HomeMy WebLinkAbout05-02-1979Wednesday, May 2, 1979 7:30 P.M. Page 1 The regular meeting of the Town Board for the month of May 1, 1979 was held at Town Hall, 15 Terrace Road, Cortland New York with Supervisor Stanley Nadolski presiding. Other board members present were Councilman Pray Milller; Councilman Warren Manning; Councilman Melvin Pierce and Councilman Raymond Thorpe. Others present were Deputy Town Clerk, Bonnie Call; General Clerk, Edna Puzo; Zoning Officer, Don Fowler;, Justice, Donald Eaton; Highway Supt., Carl Eaton; Water & Sewer Supt., Fred Walker; Assessor Robert Wells; Newsreporter Skip Chapman and M=;ny town residents. Also attending was Legislators - Shirley Fish and Henry Wadsworth. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Nadolski. ® Supervisor Nadolski stated, that it would not be possible to have the public hearing on aged exemption as scheduled. RESOLUTION # ?I SETTING DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING AN INCREASE IN MAXIMUM EARNINGS ALLOWED ON AGED EXEMPTIONS Motion made by Councilman Miller Seconded by Councilman Manning All voting: AYE ADOPTED BE IT RESOLVED that a Public Hearing will be held at the Town Hall on May 16, 1979 at 7:00 P.M. This hearing will be held for the purpose of increasing the allowable income earnings form $6,000.00 to $7,200.00 for persons over 65 claiming aged exemption. . Reading of the minutes ofthe previous meeting were dispensed with, as all board members had reviewed copies of the minutes prior to tonights meeting. Motion was made Min. by Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Thorpe that approved the minutes of April 4, 1979, be approved as written. All voting AYE. Motion Carried. Motion was made by Councilman Miller, seconded by Councilman Thorpe, that the minutes of the Special Meeting of April 9, 1979 be approved as written. All voting AYE. Motion Carried. Reports of department heads are on the table to be viewed by anyone interested.. The reports are also on file reports in The Town Clerks office and may 'use seen upon request. Supervisor Nadolski gave the priviledge of the floor to those in attenda.nce�_ Bruce Moss, Fire Chief, of the Homer Fire Dept., presented their annual Fire Report from April 1978 to Annual March 1979. Motion was made by Councilman Thorpe to Fife:.-re»ort receive and file the report. All voting AYE. Motion carried. ® Fire, Chief _, Biruce VID:)ss, p.resehted.,:th'p.,_book consisting update - of the updating House Numbering System. There was further Housing discussion as to who would assign the new'fire numbers for Numbering any new construction. A motion was made by Councilman System Pierce, seconded by Councilman Thorpe that.this matter be tabled until the meeting of May 16, 1979. All voting AYE. Motion Carried. Fire Chief, Bruce Moss referred to the letter of April 23, 1979 from Frederick W. Preston. This letter stated that there was a damaged fire hydrant at 8 Isabel Drive. In the ensuing discussion, Chief Moss explained the fire department method of inspection, he also stated that the faulty fire hydrant on Isabel Drive has gone for a considerable time without repair. damaged fire hydrant. Water & Sewer,Supt., Fred Walker, stated this situation is in the process of repair. "15() Wednesday, May 2, 1979 Page 2 Attorney Folmer advised the Town Board that once the town has been notified, in writing, that there is a problem showing an existing hazard - the town is liable, should anything happen. RESOLUTION # 72 AUTHORIZATION FOR THE HOMER FIRE DEPARTMENT TO INSPECT FIRE HYDRANTS Motion made by Councilman Thorpe Seconded by Councilman Miller All voting: AYE ADOPTED BE IT RESOLVED that authorization is hereby given fire hydrant to the Homer Fire Department to conduct an inspection inspection program on fire hydrants located in the Homer Fire Protection District in the Town of Cortlandville. Merlin Owens, a resident of Blodgett Mills, and other residents from that area expressed their sincere "Thanks" for the actions taken by the Supervisor and the Town Board Hallstead in helping to improve the conditions at the Hallstead residence residence. Attorney Folmer stated the legal procedure for violation of the Town Ordinace has been commenced and Mr. Hallstead is to appear before Justice Eaton at 6:30 P.M. on May 7, 1979• _Those in-.i:.