HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-03-1971I 1 is Wed. Feb. 3, 1971 7:30 P.M. Regular meeting of the Town Board of the flown of Cortland-- ville was held at the Town Hall .Supervisor Frank K. Taylor presided with members present as follows. Justices Ron Fish and Don Eaton, Councilmen Sherman Griswold and Ray Miller. Also present were Rudy Krauklis, book-keeper for Supervisors accounts,,Henry Wadsworth, Town Assessor, Louis Wagner, Hgwy Supt., Fred Walker, Water Maintenance Dept. and Wm. Rowell, Town Engineer. Town Clerk read minutes of...the`_last meeting andere no corrections. Re; McKinney Trailer Park Renewal; Motion was made by Mr. Eaton, seconded by Mr. Griswold that the Trailer Park Permit of Elsie McKinney be renewed for the year 1971 for which payment of $p25.00 was recId by the T. Clerk, This motion was carried. Re: House Trailer renewals; Motion was made by Mr. Eaton seconded by Mr. Griswold that the renewal of Robert Hutchings for 6 months , for which payment of $10.00 was rec°d by the T. Clerk, be extended. this motion was carried. Motion was made by Mr. Miller seconded by Mr. Eaton that ,,,Jb the renewal of Walter Peck for 6 months for which payment O/7 of $10.00 was reeld by the T. Clerk, be extended. This motion was carried. Motion by Mr. Miller seconded by MrI Fish that the Supervisor be empowered to sign contract with the S.P.C.A. for the year 1971 same as 1970 at $2000.00. This motion was carried. Regarding: the execution of a rigYt of -way agreement between the County of Cortland and Water District ,# 1 of the Town of Cortlandville acquiring a twenty-five foot right-of- way (251) for the construction and maintenance of a pole line for the conduction of electricity to the airport beacon and whereas the Town of Cortlandville is willing to give the County of Cortland this 251 right-of-way for said easement, ......... Said right-of-way agreement shall contain clause whereby the Courity agrees to move said pole line upon request of said Town. Motion was made by Mr. Fish seconded by Mr. Miller that the Supervisor be empowered to sign an agreement between the County of Cortland and the Town of Cortlandville Water Dist. number 1, for said electric light easement. This motion was carried. Supervisor filed his report for the year 1970. Motion was made by Mr. Griswold seconded by Mr. Miller that .all bills as presented by the Town Clerk and audited by the Town Board be paid as follows: Unanimously carried. General Fund, $11,685.44 Highway " 7,381.26 Water Dist.l 1,104.97 Water Dist 2 174 -30 Sewer Dist. 1 744.00 Several residents of McLean Road area were in attendance to complain about large trucks on the McLean Road, transporting salt. A petition will be presented to Town,County and State regarding this situation. There being no further business at this time,meeting was adjourned. Lelan M. Brookins, Town Clk. • pill 11 "will i pig 1111 all 111M �r ON MOTION F1 OF l t RESOLUTIONNO. AUTHORIZING ACQUISITION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY FROM TOWN OF CORTLANDVILLE REz AIRPORT ;'%`HEREAS, the electric pole line which services the airport beacon light located on premises owned by the SCM Corporation: begins-at'a•ppint on premises owned by the Town of Cortlandville and �MREAS,•the County of Cortland presently owns the right- . of -way across the SCM Corporation property but has no right-of-way across the premises owned by the Town of Cortlandville, and WHEREAS, the Town of Cortlandville is willing to give the County of Cortland a twenty-five (25) foot right-of-way for said electric light easement, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Chairman of this Board be and she hereby is authorized on behalf of the County of Cortland,to execute a right-of-way agreement with the Town of Cortlandville whereby the County shall acquire a twenty-five (25)- foot right-of-way for the , construction and maintenance of a pole line for the conduction of electricity to the said airport beacon, and be it further RESOLVED that said right-of-way agreement shall contain a clause whereby the Count* of Cortland agrees tua move said pole line upon the, request of the Town of Cortlandville.. ,STA'27E' OF NEW YORK County of Cortland ag.: Board of Supervisors s, ALBERT 0. KENNEY -Clerk of the Hoard of Supervisors of the County of Cortlaad, New York, do hereby certify, that a Resolution, of which the foregoing is a copy, was January 28 71 duly adopted by said Board at a meeting of said Board, held-.. .:.,, i9___._; that the same is now in full force and effect; that I have compared the foregoing copy with the original Resolution, and that the same is a correct, transcript of such original and of the whole there- oi, j IN WI1- E-5S WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Board of Supervisors of the County of Cortland, New York, at the City of Cortland, this ... .... 28th day 0f January - 19 710