HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-06-1971M Wed. Oct. 4. 1971.7:15 P.M. Publl.(*. Hearing, Fxtersion of Water District # 3, Town Hall, Terrace Rd.. CortlandvIlle 'own Clerk read the notice of the Public Hearing, publisted in the Cortland Standard Sent. "'5, 1971. Present from the Fa,irvipw Area were- Mr. Poston, Mr. John, Mr. & Mrs Streeter, Dick Harris and Don Yagc- r, A.ttr,,r ney, Mrs Smith and. Mrs. 9trn.nbrook ctld not-. sIFn the Petit or_ for ex- tension of Wp.ter District 9, Mr. Woodward -was not orpsent but did sign the petition. Town Enginemr 1- det9AI ' rougli of the cost to each home r)-Flner FRS f0110WS� Mr Poston $620.00 Mr John 50?e00 Mr. & Mrs. Streeter iMn.00 Mr. Harris 1.5 CIO . 0 () Mr. Wood-vard 4 59. 00 $4991..00 Tot. I Further stilov -!nadn b7, Mr. Rowell, irvolving instp.IlRtion, 8 Pipm,9051 @ $3.50- $31-67 - 00 6 of 20-1 n 2.50- 50-00 Fittings �.00 95.00 6 " valve 1. 1,25-00 Hydrant 1 @ 290.00 Gravel 50 @ 250.00 �'91?.00 Town 1,Rb. - I-10 92 8.0n - -—.- � — �,01.5.00 The above. 't,,m Tet for bids. After SoTp.e discrr,,F!.on, r.ot5.n-n vias m,?dp by Ron Pish, re.r-nrrled -hy ) �-, r�i 0 � � n w n q Ray Miller th?.4,- theth - ti n Public Hear.r7 on the Hom!!-r Fir� Contract followed, the rotipe rublished. Ir the '�nrtlanit Standard nn Sert. 2-5, IQ?I VIRS -eP,-(q by the Tn-z-;n 11-,,,°rko Svrervis,,or Tq.yl-car read 9, desorl-ptlnn of' the area involved. j.n thj-,q nortra.-It. After same discuss! on, mot!or was made bv Rs-y .7-econded by 'non th--?,.t tl,-. hearA.npra - closed. This moti.or (,.,irried. Regu!Rr meeting of the Town Bcard- called to order by the Si.,ipPrvisor Frank K, Taylor. Members present were Justices Ron Fish and Don Eaton, Councilmen Sherman Griswold, and Ray MIII^^r, also rresent uiere Kra-uklis, Book-keeper for Siirervisor, Toil?n Asspssor, H-nry Wadsviorth,Town Engineer Wn. Rowmll Cortland. Standard. Reporter, Dan Fagen and 3 young larlies (unidentified), late comers were Attorney John • J. Gardner, Fred Walker, Water Maintenance and Dr. and Mrs. Hnatko of Locust Avenue. Minutes of the last meeting was renal with one correction In regard to -Clair Gutchess petition, to read., amendment instead of Variance. Town Clerk rresented. a Pp.titon to the Town Board signed by `�3 Residents of Lonust Ave. and filed. in the Clerk's office Sept. 20, 1971, requesting a 355 mile rer.hr.speed limit for County Higiway 11E known as Locust Ave between its inter- section with Lighthouse Hill Hood. Motion was made by R. Fish seconded by R. Miller that the Petition be accepted and filed and thisrequest presenteO. to Cortland, County Highway Sunerintender.t. ��his motion T,,qas carried. Town Clerk nresented a Petition to the Town Board signed by 9 residents of Fairview Dr. requesting street lights. This Petitionwas recld. and filed in the. Clerk's Office Sent. 10,71. Motion was made by Don Eaton Seconded by R. Miller that the petition be socepted. 'by the Board and referred.. to Ron Fish to make a survey for, and re'nort at the next Board neeting. This motion was carried. Tn-rvir. Cl ork presented. a Peti-tion to the Town Board signed bir 10? resi.d.ents of Lamont Circle. ,and N. Lamont Dr. requesting, 25 1,r- this area. Motion _was made by 'per.m�le speed. limit R. Fish seconded. by R. Mj,.],.Ier this petition be accepted P,rd. filed and that this request be presf:!nted to the County Suporintendent . Thip motion was carried. 'IT 1 -1 Town Cl,�rlr 117 t"..- of tr1 enumr2r-'tr� ;--i'rrtp +�'n- J_s rrf"ble to tal:'a On job at thils time. Motlt�n NPS by R. Miller Sherman. ,a t?�t 37b_ln Town Clerk be wo-s' b­ by Ron 74-11. Mot!. or - 2nd, regr-.-, -�mpf--A-r,7 n' "inl(' T17eF!'lr7r () 0+In 0 t 'P ? .M. . M T o w. n ri, tlic+ Tn'wn Bo-' !fir. Tr1r_,rRk- e,4r-p -?r,3 Trr�11!(aed r)I Fr) wo",)Td, he spraving tn,7,, r—�rgreen.sa fit a -P ri r, p c) f 98. 2) O '11hf, Tcwr '�Rrfi Fl.d7j. qp-(9 the that thig anoiint ine-1110- the.,7e. glnrubc- anel. t r e P. Mr. Broo3r.'_.n- io.'.Al nortr3.r-t. Mr. -Oti^lpelpr to thl�-ffr'r�t. � i. 14f-qu�t car?f aVown Cler� ,7�7r! -wa I tr�-!Ter p-rni,t pt 4a1C?