�.ttenda.nce expressed concern about the garbage trucks still being left overnight and weekends with decaying garbage in them. Supervisor Nadolski stated he has contacted the County Heald-, Dept. He has requested them tp make inspections at the site, and will check with them to see if it is being done. It was brought to the boards attention that an qua on the Kellogg Rd., by the railroad tracks, has become a collecting place where people are leaving all kinds of refuse. This is becoming very unsightly. Highway Supt,, Carl Eaton, stated he has received similar complaints about an area on the Lime Hollow Rd. However, it is believed, this is happening during night hours, which makes it very difficult to control. Supervisor Nadolski has received a request form Gerald Miller for a street light to be placed in front of his house at 18 Lyncourt. Councilman Thorpe and CouncilmaA street Pierce will investigate this and the light request on light requesItupke Rd. and report back at the May 16th meeting. Supervisor Nadolski apprised the board that he received a telephone call from Senator Monynihan's office. The pre application for the -McLean Road Trunk Line Sewer was approved by A.R.C. and funds were allocated to New York State. The waiver will be forthcoming soon. Assemblyman Riford called and stated that Audit & Control have received and are reviewing our application for Sewer District # 2. He will inquire as to when our application will be filed with the County. The application will stay with the County Clerk of the Legislature for 15 days for public comments. After that, Audit & Control will issue an order. A letter received from Assemblyman Riford was read. letter from This stated, that the State budget for this year has Pssemblyman changed the State Revenue Sharing Figure, which will Rifford mean less funds available for each mu:ncipality in the state. After further discussibn,,the board requested Mr. Nadolski to inquire as to how this will affect. New York City. There was a discussi,�n regarding the limited office space a?Tailable in the Town Hall. It was the consensous, of the Town Board and those involved, that there trvuld be less confusion to move the engineer into the office now occupied by the Town Justice. 1 • 1 40 1 Wednesday., May2, 1979 Page. 3 151 RESOLUTION # 73 APPROVING A PARTITION TO BE INSTALLED IN THE MEETING ROOM Motion made by Councilman Mann_ng Seconded by Councilman Pierce All voting: AYE ADOPTED WHEREAS, their is a need for more office space within partition the confines of Totem Hall partition in meeting in meeting room BE IT RESOLVED, that a'partition will be installed in room the meeting room for the purpose of an additional office and this shall be o(dmupied by, that department +',)- for the Town Justice. RESOLUTION # 7�1 AMENDMENT OF RESOLUTION # 62 of ® APRIL 4,, 1979 Motion made by Councilman Manning Seconded by Councilman Miller Amendment of All voting: AYE ADOPTED Res. # 62 WHEREAS, the proper a p ppropiation numbery were not assigned. BE IT RESOLVED, that new appropiaton numbers be added to,the existing budget A. 1445. GENERAL FUND SPECIAL DISTRICT A 1440.1 Engineer Personal Service $12,000.00 A 1440.4 Contractual 4,000.00 A 1445.4 All cost exclusive of.Engineering1,000.00 Supervisor Nadolski apprised the Town Board of the wording of the Sewer Ordinance which was adopted at the meeting of October 4, R-1961. It so stated that,a 10% penalty would be charged on,those.accounts that had not been paid in 30 days. This policy has not been enforced for many years. RESOLUTION # 7� ENFORCEMENT OF 10% PENALTY ON SEWER ACCOUNTS Motion made by Councilman Thorpe Seconded by Councilman Miller 10% penalty All voting: AYE. ADOPTED on sewer accounts 'WHEREAS, a Sewer Ordinance was adopted at the.meeting of October 4, 1961 and WHEREAS, it so states a 10% penalty will be charged of the amount due to. the unpaid sewer rent in errears for 30 days and. WHEREAS, this has not been,enforced in recent. years BE IT RESOLVED, that the 10 % penalty will be enforced, ® immediately on all unpaid sewer rents in arrears for 30 days or longer. RESOLUTION # 76 SETTING DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING THE 10% DISCOUNT ON SEWER RENT Motion made by Councilman Thorpe Seconded by Councilman.Pi.erce . All voting: AYE ADOPTED date set for BE IT RESOLVED, that a Public Hearing will be held public hearin at Town Hall on May 16, 1979 at 7:15 for the purposeregarding 10% discount of repealing the 10% Discount for prompt payment of sewer rent Sewer rents. The attorney will publish the legal notice. A discussion followed regarding the minimum charge 152 Wednesday, May 2, 1979 Page 4 for water rents in Water District # 2. We obtain the water from the City o,f.Cortland and their minimum charge is $3.50, which we must pay. Our minimum charge is $3.00 which is min. charge what we collect— Councilman Thorpe made a motion to increase for water ren he minimum charge. This was seconded by Councilman Manning, after further discussion Councilman Thorpe withdrew his motion. Councilman Manning withdrew his second to the motion. The matter was tabled for further investigation. The City of Cortland is requesting the County Legislature to consider changing the calculation procedure for the distribution of the County Sales tax. They are requesting that this be calculated per population as opposed to the existing assessed valuation method. Supervisor