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Planning Board
January 20, 011
Members P res ent: .1 o seph Lafley, Ch air; Joseph Laquatra, Jr.; Toni Hatfield: David Weinstein;
Megan Whitman; Martin IIiwh; Wendy Martin.
Staff Present: Dan K was nowski; Lnviro nmentaI Plaruier; Patty Not illard, Recording Secretary;
Town Officials: Joseph Solomon, Town Board Liaison.
Others Present: Melissa Arnodei. MiQhael Richardson, Simon St. Laurent, James Skaleyr
Minute of November Meeting
Motit�n to approve minutes a amerided by D Wein Ste 111, seconded by W Martin. Being no
further discussion, the motion was approved unanimous Iy
Oath of Office
Joseph Laquatra. Jr, was appointed for another term as member and Vice Chair at the Town
8oard's Orgaltization Meeting and was sworn in by the Deputy Town Clerk,
H Slater retiring
J I.alley will put together a thank you letter for Hcnry Slater thanking him for his years of ervic -e
in working wish the Harming Board.
Zoning update from town Board
D K asno ski — update for / rnirig work from Town Board meetings. 'There are two pieces that
will not be included, T hey are: Varna 'r_Oning which is being Funded and developed separately;
manufactured housing (formerly niobile home) ordinance, and the subdivision lain. The new
zoning law that is left with these pieces removed should allow the To wFi Board to adopt the I a w
as early as May or June, They can Lhen adopt the Vama piece as an amendment to the
Comprehensive flan. With that piece iii place, we would have the zoning reconlnlendations
needed to go forward with chat piece. Supervisor Sumner is looking to open public hearings in
March with the final version D Kwasnowi,,ki is working on based on the work done to date_
Ultimately it would be good to have eve ything wider one umbrella but approving it in pieces is
Varna update — density and transportation issues need to be addressed; M Welti is working on a
work plan with products and costs so that we can set up the work and put the group together that
will work on it. The advisory group will include three (3) Varna om.munity representatives;
Melissa Amandea, Jim kaley, and Mike Richardson. Planning Board mt3mbers will include
David Weinswin and ��ieSan Whitman- The next meeting will be set up for sonie tinle in
Update on C urn elI funding request T it is on the February 4C committee agenda. It has no
been approved, but it has also not been denied.
PR 01- 2M2011
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The Planning Department
In response to H Slater retiring, the Building & Zoning Department has been changed. It is now
the Planning i.}epartment. D Kwasnowski was appointed as Director of Planning in December.
They will be hiring a Planner for the Department. Since his expertise is in Environmental
Planning, the new position will be a Plarvier. The Personnel Committee has charged Dan with
this hiring. He has asked the Planning Board to help with this hiring. It was suggested that a
member of the Conversation Board and Zoning Board of Appeals also be asked. J Laquatra and
M Hatch would be willing to help with this. J Solomon also volunteered.
The Board asked i f D Kwasnowski would be the department liaison to the Planning Board. The
Department is working on a team approach -- meaning they will all be taking turns depending on
the meeting and the agenda. D Sprout is handling ZBA reviews. Special Permits are being done
as a team with a lead assigned to each one. By the end of the year, future planning will be the
topic, so for now it will be D Kwasnowski.
They also have set up a new website and plan to put applications on the website when they come
in so that they are available as soon as they come in. This will also make them available to the
Training plan for 2011
Suggested topic: SEQR - this could be also be used to achieve the goal of writing our own local
SEQR law with a list of Type l actions, etc.
There is an online website that the New York Planning f=ederation with a tutorial that has
information as well.
On a motion made by J Laquatra, seconded by T Hatfield, and passed unanimously, the meeting
was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Patricia C. Millard
Recording Secretary