggy Hubbell, Bertha Hubbell, Shirley Hubbell, Bonnie Griffen, Robert Griffen, William Mather, Marvin Arnold, Wilma Fisher, Steve Smith, Richard Chase, Maureen Updike, Debra Traunstein and myself Topics discussed were: the budget was discussed at great length - election setup and other matters related to the election -the community building and other topics. ** a public hearing was held at 7:30 on the budget. November 17th 1993 a special meetin.g held I did hot attend December lst 1993 a regular meeting Elected officials present were -: Jean Owens,Betty Poole, Ronald Updike, Robert Linton, Donald Lovelace, Pat Dougherty, Linda VanNederynen and Dan Winch Observers present were: Gary Achilles, Dennis Newhart, Helena Schaber, Frances LaBombard, Wilma Fisher, Marvin Arnold, Alice Laue, Myself, Shirley Hubbell, Bertha Hubbell, Bob Mulvey ( town attorney ), Jeff Farmer ( Ins. ) , a lady with him, John Smith, Karen Smith C SPCA ), Pam Stonebreaker ( SPCA ), Glenn ??? ( SPCA ) - Roger Laue, Michael Williams, Bill Mather, Greg Kirchgessner, Ellery Rumsey, Charles Hubbell, L. Bard Topics discussed were: county budget - SPCA dog control - official map - bid for new roof on community building ( at length ) - a recess to honor Robert Linton for 22 years of service to Town A public hearing was held on the fire contract. Temperature and humidity in the record storage area in 1993 Date: Temperature: p Humidity % 1/3 66 44 - 1/19 65 44 1/24 68 44 2/6 54 46 2/17 55 49 2/21 46 49 2/23 64 44 2/28 64 42 3/16 66 40 3/23 68 40 4/3 68 41 4/10 68 42 4/20 69 43 4/29 70 44 6/6 70 47 6/15 72 50 7/20 72 60 7/27 72 60 8/6 70 59 8/16 76 60 8/23 73 60 9/19 66 64 9/21 62 64 9/28 70 60 10/9 68 60 10/23 68 58 10/26 66 56 11/16 70 55 11/30 67 51 12/12 65 50 12/27 64 48 Known births in 1993 #1. Tania Everhart 8 Phillip Allen a son 1878 Mecklenburg Rd. Rian Phillip #2. Melinda Carpenter 9 Brian Durfee a son 274 Rothermich Rd. Michael Brian Casby #3. Karlene Lewicki 9 Gary Moxley a son 548 Enfield Center Rd. East Jason Dean #4. Margaret Wahlig & Thomas Cole Jr. a daughter 308 Sheffield Rd. Frances Thomas #5. Robin Boylan 6 Curtis Simmons a daughter 144 Podunk Rd. Naomi Kathryn #6. Louethal McCoy 8 Mark Brumfield a son 1795 Mecklenburg Rd. Maurice Antwuan V. Amanda Lott & Mark Shenstone a daughter 123 Buck Hill Rd. South Esperanza Maya #8. fancy. Jen 6 Scott Turkewitz a son 161 Griffin Rd. Joshua Adam #9. Michelle Charland 6 Phillip Chapman a daughter 167 Enfield Main Rd. Allyson Nichole #10. Karen Funk 6 Shawn Betts a daughter 2068 Mecklenburg Rd. Ashley Megan #11. Lorie McCrea 8 Michael Kelly a daughter 2133 Mecklenburg Rd. Alexandra Marie #12. Julia Carl & Scott Steen a son 471 Hayts Rd. Scott Anthony #13. Tammy Hill 8 Charles Smith Jr. a son 2068 Mecklenburg Rd. Christopher Michael 1/8 1/21 2/2 2/9 2/11 2/21 2/25 3/9 3/15 3/16 3/24 3/24 4/7 Known births in 1993 cont. #14. Holly Ridall 9 David Stevenson a daughter 4/8 99 Harvey Hill Rd. Emily Margaret #15. Jamie Busby & William Decker a daughter 4/19 349 Iradell Rd. Nicole Elizabeth #16- Dawn Owens 9 Thomas Drake A son 4/25 105 Griffin Rd. Garrett Thomas #17 - Amy Lupo & Shawn Drake a son 4/28 535 Enfield Center Rd. East Ryan Michael 418 - Tina Foster 9 Louie Lupo a son 4/30 149 Sage Rd. Louie Joseph III #19 - Terri Yaple 9 Jose Nunez a son 5/5 96 Woodard Rd. Niko Jose #20 - Patricia Spadaro 6 Douglas Gumaer a son 5/5 1561 Mecklenburg Rd. Marshall Maximillian #21 - Elizabeth Petrolle 9 Raymond Marsh Jr. a son 5/10 1853 Mecklenburg Rd. Rric Raymond #22 - Boylanj Kimberlee & Jody Vangorder a daughter 5/11 367 Van Dorn Rd. North Kaitlyn Marie #23 - Carole Matley 9 Peter Kole a daughter 5/13 60 Georgia Rd. Emily Renee #24 - Marci Rogers a son 5/18 484 Trumbulls Corners Rd. Ryan Michael #25 - Ruth Parks & Michael Blodgett a daughter 5/19 2068 Mecklenburg Rd. Ashlev Marie #26 - Jolene Rightmyer & Patrick O'Connor a daughter 5/18 159 HalseyVille Rd. Mackenszie Known births in 1993 cont. #27. - Candy Hall 9 Wesley Demming a daughter 6/5 146 Sheffield Rd. Stephanie Lynn #28. - Melissa Rollins & Michael Mekeel a son 6/5 2169 Mecklenburg Rd. Casey James #29. - Marjorie Ribble & Dale Swansbrough a son 6/7 75 Trumbulls corners Rd. Dale Len Jr. #,30. - Anne Shipe & Clark Marshall a daughter 6/17 14 Connecticut Hill Rd. Emma Elizabeth #31. - Tina Jones & Timothy Griswold a son 6/21 2068 Mecklenburg Rd. Brandon Michael #32. - Edith Lassegard & benjamin Martin a daughter 6/28 100 Halseyville Rd. Talora Louise #33. - Marsha Holmes & Steven Gokay a daughter 6/29 411 Iradell Rd. Amanda Lee #34. - Kathryn Woodwards 9 Lance Hodge a son 6/29 2407 Mecklenburg Rd. Zachary William Thomas #35. - Jenny Allen a son 7/8 1611 Mecklenburg Rd. Shane Michael #36. - Christina Braga 9 William Delong a daughter 7/8 1076 Bostwick Rd. Jasmine Laura #37. - Bonnie Clearwater 9 Scott McCray a son 7/23 2192 Mecklenburg Rd. Scott Allan #38. - Dawn Aiken 9 Randy Predmore a son 7/29 146 Sheffield Rd. Aaron Michael Gaden #39. - Sherri & Jack Rumsey a son 8/6 186 Harvey Hill Rd. Jacob Jackson Known births in 1993 const. #40. - Amelia Stevens a daughter 8/27 211 Gray Rd. Ivy Lee Cordingly #41. - Diane Berggren 9 Daniel Achilles a son 9/16 2102 Mecklenburg Rd. David Charles #42. - Judithann Lees 6 Bruce Cameron a daughter 10/25 520 Sheffield Rd. #43. - Cynthia Estes 8 Norman Smith a daughter 11/4 501 Enfield Center Rd. East. Lillian Rebecca #44. - Kristen Wright 8 Michael Carlison a daughter 11/19 20 Enfield Center Rd. East Melinda Marie #45. - Susanne Hea th 8 James Siegard a daughter 12/7 2193 Mecklenburg Rd. Melanie Jane #46. - Lee Wendling & Louis Iannone a daughter 12/10 371 Applegate Rd. North MelQdV To Known deaths in 1293 Name: Age: Date: 1. - Button, Margaret Louise 72 fr 1/1 2. - Lokken, Harold 76 fr 12/13/92 3. - Brown, T. Roger 71 r 1/24 4. - Hess, Annabelle 71 r 3/4 5. - Allen, Edith B. 67 r 3/14 6. - Lokken, Edwin Sr. 88 fr 4/8 7. - Dougherty, Ann-Laree 22 r 4/20 8. - Naragon, Vernon H. 60 fr 4/25 9. - Rich, Clifford B. 72 r 6/10 10. - Newman, Syvella M. 76 fr 6/11 11. - Knapp, Robert E. 58 fr 6/21 12. - Drake, Antoinette Oltz 80 r 6/27 13. - Townley, Dale A. 50 r 8/6 14. - Lanning, Scott 69 r 8/14 15. - Smith, Helen Louise 69 r 9/3 16. - VanOstrand, Richard E. 68 r 9/13 17. - Hornbrook, Raymond H. Sr. 61 fr 9/20 18.- Swartwood, Howard P. 81 r 10/7 19. - Carl, Nancy Delesantos fr 11/10 20. - Willsey, Ralph P. 84 fr 11/13 21. - Reed, Mary 80 r 12/9 22. - Brown, Beverly J. 58 r 12/11 Family data sheets returned in 1993 #l. - Oros , Mark Alan 1/8 36 Griffin Rd. #2. - Clasby , James Norman 3/8 263 Black Oak Rd. #3. - Cole , Thomas Jr. 4/7 308 Sheffield Rd. #4. - Smith , Charles Jr. 4/20 2068 Mecklenburg Rd. 95. _ Betts , Shawn Christopher 5/1 2068 Mecklenburg Rd. lot 90 #6. - Stevenson , David 5/5 99 Harvey Hill Rd. #7. - Albrecht , David Robert 5/9 455 Harvey Hill Rd. #8. - Prouty , Michael R. 5/29 247 Applegate Rd. North #9. - Drake , Shawn Michael 5/30 535 Enfield Center Rd. East #10, Gumaer , Douglas 6/1 1561 Mecklenburg Rd. #11. - O'Connor , Patrick Joseph 111 6/9 159 Halseyville Rd. #12. - Warden, Randolph A 6/16 45 North Applegate Rd. #13. m Demming , Wesley A. 111 7/2 146 Sheffield Rd. lot #2 Family data sheets returned in 1993 cont. #14,_ Marshall , Clark 7/2 14 Connecticut Hill Rd. #15.