HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-19-19717 1 5- 01-tober 19, 1971 7 P,M. - Piablir Hearlt.rg called for 1972 Budget, Town C).,­°rk read the notice q.s Pd.vertised in the, Cortland- Standard., Oct. (?, and. octn_,­er 16, 1971. 17 No one nppeared. to object to the above Budget for 1q72 and on motion of Mr. FRtnn seconded by Mr. Miller the Hearing was declared olosmd. This notion was passed unanimous l fir® 2nd regular meeting called to the order by Iupervisor, Frank K. Taylor, other board members present were, Justipes Don Eaton and. Ron F',Th, Coitoilmen Sherman Griswold and Ray Miller. Also present , 'own Engineer Wm. Rowell, Town Attorney J.J. Gardner, Town Assessor, Henry Wadsworth, Fred Walker, Water Maintenance Dept. Rizdy Krauk.lis, Book-keeDer.:VHCV-WLIWXXY.--XVM Town Clerk read minutes of the last meeting and they were approved.. Town Clerk read a letter from Mr. Fink of the Du -Right Pest Control statlne­- that if they have to make a snecl.al trip to the Town 'Jium-n it will cost $25.00 Per visit. Ju-stice. Eaton will investigate this problem further. Mr. Fish reported on a meeting he attended in regards to an appreciation dinner for the Homer Fire Dept. & wives. Mr. Fish will canvas for donations for this worthy cause. Motion by Mr. Ep.ton seconded by Mr. Griswold that 6 street lights on the S. Cortland Road, 400 watts from Yaman's garage south, and 2 .;treet lights on the S. Cort. -Virgil RoRd 175 watts and i street light on Rte. 11, 400 watts, also 7 street lights on Fairview Dr. 175 watts. This motion was carried unanimously. Mr. Brookins informed. the. Board that Joseph Bellardtni would like a street light on isabel Dr., Mr. Fish will survey the need. for a light and report to thq Town Board.. W, Mr. Rowell reported that bids for Cast Iron Water Pipe and appurtenances for the extension of Wtr© Dist. 3® on Fairview Dr® have been advertised and Nill be opened Ocotber 279 1971 at 7 P.M. at the Tomn Hallo AMotion was made by Mr. Eaton seconded. by Mr. Miller that the Preliminary Budget as presented.. be adopted as the Town Bud. -et for 1972. --hi:s motion was carried, all voting aye® i ?,e? an M o Brookins, Tobin Clerk LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TOWN OF CORTLANDVILLE Notice is hereby given that the Preliminary Budget of the Town of . Cortlandville for the •Fiscal year beginning January 1, 1972 has been completed and filed in the Office of - the Town Clerk at 15 Terrace, Road in said Town of Cortlandville, where it is available for inspection by any I interested person during regular office hours. Further notice is hereby given that the Town Board of the Town of Cort- landville will meet and review said Preliminary Budget and hold a Public Hearing thereon, in the Town Hall at 7 p.m. on October 19th, 1971 and that at such hearing any person may be heard in favor of or against the preliminary budget as compiled or for or against any item or items 1 therein contained. Pursuant to section 113 of the Town Law the proposed salaries of elected Town Officers are hereby as follows: v Supervisor $ 6,500. Town Clerk 6,000. Highway Supt. 10,000. Justice 8,000. Justice 2,000. Councilman 1,150. 5 Councilman 1,150. By Order of the Town Board Lelan M. Brookins, Town Clerk 238-2t Sat. i • 1 M ,A special meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Cortlandvill-, was held on October 2?, 1.971 at 7.30 P.M. Supervisor, Frank K. Valor presided. Board members , - r)resent 'were Justice Donald Eaton, justice Ronald. Fish, Councilman Ray Miller, Councilrvan Sherman Griswold and Town Clerk Lelan Brookins. 