HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-06-17i'R 06 =17 -2#10 Page 1 of 3 TOWN F DE DE Planning .Board ,Juste 17, 2010 Members Present: David Weinstein: Joseph Laquatra, Jr,; Megan Whi #man; Toni Hatfield, Wendy Martin, Excused; Martin Hach. Joseph Lalley. Staff Present Ilan Kwasnowsk1, 1, nvIronmen(al Town Officials* Mary Ann Summer, Town Board eetinc, caned try order at 7:05 p.m. Planner; fatty MIIIard, Recording Secretary; Liaison. Vice Chair I lonjinatic�ns for Vice Chair — J Lal ley nominated .1 Laq uatra as +ice chair fo r this rneeting (Via email) and T Hatfield seconded the motim all in lakror. Alternates Local Law introduced Supervisor Sumner announced that a local law was introduced last night at the Town Board meeting to provide for alternate merribe-rs can the Planning Board and Zoning Board of Appeals. This wi11 help to ensure a quorum at each meting_ It will be voted on July 2 1 "_ Approval of May Minutes, On a 3motion made by W Martin and seconded by M Whitman, #hc May rnIriVtes were unanimously approved, There will ben 3 .luly 15 "' mecting since there, will be a July 22 "' public hearing. The next regular Planning Hoard meetirir will he July 291h_ Review of Zoning Ordinance Changes lliscussecl M Hatch's email comments. regarding a plot they had discussed changed due to wetland and slope issues. Adrnirii strati Ve Chan Uts There are re-fe-rences to zoning officer that were changed (o Planning Department. Some references to CEO were kept inhere appropriate. The in�jor chance to be made is [hat permits would he turned in to the department; not to a person, Mobile .Home OrdinanQe Mobile Home Clydinance may need to be pulled out and put on its own_ It's only allowed in zones that don't have municipal water and sewer hut: the current code requires municipal water and sc��er..>r}ue to building pernxits for existit� homes and changes or additions to cxistin parks being in this ordinance, it ca It be pulled out completely. I'hcre is a major flaw that needs to be addressed; water and sewer requirements. b PR 06 -17 -201 Q Page 2 of 3 ® Local Law Details The Zoning rewrite in progress will probably be end up as two local laws — one for zoning and one for subdivision. The Mobile Home Ordinance would be a third local law. Terminology Changed all Special Permit references to Special Use Permit which is the appropriate term. Special Use Permit and Site Plan Review Changed Special Use Permit review to the "Town Board who will on those projects that they issue a Special Use Permit on and mac for the uses of right that require Site Plan Review but not Special that iftlie'Town Board kept this power they would be required to Town Board members are in favor of this training requirement, also perform Site Plan Review le Planning Board responsible Use Permit.. "I`he idea would be get additional training. 'The Administrative Process Vision of new administrative process: 1. Application comes in to department — works with staff until complete 2. Post to password protected website —will notify advisory boards of availability — 10 days to review 3. Pall the boards to see if they think this project needs special review 4. That poll goes to Town Supervisor for decision on whether to send it to a Board OR directly to the "Town Board 5. lfdetermined that it will go to a board, schedule for that board's meetings 6. Public Meeting scheduled at "To9vvim Board Definitions Definitions will be circulated. Some changes were made that Example: Home Occupation level I was changed to state tha employees that come to the home on a daily basis. This limit considerations, so the clarification that the limit only applies was necessary. need to be reviewed. t the limit of 3 employees applies to was added due to parking to employees that. come to the home Use 'I'able Changes Red notes in the Use 'fable were recommendations of the Task l-�orce. Yellow is areas that were not previously there. These were discussed and notations made. Section 601 frontage Requirements Changed, Section 602 Permitted Density in the CV District. Criteria has been developed — all environmental extremes were mapped out using the GIS software in house — lots were mapped as CV that were constrained using this information. The problem with the formula is that It was being applied after subtracting the unusable area. The change made is that the formula is applied using the entire area, but lots are being built on the usable area. it was felt the table needed to come out and a simplified formula be put in its place. ® Some of this is covered in the conservation subdivision procedure. Is section 602 redundant? P8 06 -17 -2010 Page 3 of 3 Suggestion is to look at the parcel, take out unusable acreage, then apply formula of l unit per 2 acres density allowed with lot sizes to be determined by developer. i•lealth Department is still going to weigh in for septic systems. Section 702: Applicability Change #fl to in the Hamlet and Commercial Zone, change # 2 to be mandatory in the Conservation Zone and make the current #2 the new #3. Section 600 Density t� able Added tables for all of the zones that were not previously listed. Reviewed some of those tables. PUD Discussed PUD minimum acreage requirement — will delete acreage requirement. Varna Community Vision Mccting Varna Community is having a meeting next Monday at the Varna Community Center from 7 -9. Aquifer Protection Zone discussion Communication was sent to J Lalley, M Sumner and forwarded to the Planning Board earlier this week with some information on Virgil's aquifer protection law. A well was drilled this summer on Keith Lane. The Village doesn't have adequate backup for their water supply. This test well may be a possibility for a backup for the Village .water supply. A pump test needs to be done, but water was found. The well has at least an 8 -foot cap, .which is very good. An aquifer protection zone would regulate the area around the aquifer so as to not contaminate the aquifer and hence the water supply. There would be different layers ofN protection depending on where you are in relation to the watershed of'the aquile.r. We could also have a general aquifer protection law that could handle the rest of the town as well. Map changes Map changes were discussed. All were in agreement with the changes Dan proposed. Comments Please have to D Kwasnowski as soon as possible if there are any further comments. Public Input Session and Next Meeting This i5 scheduled for July 22" d at 7 pm to be held at the Town Hall. The next. Planning Board meeting will be July 29`1' at 7 pm. There being no further business, on motion made, seconded, and unanimously carried, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 pm. ® Respectfully submitted, Patty Millard, Recording Secretary