HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-19-1971„” 3 Wed. May 19, 1971 7:30 P.M. Regular meeting of the Town Board Hold at the Town Hall, Supervisor Frank K. Ta.ylor. presiding: Present were, Justices Ronald Fish and Don. Eaton and Councilmam Ray E. Miller, Sherman Griswold was absent. A18o present were Town Attorney John Gardner, Engineer Wm. Rowell, Assessor Henry Wadsworth, Highway Supt. Lou Wagner, Rudy Kra.uklis,bookkeeper to the -Supervisor and Fred Walker water and sewer maintenance. Residents of the Town present were, Carl Peterson of Allen Dr. and Mr. James Cullen and David Riordan of Hoxie Gorge. Toren Clerk react the minutes of the last meeting and there were no corrections. Town ClerlT read a letter from County Chairman John Kimm.ich .rec- ommending the following for Election inspectors/ and alternates for the Republican Party for the coming year. District I Mrs. Ruth Stafford 75 N. St. McGraw, if Myra. Va.nEpps 4.11 E. Main, McGraw ,�- O Alternates " Ada Shearer R#1 McGraw it Dawn Porter 39 N. St. McGraw District 2 " Pauline Pettet Blodgett Mills. " Agnes Phelps it " Alternates " Lola Doty " Marguerite 1.1ildman District 3 " Helen Phelps 16 Abdallah Cortland " Dorothy Rew R#3 Cortland " Alice O'Hara 827 IT. Iamont C. " Alternate " Madelli_ne Buggs 25 Levydale " District " Jane Edlund R#4, Cortland " Ruth Colegrove Fisher Ave It Alternate " Leonora Finn 'R#4 it District 5 " Magdalena McGrad E. Ave. McGraw TerrylMorHicks Alternate El�1St. Upon motion of Justice Ronald Fish seconded by Justice Donald Eaton the above Inspectors and alternates were duly appointed, Motion was carried. Mr. Francis Gorman presented a petition for rezoning of 7.7 acres of land known. as Crest.iew located on Gracie Road, from Agri- cultural Zone to R 3 Zone. 25 Upon motion of Justice Fish seconded_ by Councilman Miller that a Public Hearing .is to be held June 2, 1971 at 7:30 regarding said Petition.. Motion was carried. Mr. Clyde Cotterill and ?Marren Barth were present and- discussed all Town Insurance with the Town Board. They will meet again with the Board June 16, 1R71 at the second regular meeting. Supervisor Taylor read a letter and Petition from residents of Hoxie r s GorQ:e area, requesting that this area. be kept as is in regard to the -road. Mr. Cullen and Mr. Ri orda..n_� were present to explain their petition. Motion was made by Justice Eaton seconded by Justice Fish that the Petition be received and filed. This motion was carried. Supervisor Taylor told Mr. Cullen and Mr_. Riordan that there would be no changes in the Hoxie Gorge Road unless some changes occur that are unfo_rseen at the present. Mr. Carl Peterson appeared before the Board to complain about the shoulders of McLean Road at his property where stones are left. Mr. Barnes, Supt. for Barkers Stores has been contacted and has assured the Town Clerk and Mr. Peterson that this condition will be taken care of next week. Mr. Peterson also complainedlabout the traffic on Allen Dr. canning from Village Terrace Apartments. The Supervisor told Mr. Peterson that Mr. Yaman had been contacted about this condition also, when Halstead Road is repaired the situation should be relieved. �'';l Motion was male by Mr.Taylor seconded by Mr. Fish that Greviance Day be set for June 15, 1971, 9;30 to 11:30 A.M. and 1:30 to 3:30 P.M.. Also ,upon motion of Mr. Eaton seconded by Mr. Fish that Councilman Ray Miller be appointed to serve with Supervisor Taylor and. Assessor Henry Wadsworth as e. Board of RevieTxi for Greviance Day, Motion was carried. Supervisor Taylor read a. letter from -Cenr& ,A. Gunn of Stearns and Wheler askingif a work permit would be required for the inter -sewer and pump station work in the Village of Homer which is in the Town of Cortlandville. 26 7 Motion was made by Mr. M ller seconded. by Mr. Fish that the Supervisor advise Mr. Gunn that such permit or permits would be required and that all work would be under the Supervision of Town of Cortlandville Hi Away Supt. Louis Wagner. This motion was carried. Supervisor Taylor_ and Highway Supt. Louis Wagner reported that the Bennett St. Bridge in McGraw had been repaired. Motion was made by Mr. Eaton and seconded by Mr. Miller that the ToTrin Engineer Wm. Rowell be authorized to prepare documents for sand blasting part of the Water Tank and painting said tank. This motion was carried. 1 U Motion was made by Supervisor Taylor seconded by Councilman Miller that Engineer Rowell write a letter to Hobert Bean to correct conditions f water pipes or_ the upper Trailer park. This motion was carried. Motion was made by Mr. Fish seconded by Mr. Eaton that Specifications be prepared for advertiz.ing for bids for a new Mower .for the Water Department, bids to be opened June 16, 1971 at 10 A.M. This motion was carried. There bein no further business at this time meeting was adjourned. Lelan M. Brookins, Town Clerk Regarding a request from Cortlandville Mall @hopping Center, to use US pipe ,12" class 22 tyton joint with three silicone bronze wedges per joint in lieu of MI pipe with lead tip gaskets, after due consideration the Board passed a resolution approving of the requested alternate.