HomeMy WebLinkAbout07-07-197139 Wed. July 7, 1971 7:30 P.M. Regular meeting of the Town Board held at the Town Hall, Supervisor Frank K. Taylor presiding: Other Board Members present were as follows, Justices Ron Fish and Donald Eaton, bouncilmen Sher. Griswold and Ray Mil.lere. Also present were Rudy Krauklis book-keeper for Supervisor's accounts, Town Attorney John Gardner, Town Highway Supt. Lou Wagner, Fred Walker, Water Department and Tom Berkley from Stearns & Wheler, and Henry Wadsworth, Town Assessor. Others present were Walter Tennant, Walter ?Goodale Max Torrey and Mike Wilkes. Town Clerk read minutes of last regular meeting and two special meetings, there were no corrections. The following is aletter from John MacNeill, Jr. Consulting Eng., to the Town Board of Cortlandville. Gentlemen: Re: Section 3 (Stiles) The length of road to be constructed in this section is 1165 feet. The developer will construct the roads and sanitary sewer in accordance with the Town Road and Street Construction Specifications, the plans and the recommendations of the Town Engineer. Upon completion of the sub -base, and its approval by the Town Highway Superintendent and the Town Engineer, the developer will submit a bond or letter of credit in the amount of $4.00 per foot of road, or $4660.009 to assure completion of the paving in accordance with the Town Highway and Road Specifications and will dedicate the road to the Town. John S. MacNeill, Jr. Motion was made by Don Eaton, seconded by Ray Miller to accept letter of credit if approved by Town Attorney, in the amount of $4.660.00. This motion was carried. 40 Town Attorney Gardner read a letter from David T. Pttruccelli,P.E. Syre Regional Office, as follows: � U New York State Department of Environmental Conservation .mine 25, 1971 Mayor and Common Council City of Cortland City Hall Cortland, New York 13045 Henry L. Diamond Commissioner Gentlemen; On June 22, 1971, Mr. Dale Boshart, Field Chemist, and I conducted our annual composite sampling of the Cortland wastewater treatment facility. During our visit a situation came to our attention concerning a viola- tion of the sewer use ordinance. From approximately 10:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. the influent to the plant became a reddish color, had a distinct odor (naptha) and an oil film was in evidence. The pH of the raw sewage was 8.1 indicating highly alkaline discharges to the sewer. Mr.,Roy Summerson, Chief Operator, stated that the most likely source was the Locko Glazing Company. He said that this company had previously been contacted on its violation of the existing sewer use ordinance and had agreed not to discharge naptha or alkaline wastes to the system. It was apparent that on the'date in question either this company or some other discharger was in violation of the ordinance. Compliance with your sewer use ordinance is necessary for the continued proper operation of the existing facility and certainly the tertiary plant now under design. The effects of these wastes are visable in the effluent from the plant and the anaerobic digestors are subject to upset from these types of wastes. We request that this office be notified of your actions to insure that the company.in question com- plies with the sewer use ordinance. I£ we can be of any assistance in this matter, please contact this office. Very truly yours, J/,,,J T. P David T. Petruccelli, P.E. Senior Sanitary Engineer Pure Waters 0 Reply to Syracuse Regional Office, 677 South Salina Street, Syracuse, New York 13202 1 • 41 On motion of Ron Fish seconded by Ray Miller said letter be acknowledged as received and filed. This motion was carried. Notice was read regarding,West st. 281, SH 8522 at its Intersection with Groton Ave, Route 222, SH 446 (Signal 7) (1) A left green arrow facing north on Route 281 shall be dis- played during appropriate intervals of the signal cycle. i This notice was from State of New York, Depart, of Transportation. 