��1!!® was maip bir r !� ne 7�f — oo. Not 1. nr R. Miller, �j t h t 4- h eytenrlm! fo.- Tqos In the �,f the R,7t�.Yisqi.on of 1-J'str-r Distriot Motion 'wf:,s mqde by ?for Fenorrl.ed 'hr R,,),v Miller tha-IL-1 thn Toiin Boa-d grant their Peti_tir�r �'X*. XAMXX;,�IA-MY,-. flii.s nntion mqs c.arric1d tall 7otirg ay,'!. Motion Yfis Tnle by Shermq.n Gri^'�wiold, Ppe,-ond.ed, by T)onq."-,-q E_Rtcn that Town En,,7i,niRer 1-1-. Rcwell rro��An,70 nPaf-s.czar- c,zmen.ts for bl�57 on of thl.- w,?ter extension. "'h�_S �Re!70111® tion raq In the nf tbarp Hr%Tnr�r Contract t'!P Of "17)rt— Z� Tra�t n G '7' landirillet, Fotl.nr wi m_q,rP, by H. Fish secondn-1. Sh, r r! that the Tcron frl,-nn.rcve sp.1-ft -ontract at terms ")uotef9. Il"', D ,;,y Moion was rnad.e b,,, s�,00rcba.ciMillertJle �;11_ T.tClerk Ingtrize-t t'ro-, Dlz-Rizh+� 'Dp-qt ContrRol to 91�'rvp the Dumn on South H! 7.1. on P.ry ip,vc e-rce-pt Sji-n I �',ay Mondvv-, T h. i. s, r. o t j, Or ma. S aar 7, 1 Oral Spenip-1. Teed np: -f t)i-- Tcwn PnnrO T--.,!,j7L "he helc4 Or_`t, rat 7-In'l-V to djScu.s-- 0 rTa ,, �Ap_pin!x F3, Fi.re Di.r7trict. Totwn Clark mill Board, m.!�mbe-s of t�iJ.F �atrt. t R o J_ r h Motion wns r,�,de b7 q. Griswold. seconded by D. F-tor t), make a siir­m,7 of the ltr,-btJ.ng nends in the South Cort-'_rn. al -ea and. Rid.z,Q mpJre- r,, re -port to the Towr ?Rc!7---('. Th motion N�Pr�� , Phm Tnw-. -_Pna-rd the JF'nr TQ?2 ,Arrl or motl nr n-P k It Mr. Rq.tc,Yi spnnneled_ by mr. ritsh, tb,9-t thl.-mrd. bn pp, :Prf-1_iTnJn,_:,ry Bnflrr�et for 1_ this motl,�,r w7.s r�.qrrl ed.. -- moti,.nrk ielps by Mrs Mi,l?,®r sp-nnd^d. by Mr. Griswoir9_ t l,a,tta Pll�))Ac. He,-rin,- boy hoO_� October 19, IQ71, at 7 PN 1 -" on the Grp? Bl_iO.gecanttcantthe Town Clerk bf:� 9.u4- t � oriz-,(1 '�'o 'nublish noti.r.� of victh hearinc- in the Cortland, Th J_ mot on wq.:7 n!­rl ecl. 7.0 Motion was made by Mr. GrIsmold secor.d.ed. by Mr. Fish that all bills as Dresento!-d by the Town Clerk, add audited by the Town Board b-n paid R's follows: General Fune, $il,i66.29 HIghway Fund 9.4ag.go Wal-ler Dist. 1 3,324.16 Dist. 2 191.10 Dist. 3 76.og Sewer Dist. I 680.07 This irotior Tgas carried.. Resolution regArd.ing extending Sewer Dist. 1 botuidaries, follows on ne t page. There being no further business at this time meeting was adjourned. T,elan M. BroollAns, Town Clerk I 0 7 • 1 r In motion by . • . • . . . • • . • • • and seconded by" • ` ` `` • • • • . . , the following Resolutx n# ways ,j animous.ly adopted: WHEREAS, The Town Board, upon the petition of Cortlandville Center Associates Corp® adopted a resolution extending the boundar,4s,, ofDistrict No. 1 in the Town of Cortlandville so as to include Vwer " too 11 of the lands being developed by said petitioner as a shopping { near the intersection of McLean Road and New York State Route 11 o • 2,81; and 4y ,WHEREAS, Said resolution approved the proposed extension of �sald sewer district, upon condition, however, that the said Petitior�Ial ct the improvements and provide the services therein and to )and convey the same, without any cost or obligation whatever a -,'sewer district; and :WHEREAS, Cortlandville Center Associates Corp. has construct pressure sewer system along the nor th side of McLean Road and asterly to the trunk sewer line in Tompkins Street extension the same has been approved by the Town Engineer; and WHEREAS, Cortlandville Center Associates Corp. has delivered Town a proposed deed dated September 13, 1971, conveying a for ide easement along the north side of McLean Road to be used to maintain, repair, replace and operate said sewer syst eying said pressure sewer pipe line to the Town: -NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT A -RESOLVED, That the aforesaid easement and the aforesaid pressu sewer"system as described in said deed be, and they hereby are, f ally accepted as property of the Town; and be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the Town be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to record the aforesaid deed in Cortland County Clerk's Office. ti y�7). V 73 El L