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Planning .Board
February 1. 8, 201.0
Members Present: Joowph LalIey, Chair; Dav1d WeInsunn; Joseph Laquatra, Jr_; N -1egan
Whitrman; Toni Hatfield, Wendy Martin; Martin Match,
:staff and Elected Officials Pre.wnt: Mary Ann Sumner, Town Supervisor and Planning Board
Liaison: f=lan i wasnowski, Environmental Planner; Patty Millard. kecording Secretary;
Othem Present: Urry Fabbrorni, Stephen Luce w, Tony Busse, Simon St, Laurent, James
J Lalley opened the mE:eiing at 7:02 pm.
On a Jllodon made by
Laquatra and seconded by
Wendy Marti ii, the minutes of the
Januar y meeting were
tLPPI -oved
with dle changes sent to
P Millard.
I,: FabbroPi introduced Stephen Lucente and Tony Bus Se wh o are woi9king on the Marna 11
project with him. A map was given Lo the Planning Board members. L l "abbroni described the
project as follows: lni1:ial I it was des iLncd as a rental project; but has been changed to be a
homeowner project, There is a need for housing fair the many Cornell employees that commute
-(:rani Elmira and Cortland every duly. Tills causes a lot oftrai�ic through .Drk+den9 Closer housing
will he] p to alleviate this, The idea is to tic in to the nodal hc�u illg concept the County has
planner) to help reV1talIZe tllis area, 'Phis area has a] I oFthe infrastructure and amenities needed to
he successful, A briefoutline o1: the project as now proposed was given to the .Planning Board
members. They would like to build a sustainable, affordab]e community with easy access to
work and scrvice _ They could easily tie in to existilig bike and pedestrian paths, "ro 111ini111ize
surface parking and iinpervious areas, many u111ts WiII have garages underneath them-
Feedback was solicited From the Planning Board. D Wei nste1n qu« ted the Corn prehensive flan
asking .Cor limits of no more than 20 units being added to z hamlet area at any one. orne. He
hrnu lit up possible limits ()n the existing sewer in1'r tructure that may hinder this project. L
Fabbroni MentIoned thaI.TG Miller stated the existing infrastructure �, ould work if they made
sure to run some oFthe slow to the ether side of the road.
T Hatfield asked how many total units' 260 plus 30,000 square Beet of cc inrnereial_ What is the
line flame'.' lU years. That breaks dowel to units per year -f built over 10 years_ T fcfatfieId
stated that as a Planning Board, e asked to be able to see units for the entire life of the project .
Since the project is projected over 10 years. this does not seem to exceed what the
C'oinprchensive Flan had in mind. Our job is to make sure these pre�cnWilons fit within a certain
criteria and Lo represent the untirc community and let market K)rces take care of the rest. There is
a need-
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W Martin asked about how the extra traf is would affect the ex istin9 tr'aFfic patterns in the area.,
L Fabbroni does have solne inl01-mation on that- There would be an increase and with
appropriate bus shelters and turning lanes, it can w ork-
Chair Lalley reminded everyone (hat (lies is not a public hearing or even fa sketch p] an, but just to
get an initial conversation stxarted-
J Laquatra asked how many phases they were suggesting. L Fabrroni thought. 3 phases with
commercial not coming in until the second phEase,
J Lalley asked abo4It the i,act that (here night be 2 community centers with this project - We
would have Lo hush that out, What about the lot can the opposite side of the street'? Could it be.
used as a park ad ride? if e are able to ork out al ofthe drainage and retenti o n i
n v, ssues on
this side of the road; that piece of property may be used to comply with (hose regulatic>ns-
Tile .Planning Board also stated that items such as whether a stop light would end up being
needed and deaving some open space in the design are things they will need to see as wvell
J T.agliatra— with this inany people walking there would aced to be sidewalks in the area a)
well. L F4bbron-1 sairl (hat is planned as we]I- There aren't any now.
Comments were eIicited i:r[ m the puh]ic. Those present asked about ttre (ruck access and
mentioned the lower speed 11rniI. that wLs i us, ( approved and how that would airfect traffic. W0LlId
like to get Feedback from more: longer -term resIdents, and wvondcr i f t h i s would help that- Wolrlld
they be towel roads? No- They wonid be owned by the home ownen) assoctation that would be
set up in corijunction with the project,
'M ]°latch asked about the e.levatic�rt level and slope there. There is a retaining wall see up in the
project to handle the chance in topography.
Official map amendment
Zvi Perk1 ns n
prepared a ,enno to F1 Slater about a road L;Wap with the County, which was given to
the Planning Board along with a. map. The ma.p amendnient is what the -fawn Board is asking the
Planning Board to review and rnakc a rccoinmenda( ion on, The location of the munIQIpaI garages
and municipal lines make this alrtenable-
J tulley made ca motion wrhich T Hatfield seconded to recomr�Yend the '1 "own Board approve the
reap change resulting from the road swap proposed with Tompkins COUnty-
Tuning subcommittee update— Dave
There has riot been a meeting since the last Planning Bo�ij•d meeting — they are set to meet n ex t
weak- 1) K.wvasilowskI has met with C) Weinstein to plan for the next meeting where they will
staa-t to tackle the zoning map, The focus of the ncx( riIeeting %V3Il be 1.0 came up with criteria to
help decide wh y certain parcels are being zoned in each zone, Once criteria are decided on, it
will make it a lot easier to assign parcels to the diMrent zones based on these criteria- The
0 meeting w,111 he on oridav night at 7 pm here at (Ite Town Flal1.
VB 02 -18 -2010
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Next public
In Vama on
March 22, 2010;
7 pm —
9 pan,
Eirtv1ron inn enlaI Assess meat — 1) Kwasnowskii
Chan handed oiit a omprehensive flan lignplenlenta #ion Project T>~.1 draft- It is thc first par oFa
tlucc part document, This d0 C.LLJTjCnt is what will oxplain wily and hove certain decisions were
blade In the updated Zoning Law draft, It refers to Cho Comprehensive Plan in many places.
Please react the documt} rnt and get feedback to D Kwasnowski, 1 °fie will send the enure dc�cuinenl
to 1,131niinu Board electroni cal I y - Orice the. next draft i s f nalizcd, the Ci21S will be the next i #ern
to finalize.
Next Planning Board fleeting
March 2 5'3i— approval of February minutes, discuss1on of Zo nirig Task Farce
On a motion made. by J Laquatra and 5ecoiided by J LalI ; they. meeting was adjourned at 9:22,
Re-spect Fu I I y subm1tted,
Patty Millard