HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-15-197159' Town Hall, 15 Ter-rece Road, Town of Cortlandville, Cortland, N.Y. Wed, Sept. 1.5, 1971 7:30 P.M. SUBJECT: PUBLIC HEARING, WATER AND SEWER BUDGETS FOR 1972. Town Clerk read the legal notice published in the Cortland Standard. There being no opposition for the proposed preliminary budgets, ;�144 Motion was made by Mr. Fish seconded by Mr. Griswold that the if-, Budget for Water Dist. 2 be adoped as the Annual Budget for 4 1972, this motion was carried. Motion was made by Mr. Eaton seconded by Mr. Fish that the Water Budget for Water Dist. 3 be adopted as the annual budget for 1972, this motion was carried. Motion was made by Mr. Eaton'- seconded by Mr. Miller that the budget for Water District # 1, be adopted as the annual budget for .1.972, this motion was carried. Motion was made by Mr. Miller seconded by Mr. Griswold that the Sewer Budget for Dist. # 1. be adopted as the Annual Budget for 1972, this motion was carried. Motion was made by Mr. Fish seconded by Mr. Miller and unan- imously carried, that the Public Hearing be declared closed. 2nd. Regular meeting of the Town Board called to order by the Supervisor, Frank K. Taylor. other Board members nrresent were Councilmen Sherman Griswold and Ray Miller, Justices Ron Fish and Don Eaton. Also, present were R. Krauklis, Bkpr.fbp the Supervisor, Town Attorney John Gardner, Town Assessor Henry Wadsworth, Hgwy Supt. Lou Wagner, and Fred Walker, wafer and sewer maintenance. Others present were Mr. & Mrs. Lester Moss, • Mr. & Mrs Ray Thorpe, Mr. W. Graham Heaslip and -another from Abdallah eve. These residents were -present In regard to the Clair Gutchoss petition for a variance. Town Clerk read the minutes of the previous meeting and there were no corrections. z 0 Motion was made by Mr. Grisv old seconded by Mr. Miller that the 2 year Donavan Plan as presented be accepted. This motion was carried. REGARDING THE 9 2 YEAR DONOVAN PJANII I C] I i M Town Clerk read a letter -from the Cortland County Planning Commission approving the Variance for the Gutchess property. Motion was made byJustice Eaton seconded by Councilman Sherpa. Griswold that the Petition of Clair Gutchess for an,am6ndment be denied. Vote was polled by the Town Clerk as follows: Mr. Eaton yes Mr. Griswold yes Mr. Fish yes all votingto deny the petition Mr. Miller yes Mr. Taylor yes The following were late comers and attended the meeting In regard to the Bennett Street Bridge, Village of McGraw. Mayor Max Torrey, Walter Goodale, William Bean,Merton Beam, Orvis Christopher from McGraw, Mr. Willard Griswold from the Town Planning Board, County Highway Supt. Walter Tennant and Dep. Supt. Mike WP-..lsh. Mr. Tennant presented plans regarding said Bennett st. bridge I!Iilllilil!iiiiiiii F1111111 Motion by Mr.Fish seconded by Mr. Miller that a Public Hearing be held in regard to Homer Fire Department Firs Protection Contract,october 6, 1971 at 7:30 P.M. Motion was 40 carried. 171111 1111 111!111 unanimously carried, be it RESOLVED, That Henry Wadsworth be, and he hereby is, of six (6) years, which shall commence on the lst day of October /P �i 1971. FURTHER MOTION WAS MADE by Mr. Eaton seconded by Mr. Miller that the Supervisor be empowered to write to the County CiviJR Service Bd. in regard to making the position of Assessor, Non -Competitive. Motion was carried. Meeting adjourned. Lelan M. Brookins, T.Clk. 63' speciRl Meeting of the Town Board, was held in the Town TiaTI on Monday 4.M. at 10:nO oclock, September 20, 10?1. Members present were, Supervisor Frank K. Taylor, Justices Ron Fish and Don Eaton, Councilman Ray E. Miller. WHRREAS a petition he..s bean fj,le-d with the Town Clerk for extension lof water district # 3 in the Fai-rview Drive area, 01) THEREFOR, on motion of Mr. Fish seconded by Councilman Miller and •passed, that a public hearing be held at the Town Hall, 15 Terrace Rd. 7:15 P.M., October 6, 1971 in regard. to said petition for Pa e-bxtension of Water District # 39 on Fairvle't%, Drive. jd�Motion war, also made by Mr. Eaton