HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-11-18Pa 11 -19-2010 Page I of 2 TOWN OF DRYDEN Planning Board November 18, 201.0 Members Present: Joseph Laquatra, Acting Chair; David Weinstein, Megan Whitman; Martin Hatch, Wendy Martin; Tom Hatfield. StatiPresent* Dan Kwasnowski, Environmental Planner; Patty Millard, Recording Secretary; Town Officials: None, Others Present* Jim Skaley. 'fhe October minutes were approved. A change was requested to the date of the Varna meeting noting that it was originally scheduled for November 3`1 but Nvas changed to December I ". Motion by: Dave Weinstein Seconded by: Megan Whitman Abstention: Martin I•latch, All other members present voted Aye (Tom Hatfield had not. arrived yet) — minutes were approved with the change noted. CEA Map — Conservation Board at behest. of Town Board created a Critical F_ rivironmental Area map. The criteria i'or the creation oil CEA are pretty flexible. You judge each project for how it relates to each area that it relates to. What'CC has that is unique is a Unique Natural Area inventory. The CB used that as a starting point. Dryden has more UNAs than any other Town in Tompkins County, by acre. Per D Weinstein —Tompkins County Environmental Management Council has a UNA Committee. The County has approved funding to re.map UNAs in the county since they haven't been done since 1999 and there are much better tools available now than were available back then. There is a document that lists each CEA, its attributes, the UNAs in or near it, the threats associated with that CEA. This document can and will need to be used for the SEAR process for the "1'0« n, DOT, DEC; etc. The C El's goal is to finish it at their next meeting. December 0 Training is scheduled at TC3 t.l will plan on attending training together a training to cover the for the year. iat day and the from 4 -6 and ti last 2 hours so Varna Mecting is also scheduled that day. The P13 len g4 to the Varna Meeting. J Laquatra will put that everyone has their 4 hours of required training Zoning update from Town Board They refined the commercial zone definition. D�ni created a mockup of a Neighborhood ® Residential Zone and the Town Board thought that addressed some issues they were struggling with. This has been added to the plan. Places like Sunset West Circle who came to the PQ v I� I'S 11 -18 -2010 Page 2 of 2 meeting~ during the zoning update work. Elder Cottages vs. accessory apartment — reviewed the difTerences — removed Site Plan review for Elder cottages. Left both definitions so that if people are looking for that spcci(:ic use, it is there, but the processes for both are the same now. Varna Plan Funding Update D Kwasnowski and M Welti put $70K. The budget was approved T Lavigne, D Farber, G Stewart, transportation strategy and hOUSi it on to the committee that needs be fully funded. together a proposal that was to be presented on 1211 at a cost of for only $40. M Welti, D Kwasnowski and M Sumter met with Rudy , J Lalley from Cornell. They agreed that it fit with their ng strategy. They did endorse the project so that they could send to approve the funding. it looks promising that the project will Varna Plan Meeting M Welti has a set plan. The Varna feedback has been reviewed and incorporated in to the plan. Send out information to PB prior to meeting to review. Varna Interim Zoning — Working Session Handed out map that had been sketched out by .l Skalev. Reviewed the definitions and areas as they relate to the map. The initial goal is to have this worked out and included in the current zoning law update. D Kwasnowski will bring a more complete draft to the December meeting. PUD and the role of the PB D Weinstein handed out a copy ofthe Ilse "fable as well as the PUD section of the proposed zoning. The Use Table is already more restrictive than the PUD as currently written. D Weinstein would like to see the 113 recommend that the Town Board strike the entire PUD section from the proposed zoning for that reason. Other members of the PB feel that this is a tool that is necessary. The PUD can only be used for parcels that are located on State or County Highways. This limits where it can be used. There are times when a PUD is the only tool that tits a specific project. There is still a review process in place. D Weinstein felt that an acre minimum needed to be. added back in to the zoning law update. Others felt leaving it open made the zoning law more flexible. U K.wasnowski has some infornation that he will share with the PB as well. This can be discussed in the. future if need be. Motion to adjourn made by M Hatch, seconded by T l°lat field, motion unanimously approved and the meeting was adjourned at 8:26 pm. Respectfully Submitted, Patricia C. Millard Recording Secretary