F, GOWN BOARD COWN OF CORTLANDVILLE - CORTLAND COUNTY In the Matter of the Extension of Water District No. 3 of the Town of Cortlandville, Cortland Uounty, New York. . • a . • . . a • . a . a • . • a a • . RESOLUTION WHEREAS, A petition for the extension of Water District No. 3 ' In the Town of Cortlandville, Cortland County, New York, the said petition being dated September 6th, 1971, was duly presented to thi Town Board, together with the necessary Map attached thereto; and WHEREAS, An order was duly adopted by the Town Board on September 20, 1971, reciting the filing of said petition, the improvements pro- posed, the boundaries of the proposed extension and the proposition that all of the respective costs of the proposed improvements there- in are to be borne by the petitioners, and specifying October 6, 1971, at 7:15 P. M. as the time, at the Town Hall at 3577 Terrace Road in the Town of Cortlandville as the place where said Board should meet to consider the said petition and to hear all persons interested in the subject the reof concerning the same; and WHEREAS, Such order was duly published and posted as required lby law; and WHEREAS, The hearing in said matter was held by the s aid Town Board on the 6th day of October, 1971, commencing at 7:15 o'clock P.-M., at the Town Hall, 3577 Terrace Road, in the Town of Cortland ville, and considerable discussion upon the matter having been had, and all persons desiring to be heard having been duly heard: NOW, Upon the evidence given upon such hearing and upon motion of Justice of the Peace, Donald F. Eaton, and seconded by Councilman, Ray E. Miller, it is RESOLVED, That (a) the petition aforesaid is signed and ackno�_ ledged or proved as required by law, duly complies with the require meats of Section 191 of the Town Law as to sufficiency of signers with respect to the boundaries of the proposed extension of such District as herein approved, and is otherwise sufficient; (b) all N the property and property owners within the proposed extension of such District are benefited thereby; and (c) all the property and property owners benefited are included within the limits of the pro posed extension of such District; and (d) it is in the public inter to grant in whole the relief sought; and it is further RESOLVED, that the extension of such Water District No. 3 as proposed in such petition, being in the public interest, be appro and that the boundaries of said Water District No. 3 be extended include the following described parcel of land: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate.in the Town of Cortlandville, County of Cortland and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northerly line of existing Water District No. Three (3), said point being in the center line of Fairview Drive a distance of 4.50 feet more or less north- erly from the intersection of the center line of Fairview Drive and the center line of McLean Road; thence running northerly a distance of 240 feet along the center line of Fairview Drive to a point, which is the south-east owner of lands of Poston; thence running westerly along Poston's southerly line a distance of 290.4-feet to a point; thence running northerlyva distance of 1005 feet + to a point in the lands of J. Richard Harris and Mary P. Harris; thence running easterly a distance of 290 feet + to a point in the center line of said Fairview Drive; thence running south- easterly a distance of 1190 feet + to a point in the center line of Luker Road; thence running south-westerly a dis- tance of 765 feet + along the center line of Luker Road to a. point; thence running westerly a distance of 609.2 feet to the point and place of beginning; and be it further _. RESOLVED, That the Town Clerk, pursuant to Section 195 of the Town Law, cause certified copies 'of this Resolution to be duly re- corded in the Cortland County Clerk's Office and to be duly filed with the office of the ..Sta.te Department of Audit and Control at Albany, New York, within ten days from the date of the adoption of this resolution. Dated: October 6th, 1971. st f U 1 • 1