41so 'ore -sent were Richard- Chamberlain of Stearns & Wheler and Dar Fagan of the Cortland Standard. SUBjECT: Preliminary studs, on a new fire protection program for the Town of Cortlandville. At a meeting held on May 5, 1971, Engineer Wm. Rowell was authorized to investlgate and get costs, etc. for a proposed fire district for this area. of Cortlandville. Mr. Dick Chamberlain, Fire District Specialist for Stearns & Wheler was engaged to snake this preliminq-r�r study of the fire fighting capabilities of the Town of Cortlandville and its potential needs. The result of his study follows s 1. He spoke of the A.T.A. Grad.ing System and the New York Fire Insurance minimum standards. He utilized both In 'nre-Darin,71 his plans and, estimates. He suggested that the Town first make an -invmntory of the land use and, water needs of the Town. Suggested equipment needed. to respond to fires in the proposed new west -end district could be two (2) pumpers, a tanker (1000 gal. per min. capability) and one, (1) 1-tv-1der- truck. This ladder truck could be a straight ladder truck but an aerial ladder truck imioiild be more desirable. A minimum. requirement mtght be one (1) ql.tgd truck and one. (1) 11-anker. 2-AREA ® Most of the high value assesment in the west end of the Town is over the minimum allowable distance from the )resent fire station (Homer). A minimum distance of 3 miles from a fire station would be the most desirable location for the west, end of the Tmln. Much of the heavy assesment in the east side of the Town Is over the minimum allowable distance from a fire station and lacking one (1) Piece of apparatus, namely, a ladder truck. 3. LOCATION Suggested locations of stations: A. MCT.1-1 ean Rd. & Terrace Rd. B. Lorings Crossings Rd. (Manned by Home,-- Fire T)ept.) C. Blodgetts Mills Are?. (Manned by McGraw Fire Dept.) All indica""Lons say that three (3) stations Is the minimum number that the Town. should be Planning for. M 4. SUGGESTED PLAN to be known as Cortland City and Town of Cortlandville Plan (Inter -Municipal)® The City of Cortland Would furnish: 1 new triple combination fire fighting unit I u.sed aerial ladder truck (all trucks would be disel) Alternate equipment might be: 1 1969 Plumper (12,000 gal. cap.) 1 1960 Pumper ( 1,000 gal. cap.) 1 Aerial Ladder The, city would provide hose and equipment at an estimated cost of $7,500.00. There should be paid men on duty in the daytime and. a minimum of 60 volunteers with a minimum of 25 volunteers responding to a fire; or 3 paid men per shift (12 men) and volunteers. Estimated cost for paid personnel salaries would be $102,000.00 per year. In case of need the Cortlandville Station could be supplemented by 15 paid men from the city fire dept. (paid by the city)® I Make note, it could take up to 60 volunteers from the Town of Cortlandville. (A-1) 30 monitors would be necessary for the volunteers living in the Town at an estimated cost of $6,000.00,furnished and paid by the city of Cortland.. (A-2) Furniture and miscellaneous Items at an estimated cost of $3,500-00 would. be furnished and paid by the city of Cortland, If the plan goes -through. (A-3) Utilities - estimated cost $2,500.00 if the Town of Cortlandville was to furnish all equipment, 0 the estimated cost -would be approximately $167,000.00 (amortized over a ten year period) plus an annual utility cost of $2,500.00 and, an annual_ salary cost for personnel of $102,000.00. These figures do not include a building which could involve a total cost of $65,000.00 to 8150,000-00- , The suggested method of determining the fire taxratefor the Town, if the Town ives to Join with the City of Cortland in an Inter -Municipal Fire District, would be beassed on the same rate that the city tax- payers Day in 9. fire tax. Z The Towns contribution wowed bA the City rate multiplied by the a.ssesed vp.lize of the area serired in the Town. of Cortl.a.ndvi.11e. A station =_n Cortla.ndvi, l e would be of small value to Homer. The City of Cortland would give alarm circuit service to the dense area of the Town with a mi_ni.mur of ?Q alarm boxes. The Town would pay the cost of Installing the necessary connecting gables. Mr. Chamberlain rPcommend.ed that the. Town proceed with hydrant protection tc as much area, as nossible. There w^s much more discussion beyond. the contents of this resume as to the various aspects of a 'z)ronosed. district:. Mr. Chamberlai-n was authorized by the Town Board to set un a meeting with =+ representative from Cortland and. the Town Board. on Wednesday, Der Amber 8, 1.971. at 7:90 P.M. in the ToT9r. Hall, 15 Terrace Rd., Cortla.nd.ville, to explore further the cost, management, a..nd all. other things which w-ill be necessary to have a. mutnal understanding before proceeding with this Inter-Muniri.na,l Plan. I •