Nadolski stated the town would possibl�T lose $237,071.42. RESOLUTION # 77 AUTHORIZATION TO REQUEST THE CORTLAND • COUNTY LEGISLATURE TO CONTINUE WITH THE SAME METHOD OF CALCULATING THE COUNTY SALES TAX Motion made by Councilman Miller Seconded by Councilman Thorpe All voting: AYE ADOPTED Calculating WHEREAS, the Town of Cortland�Tille stands to lose a County sales tax large amount of revenue usually received by the town from County Sales Tax disbursement. BE IT RESOLVED, that the Twon Board go on record as being strongly opposed to changing the allocation of distribution ofthe Cortland County Sales Tax and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that they request the existing assessed valu�.tion procedure to remain .and are opposed to changing the procedure per population and authorize and direct the Supervisor to forward a copy of this resolution to the chairman of the County Legislature. Supervisor Nadolski .-cc_usste,J.. Attorney Folmer to report to the Town Board concerning the meeting with Dave Perfetti and Mr —Rappaport in reference to Village Terrace Apt. Attorney Folmer stated that the subject matter of that meeting pertaining to pending litigation and that that matter is a proper matter to be discussed in an executive session. SuD.er, isor Nadolski stated that there were 16 residents and businesses left to hook up to town sewer in the McLean Road and Terrace Road Area. RESOLUTION # 7� DIRECTED LETTERS TO BE SENT TO THOSE PEOPLE IN THE MCLEAN RD. AREA THAT i HAVE NOT CONNECTED TO THE SEWER Motion made by 'Councilman" fling, Seconded by Councilman Miller---' All voting: AYE ADOPTED . Letters sent WHEREAS, Per. Resolution # 181, of the minutes of for sewer December 7, 1977, stating everyone must connect hook up any toilet facilities therein with such public sanitary sewer on or before January 1,.1980.,and WHEREAS, there remains 16 residents or businesses to hook u-o to the sewer in that area. BE IT RESOLVED, that a letter be mailed to those people -not yet connected, reminding them of the regulations. Wednesday, May 2, 1979 Page 5 1 • u • RESOLUTION # 79 FEE WILL BE PAID BY THE TOWN FOR SEWER HOOK UP Motion made by Councilman Miller Fee for Seconded by Councilman Thorpe All voting: AYE ADOPTED Sewer hook WHEREAS, the Town Hall must be connected to the sewer p by January 1, 1980. BE IT RESOLVED, that the town will make application for Sewer Service to the Town fo Cortlandville,.and will pay the proper charge. Highway Superintendent, Carl Eaton, reeds to hire someone to replace an employee that has left. He asked hire a high - permission to hire a person that does not reside in the way employee Town of Cortlandville, as he felt him to be the person best suited for the job. After further discussion permission was granted. It was the feeling of the board that hereafter if no Cortlandville resident applies for a vacancy, a notice of the opening should be posted in proper places, such as the newspaper, unemployment office ect . Supervisor Nadolski stated Leverne Levesque has made application to mow the lawn at the Lamont Circle Recreation field. He is 16 years old and has working papers and our insurance would cover him. Councilman Thorpe made a motion to hire the applicant. This was seconded by Councilman Pierce. It was questioned if a 16 year old could operate a. lawn mower under the Labor Law. Councilman Thorpe withdrew his motion and Councilman Pierce withdrew his second. Attorney Folmer will check the law and report his findings at the next meeting. RESOLUTION # $Q AMEND RESOLUTION # 115 OF AUGUST 2, 1978 Motion made by Councilman Miller Seconded by Councilman Pierce Amend Res. All Voting: AYE ADOPTED # 115 WHEREAS, in reviewing the Fixed Assets program and procedures and the involvement of the Fiscal Officer. BE IT RESOLVED, that Resolution # 115 of August 2, 1978 be amended to read the Supervisor of the- -ToU-n is hereby appointed, Property Manager of the Fixed Assets Program. RESOLUTION # '8!L DETERMINE THE SIGNIFICANT VALUE FOR INCLUSION IN THE FIXED ASSET PROGRAM Motion made by CouncilmanThorpe Seconded by Councilman Manning All Voting: AYE ADOPTED Fixed Asset Program WHEREAS, upon the recommendation of audit and control BE IT RESOLVED, that the value for equipment for inclusion in the Fixed Assets Program for the Town of Cortlandville shall be set for $100.00. Su:k6rvi8or Nadolski apprised the Town Board of our status regarding voting machines which are being used. There were funds put in the budget. We can purchase a new machine for $2800.00 with a 2 year guarentee. We can purchase a used machine for $855.00 with a 2 year guarantee. There are 8 machines now being used. RESOLUTION # 82 AUTHORIZATION TO PURCHASE A VOTING MACHINE Motion made by Councilman Miller Seconded by Councilman Thorpe All Voting: AYE ADOPTED Wednesday, May 2, 1979 -Page 6 BE IT RESOLVED, that authorization