HomeMy WebLinkAboutErvay Family Connecticut Hill 4Headstone readins from Laurel Hill Cemetery taken by Alan Chaffee and given me on 9-18-1982 Foster Ervay Addie A born born Dec.13.1816 July 22, 1855 died Lucinda his wife born Jan. 13,1820 died July 1,1863 Luc y his wife born Feb. 15, 1817 died Aug. 1, 1894 Oct. 5, 1855 Iva A born July 22, 1855 died Mar. 4, 1856 Children of Foster & Lucinda Ervay Information from Bible in 'possession of Mrs. Mary Lilley Rock Cabin Trailer Park, Montour Falls, N.Y. 14865 Foster Ervay born Dec. 15, 1816 Lucinda Ervay born Jan. 13, 1820 Julus Ervay born March 22, 1838 ? Foster July 27, 1905 age 88 years 7 months 13 days Lucy Ervay died Aug 8, 1894 77 years 5 months 23 days Julius Ervay died Dec. 15, 1902 From " Tompkins County Gravestones " by Dora Pope Worden page 370 Town Newfield Trumbulls corners cemetery Charles L. Ervay, died Sept. 28, 1890, aged 68 years Elizabeth, his wife, d. May 21, 1892, aged 69 yrs. 7 mos. Wm. H., son of G.H. and N.C. Ervay, Sept. 26, 1858- Sept. 9, 1891 Aug. 5, 198-2 Schuyler County Historical Society hontour Falls, N.Y. I L 14 x,6:5 Dear Historians, Recently the State placed a sign with in Town boundries reading as follows. New York CONNECTICUT HILL Born here, July 22, 1855, to Foster Ervay and Wife four Children known as Ervay Quadruplets, on exhibition }or several years State Education Department 1933 A local resident maintains that the sign does not belong in the Town of Enfield. After reading Barbara Bell's article in Sept. issue of the Journal of the Schuyler County Historical Society ( year unknown ) and parts of Mrs. Robert Cleaver's "History of the Town of Catharine " along with information gathered from a visit to the Tompkins County Clerks office, it would seem that the sign has been misplaced. Any information you rf:ay have to determine where the sign should be placed would certainly be appreciated. Sincerely M.Cly/,e Hubbell R#5 Hubbell Dr, Ithaca,, N.Y. 14850 I Town of Enfield Historian mM - Ty ...a. c . Barbara H. Bell TYRaN IiECTOYt w` County Historian R. D. _ ,R A E p NG Schuyler County Box 10/2 Sept . 7.,1 y82 �� T - -- - INA- T,� Watkins Glen, New York 14891? -THARIVE 3ORANGE DfX Dear Mr, Hubbel ....... ever she weekend, I iunted up some- statis�s which"Y" " ,ay help you decide that to do with the Ervay quadruplet marker. Catharine township was formed in 1798 -- The .road where the,quads were born is in Catharine (more data follows) 1',hat is now IN e4}afield was part of Cayuta, taken from _tam of; spencer -. Tiara ° 3 County) 1811. 1822, Newfield name came into being and the town of :Rewf"ield.became: pat,�;; of Tompkins Coun 1824 another separation split Cayuta & Spencer townships Cayu-�a's present boundaries settl ed when Schuyler County was formed-, affecting Catharine boundaries Part of the original Catharine township was taken fort =the; towns of C011xiF and Veteran (Chemung County) 1823 yu r re c az ge. n 18 to give more g ; e yrxj Part of the ori ina t�ew�:i�- oun�arae in 184, when Cayuta bounda es�were settled to Catharine ed, some wad given from ..athne to 'Cayua Part of Catharine w=as changed to..be town of lVontour it 1960 So you see Catharine's total acreage was changed .Se-V_e,;ral-_times, This ln,fc r- oration comes from the four-county history and the Tompkins :County', .rol_ It certainly makes a confusing situation,at best, and probably in. when the babies were born, some folks didn't know yet Y;�here, the.," boundatres actually were. ��aybe some (who ;might have .ritten ,n.ews ape vo articles' didn't .even know a new county (Schuyler) had been fo.rmed.. you are aware-of the changes and vagaries of the octal s stem I know ;� g G � �. - s .; through the years. if Ervays fo�znd it more convenient to get mail in e�^afield, there was no f reason ,any they cou?