1� � Motion was made by R. Miller seconded by R. Fish that this notice be acknowledged as received and filed, motion was carried. At 8.P.M. bids were opened by the Town Clerk regarding i sand blasting and painting the water tank, as follows: Virginia Erection Co. $3,880.00 Pittsburgh,PA. 15237 (Dep. $194.00) Hanley Paint,Assoc. LTD $3482.00 Johnson City, N.Y. 13790 (Dep. 175.00) i Law Bros Constr. Corp. $2.995.00 Lyons Falls, N.Y. (Dep. 200,00) Wiltsie Constr. $2080.00 Oswego, N.Y. 13216 (Dbp.'A�4.00) U.S.Tank Metallizing Co $29935•00 ( Dep. 75.00) Kellogg Constr. Serv. $3150.00 Interlaken, N.Y. ( Dep. 160.00) (8:10 PM) On recommendation of Town Attorney and Tom BBo'rklYy from Stearns and Wheler Engineers,motion was 'made by Donald Eaton seconded by Ron Fish that the low bid of Wiltsie Constr. Co. be accepted, this motion was carried, unanimous. After much discussion -regarding the Bennett St.Bridge, 1NP 1-:F h { more study will be required which Walter Tennant and Mr. makes will pursue and report to the Town Board in the near future. Motion was made by Sherm Griswold seconded by R. Fish that ,-J)- a special meeting, relative to the Lutheran Church property on Tompkins St. ezt, for a portion of this to be rezoned, be held July 14, 1971 at rjP.M. 42 Mr. Taylor read a report by the Town Assessor, also a report from Wm Rowell regarding three properties on Fairview Drive that are considering water. Owners of said properties being Mr. H. Poston, Lewis Johns and Fred Woodward. This report was read by Councilman Ray Miller. Letter was read by Town Attorney regarding the Clair Gutchess property on Tompkins St. Eate also presented a petition for rezoning from R-1 and R-2 to R-3. Resolution was made by Ron Fish seconded by Ray Miller that a public hearing be scheduled for August 4th at 7:30 P.M. in the Town Hall, unanimously carried. 5 Motion was made Sherman Griswold seconded by Ray Miller that all bills as presented by the Town Clerk and audited by the Town Board be paid, This motion was carried. General Fund $3988.96 Highway Fund 4192.12 Water Dist. 1 2724.64 Water Dist. 2 241.50 Sewer Dist. # 1 '1571,71 There being no further business at this time, meeting was adjourned. Lelan M. Brookins, Town Clerk/Cortlandville 1 • 1 43 Public Hearing, July 14, 1971 at 7:30 P.M. in the Town Hall, Terrace Road, town of Cortlandville . Subject: Petition of the Holy Spirit Lutheran Church for the adoption by the Town Board of the following proposed change in the boundary of Residential R 3 Districts and Business Districts as shown on the official Zoning Map of the Town of Cortlandville. 1V07'ECa I NCR EiTY GIVIEN, that r Wpublic hearing will be held before the Town Board of The Town of Corflandvilie, New York, pursuant to Article XV l l Section 1702 of the 1966 Zoning Oridnance of Town of Cort- landville, New York, and Sections' 264 and 265 of the Town Law, at the Town Hall on Terrace Road in the Town of Cortlandville, Cortland County, New York, on the 14th day of July, 1971. at 7: "s0 o'clock P.PA. in the matter of The petition of The Holy Spirit Lutheran .Church for the adoption by the Town Board of the following proposed change in The boundary of Residential R-3 Districts and Business Districts as shown on the Official Zoning Pvlap of the Town of Cortlandville, viz.: �u A proposed change by which all that tract or parcel of lava hereinafter described, situate on the �p north side of Tompkins Street Ex- tension be placed entirely in a Business District instead of a Cb Residential R-3 Districtand Business District as it is at present: Rit that tract or parcel of land situate in The Town of Cortlandville, County of Cortland and State of New York, and being a part of Lot No. 73, being bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the center line of the Cortland -Dryden Road (N.Y.) Route 13) said point being located N. 53 0 - 34' - 30" E. along the said center line a distance of 232.39 feet from the intersection of tne center line of the Cortland - McLean Road with The center line of said Route 13; thence running 14. 360 - 25'. 30" W. a distance of 174.7� feet to a point; tnence running N. 530 - 34' - 30" E. a distance of 31.00 feet to a point; 'thence N. 360 - 25' - 30" W. a distance of 110.0 feet ',a a point in the southerly street line of Halstead Road; thence running N. 530 - 34' - 30" E. along the said street line a distance of 395.0 fact to the southwest corner of Halstead Road and Fair- field Drive; thence running S. 360 - 25' - 30" E. along the westerly street line of Fairfield Drive a distance of 284.75 feet to a point in the center line of the Cortland -Dryden Road; thence running S. 530 - 34' - 30" W. along the center line of the Cortland -Dryden Road a distance of 426.0 feet to the point of beginning and containing 2.71 acres of land more or less. Excepting and reserving that portion of the above described premises lying within the confines