seconded by Mr. Fish that the Town buy a 1963 Inttrnationall Cutter Bqr Tractor Mover from the State of N.Y. as the Town Has been notified that their bid of $875-00 was the high bid on this mower. L� There being no further business at this time, meeting was adjourned. LelAn Ma Brookins, Town Clerk 1 • • AT A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF COR VILLE, CORTLAND COUNTY, NEW YORK, HELD AT THE TOWN HALL, 3577 ROAD, TOWN OF CORTLANDVILLE, ON THE 20th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1971. PRESENT: FRANK K. TAYLOR, Supervisor. DONALD F. EATON, Justice`of the Peace. RONALD FISH, Justice cf the Peace. , HENFWCouncilmanar"_•,2`�� ABSENTS SHERMAN GRISWOLD, Councilman. • • • a a a • • a • a • • a . . a . a a a a • • a In the Matter of the Proposed Extension of Water District No. 3 of the Town of Cortlandville, Cortland County, New York. t ORDER WHEREAS, A written petition dated September 6, 1971, in due fog and containing required signatures has been presented to and filed pith the Town Board of the Town of Cortlandville, Cortland County, New York, for the extension of the existing boundaries of Water,Dis trict No. 3 of the Town of Cortlandville, such proposed extension b ing bounded and described as follows: ALL,THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate in the Town of Cortlandville, County of Cortland and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the northerly line of existing Water District No. Three (3), said point being in the center line of Fairview Drive a distance of 4.50 feet more or less northerly from the in- tersection of the center line of Fairview Drive and the center line of McLean Road; thence running northerly a. dis- tance of 240 feet along the center line of Fairview Drive to a. point, which is the south-east corner of lands of Poston; thence running westerly along Poston's southerly line a. dis- tance of 290.4 feet to a point; thence running northerly a, dis- tance of .1005 feet + to a point in the lands of J. Richard Harris and Mary P. Harris; thence running easterly a distance of 290 feet + to a point in the center line of said Fairview Drive; thence running south-easterly a distance of 1190 feet + to a point in the center line of Luker Road; thence running so th- westerly a distance of 765 feet + along the center. line of Luker Road to a. point; thence running Westerly a distance of 609.2 feet to the point and place of beginning; and WHEREAS, It is proposed to extend the existing water supply pipes, manes and hydrants from their present terminus on the northerly aide of Fairview Drive noih.erly along the right-of-way of Fairview ive,a distance of 905 feet to a point in the lands of said J. chard Harris and Mary P. Harris in order to supply water to the To - extension of such Water District No. 3, all in accordance with a. permanent plan made a part of such petition and now on file in the Office of the Town Clerk; and WHEREAS, All monies required to be expended in the constructioli of such proposed improvements in order to extend the existing watrer supply in said Water District No. 3 will be paid by the petitioners, • the owner of a portion of the .lands included in such proposed exten- sion and no sum would be required to be expended for such purposes by the Town of Cortlandville or the presently existing Water District No. 3: -NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS ORDERED, That a meeting of the Town Board of the said Town of Cortlandville shall be held at the Town H all, 3577 Terrace Road in the Town of Cortlandville, County of Cortland, New York, on the 6t day of October, 1971, at 7:15 o'clock P. M. to consider the said pe tition and to hear all persons interested in the subject matter thereof, concerning the same and for such other action on the part of the said Town Board with relation to the said petition as may be required by law or proper in the premises. Dated: September Z0-, 1971. Frank K. Taylor, Supervisor Donald F. Eaton, Justice of the P ace Ronald Fish, Justice of the Peace Henry Wadsworth, Councilman • 1