�f�'t. i4ew iel' �,,�s a larger villa-e than Alpine aid Ervays may have gone there ofter�e F p� ._ch nay be Why leant one Civa? f_far letter I k now about = a sent to them at , I evafield. I'm sending you ar_ article -I did about ;the gi�Adg al nodgh you may t�avQ read already. The 18.68 Schuyler Comity directory places Foster Zrvay (tanneI & farmer)` Vh an A=pi�. address-and C, s `!i ST 0l vputs pus hJ 1T1 ,the t. The 1b=�-94 directory 'Schu 'Ler'laces .h ma stzll at the -same s-pot and a map witii tZ:e directory sit;ua%es him here 1dirs. Decker said, SEDt. 26, 19-62 From; E-at"Leld Town Historian Clyde Hubbcll Rd'5 Hubbell Dr. Ithaca, N.Y., 1145"5f To. Barbara Bell Rr I Box 192 Watkins Glen, N. Y. 14 � 9 ^1 Dear Barbara,, Enclosed .is a copy of,the sheet that I have put togather concerning the Ervay matter. I have talked i th Mrs. Mary Lilley and she has - given Die same information that may lead to additional facts. I have talked with Mrs. Decker and she would like some time to get her papers together befo,,,.,e talking with me,'for any length. There are some other -leads to possible documentsthat would give Foster:s residence on July 22, 1355. When time permits I will try to look in th6 deeds for the Town of Catharine that concern the Alpine site to:see' when he lived there. I really have no doubt that Faster livedthereBUT 14MNV Sincerely, A, The enclosed sheets are by no means containing ali the information that I have gathered. At this time the Newfield site seer,,s most probable. BUT the uncovering of more information could certainly change THAT! vlhat I ha-ve -found out concerning the Foster Ervay matter. Laws New York Chap. 327 June 4, 1853 o f to take effect Jan. 1,1656-- annexed to Catharine ( Chem -ung Co. the portion west of the east line of lots 4,;_:,12,19 to 84, & 5i 1;2 1 9 & 10 to the south bounds or line o county of Tompkins. 2. Laws of New York Chap. 3-.�6 Apr. 'L7, to to= .6 effect Jan. 1, s: 55 for judicial Purposes ( other wise immediately including the part ol" Newfieldto be attached to Catharine by Laws o 1,)'33 Chao. 327. 1 3. 15-50 Census— Newfield -Tompkins County -- Neva York page 66, taken 14 day of Ocy. 1850 lines d thru 15 Faster Er7ay and farfiily place of birth N.Y. 4. 1; 60 Census--Newfield--Toiij.plrins County --New York page 374 taken 13 day of Oct 1860 Lines 9 thru 19 Foster Ervey and family place of birth N.Y. 5. 1665 Census-- Newilleld--Tompkins county'- Nev:york page 74 taken 11 day of Aug. 1 5 lines 34 thru 43 Foster Ervay and 1,_-'amily,-,a1l born Tompkins Co. 6. taking 10 names before and 10 names after Faster Ervay's'in- the 1865 Census-- 15 of them appear on the 1866 Atlas, map "of Newfield 7. Foster's name does not appear in 10355 Census of ce.tharine B (55 pages 335 & 33b of Enf i Bk eld deeds page 335 Sarah Willkin grantor page 3136-- 19th day Jan. 1356-- Foster Ervay & Lucinda his wife- G.L Newfield --heirs of Wiliiam Vfilkin 9. Newfield deeds bk. 1 pg. 137 Geon,-e W. Schuyler -to Foster Ervey--3rd day March 1862 c, George W. Schuylet of Ithaca Tompkins Co. N.Y' Foster Ervey of town of Newfield , Toaoipkins county N.Y. .7 Town of New -field lot #4 ,& 10 in north west quarter section of, toy nsh o in Watklins& Flint Mrielve Lownsh-Lps --survey made. by #t J PPuip alle s ,pelly 10. New-Eileld deeds bk. 2 pg. 162 notice served on Foster E`r,,;ay at ;lace or residence y 364 Trurinmhuls Corners , Tom-daSept. 1 Tompkins Co. N.Y. on 29 -6 MUE�t. sale held Nov. 3, 1tjo`4 in Ithaca at Hotel - Wiiafn AyErs & Nathaniel Gille-tt sold three 'Lot to I iii -f -1i - the names 4"Aye-S & G331-1.1ELt a-dearon the 1366 Atlas P:ia;-) n the sae spotias F. Ervay name appears on the 1,353 map. .From The r �� Ci tiz n Wednesday, July 9 -5 , 1 a_q; ins C unty Ahead'. -- j ';.; e to r � -vay, � � the t Nem _z, ' d, l counsry, )�: Sunday gave t Qui b ni I. a a s y. T weight f each was five Pounds t � ,�.� ,'a we are -by Doctor Sherwood who i was ° resent, and reiports 07is iixr)the and children all doing wall, - 'W � �» �+ tq- `sib ha v`�:= .o&1.,�� =�e L'-�' say L�..�7:� i.. t _..,.. 