HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-09-22Town of Dryden Planning Board
September 22nd, 2005
Members Present: Chair. Barbara Caldwell, Tom Hatfield, Jim Crawford,
Joseph Lalley, Joe Laquatra
Others Present:
Henry Slater, Kristin Strickland, Kelly Damm and Ted Lauve
Agenda: Howser Meadows Subdivision - revision for conceptual
Wood Road Subdivision - additional information
7:10 PM Chair Barbara Caldwell brought the meeting to order.
K. Damm Explained that this is now Phase I1I. The lots are
approximately 2 '/2 acres with 245 feet of road frontage.
These lots were made with this amount of road frontage so
that in the future they could not be divided again without a.
T. Hatfield Are there 3 access points to the interior of this parcel?
K. Datum There is also access from Midline.
B. Caldwell There is two access points here from Hollister but they are
only driveway width.
K. Damm Right,
H. Slater I would like to remind you from the first take off the frontage
from each of the interior lots (Phase II1) would be picked up
off of Midline Road so therefore these access points need not
have any conformance as far as frontage requirements on
Hollister Road.
B. Caldwell They could not be turned into a Town Road... This is a
substantial amount of acreage.
K. Datum They are waiting to see how many may want to buy 10 acres,
5 acres they are waiting to see what the interest is before
they divide it.
T. Hatfield I am continued to be troubled about the fact that we may be
needing a town road off this Hollister Road. If it becomes
necessary for another access to be formed out of that larger
J. Laquatra Henry, could you clarify something because you first said
that these are not 2'50'. Does that preclude further
H. Slater You would need 125' from today's standards of public road
frontage per lot. So if there is only 245° available without
variance you would be short 5' in order to obtain that second
J, Laquatra So these lots probably cannot be subdivided any further?
H. Slater The only possible way to do that is to obtain a variance from
the ZBA,
J. Lalley Further more if We Were to leave the frontage here for a town
road to be put in we would then have other frontage to work
wi th .
K. Datum I talked with the oiNmer and the reason he did not want to do
that because he did riot want to sell these larger parcels and
then have someone then subdivide again into 1 -acre parcels,
J. Lalley We appreciate that intent but if .someone came in with the
right amount of money and then we as a town board would
be faced with a situation that if we had known that.
'I". Hatfield I feel it is a public safety issue to not have two access paints
nto a particular parcel.
J. Laquatra Does the owner have the cost of putting in a. Town Road?
B, Caldwell We aro not tallying about putting one in at this stage.
T. Hatfield We are just talking about leaving enough space for the
future. It looks like a double driveway. If we took 3 0' feet for
each instead of 25' .it would leave that possibility,
J. Lalley We are not asking the developer to put in a road vFe would
just like that option open.
T. Hatfield Jt would be easier to have this conditioned now amid not have
axi issue in the future_
J. Lalley This is a type of property that may very well end up in the
nation of a cluster development_
J. Laquatra Asked about the vote at the September ToNvn Board meeting:P
H. Slater Desponded that they have not yet voted on the
Comprehensive plan. There was one board member missing
at the last meeting. They are going to vote at the next
meeting regardless,
J. Lalley This may bring a more economic value to your client. The
main objective is that we want to keep that option of a
possible Town Road open.
K. Damm Would that give us a preliminary approval?
B, Caldwell Kelly the thing to do is to have the maps adjusted to show
that there is a CO' distance. There would still be enough road
frontage on the adjacent lots. You can then see Henry on the
mechanics of the next step.
H. Slater Are we read} for hearing if they adjust that 60° area?
T. Hatfield
® H. Slater
T. Lauve
J. Lalley
T. Lauve
J. Lalley
B. Caldwell
T. Lauve
B. Caldwell
T. Lauve
B. Caldwell
Any reason not to do a combination preliminary/ final? You
will also need to talk to the Health Department John
Anderson or Steven Maybee,
Wood Road Subdivision
I have another sketch plan. I want to show you how we
addressed the issues that were brought up in the last
meeting. Basically with regards to the lot density the number
of lots. We have reduced it from the original 48 lots to 37
lots. It is a 23% reduction. We decreased the density by an
acre per lot.
We outlined 5 sections the first section has lots that front
Wood Road. This would give the owner a chance to sell lots
and receive some income in order to start building the road.
Section II would include the first section of the road up to
the T and a couple of lots at the end. I-Ie could go and build
Sections I & II to begin with.
We have avoided the wetlands and the creek running
through it. We have the required setbacks for the septic
systems and the homes. We have the frontage that is
We have the sidewalk.
This may not be necessary if the student's don't have to walk
to the corner. The bus should be able to go around.
The sidewalks served the purpose of a mountable curb. Like
for some reason that the road was to get blocked the
sidewalk would be .vide enough to support a vehicle getting
around. It was not only for the kids but also for the single
point of entry was blocked that you would be able to get
What is the score on 38?
That is the common area. This is for all the residents with a
gravel parking area.
How is the ownership going to be?
Homeowners association or deed it to the Town.
I would say the homeowners association would be the way to
T. Hatfield I would have to say that the residents would not like the
town people to be in out of their community. The retention
ponds are they going to be the responsibility of the owners
on #27 and # 28.
T. Lauve We could set it up like that or set it up with the homeowners
T. Hatfield The good thing with the ponds being in the association is
lb that the monies collected could be used for the up keep of
the ponds. If a homeowner runs into money difficulty then
the up keep to the pond may not be maintained.
J. Laquatra Also as a homeowner if there was a problem with the pond
the problem may not be originating within his parcel.
T. Hatfield I am assuming you are going to build this road to Town
specs and deed the road to the Town.
J. Lalley You may want to add the function of the sidewalk to your
]otter. There also should not have any trees between the
sidewalk and the road,
T. Lauve We will have an engineering report, soil deleneation report
and storm 1water report. Will it be possible to do a
preliminary and final at the same tiem also? Health
department will not give us approval for the septic system.
H. la.tcr How many lots on Phase I?
T. Lauve 6
J, Lalley Does lot 7 belong in Section U?
T. Lauve Yes
B, Caldwell Henry do you see, any reason not to do a preliminary/ final?
H. Slater The storm water plan would address the entire project?
T. Lauve That is correct.
H. Slater The S EQ R will also address the entire project?
T. Lauve Yes
H. Slater We are not segmenting where we are not supposed to be
segmenting. I see no reason to drag this out for Phase I.
B, Caldwell Does the Board feel pretty comfortable?
T. Hatfield I think they have done a good job.
H. Slater I would like to see a couple of maps that show the phases as
you intend there to be. Clearly marked as you intend them to
be now which would Pve us an idea of how we are
proceeding. They eai7 be colored or outlined just so that it is
B. Caldwell Any other questions?
H. Slater ode only have 3 weeks until the-next rneeting. We would need
the information we would need the information by the
September 20111, 2005.
B. Caldwell Ts there any thing more to come before us tonight.
Next meeting 10/20/05
Meeting adjourned 7:40