HomeMy WebLinkAbout12-15-1971M Ved. Dec. 15,1.971 90 P.M. 2nrl. RegilTar -meletinr- of tIle Town Bon-d, Toi,n of held at the T-,wn H,?JI, 1.9 Tprrace 'Pd. Yemberr-- n-esent -.-7e-e Siu)ervi.'sor F-fn_nk X. T!­%rj_o:r, Coi.i_ncl.Irar, �2,aY 7- YOIJr, ji'^t_!,ceq ?or Fish and. Don • Plso nres-ent "'?ere FnV.reer, Wm-. Ro,,-7�I!,Town A `C. tr-r.r, e'-Y , John J. Gardner, Town Fi_rliw_q�T, I,ol.i IJarrnqr, Town Malnter-?ncte, Water and Sewer, Fred_ a resident .from Groton A.IT-. F.-t . Mr. Walter Priec-47. r1so, M-�1_7 Tnr_rer,', M,9yor of the Vi.1712,gre of M(-,Graw, Walter B(�_. Meriber, and Welter Tennant, (ol-int- Highway Sii-nt. o-rd Mi.ke WiIsh,De puty,Hgwy. Supt. and James Y 5, qun:, n . To7qn 01-e.7-k- ree.d -I- In e r9i.,iii-I-I-es of th- Tes7t' meetin- ?rri. there were no Town C!irk rea ' q a !-_)ot4_t!r.)r from 79 residents. of , r- reai)..estinr7 ,.i redi),,ed s'r�e',edT9 - 11-1t of 35 rniles- perIr. O'lstnnce of fro,7 Rte. 222 to the Hoy Ros.(ft. Mot on was Tnacle by Mr. s 1% q e (-, o n r-I P, d , ley Mr. tliat- II -be Pet-ItIor be accepted and. 7r-7 fi Ied and ref­=-90. to the Cornty H.1.7h,iay 9,ipt. Thi.s. motir__)n ',wi, r r - i ed. Motion •V,, Tnale bir Mir. Fetor seconded. by IV'r, Mi-II-er thct the Tovn Clerk t'r) r('ouest rermi�ssion from the State i)cation D-.p._ to destroy ol.})Foletp records as per Fqrmryry This motion 7i?,is cqr-J.ed Moti.c-'r, wf-.'s' 'n-,,,r Mr. Fisli seclonOed by Mr. M1,1.1-ghater -ghat 4- V), Stiles Bond be reO.uced frog 1_55"10.00 to !tIO00.00 for Fieldorest Dr, Gwen L.,)-rc and. Woodside Rd. Motion on the recom-.rnendaltior (%f Engineer . Rowe"..I. Mr. V!':.Trf:"n bp-0 fro +he ROfnrrl. -nqLjjeE,4-7 7 I.- , lnvesticr,71.tr? --nd hic� for anneXatIny? -)f qr."es C)f I-and(of WP-tcndDrIf)of' 'wllich he has aijopti.on to b'Li.y , by annexatlon, T,,,ater -n�'. se,.,vler i-icrzIAJ. be n.v,--,0Iabj.e from the city of Cortlxand. Tr,,.iqn Attorney Gardner i,ril.7 i --vest j. gat cletermne stepc' to be taken. MO q S t i0-) in T . '�I Fr MIlTer cr'--­r­_(jerd -ecoluti-n t'hle­ T(--nis Budget fc)" 'was unani_Troiisl-';r adont--�.; (1) to transfer .1�5?90.00 froyr, C-,eneral Fund to Tiighiq:-,.?' Fund li;emi -4 4, i.ncreasAng IcT.71 Bud,.f.-,et ap-,)"opri-ation DS5142.1 persona'11 sf-:=ices) from L00.00 to S -1.5 , 55 0 0 - C) 0 -1nO. r,c)--c-T,,rIat.1-on DS ':1421j- 1 sno-�,i remcr. '�I! expenses) 6 0 CY).0 0 (2) to in-reasse 1071 -Blid-e,-t Ganerc:,,.1 Fund ." ( ­ - - C-_ - {.Justice o-f' Peace, cont=e-ctuoLl e�4c-oense) rr=11,200_00 to ' §2 , 100 00 and and a -,pro -ir i_ a t 1 on -A 10, 2 0 Muni -_ i pa I Assoc. Di) C 2 f "Im to 1300.001. Net i-norease i.- the. omcunt of $1,0H.00 shall.. be from General F-Lind unexpended balances. J['_r-_m Mayor Max Torrey cf t'he V, I" -f M-Gra , n See I el TA foll.cwirg Page. I VILLAGE OF, MC CRAW COUNTY OF CORTLAND MCGRAW, NEW YORK 153101 Dec 15, 1971 Town Board Town of Cortlandville Framk Taylor, Supervisor Gentlemen: The Village Board of the Village of McGraw by means of this letter does request that the Town of Cortlandville take action to repair or rebuild the Bennett St. Bridge in the Village of McGraw. At a Village Board meeting held Dec. 4, 1971 Walter Tennant, County Highway Supt. Presented a plan for repair of this bridge, which after study, was acceptable to the Village Planning Board and the Village Board. Your cooperation in helping take care of this much needed Bridge repair is appreciated. Very Truly Yours, McGraw Village Boards A�O 1­7_e-� f Max D. Torrey, Mayor. �05 Motion was made by Mr. Fish seconded by Mr. Miller, letter be accepted and filed. Motion was carried. - - - Resolution regarding the Bennett St. Bridge on folloviing page, 1 E I 0 1 4 7 BENNETT STREET BRIDGE PROJECT The following resolution in regard to reconstruction of the Bennett Street Bridge was offered by Justice Donald Eaton and seconded by Councilman Ray E. Miller and properly carried by all voting aye. BE IT RESOLVED That the Town of Cortlandville requests The County Superintendent of Highways of the County Highway Department to proceed with the reconstruction of the'Bennett Street Bridge in the Village of McGraw, Town of Cortlandville, County of Cortland as per preliminary plans presented to the Town Board of the Town of Cortlandville in regular session on December 15, 1971. The total cost of said Bennett Street Bridge project and approaches not to exceed Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00)a The final audit to determine the final actual cost of the Bennett Street project shall be divided between the County of Cortland and the Town of Cortlandville as follows: County 85j:of total cost and the Town the remaining 15%. Dated: December 15, 1971 LELAN M. BROOKINS TOWN CLERK TOWN OF CORTLANDVILLE There bel-ng no _Further business at this time, m-eeti ng i,ias adjourned. Lelan M. Broolii ns, Tovn Clerk i