HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-17-1971Wed. Feb. 17,1971 7:30 P.M. Second regular meeting of the month held at the Town Hall on Terrace Road, Supervisor Frank K. Taylor presiding. Members of the Board present were, Justices Ronald Fish and Donald Eaton ,Councilmen Ray E. Miller and Sherman Griswold. Also present, R. Krauklis, Book-keeper for Supervisor's acc'ts., John Gardner, Town Attorney, Wm. Rowell, Town Engineer and Town Assessor, Henry Wadsworth. Town Clerk read the minutes of the last meeting and there were no corrections. Town Clerk presented his yearly report for the year 1970. I� On motion of Mr. Eaton seconded by Mr. Griswold that the -A -)-I Trailer Park Permit of Douglas Thompson, 380 Tompkins St. Ext. be renewed for the year of 1971, motion was carried and payment of $65.00 was made to the,Town Clerk. Motion was made by Mr. Griswold seconded by Mr. Fish that the o House Trailer permit of Mr. &"Mrs. Joseph Schlum of Page Green road, be renewed, this motion was carried and the amount of .$10.00 was -paid the Town Clerk. Motion was made by Mr. Eaton seconded by Mr. Griswold that Russell Parsons be re -appointed to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a five year term, expiring Dec. 31st. 1975, this motion was carried. Motion was made by Mr. Fish seconded by Mr. Griswold that Wm. Clemens be re -appointed to the Planning Board for a five year term expiring Dec. 31st. 1975. This motion was carried. The Town Clerk presented a delinquent water bill in the amount of M70.29 of Robert P. Bean, Penguin Trailer Park and also advised the Board that Mr. Bean had not renewed his Trailer Park Permit for 1971. J Town Clerk also advised the Board of the delinquent water bill of Kenneth Morse of 20 Lamont Circle in the amount of $38.50. Motion was made by Mr. Fish seconded by Mr. Eaton that the Town Attorney be instructed to notify Mr. Bean and Mr. Morse that these bills must be paid within 15 days, also Mr. Bean must renew his Trailer Park permit for 1971. This motion was carried. Motion was made by Sherm Griswold seconded by Ron Fish that Virginia Eaton be appointed Court Clerk for 1971. Motion was carried. Mr. Edward McNeil one of the owners,showed brochures and plans of the new shopping Center,(Cortlandville Mall) proposed to be built on S. Cortland Road across from the Smith-Corona-Marchant Factory and Offices. He explained in detail all proposed plans to the Town Board. There being no further business at this time, meeting was ad- journed. Lelan M. Brookins, Town Clerk Town of Cortlandville • u Regular meeting of the sown Board of the Town of Corti, was held Wed. March 3, 1971 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town H� said. Town. Members present were Supervisor Frank K. Ta presiding, Justices Donald Eaton and Ronald Fish, Council- men Sherman Griswold and Ray E. Miller. Also present at this meeting were Rudy Krauklis, book-keeper. for Supervisor, Town Engineer, Wm. Rowell, Town Attorney John J. Gardner, Hgwn Supt. Lou Wagner, Fred Walker, Water Dept. and Walter Tennant, County Hgwy.Supt. Supervisor Taylor read a letter from McGraw School Dist # 4., expressing their appreciation to the Town_Highway Dept. for their. help. Motion was made by Mr. Eaton seconded by Mr. Fish that the Fire 4 Check in the amount of $831.51 be divided between the Homer Fire Dept. and the McGraw Fire Dept. according to their con- tracts, the amount of 1575.70 to the Homer Dept. and .1�255.8`f to the McGraw Dept. This motion was carried unanimously. Supervisor read another letter from N.L.Caruso & Associates, signed by Charles E. Stanmyre, 528 Oak St. Syracuse, N.Y. 13203 regarding proposed New Construction at the Corner of Tompkins St. Ext. (Rte 13) and Glenwood Ave. (Theatre Site). Motion was made by Mr. Griswold seconded by Mr. Miller that this letter be accepted and filed and a copy sent to Wm. Rowell, Engineer. j This motion was carried. I k Mr. Taylor read a. letter from Emanuel J. Calocerinos, P.E. ,Y of 1000 Seventh North Street, Liverpool,13088, N.Y. requesting that the Town of Cortlandville seek approval of the City of Cortland to permit sewage discharge of an estimated 32,000 gallons to the facilities of Sewer. District # 1 in which XJGUM property, 35 acres.of land located on the east side of Route 13 across from Smith-Corona-Marchant which is being pro- posed. as Cortlandville Mall, a development for a Shopping Center. Lllilifnr�in 1 01 lnnirmmonnriifMnnt uWi u=ummmuniT I i un 1 -nuu'nl nri ulurrmtYd"rhiiYuniYrii■Wr7r■r..r��W._`. -_ .-�r�w..,.r.�-- ....,.....u........m. _.....,,�,. ...,.. ......,...aa to 1 Motion was made by Mr. Eaton seconded by Mr. Fish that this letter be accepted and filed and that Supervisor Taylor be authorized to consult with Mayor Noss of the City of Cortland for permission to use the Trunk Sewer for this project. This motion was carried by the Town Board. Mr. Taylor presented a petition from the residents of McLean Road objecting to the excessive heavy load traffic, and the speed of vehicles on McLean Road. Motion_ was made by Mr. Eaton seconded by Mr.Griswold that the petition be r.ec'd and filed. Motion was carried. REGARDING SAID PETITION: WHEREAS, a written petition signed by 4.2 residents of the Town has been filed with the Town Clerk which requests, among other things, that the speed_ of motor vehicles on the I McLean Road in the Town. of �ortlandville be restricted to 35 miles per hour; BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be, and he hereby is, directed and authorized to sign a written request directed to the New York State Department of Transportation to restrict the. speed. at which motor wehlicez may proceed on the McLean Road from its intersection with New York Route 13 running in a southwesterly direction to the West boundary line of the County of Cortland to 35 miles per hour. This motion was made by Justice Fish seconded by Justice Eaton and carried unanimously. Four residents (ladies) from Lamont Circle were present to request that the Town,Pick up Garbage and papers which are on the Playground also they would like an old fence removed at the back of the playground. Regarding the fence this'is Rail -Road 'property and Town Attorney Gardner will contact the A.R. about this to see what can be done. They also • voiced a complaint about the dogs on Lamont Circle running all over the properties. Motion was made by Mr. Miller seconded by Mr. Griswold that all bills as presented by the Town Clerk and audited by the Board be paid as follows:General Fund $2206.67 Highway 3542.52 Water Dist. 1 1132•13 Sewer Dist. 1 1.4.00 This motion was passed unanimously. There being no further business at this time, meeting was adjourned. Lelan M. Brookins, Town Clerk • 1 if