HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-17-197183 I Regulnr mnetlnC of the vTnwn Poard held at the Tr4n Hall, Svpvr7iyor PrPnh T. Taylor, prpFldinZ. Othor rn7bprs present reoe jontionc Dan gnton in! Ban Fiat, Courcilmon Ray L® MUlar & Shornnn Grisxa!?. Ono, Rudy HrorkIlso Bvphe for the Ti7erviyor, Frgirser, WI10= Apsesporr Hprr-, wadsmOrt", ristfonto if thn Tr7r prccent vere Mr. orp. w. Preist and t7n 7ther ladin7 frnr Prntwr Rd. F7t. Town Oerh =1 the nknutps of the last Te9vir7 ?n,, there were no nirrcctAcnP. The Tomn Clprk rend a letter he had reald from Felth C. Spaulding. M7r. of Narkettrg Services for the A"tomatic Voting Mechire Divinkon, jamestown, N,y, 0701. The prPsent list Mcc 1c QXONOO, Plus $157-00 additional fnr t&-, PrUtomatia fortnTp rnd $20.00 for Transportation shar7v7, plus a 10 d?- jrTivery. Mr. FFtnn rrportnQ that he qnd Moses Ablvilah. PtO-ndec. the Sanitpry LnnIfill Mneting in Wompsvilln, F.v This meeting Nan nordusted 47 t�i,7� NY,S Motion was made by Mr. Griswoll seconded by Mr. Eaton that the foUnwing street lightq bo Initalled, 5 117hto and. 4 ?Aes or Groton Ave. nxt- as far as #172 (Coleman, res"denceo 141 Watt, lights 1200.00 and Qwo for poles. Three lights on TSabel l 7r, 0 ' t N'tt st q 69-00, per 7r. whic4 inninip- changes of P 11rhtq In the abcve Rnd one new 117ht. Motion wap "qjP ly mr, Eaton senondad by Mr. M111pr that P-rY Town Off!"er and nmPlnyee be alinmed nqnessar7 e7pmnses t, attend the Aaron. nf Townq MentingT in New York City, ?eb- 70, an? 9, 1972, at the New Yorh Hiltor or the Americar7. This motion was nqrried. Motion wan r7de by Mr. Ta7lor senonaed by Mr. Qrlsy,V that Mr. ERton be em?MerPl to cast "ote at annun! r-Olng. Thin motion was r9rria?. Mr. Brookins reported to the Boord that the wnhm- Power & Control Cormisainn will hold e hearing at the Town H,11, Dec. 8,1971 at 11 A.m. There being no further business at this time n"etir,,7 was adjournel. Lplan M. PranY'n7, Town Clerk