HomeMy WebLinkAbout06-02-197127 Wed. June 2,1971 7:30 P.M. Public Hearing called by Supervisor Frank K. Taylor, Town Clerk read notice -of publication for rezoning from Agricultural to R 1 of lands of Francis Gorman located on Gracie Road. No one appeared to object to this request and the Hearing was declared closed. Motion was made by Mr. Miller seconded by Mr. Eaton that the development of Francis Gorman, namely 7.70 acres called Crestview on Gracie Road be rezoned si�• from agricultural. to R 1.' This motion was carried. Regular meeting called to order by Supervisor Taylor. other Board members present were. Justices Donald Eaton and Ronald Fish, Councilmen Sherman Griswold and Ray E. Miller, also present were Rudy Krauklis, Bookkeeper for Supervisor's accounts, Town Engineer Wm. Rowell.Town Attorney John J. Gardner, Town Assessor Henry WadsUorth Town Hgwy Supt. Lou Wagner came early and had to leave, and Fred Walker, Maintenance,Water and Sewer. Town Clerk read minutes of last meeting and there were no corrections. .Town Clerk read bids for a new Cinder Spreader, as follows; Seneca Supply 43400, less $500.00 Trade-in. Credle Equip. Co.3440.00 J.C.Georg Corp. 2983.00 Seneca Supply, was low bidder in the amount of $2900.00 �,�l Motion was made by Mr. Eaton seconded by Mr. Fish that the low bid. of Seneca Supply be accepted. Motion was carried. Vote polled, all voting , AYFa Motion was made by Mr. Miller seconded by Mr. Fish regarding a stipulation of discontinuance, together with a general release exonerating the Town of Cortlandville re- garding an accident on the Ames road of Daniel and Maria Greenfield,be accepted and made a part of the minutes of this meeting, This motion -was carried. See page 28. 4sl Motion was made by Mr. Eaton seconded by Mr. Fish that the Assessor be authorized to attend an assessor training session in Ithaca, July 10 1971 for 5 days at Town expense. This motion was carried. o Motion was made by Mr. Miller seconded by Mr. Griswold that the Justices of @ortlandville be authorized to attend Justice Traing Session in Ithaca, August 13 and 14. 1971 at Town Expense, This motion was carried. Mr. Share of SCM Corp. and Ed. #�LNeil of the Cortlandville Mall appeared before the Board to discuss construction and maintenance of a 12 09 Water line across SCM property, letter of said request on page 29. Lotion was made by Sherman Griswold seconded by Mr. 0*6f Miller that the. Supervisor be authorized to ansiter Mr. Shames ietitiQ.re s ffiotlon etas carrJlado j 810 - GENERAL RELEASE `err �• _ - - - TUTBLANX R[OI.T lR [D U.S.PAT.OFr10[ - TutNeLawPrint Pub/ishers,Ru1/and,'N GENERAY, i- RELEASE Ufa all whom #lleot Frestuto olladi romp or ma g roncern, f�rttting: , _ It1aro Vt That we, DANIEL C. GRE.'ENFIELD and MARIA GREENFIELD. Bellvi". Gardens. Kellogg Road, Cortland, New York' °' for and in consideration of the .sum of (Sl., 300.00 ) .. One Thousand Five Hundred and 00/100 -. • - dollars lawful money of, the United States, tQ • . us in hand paid by TOWN OF CQRTLANDVILLE and COWL.4ND ASPHALT .`1 PRODUCTS CORP.. the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have remised, released and forever -discharged and by these presents do • forourselves, our heirs, executors and administrators remise, release and forever discharge the said ; Town of Cortlandville and Cortland Asphalt Products Corp. • .:`i -� � �•. :;>. t heir - ,successors and assigns, of and from any and all manner ojactiosaand- '.•, . , actions, cause and causes of action, suits, damages, judgments, executions, claims for personal injuries, prop- erty damage and demands whatsoever- in law or in equity, which we ever had, now have or which our heirs, executors, or administrators hereafter can, shall, or may have against Town of Cortlandville and Cortland Asphalt Products Corp. ' for, upon, or by reason of, any matter, cause or thing whatsoever, from the beginning of the world to the day of the date of these presents and particularly, but without in any manner limiting the foregoing, on account of an accident which occurred August 12th, 1969 on the Ames Road in the Town of Cort- landville, Now York when a 1963 Chevrolet automobile owned and operated by Daniel C. Greenfield was caused to go out of control on a section of the highway recently oiled. causing injuries to said Daniel C. Greenfield and damage to the said vehicle:. ;.. .: This release is intended to cover all claims of every nature arising out of said ' accident, including any and all claims that Maria Greenfield may have for lost i. to of her husband, Denial C. Greenfield. _ The. Town of Cortlandville and Cortland Asphalt Products Corp. to share equally consideration the being paid for this release. A to furt4tr 49Ptd that there are no collateral or outside agreements of any kind between the parties hereto and that said payment is in accord and satisfaction of a disputed claim. iQi M101 104=00f we _ have hereunto set our hartdeand seat s 1"� May_ the day of --- one thousand nine hundred and seventy one. • 1 GLv�CX � �C/ � • ti Daniel C. Gre afield Maria Gaee iak • State of New York ' County of Cortland r On this 13th day of May 1971 before me personally appeared Daaiel0. C. Greenfield and Maria Greenfield to me km&�lo be the personteamled an, and who exeented the foregoing release, and they ackno�oledeed that r . executed the Same. ; • ` Notary Public F__ --DO . S TER Reg Y2-90.Vm h1ALD L. LA , No. - Notary -Public; Stats of"Nsw York Qualified in Cortland County y My Commissio,i Expires March 30, 19....: I I .I. I II. mpg I4!w 17. UUlli �,RliI�I lRq�h!lV1. 