is hereby given Purchase new to purchase a used voting machine at the purchase voting machine price of $855.00, with a 2 year guarantee. Deputy Town Clerk, Bonnie Call, read the reply from Eastern Copy Products regarding the expiring lease on the copy machine. The matter was tabled for further_ investigation. RESOLUTION # 83 AUTHORIZATION FOR THE SUPERVISOR AND BOOKKEEPER TO ATTEND THE RISK MANAGEMENT SCHOOL Motion made by Councilman Miller Seconded by Councilman Thorpe Supervisor All Voting: AYE ADOPTED and Bookkeeper attend Risk BE IT RESOLVED, that authorization is hereby given Management for. the Supervisor.and his bookkeeper to attend the School necessary schooling as requested and that he be reimbursed for those expenses incurred subject to audit. SuDb;visor. Nadolski read the invitation regarding the dedication of the Memorial Plaque honoring the late, Lelan M. Brookins, which will be held Sunday, May 6, 1979 at 3:00 P.M. at Town Hall. RESOLUTION # 8� AUTHORIZATION FOR THE TOWN CLERK AND DEPUTY TOWN CLERK TO ATTEND VITAL STATISTICS MEETING Motion made by Councilman Manning Seconded by Councilman Miller All voting: AYE ADOPTED BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk and the Deputy Attend Vital Town Clerk be authorized to attend a meeting in Statistics Syracuse on June 7, 1979, concerning Vital Statistics Meeting and that all necessary expenses incurred regarding same, be reimbursed subject to audit. Councilman Manning reported that the recently formed Recreation Committee has been meeting often; they are working on plans to construct a recreation area for all ages behind the Fire Station, on the West Rd. He felt the committee was very interested and are doing a fine job. Supervisor Nadolski ad(fed, that we would -a-se the excess dirt from the sewer project for fill at the site behind the fire station. RESOLUTION # 85_' Motion made Seconded by Pay Bills All Voting: as audited AUTHORIZATION TO PAY BILLS FOR THE MONTH OF April by Councilman Miller Councilman Thorpe AYE ADOPTED BE IT RESOLVED, that the bills for the 'Mbh-th of April have been audited and shall be paid as follows: General Fund claims #132 - 168 $9275.13 Highway Fund fill #116 - 129 890.21 Water Dist. #1 fill # 46 - 55 7757.05 Water Dist.: 4 will # 3 - 7614.50 Sewer Dist. #1 fill # 5 1276.50 Supervisor Nadolski stated he had received a telephone call from concerned residents at Homestead Ave. They advised that Robert Primo was making a road up through Homestead Ave. r. Primo was contacted and he stated that this was t Fused as an Emergency Exit and that 1 • 1 • 1 Wednesday, May 2, 1979 Page 7 1.55 he would put up a barrier there. After reviewing the maps received from the k)lanning Board for the development, it was the consensus of the Town Board, that the road should not be allowed. Homestead Ave. was to have remained a dead end street. Councilman Manning made a motion Road through that this matter be tabled for further investigation. Homestead Ave, Motion was seconded,by Councilman Miller. This will be discussed again at the Specie'_- Meeting on May 16, 1979. All voting AYE, Motion carried. Water & Sewer Supt., Fred Walker stated that he had requested funds to be put in his budget for 1979 to purchase a dump truck. The state bid price exceeds the funds for amount budgeted. It was decided that the funds could be dump truck encumbered and order the truck next year and add the extra ® amount needed in next years -budget. Councilman Pierce stated that the new motor ordered for Well #2 is on the way and should be here next week. Water & Sewer Supt., Fred Walker, said the sewer flow meter recently purchased was not working .properly. The meter has been returned to the company for repair. Supervisor Nadolski stated his concern about the need to negotiate The Sewer Contract with the City of Cortland soon. RESOLUTION # 8� DECLARATION OF AN EMERGENCY SITUATION AND THE NEED OF TWO SEWER FLOW METERS Motion made by Councilman Thorpe Seconded by Councilman Manning need for All voting: AYE ADOPTED two flow meeters WHEREAS, one flow meter -has been purchased and returned to the company for repair, and WHEREAS, it has been determined that the need exists for two meters to properly facilitate our requirements. BE IT RESOLVED, that an Emergency Situation exists and that authorization is hereby given to purchase another Sewer Flow Meter. Councilman Thorpe made a motion that the meeting be adjourned to an executive session. Councilman Pierce seconded the motion. All Voting: AYE. Motion carried. Motion was made by Councilman Pierce to close the executive session. Seconded by Councilman Miller. All voting: AYE. Motion carried. Motion was made by Councilman Miller, and seconded by Councilman Thorpe to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. All voting"Aye.- Motion carried. ® traiascribed from tape Pauline H. Parker Town Clerk