- Smithers , Walter Martin 7/6 117 Brooklyn Terrace , Odessa , N.Y. #16.- Wojtanik , John F. Jr. C Juanita Jean Tucker ) 7/7 689 Trumbulls Corners Rd. Newfield, N.Y. #17. - Sherman , Mark Douglas 7/31 323 Enfield Center Rd. West #18. - Paulson , george Thomas 8/6 2124 Mecklenburg Rd. #19. - Seagrave , Betty 8/7 110A Rothermich Rd. #20. - Perkins , David Paul 8/8 273 Black Oak Rd. #21. - Lovelace , Robert Nelson 8/14 #22. - Lupo , Louie Joseph Sr. 8/16 149 Sage Rd. #23. - Lupo , Louie Joseph Jr. 8/16 149 Sage Rd. #24. - Miller , Victor L C Genevieve ) 8/27 305 North Applegate Rd. #25. - Baker , Steven Doran 8/31 100 Halseyville Rd. #26. - Willett , Gordon C.Doris Tucker ) 8/31 328 Pierce Ave. Endwell , N.Y. Family data sheets returned in 1993 con't. -- #27.- Hodge , Lance Kelly 9/1 2407 Mecklenburg Rd. #28. - Fisher , Donald Rodney 9/1 435 Black Oak Rd. #29. - Blodgett , Michael 9/4 2068 Mecklenburg Rd. #30.- Ballard Roger J ( Tucker, Charlotte ) 9/4 136 Seven Mile Dr. Ithaca #31. - Burlew , Norman E 9/4 1185 Trumbulls Corners Rd. Newfield, N.Y. #32. - Emerson , Arthur L ( Schroeder, Gertrude ) 9/9 505 Elm St. Ithaca , N.Y. #33. - Schwan , Walter C Freelove , Wanda ) 9/14 231 Coy Glen Rd. Ithaca , N.Y. #34. - Edwards , James H 9/17 855 Bostwick Rd. #35. - Achilles , Daniel 10/2 2102 Meckleburg Rd. #36. _ Mather , William W 10/23 305 Iradell Rd. #37. - Stickler , Elmer Kenneth 18/23 115 terva Ave. Ithaca #38. - Maloney, Thelma C Dodd ) 11/23 9415 Ledgestone La. port Richey FL #39. -- Beardsley, Elvin DeWitt C Schroeder, Eunice ) 12/2 46 North Van Dorn Rd. Family data sheets returned in 1993 cont. #40. - Smith , Charles Bill ( Schroeder, Marguirete ) 12/3 4291 Krums Corners Rd. #41. - Veit, Charles Norman ( Stanton, Miriam ) 12/10 Box 107 West Danby,N.Y. #42. - Brewer, Norvin Leon Sr. ( Stanton, Eleanor ) 12/10 Box 44 West Danby, N.Y. Smith , Norman Matthew 501 Enfield Center Rd. East 12/15 #44. - Carlison , Michael D. 12/28 20 East Enfield Center Rd. lot B #45. - Iannone , Louis C. E 371 Applegate Rd. North 12/31 House Numbers for 1993 1. Jaime Zappala 318 Sheffield Road 2. Mina Lima 93 Griffin Road 3. Helen Covert 533 Harvey Hill Road 4. Mary Ann Brown 483 Harvey Hill Road 5. Ann Chaffee 343 Fish Road 6. Robert Smith 479 Hayts Road 7. Shimene Lee 2435 Mecklenburg Road 8. Gerald Hoffman 176 Harvey Hill Road 9. Ray Chilson 309 South Van Dorn Road 10. Raymond Hubbell 138 West Enfield Center Road 11. Shirley Gross 410 Havts Road 12. Hilda AmberRe 460 Black Oak Road 13. Richard LaBumbard 318 Van Ostrand Road 14. Patrick Paolangeli 275 South Van Dorn Road 15. Carol Harris 293 South Van Dorn Road 16. Carol Harris 297 South Van Dorn Road 17. Wendy White 281 South Van Dorn Road 18. John Nosewicz 3 Thomas Road 19. Susan Lewis 226 Hines Road 20. Robert Lisk 567 Harvey Hill Road 22. Jerry Heath 87 Griffin Road 23. Robert Lovelace 2492 Mecklenburg Road 24. Karen Rollo -Price 729 iradell Road 25. William Fisher 435 Black Oak Road 26. Frank Valentino 1065 Bostwick Road