29 SMITH - CORONA MARCHANT DIVISION OF SCM CORPORATION SMITH -CORONA OPERATIONS ROUTE 13 CORTLAND, NEW YORK 13045 • ROBERT W, SHARE General Manager June 2, 1971 The Town Board Town of Cortlandville 15 Terrace Rd Cortland, New York 13045 Gentlemen: Whereas, the SCM Corporation is considering the grant- ing of a limited easement to Pyramid Properties Company for construction and maintenance of a 12" water line across SCM property, it is hereby requested that SCM's right to tap into such water line shall not be diminished or effected as a result of the conveyance by Pyramid Properties Company of.that water line and/or easement to the Town of Cortlandville. It is further requested that the Town of Cortlandville indicate its intention to supply SCM'_s future reasonable needs for water through said 12" line insofar as, the Town would be able to do so in the event of such a request from SCM Corporation. At such time as SCM's future reasonable water requirements can not be satisfied, the SCM Corporation wishes to reserve the right to consider modification of the provisions of the easement across its property. The SCM Corporation respectfully requests the Cortlandville Town Board to indicate, in writing, its acceptance'of the fore- going conditions as a fair and reasonable arrangement for immediately bringing water service into the new Cortlandville Mall and ultimately providing such service to SCM in the event of future development on its property. Sincerely yours, Robert W. Share RWS/jo 310 0 �v Motion was made by Mr. Eaton seconded by Mr. Fish that the Pyramid Properties Company, Liverpool, N.Y. 13088, be permitted to construct a 1211 water line across water district # 1 from the Water Tank to the South ";A Corner of said lands and to store 12" water line materials. This motion was carried. Gerald Cornell is now attendant of the McGraw Land -Fill at '�� a salary of $500.00 per month. Motion was made by Mr. Griswold seconded by Mr. Miller that the Town Attorney start a Civil proceeding against Robert Bean for vijolation of the Trailer Ordinance. This motion was carried. On May 27, 1971, Bids were opened in the Supervisors Office for a 12" Water line, approx. 5400 feet in length which will connect into the main 1211 line near the Water Tank in Water District # 1 and terminate at Rte. 13 at the south west corner of properties of Pyramid Properties Inc. The Original Construction and Costs of said line is to be borne by Pyramid Gonst-ruat-iron Inc.. Bids as follows: Congel-Reuter Inc. 4641 Crossroads Pk. Dr. Liverpool, N.Y. $57,806.25 Olin Constr. Co.Box 55, Camillus, N.Y. $64,631.00 Empire Pipeline Corp.Box 207, Liverpool, N.Y. $67,493.75 Motion was made by Mr. Miller seconded by Mr. Griswold that all bills as presented by the Town Clerk and audited by f the Town Board be paid as follows: Highway Dept. $968.58 General $ 9.437.35 Water Dist. # 1 1619.29 Sewer Dist. # 1 24.00 1 L� 1 There being no_further business at this time meeting was adjourned. 0 Lelan M. Brookins, Town Clerk 1 31 4 1 r� At a meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Cortlandville, held at the Town Hall in the Town of Cortlandville, Cortland County New York, on the 2nd day of June, 1971, the following Resolution wa offered by Councilman Ray E. Miller and seconded by Justice of the Peace Donald F. Eaton, and unanimously adopted pursuant to Sections 264 and 265 of the Town Law, to wit: RESOLVED, That the boundaries of Agricultural and Residential "R-l" Districts in the Town of Cortlandville, as shown on the 1968 Zoning Map of the Town of Cortlandville, be, and they hereby are, changed so that the following described parcel of land be, and it hereby is, placed entirely in a Residential "R-l" District: ALL THAT TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND, situate in the Town of Cort- landville, County of Cortland and State of New York, on Lot No. 81 in said Town, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a poi on the center line of the pavement on Gracie Road, and the north8as corner of the .lands now owned by Flossie Fairclough; thence N 17 0 E along the said Gracie Road, pavement center line, 358.02 feet to point marked by an iron stake; thence N 16 24' E along the said Gracie Road, pavement center line, 362.25 feet to a point marked by an iron stake, being a northeast corner of the Joseph Lockwood Esta lands; thence N 82 41, W, along a north line of lands of the said Loc�wood Estate 613.66 feet to a point marked by an iron stake; then S 0 18' E, along the west line of the lands of tDe said Lockwood Estate 478.00 + feet to the millpond; thence S 33 54' E, along the edge of a mill pond, 284 + feet to a point marked by an iron pin; thence S 77181 E, along the north line of remaining lands of the Lockwood Estate and the north line of the lands of the said Flossie Fairclough, 246.77 feet to the point or place of beginning and con- taining 7.70 acres of land more or less. That portion of the above premises lying within the confines of the Gracie Road is conveyed subject to the rights of the public. The above described parcel of land is shown on a Map designati; "Crestview", made by F. Donald McKee, Licensed Surveyor, and Walter J. Tennant, Jr., Professional Engineer, dated December 18, 1970, ani revised March 16, 1971; And be it further RESOLVED, That the TowndGldrh be, and he hereby is, authorized t I :e U to publish and post such change as required by law; and be it further RESOLVED, That the Town Clerk be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to enter such change upon the aforesaid Zoning Map. Dated: June 7, 1971. LELAN M. BROOKINS, Clerk win of Cortlandville 357 Terrace Road land, New York, 13045