HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-08-16TOWN OF DRY'DEN
Planning Board ►
August 16, 2007
embers Present: Barbara C:aIdwe11. Ch aia ; Joseph Lai ley, Torn Ha( fiekd, Dr«vid Weinstein? Megan
1 lmbers Ex cuscd: Mal-ti ii Ha IoSe1 h I.,t qua[rea,
Others Present..lean Kwasno wsk -1, Erivilro«niental Planner; Henry SI ate r, Di rector of Code
I�ntorcernent; Mary Ann Sumner, Town Board Liaison: Patty Millard, l ecordingr Secretary; Applicant,
Iifford Norte; Behan Planning Associates rep, LawlLence Bice,
Meeting called to order at 07:02 PjM1
Clifford Norte subdivision:
The public hearing was opened by B . aldweI I at 7:03 by reading the public notice in to the record_ The
properly is covn!-r,d by the A Dislriot re.guIahons, so it lvas referred to the county prior to final
approval. Their response was read in to the record,
Torte discussed the project up for consideration, One Iot has been sold. ]n order to sell any fi�rther
lots, C forte was advised to proceed with subdi��ision Proceedings_ No new roads 1Xill be necessary.
The only condition the PlarUling Board requests is that there be no further road cuts made on Peruville
Road. The road cut has already been made on Ed Hill Road for the parcel in question,
J LalIev inade a motion to recess the pu bl ic rnoetin for 15 minutes. T Hall'leld .seconded the motion. All
I? g
members voted in favor.
Zoning Rewrite Work — Bclinn
1'rescntation on timeframe ror rewriie work of zoning ordinance.
J Laliey inade a motion to reenter the public meeti rig _ T i-ia1'k:ieId seconded the motion. All melnbe.rs
voted in favor_
B Caldwell — in light of the lack: of public, comment —
D Weirnstein niot1oned to close the public hearing, J Lal ley seconded the motion. A] I members voted in
J Uil ley motioned to approve the subdivision with t1le condition of the curb cut being on I'd Hill :E oad.
All ;u compliance with other necessary Iocal; swt�, and applicable regulations, T Hatfield seconded, All
members voted in favor. The Subdivision was approved.
Zoning Rewrite Wm9k — Behan
Presentation continued. Review timeline.
Phase 1: One of the fiO workproducts proposed is Route 131366 cor-idor, Should we add Route 79 and
38 to this list. Commercial districts first.
PB 08- 1&2007
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Phase 2: Residential districts. Organization and content of the code. Core of the project. This is where
the LIS would be written. May need to lengthen time frame; but will see.
Phase 3: Final pieces of process.
Recommendations of the Route 13/366 corridor plan seems to coincide with the comprehensive plan.
Diverting growth into the hamlets is a goal (Nodal Development). There was a focus on aesthetics and
D Weinstein and B Caldwell have been very involved with this process (of the County's).
B Caldwell — if they propose something we don't support, or don't want in the Town, now is the time to
object. Ifthe Town comes up with something different then the County does, we need to speak up now.
Their Plan is very detailed. They even have setback recommendations.
B Caldwell - Concerned at this stage with the level i.4'specifics in the Route 13/366 Corridor Plan.
J Lalley — These are interesting suggestions, and we will consider them as part of our process, but the
town has sovereignty in this area.
0 T Hatfield — This is town's business, not the county's business.
C Norte — .Asked to made some comments regarding the level of regulation discussed and objections he
The Planning Board absolutely wants all residents to heel that they have a say in the zoning rewrite that
is in process. All of our meetings are public and we invite the public to attend and be involved in the
13 Caldwell to draft a letter to Ed Marx regarding PIA concerns with Route 13/366 Corridor Plan.
Natural Features Focus Area Project
D Wein tein - This fits very well with our Comprehensive Plan.
Dryden Comprehensive Plan
Gets pretty detailed on setbacks and other things.
Confirming Overall Goals
Focused Growth: Nodes n' Hamlets
Managing Commercial Corridors: Aesthetics, Safety
Conserving Open Space, Agriculture and Character of Low Density Areas
Providing tools that clearly communicate expectations to developers, town; but are flexible and creative.
Jum in g point will be comparing lg proposed land use plan to existing
Toning and existing land use.
P13 08-16 -2007
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For the next meeting, we need to have Assessment come and talk to us about some of the issues of
assessment in relation to zoning. There are some concerns regarding assessments being higher than
available usage/zoning of a property.
was asked to email
this presentation to the
Board. D
Kwasnowski said tlic_y would set up a
website with
this information
to keep the Board and
the public
J halley asked Lawrence how the Dryden Water Initiative by Jim Schug from 10 years ago fits in to the
process'? Utilities driving densities is an issue we need to get to at some point.
D Kwasnowski — The roadblock I hit when working on the Cluster Subdivision ordinance was lack of
utilities to support that dense of development.
Next Steps
Confirm plan of attack (move forward with conservation subdivision regulations and Route 13)
Prepare Preliminary Conservation Zoning Techniques for discussion at next meeting
Begin to identify Route 13 Stakeholders and Set tip meetings
Would like to pull together some ideas for our next meeting. Start to think about Route 131366 first. As
we start to think about what we might want to do there, we need to think about who we want to reach
out to for information input first.
D Kwasnowski
— Start with
comp plan
and what was found
at 13/366
that area,
study and review that and then
areas and
guidelines we
want to look at in what
to the stakeholders,
then overlays, etc.
NM Sumner — How complex is this input base you want? 366 all the way to Freeville?
Lawrence — as we
area, we'll
reach out to
that area,
input, then move on to
the next. Before we
to the stakeholders,
get sonic
present to them.
B Caldwell — If ewe were given (lie tool to vary a frontage here or a lot line there, there is a specific Town
law that we need to be given approval to enact before we can make some of these changes. Need to
make sure we get that in here. The current Town of Dryden's law references about 281 which is no
longer in existence.
Next Meeting Date:
The Town will be moving to the new'1`own Hall on September 20 and 21. Do we want to move the
meeting date to the 27'x' or move to a different location? Joe L can not attend the 20'x'. We will meet on
the 27'x' in the new building at 7:00 pm.
Joe Laney made a motion to adiourn the meeting. Porn Hatfield seconded the motion. All members
voted in favor. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 pm. The next scheduled Planning Board meeting is
September 27 "' at 7:00 pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Patty Millard