of Tompkins Street Extension. All parties in interest and persons may attend and shall nave the op- portunity to be heard at the public hearing aforesaid. sRl ,Dated: July 3rd, 1971. Lelan M. Brookins, Clerk Town of Cortlandville Supervisor Frank K. Taylor presided' at this Hearing with all members of the Town Board present as follows: douncilmen Ray E. Miller, Sherman `Griswold, Justices Ron Fish and Don Eaton. Also present were Jack Fitzgerald, Attorney for the Petitioner and Mr. Mel Melinder (real estate). Town Attorney, John Gardner was present and read the Public Notice of said Hearing, 44 Mr. Fitzgerald explained to the Board that all propertyeowners in•this part of the Halstead Tract had been contacted were agreeable to said proposed change, also he showed a -map plan of WKRT's proposed project. After discussion and questions, motion was made by Justice Eaton seconded by Councilman Griswold that the hearing be declared closed, unanimously carried. Special meeting of the Town Board followed. Town Attorney John Gardner read a letter from the Cortland County Planning Board, Referral # 35, July 12, 1971 in which they sta-Ee that Petition of Holy Spirit Lutheran church for an amendment in the Zoning Ordinance of the ''own of Cortlandville was reviewed at their meeting July 8, 1971, there being no objections after proper answering of questions raised in accordance with 239M of the General Municipal Law, the bounty Planning Board approves the said application &-r the amendment. Motion was made by Councilman Miller seconded by Justice Eaton that this letter be accepted and filed all voting aye, 4A After some discussion, motion was made by Justice Fish seconded by Justice Eaton that 84.75 feet of said lands be rezoned for business. This motion was carried unanimously. Resolution on next page. There being no further business at this time, meeting was adjourned. Lelan M. Brookins, sown Clerk Mildred M. Brookins, Deputy Town Clerk • 1 45 1 • • At a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Cortlandville, held at the Town Hall in the Town of Cortlandville, Cortland County New York, on the 14th day of July, 1971, the'f ollowing Resolution was offered by Justice of the Peace, Ronald J. Fish, and seconded by Justice of the Peace, Donald F. Eaton, and unanimously adopted pursuant to Sections 264 and 265 of the Town Law, to wit: 0" RESOLVED, That the boundaries of Residential R-3 and Business Districts in the Town of Cortlandville, as shown on the 1968 Zoning Map of the Town of Cortlandville, be, and they hereby are, changed so that the following described parcel of land be, and it hereby is placed entirely in a Business District: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND situate in the Town of Cortlandville, County of Cortland and State of New York, and being a part of Lot #73, being bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point in the center line of the Cortland-Drydan Road (N. Y. Route 13) said point being located N. 53 - 34' - 30" E. along the said center line a distance of 232.39 feet from the intersec- tion of the center line of the Cortland -McLean Road with the center line of said Route 13; thence running N. 36 25' - 30" W. ao distance of 174-75 feet to a point; thence running N. 53 - 34' o 30" E. a distance of 31.00 feet to a point; thence N. 36 - 25' - 30" W. a distance of 110.0 feet to a point in the southerly street line of Halstead Road; thence running N. 530 - 34' - 30" E. along the said street line a. distance of 395.0 feet to the southwest corner of0Halstead .Road and Fairfield Drive; thence running S. 36 - 25' - 30" E. along the westerly street line of Fair- field Drive a distance of 284-75 feet to a point in the center line of the Cortland -Dryden Road; thence running S. 53° - 34' - 30" W. along the center line of the Cortland - Dryden Road a distance of 4.26.0 feet to the point of begin- ning and containing 2.71 acres of land more ot.:.,rless. Excepting and reserving that portion of the above described premises lying within the confines of Tompkins Street Ex- tension. And be it further RESOLVED, That the Town Clerk be, and he hereby is, authorized to publish and post such change as required by law; and be it furth RESOLVED, That the Town Clerk be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to enter such change upon the aforesaid .Zoning Map. Dated: July 15th, 1971. LELAN M. BROOKINS, Clerk Towvi of Cort:l,9nrlvi_l l a