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Planning Berard
'December X5, 201.1
Members Present: David Weinstein; Joseph Laquatra, Jr,; 'Porn Hatfield; Martin Hatch; Wendy
Staff Present: Danwasnoski, Director ol" Planning; Jane Nicholson, Planner; Patty lrlillard,
Recording Secretary;
OffiLers Present: Mary Ann Sumner, Town Supj�,rvisor
Otheng Prc.�;cnt: Craig Ander-gon
Joseph Lai ley could not be here this evening and regLiested that Joseph Laquaera chair the
me�cting in his absence:.
Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Appointment Reeommendutians:
J La{ uatra nominated Joe Laney for chair for 2012. T Hatfield 2 "d, unanirnous.
On a motion made by T Hatfield, and seconded by W Marti n, the Planning Board unanimously
recommended that the TB appoint Craig Anderson to fi II the vacancy en the PS,
0 M Surn ner - TCCOG task force on gas dril 11 n is looking for mem bers as we 11,
Varna Plan 'lJpdatc — Jane
Next meeting in January. At that time, presenting the most comprehensive draft to date that evil i
ha %?c al l of the sections f IIed in, BuIId -out sections pis wel I as drag code,
1119 at 11 am .
Subdivision Law Update — Dan
Dan has latest drag. 4'aiting for final review by Mahlon before. posting it to the web. There were
same chances presented to the TS last night to he]p clean it up and make it a littie clearer,
Substantially it hasn't Aanged since the last time the PB saw 1 except for formatting.
lining Law Upidate — Dan
The public Bearing for the zoning lark is stiff i open. The "M had expected to close the hearing and
vote on the law next wcek at this month's TB hearing. flue to the pending lawsuit, the TB is
reviewing that p[an. The plan is to repeal a] I of the eXisting ordinances except for the gas drilling
amendment and pass the new law as an ordinance to replace everything with that amendment
still in place. Another pLiblic hearing has to be held due to the changes, This new ordinance will
be introduced and voted on in January.
Octoher minutes: M hatch motion, W martin " 'J, T Hatfield abstained a]l others yes
November minutesp 14atch motion, VIA Martin � "d, FI' l- latfield abstained, al others yes
0 Gas Drilling/Industrial Activity trap Analysis Discussion
PB 12 -15 -2011
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J Lallev sent an email with the charge repeated and Jane sent out a Table to help facilitate the
List of potential topics:
Raw material extraction industries: mining, drilling, fanning, forestry
Refining, construction and manufacturing: concrete
Services: law, medicine, and distribution of manufactured goods
Knowledge industry: research, computer programming
Non- profit activities:
lines are covered by PSC but gathering
lines are not covered by
anyone. They are
not listed in
the sGFIS. Would gathering lines be an
associated use with the
drilling activity?
Milk production— distribution oforganic milk
Methane production or distribution from farms
Gravel Mining:
Traffic, air quality, employment, road deterioration, reclamation of the land, tax base, noise,
hours of operation, visual impact, property values, housing
Scale of farming. Little farms are going out of business. Larger farms have issues that need to be
® addressed such as manure management, chemicals, runoff.
Resources to make sure are protected:
Air, water and health
Refining, Ag Processing, Bio- energy, bio -fuels production, concrete plant, big box, heavy
industry — location is key
Comparison of TC Municipal Tools and Status in the Town of Dryden — Dan
Dan sent out a table with a list of items the county is working on or has finished and the current
status of the same item in the Town of Dryden. A lot of these tools apply to multiple types of
industrial projects.
Being no further business, on a motion made and seconded, the meeting was unanimously
adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Millard, Recording Secretary