3:Ye. Home Mtta. ilf of Mr. Foster Frey, ces'"ag in Newfield, n thiLs county, ga=ve t to Ifur n Children, thraa girls and one bay, wa h g 5 pounds :) n c - a , �aa Sunday the 22d inst.-The ole family are do.LnF, - nly the four late comers, but also the zi l ed en Preceded them. 14. 165 Census-_ wl' ield-- g=age 68 Sha rw-)d , ma z :,ah C physician Catharine Ristory pg. 439 Dr. Amasiah Sherwood , lived at Ca.yu tavilla . Dr.Arms iah C. Sherwood, ms t have lived in r. near Cayu tav l le , 16. Eran Van Kirk —Military Itecard boe,)k of 1365town of, Eafield '. Julius v y - V l .tart' Record T vin ofNewfield— 4 county .sto • 533 Haman J. Doolittle— ��:liLary Record, Town ��;� iald 41 county ;hist. pg 553 i%. Frora Mary Lilley o t : Ervay d`Led July 27, 1905 age :: years 7 rx ont s 13 days Sept. 27 , 1982 From; Enfield Town Historian M.Clyde Hubbell _ R#5 Hubbell Dr. Ithaca, N.Y. 14850 i To; Marilyn Mc Carty RIP 1 Alpine, N.Y. Dear Marilyn, I have been researching the Ervay quadruplets and have information that leads me to believe that a Dr. ( Amaziah ) Sherwood may have delivered them. The date being July 22, 1855. My aim is to determine the exact birth site. In my conversation with Janet Warren , while seeking information on the building next to the Church in Cayutaville , she mentioned your mother Lina Sherwood. Perhaps you can tell me if you know of any records that Dr. Amaziah Sherwood may have kept that might still be around? Sincerely ,11 r l f � ttt ObJ��t a 4 -�-- cog From; Enf ie Id Town Historian M. Clyde Hubbell R#5 Hubbell Dr. 14850 To; Mrs. Edward Decker ?# 1 Alpine, N.Y. Dear Mrs., Decker, During our conversation, concerning Foster Erv#Ly-,,,of Saturday September 25, 1982 you led me to believe that when ion had YOU-rI papers in order you would be contacting me. This is just a note to see if I can still look forward to reviewing the material that you have??? Sincerely, ll t3K _ - _ of K 13 . 8 Y egO�NRKsOF o$ be Probibit1ve prt Stre,tVA tour 6 CA , Fxo� Search �Ould $2.00 1 genealogy Pied COPY ii ed at to undertake a ou a cer ei the person etc . / he r us r t e ail Y awl er of dates.De T Cost fo us ecOrds d n TOans. m -copies OP ate ar CIA ceps an we w111 se 19 "s w It to to ' - Also na es and aPPro% if yo. the Cess i f Sou can give uggest you contact istOr1ca', Society ifortthe per pages 1 ino,ation we - s The Tioga county Ont St eeY 138272:. For add 110 pwegol N L -; 4 , Sunday Nov. 21, 1982 From; Enfield Town Historian M. Clyde Hubbell R#5 Hubbell Dr. Ithaca, N.Y. 14850 To; Christine Newberry RIP 1 Alpine, N.Y. Dear Chris tine ., Ihave been researching the Ervay quadruplets and Marilyn Fic Carty writes me that you may have some information on them. My aim is to determine the exact birth site.' A doctor ( Amaziah Sherwood nzy have delivered them. The date beingg-July 22, 1855. You way know if there are any records that Dr. Sherwood may have kept that are still around???? Sine-drely., I JbIj I Sunday Nov. 21,1982 F r am 4 Enfield Town Historian M. Clyde Rubbell RjP5 Hubbell Dr, 14850 To; Mary Sherwood 383 South Main Bt. Elmi-Aa. N.Y. 14904 I have been researching the Ervay quadruplets and Marilyn Mc Carty wrote me that you may have some inforaztion on them. My aim is to determine the exact birth site' '.' A Dr. ( Amaziah Sherwood may have delivered them. The date being ';July 22, 1855. Perhaps you may know if there are any records that Dr. Sherwood may have kept that are still around???? S ince re, 11y, Monday Dec. 13, 1982 Enfield Town Historian Tompkins Co. N.Y. M.C1yde Hubbell R#5 Hubbell Dr. Ithaca, N.Y. 14850 Tioga County Clerk Owego, N.Y. 13827 Dear Clerk, A research project that I am working has led me to an area around Waverly. Iaam looking for a transcript of a death certificate.; for Ida Adella Ervay Lockerby. The death date I believe to be Oct. 16, 1929. Perhaps you might inform me where the Vital records for Tioga Co. are kept and the procedure for obtaining a transcript. A list of Town Clerks and Town Historians would certainly be of use in my research. Sincerely,